- Acquisition Note
- Admonition
- Calendaric Note
- Commemorative Note
- Comment
- Condemnation
- Correction
- CustomaryLaw
- Directive
- Documentary Text
- Donation Note
- Doxology
- Excerpt
- Excommunication
- Exhortation
- Finding Aid
- Foundation
- Genealogy
- Gloss
- Guarantors List
- Guest Text
- Headband
- Inventory
- Invocation
- Letter
- Magic Formula
- Magic Text
- Malkǝʾ Hymn
- Mixed Note
- Ownership Note
- Poem
- Poem Arke
- Poem Qǝne
- Poem Salām
- Protective Prayer
- Purchase Note
- Receipt Note
- Record
- Record Distribution
- Record Guarantors
- Record Litigation
- Record Reconciliation
- Record Transaction
- Scribal Note Assigning Land
- Scribal Note Bequeathing
- Scribal Note Commencing
- Scribal Note Commissioning
- Scribal Note Completing
- Scribal Note Ordering
- Scribal Signature
- Scribal Supplication
- Stamp Ex libris
- Statutes
- Subscription
- Supplication
- Tailband
- Unclear
- ʾAsmāt
- Aksumite Style
- attribute
- bearded
- beardless
- Dead Jesus
- demon
- donor depiction
- dragon
- Empty Cross
- First Gondarine Style
- First Solomonic Style
- Geometric Style
- gesture
- gesture of blessing
- gesture of crossed arms
- gesture of folded hands
- gesture of grief
- gesture of witnessing
- halo
- Hand of God
- Hodegetria
- Holy Spirit
- interlace
- Living Jesus
- Long Cycle
- mandorla
- Modern Style
- orans
- Protective Curtain
- Salus Populi Romani
- Scabbard
- seated
- Second Gondarine Style
- Second Solomonic Style
- Short Cycle
- spinning
- standing
- Sun and Moon
- Tetramorph
- Third Solomonic Style
- Two Thieves
- Zamana Masāfǝnt Style
- Adam and Eve eat the Forbidden Fruit
- Agony in the garden
- Angel
- Annunciation
- Annunciation to Zacharias
- Apostle Portrait
- Apostles Portrait
- Arrest of Jesus
- Ascension of Jesus
- Assumption of Mary
- Baptism of Jesus
- Bitter Water Ordeal
- Coronation of Mary
- Covenant of Mercy
- Cross
- Crucifixion of Jesus
- David Beheads Goliath
- David Playing the Harp
- Denial of Peter
- Deposition from the Cross
- Descent into Hell
- Dormition of Mary
- Doubting of Thomas
- Entombment of Jesus
- Entry into Jerusalem
- Equestrian Saint
- Evangelist Portrait
- Evangelists
- Flagellation of Jesus
- Flight into Egypt
- God the Father
- Hagiographic Scene
- Historical Person Portrait
- Historical Persons Portrait
- Historical Scene
- Holy Man Portrait
- Holy Men Potrait
- Holy Woman
- Holy Women
- Holy Women at Tomb
- Jesus before Pilate
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Heals the Blind
- Lamentation of Jesus
- Last Judgment
- Marriage at Cana
- Martyrdom
- Mary fed by an Angel
- Massacre of the Innocents
- Miracle of Mary: Bishop Mercurius, whom the patriarch wanted to remove because of leprosy
- Miracle of Mary: Bārok of Finǝqi whom his enemies could not kill until he had confessed himself to a priest
- Miracle of Mary: Daqsǝyos
- Miracle of Mary: Dǝmyanos who wrote Mary's name in golden ink
- Miracle of Mary: Elizabeth, the blind daughter of Abraham and Gerā ʾAnǝśt of Badǝrmān
- Miracle of Mary: Giyorgis Ḥaddis, who was delivered from prison
- Miracle of Mary: Kaṭir, the old priest at ʾƎlkǝsus
- Miracle of Mary: Mary carries a sick man to Jerusalem
- Miracle of Mary: Mary gives a thirsty dog water to drink from her shoe
- Miracle of Mary: Mary speaks to a worker
- Miracle of Mary: Māryām of Dafrā
- Miracle of Mary: Sophia, abbess of Mount Carmel, who became pregnant
- Miracle of Mary: The blind priest, Yoḥannǝs Bakansi
- Miracle of Mary: The cannibal of Qǝmǝr
- Miracle of Mary: The church of ʿƎqonā, which was removed to the edge of the sea
- Miracle of Mary: The deacon ʾAnǝsṭāsyos who recited the prayer tafaśśǝḥi and was healed by Mary
- Miracle of Mary: The French artist who fell from the scaffolding while painting frescoes
- Miracle of Mary: The Jew of ʾAkmim
- Miracle of Mary: The monk, Yǝsḥaq, who prayed for seven years that St Mary would appear to him
- Miracle of Mary: The monk of Dabra Qalǝmon who did not fast
- Miracle of Mary: The pregnant woman who was caught by the tide while going to the church of St Michael
- Miracle of Mary: The rich man from Qʷalāsis who fought the Qʷǝz and whose eye was pierced by an arrow
- Miracle of Mary: The son of a widow, who became a thief, is saved by Mary
- Miracle of Mary: The stone-footed man from France
