Lost. Rüpp. II, 2
Dorothea Reule
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
Other identifiers: Goldschmidt 2
General description
Old Testament Books
Number of Text units: 25
Number of Codicological units: 1
For a table of all relations from and to this record, please go to the Relations view. In the Relations boxes on the right of this page, you can also find all available relations grouped by name.
Original Location: Ethiopia↗
1725-1775 ?Provenance
This manuscript was bought by Eduard Rüppell between 1831 and 1834 in Ethiopia↗ . It belonged to the Stadtbibliothek Frankfurt↗ , but is missing since the end of the World War II, see Beylot and Rodinson 1995.
- ms_i1
(check the viewerFols 1–121 ),
Books of Kings
- ms_i1.1 (check the viewerFols 1–32 ), ዘነገሥት፡ ፩
- ms_i1.2 (check the viewerFols 32–58 ), ዘነገሥት፡ ፪
- ms_i1.3 (check the viewerFols 59–91 ), ዘነገሥት፡ ፫
- ms_i1.4 (check the viewerFols 91–121 ), ዘነገሥት፡ ፬
- ms_i2
(check the viewerFols 123–186 ),
Chronicles, Book of
- ms_i2.1 (check the viewerFols 123–151 ), ሕጹጻነ፡ ነገሥተ፡ ይሁድ፡ ፩
- ms_i2.2 (check the viewerFols 151–186 ), ሕጹጻነ፡ ነገሥተ፡ ይሁድ፡ ፪
- ms_i3 (check the viewerFols 188–201 ), ዘዕዝራ፡ ፪
- ms_i4
(check the viewerFols 201–210 ),
Book of Ezra and Nehemiah
- ms_i4.1 (check the viewerFols 201–210 ), ዘዕዝራ፡ ፫
- ms_i4.2 (check the viewerFols 210–221 ), Book of Nehemiah
- ms_i5 (check the viewerFols 221–229 ), ነገረ፡ መጽሐፉ፡ ለጦቢት፡
- ms_i6 (check the viewerFols 229–241 ), ዘዮዲት፡
- ms_i7 (check the viewerFols 241–250 ), Book of Esther
- ms_i8 (check the viewerFols 250–269 ), ዘዕዝራ፡ ፩
- ms_i9
(check the viewerFols 271–382 ),
ዜና፡ አይሁድ፡
- ms_i9.1 (check the viewerFols 271 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 1, starting with Adam and mainly treating Persian history.
- ms_i9.2 (check the viewerFols 287 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 2, Romance of Alexander
- ms_i9.3 (check the viewerFols 303 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 3
- ms_i9.4 (check the viewerFols 319 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 4
- ms_i9.5 (check the viewerFols 336 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 5
- ms_i9.6 (check the viewerFols 340 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 6
- ms_i9.7 (check the viewerFols 353 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 7
- ms_i9.8 (check the viewerFols 370 and following ), Josippon, Kǝfl 8
check the viewerFols 1–121 Books of Kings (CAe 1719)
Language of text:
Text Bibliography , item 1
Dillmann, C. F. A. 1861. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica, in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Kiliensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Secundus sive Libri Regum, Paralipomenon, Esdrae, Esther ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Kiliensis (Lipsiae: Sumptibus Societatis Germanorum Orientalis, Typis F. A. Brockhausii, 1861).
Dillmann, C. F. A. 1871. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica, in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Secundus sive Libri Regum, Paralipomenon, Esdrae, Esther. Fasciculus secundus, quo continentur Libri Regum III et IV. Ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A. D., Professor Berolinensis (Lipsiae: Sumptibus Societatis Germanorum Orientalis, Typis F. A. Brockhausii, 1871).
check the viewerFols 123–186 Chronicles, Book of (CAe 1243)
Language of text:
(The Books of Chronicles contain fewer conjectures than the Books of Kings, which suggests that their use was more restricted. Proper names are often hardly recognizable.)check the viewerFols 123–151 ሕጹጻነ፡ ነገሥተ፡ ይሁድ፡ ፩ (CAe 3499)
Language of text:
Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):ሕፁፃን፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ አሐዱ። አዳም፡ ሴት፡ ሔኖን፡ ቃይናን፡ ወመላልኤል፡ ያሬድ፡ ሄኖክ፡ ማቱሳላ፡ ላሜኅ፡ ኖኅ። ወደቂቁ፡ ለኖኅ፡ ሴም፡ ካም፡ ወያሬድ። ወደቂቁ፡ ለኢያፌድ። ጋሜር፡ ወማጉግዳይ። ወኢሙሕያን። ወኤሊስ። ወቶቤል። ምስክሳስ፡ ወቲራ። ወደቂቀ፡ ጋሜር፡ አስክኔስ፡ ወራፍታ፡ ወታራማ፡ ወደቂቀ፡ ኢዮህያን። እልስ፡ ወተርሴስ፡ ቄጥይ፡ ወሮድእ። ወደቂቀ፡ ካም፡ ኩስ። መሳረም። ፉቱ። ከናአን። ወደቂቀ፡ ኩሳ። ሳቢ፡ ኤዊላን። ወሶበታ። ወርግማን፡ ሶባን። ወዳዳን። ወኩሲ፡ ወለለምሮጥ። ዘንተ፡ ቅድመ፡ ይኩን፡ ረዓይተ፡ ወነዓዌ፡ ዲበ፡ ምድር። ወመሳሬም። ወለዶ፡ ለሉዲኦም። ወለሌቤን፡ ወለንርታቤኤም፡ ወጰጠሮስንኤም። ወኮስሎኔኤም፡ እምኀበ፡ ዘወፅኡ፡ ፍልስጥኤም። ወሊካፍርኤም፡ ወከናአን። ወለደላኦዶን። በኵሩ፡ ወለኬጤምን። ወለአቤሴዎን። ወለአሜሬዎን። ወለጌርጌሴዎን። ወለኤዌዎን። ወለአሬቄዎን። ወለአሴኔዎን። ወለአራዴዎን፡ ወለሴሜሬዎን፡ ወለአማቲ። ወደቂቀ፡ ሴም። አይላም፡ ወአሶር፡ ወአርፈቀስጥ። ወሎጥ፡ ወአራም። ወደቂቀ፡ አራም። አሳ፡ ወኡል። ወገቴር። ወምስክ። ወኤርፋክስጥ፡ ወለዶ፡ ለቃይናን፡ ወቃይናን፡ ወለዶ፡ ለስላን። ወሳላን፡ ወለዶ፡ ለዕቤር። ወለዕቤር፡ ተወልዱ፡ ፪ደዊ (!) sic by Dorothea Reuleቀ። ስሙ፡ ለአሐዱ፡ ፋሌግ፡ እስመ፡ በመዋዕሊሁ፡ ተከፍለት፡ ምድር። ወስሙ፡ ለእኀ (!) sic by Dorothea Reuleሁ፡ ይቃጥን። ወይቃጥን፡ ወለዶ፡ ለኤልማዳድ። ወለሳሌፍ። ወለአራሞታ። ወለቄዶራን፡ ወለኤዜል። ወለቄቀላም። ወለጌማኤል፡ ወለአቢሜሔል። ወለሶበ። ወለውፌር። ወለሔዊ። ወለአራም።
check the viewerFols 188–201 ዘዕዝራ፡ ፪ (CAe 1377)
Language of text:
Text Bibliography , item 3
Dillmann, A. 1894. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Quintus, quo continentur Libri Apocryphi, Baruch, Epistola Jeremiae, Tobith, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Sapientia, Esdrae Apocalypsis, Esdrae Graecus. Ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis, ed. A. Dillmann (Berolini: Prostat apud A. Asher et Socios, 1894). page 194–219
check the viewerFols 201–210 Book of Ezra and Nehemiah (CAe 1374)
Language of text:
(There are many corrections and no chapter divisions.)check the viewerFols 210–221 Book of Nehemiah (CAe 2070)
Language of text:
( Book of Nehemiah follows Book of Ezra without any division.)check the viewerFols 221–229 ነገረ፡ መጽሐፉ፡ ለጦቢት፡ (CAe 2473)
Language of text:
Text Bibliography , item 5
Dillmann, A. 1894. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Quintus, quo continentur Libri Apocryphi, Baruch, Epistola Jeremiae, Tobith, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Sapientia, Esdrae Apocalypsis, Esdrae Graecus. Ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis, ed. A. Dillmann (Berolini: Prostat apud A. Asher et Socios, 1894). page 11–27
check the viewerFols 229–241 ዘዮዲት፡ (CAe 1701)
Language of text:
(There is no chapter division.)Text Bibliography , item 6
Dillmann, A. 1894. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Quintus, quo continentur Libri Apocryphi, Baruch, Epistola Jeremiae, Tobith, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Sapientia, Esdrae Apocalypsis, Esdrae Graecus. Ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis, ed. A. Dillmann (Berolini: Prostat apud A. Asher et Socios, 1894). page 28–53
check the viewerFols 250–269 ዘዕዝራ፡ ፩ (CAe 1376)
Language of text:
Text Bibliography , item 8