- Miracle of Mary: The three Arabs journeying to Rif and Salomon, the abbot of Qalamon
- Miracle of Mary: The two brothers Tāg and Nazib from Dalgā who were dyers
- Miracle of Mary: The two brothers who copied the Miracles of Mary
- Miracle of Mary: The widow who could not find husbands for her three daughters
- Miracle of Mary: The woman with a broken foot from Hartarom
- Miracle of Mary: Unidentified miracle
- Miracle of Mary: Yolyānā and Barbārā from Bethlehem
- Miracle of Mary: Zakāryās, who used to bring roses to the icon of St Mary
- Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbās, bishop of Rome
- Miracles of Jesus
- Mocking of Jesus
- Moses Receiving Law
- Nativity of Jesus
- Nativity of Mary
- Nursing Mary
- Pentecost
- Post-Resurrection Appearance of Jesus
- Presentation of Jesus
- Presentation of Mary
- Prophet Portrait
- Prophets Portraits
- Resurrection of Jesus
- Road to Calvary
- Savior of the World (Jesus seated holding orb)
- Seal of Solomon
- Second Coming of Jesus
- Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles
- Taking off the Robe of Jesus
- Tempietto
- Temptation of Jesus
- The Angel and the Good Thief
- The Last Supper
- The Sacrifice of Isaac
- The Striking of the Head, ኵርዓተ፡ ርእሱ፡
- The Trinity
- Three Hebrews
- Transfiguration of Jesus
- Virgin and Child
- Visitation
- Washing of the Feet
- Weighing of Souls
- New Year
- Advent
- Baptism
- Baʿāla Nǝgǝśtu
- Baʿāla ʾƎgziʾ
- Baʿātā
- Baʿātā Gǝbṣ
- Bāraka ʾǝgziʾǝna
- Bǝrhān
- Bǝrhān śaraqa
- Bǝzuḫān Māryām
- Cana of Galilee
- Christmas Lǝdat
- Crucifixion Sǝqlat
- Dabra Mǝṭmāq
- Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
- Dabra Tābor
- Dabra Zayt
- Dabra Ṣǝyon
- Daqsǝyos
- Easter
- Flight into Egypt
- Fǝlsatā
- Gannā
- Gubāʾe qānā
- Gǝzrat
- Lǝbba mǝdr
- Mabraq
- Madḫāne ʿĀlam
- Masqal
- Māryām Ṣǝyon
- Māʾǝrār
- Māʿǝdot
- Nativity of Mary
- Nineveh
- Palm Sunday
- Pentecost
- Qǝddāse beta
- Qǝdāme sǝʾur
- Sawit
- Sǝddat
- Tomās
- Tādewos
- Tǝsbǝʾǝt
- ʾAbrǝhā wa-ʾAṣbǝḥā
- ʾAmānuʾel
- ʾAstamḥǝro
- ʾAstarǝʾǝyo
- ʾAstasrǝyo
- ʿAyna kʷǝllu
- ʿƎraftā
- ʿƎrgatā
- Ḥānnā
- Ṭǝnta ṣoma lǝdat
- Adab in IslHornAfr
- Belief in IslHornAfr
- Devotional in IslHornAfr
- Documentary in IslHornAfr
- Ethics in IslHornAfr
- Fadail in IslHornAfr
- Fawaid_Masail in IslHornAfr
- Geography in IslHornAfr
- Hadit in IslHornAfr
- History in IslHornAfr
- Jurisprudence in IslHornAfr
- Linguistics in IslHornAfr
- Natural_Sciences in IslHornAfr
- Preaching in IslHornAfr
- prose in IslHornAfr
- Quran in IslHornAfr
- academic institution
- administrative unit
- archaeological site
- area
- bay
- cape
- castle
- cataract
- cave
- chapel
- church
- city
- country
- dabr
- dam
- depression
- desert
- district
- emirate
- falls
- farm
- ford
- forest
- fort
- gadām
- gaṭar
- gorge
- gulf
- island
- katamā
- kingdom
- lake
- library
- market
- monastery
- mosque
- mountain
- museum
- oasis
- pass
- peninsula
- plain
- planet
- plateau
- port
- post
- Private House
- province
- qabale
- quarter
- qušat
- region
- regional state
- religious Site
- river
- rock site
- sea
- settlement
- shrine
- site
- spring
- state
- station
- strait
- sultanate
- temple
- town
- valley
- volcano
- waradā
- well
- wādī
- zobā
- zone
- ʾambā
- ʾawrāǧǧā
- ṭābiyā
- Amharic Literature
- Apocalyptic Literature
- Apocrypha
- Beta Esrael Literature
- Bible
- Biography
- Canon Law
- Chants
- Christian Content
- Christian Literature
- Chronicles
- Chronography
- Commentary
- Didactic Material
- Fiction
- Hagiography
- History and Historiography
- Homily
- Islamic Literature
- Koran
- Lectionary
- Legal Document
- Liturgy
- Magic
- Medicine
- Miracle
- Miscellanea
- Missal
- Monastic Literature
- Natural Sciences
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Prayers
- Qǝne
- Religion
- Rituals
- Rituals and Rites
- Study
- Theology
- Tigrinya Literature
- Translation
- Vocabulary
religious Site
id | title | type |
LOC2041Busurr | Bušurro Maryam | place |
LOC5615SayhUm | Šayḫ ʿUmar | place |
INS0973DabraSahl | ʾAgʷazā Dabra Śāhl | ins |
INS1005Maaqud | Maʿāquddi Yoḥannǝs Walda Nagʷadgʷād | ins |
INS1007TaqotMaryam | Ṭāq̲ot Dabra Ṣəyon Māryām | ins |
INS1012AddiLaqmaMaryam | ʿĀddi Lāq̲mā Qǝddǝst Māryām | ins |
INS1016CelaMaryam | Č̣ǝlā Māryām | ins |
INS1017EndaMaryamDengelat | ʾƎndā Māryām Dangalāt | ins |