Dillmann, A. 1894. Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis. Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici Tomus Quintus, quo continentur Libri Apocryphi, Baruch, Epistola Jeremiae, Tobith, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Sapientia, Esdrae Apocalypsis, Esdrae Graecus. Ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Dr. A.D., Professor Berolinensis, ed. A. Dillmann (Berolini: Prostat apud A. Asher et Socios, 1894). page 353–356
check the viewerFols 271–382 ዜና፡ አይሁድ፡ (CAe 2598)
Language of text:
Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ):በስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዋሕዱ፡ ለሊሁ፡ ዘሥሉስ፡ በአካላቲሁ፡ ንዌጥን፡ ተጸዊነነ፡ በኃይሉ፡ በጽሒፈ፡ ዜና፡ አይሁድ፡ ዘቤተ፡ መቅደስ፡ ዘይዛወግ፡ ስዮሴፍ፡ ወልደ፡ ካርዮን። ወዝክረ፡ ዜናሆሙ፡ ወዜና፡ ነገሥቶሙ፡ ወዘኮነ፡ በመዋዕሊሆሙ፡ እምአመ፡ ሕንፀተ፡ ቤት፡፡ (!) sic by Lazarus Goldschmidt ዳግማዊ፡ ወግብአቶሙ፡ ኀቤሁ፡ እስከ፡ ተነስተ፡ ወተፄወዉ፡ እምኔሁ። ወናሁ፡ አስተጋብአ፡ ኵሎ፡ መጻሕፍተ፡ በ፰ክፍል። ።ምዕራፍ፡ ፩፡ እስመ፡ በዓለ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ኮነ፡ ይጽሕፍ፡ ዜና፡ በጊዜ፡ ኩነታ፡ ዘመነ፡ አ (!) sic by Dorothea Reuleምድኅረ፡ ዘመን፡ እስከ፡ መኅለቀተ፡ ነገር፡ ወበእግዚአብሔር፡ ስንእ።
(Each book is divided into chapters, ምዕራፋት፡. Before each chapter the content is usually indicated in red. Most chapters and narrations are introduced by ይቤ፡ በዐለ፡ መጽሐፍ።. This manuscript's orthography is very bad, there are changes and corrections on every page.)Subscription (Gǝʿǝz ):ተፈጸመ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ዮሴፍ፡ ወልደ፡ ካርዮን፡ ካህን፡ ዘየየድዕ፡ ዜና፡ አይሁድ፡ ውስተ፡ ቤተ፡ ዳግማዊ፡ ወዝክረ፡ ነገሥቶሙ፡ . . . . .ommission by Lazarus Goldschmidt ስብሐት፡ ወአኰቴት፡ ዝማሬ፡ ወዕበይ። ሰጊድ፡ ወክብር፡ ግናይ፡ ወውዳሴ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ክቡር፡ ወልዑል፡ እስከ፡ ዓለመ፡ ዓለም፡ አሜን፡ ወአሜን። ።
check the viewerFols 271 and following Josippon, Kǝfl 1, starting with Adam and mainly treating Persian history. (CAe 2598 Kefl1)
Language of text:
Explicit (Gǝʿǝz ):ወምሕረተ፡ ተሀሉ፡ ምስለ፡ ገብሩ፡ ዮሐንስ። scribe
check the viewerFols 287 and following Josippon, Kǝfl 2, Romance of Alexander (CAe 2598 Kefl2)
Language of text:
Additions In this unit there are in total .
Remark by Eduard Rüppell on the front cover, stating that this book, i.e. Josippon was a translation of De Bello Judaico by Josephus Flavius and that only one exemplar of it was existing in Ethiopia.
There are many emendations and corrections.
The name of Eduard Rüppell is added on the first page.
check the viewerFols 215–216 were completely erased and copied again by a later hand.
Catalogue Bibliography
Goldschmidt, L. 1897. Die Abessinischen Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt am Main (Rüppell’sche Sammlung) nebst Anhängen und Auszügen (Berlin: S. Calvary & Co., 1897). page 3–9
Physical Description
Form of support
Parchment Codex
Outer dimensions | |
Height | 38cm |
Width | 33cm |
Quire Structure Collation
Ethiopian binding, wooden boards covered with leather, slightly damaged.
Binding material
Original binding
Layout note 1
Number of columns: 3
Number of lines: 36
Hand 1
Script: Ethiopic
Good, delicate handwriting.
Rubrication: Chapter beginnings throughout, summaries preceding each chapter as well as beginnings of books and chapters in Content Item 9 ዜና፡ አይሁድ፡ (CAe 2598) .
Hand 2
Script: Ethiopic
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