Here you can explore some general information about the project. See also Beta maṣāḥəft institutional web page. Select About to meet the project team and our partners. Visit the Guidelines section to learn about our encoding principles. The section Data contains the Linked Open Data information, and API the Application Programming Interface documentation for those who want to exchange data with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The Permalinks section documents the versioning and referencing earlier versions of each record.
Click to get back to the home page. Here you can find out more about the project team, the cooperating projects, and the contact information. You can also visit our institutional page. Find out more about our Encoding Guidelines. In this section our Linked Open Data principles are explained. Developers can find our Application Programming Interface documentation here. The page documents the use of permalinks by the project.
Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
This section collects some additional resources offered by the project. Select Bibliography to explore the references cited in the project records. The Indexes list different types of project records (persons, places, titles, keywords, etc). Visit Projects for information on partners that have input data directly in the Beta maṣāḥǝft database. Special ways of exploring the data are offered under Visualizations. Two applications were developed in cooperation with the project TraCES, the Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser and the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae.

You are looking at work in progress version of this website. For questions contact the dev team.

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Do you want to notify us of an error, please do so by writing an issue in our GitHub repository (click the envelope for a precomiled one).
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TEI/XMLDownload an enriched TEI file with explicit URIs bibliography from Zotero API.
GraphSee graphs of the information available. If the manuscript contains relevant information, then you will see visualizations based on La Syntaxe du Codex, by Andrist, Canart and Maniaci.
RelationsFurther visualization of relational information
TextText (as available). Do you have a text you want to contribute? Contact us or click on EDIT and submit your contribution.
PlacesSee places marked up in the text using the Dariah-DE Geo-Browser
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Canons of S. Simon the Canaanite (1st recension)

Alessandro Bausi

Work in Progress
CAe 2639Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
  • Citation URI:
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  • Document API:

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[a] ዝንቱ፡ ሴኖዶስ፡ ዘአበው፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ንጹሓን፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ክህነት
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ክህነት፡ ዘስምዖን፡ ቀነናዊ፡ በእንተ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ቅድስት፡ እንተ፡ ላዕለ፡ ኵሉ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ ይባርክ፡ ወኢይትባረክ። ወውእቱ፡ ያንብር፡ እዴሁ፡ ላዕለ፡ ርእሰ፡ ሰብእ። ወአልቦ፡ ዘያነብር፡ እዴሁ፡ ላዕለ፡ ርእሱ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት። ወውእቱ፡ ይሢም፡ ቀሳውስተ። ወዘይሠየም፡ በኀቤሁ፡ ይንሣእ፡ በኀቤሁ፡ በረከተ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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[1] ቀሲስ፡ ኢይሢም፡ ካህናተ። ወኢይከውኖ፡ ግሙራ፡ አላ፡ ለእመ፡ ኮኑ፡ ቀሳውስት፡ ወመነኮሳት፡ አበ፡ ምኔታት፡ ለዕድ፡ ወአንስት፡ ኅቡረ፡ ወያመንኵሱ፡ በኀበ፡ ምኔቶሙ፡ ዘፈቀዱ፡ ወኵሉ፡ ዘመጽአ፡ ኀቤሆሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ምንኵስና
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ውእቱ፡ ዘይስዕር፡ ኵሎ፡ ዘይደልዎ፡ ተስዕሮ፡ እምኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት፡ ወቀሳውስት፡ ወዲያቆናት፡ ወካልኣን፡ ካህናት፡ ወሕዝባዊያንኒ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ዘከማሁ፡ እስመ፡ ኢይትከሀሎ፡ ውእቱ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ በህላዌ፡ ሊቃነ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ እለ፡ ከማሁ፡ ወማኅበረ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ቀሲስ፡ ይባርክ፡ ወያንብር፡ እዴሁ፡ ዲበ፡ ርእሰ፡ ዲያቆናት፡ ወዘይቴሐቶሙ፡ እምሕዝብ። ወኢይትባረክ፡ ለሊሁ፡ በኀበ፡ ዘይቴሐቶ፡ ወይትወከፍ፡ በረከተ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ በርእሱ፡ ወአኮ፡ በእዴሁ፡ ወእምቀሲስ፡ ዘከማሁ፡ በእዴሁ፡ ወአኮ፡ በርእሱ። ወይከውኖ፡ ያንብር፡ እዴሁ፡ ላዕለ፡ ርእሰ፡ ኵሉ፡ ሕዝብ፡ ወኢይከውኖ፡ ይግበር፡ ክህነቶ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ዘሠራዕነ፡ ለክሙ። ወኢይደልዎ፡ ይስዐር፡ መነሂ። ወይደልዎ፡ ይስድድ፡ ዘፈቀደ፡ እምሢመቶሙ፡ ለእለ፡ ይቴሐትዎ፡ ለእለ፡ ይደልዎሙ፡ ለእመ፡ አብሖ፡ ሊቁ፡ ወአሥለጦ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ዲያቆን፡ ኢይባርክ፡ ወኢይሀብ፡ ክህነተ፡ አላ፡ ይትወከፍ፡ እምኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ ወእምቀሲስ። ወኢይከውኖ፡ ያጥምቅ፡ ወኢያቅርብ፡ መነሂ፡ ዘይትሌዐሎ፡ በመዓርግ። ወሶበ፡ ይቄርብ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ ወቀሲስ፡ ባሕቱ፡ ከመ፡ ላእክ፡ ለካህናት፡ በጽዋዕ፡ ወበዕርፈ፡ መስቀል፡ ወኢይደይ፡ እዴሁ፡ ውስተ፡ ጽዋዐ፡ ቍርባን፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ይኅትም፡ ሎቱ፡ ቀሲስ፡ አው፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ። ወዘይቴሐት፡ እምዲያቆን፡ ኢይከውኖሙ፡ ይግበሩ፡ ግብረ፡ ዲያቆናት። ዲያቆናት፡ ኢይባርኩ፡ ወኢይግበሩ፡ ግብረ ቀሳውስት፡ አላ፡ ይዕቀቡ፡ አናቅጸ፡ ወይትለአክዎሙ፡ ለቀሳውስት፡ ሶበ፡ ያጠምቁ፡ ሰብአ፡ ወይቄድሱ፡ ቍርባነ፡ እስመ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ይኄይስ፡ ወይሤኒ። ዲያቆን፡ ይኤዝዝ፡ ለዘይቴሐቶ፡ በመልእክተ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ወኢይኤዝዝ፡ ለዘይትሌዐሎ፡ በመዓርግ፡ ወኢይአዝዙ፡ ዘይቴሐቶሙኒ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ለእመ፡ ኢሀሎ፡ ቀሲስ። ወኢይደልዎ፡ ለዲያቆን፡ ይክሥት፡ ጸሎተ፡ ቀዲሙ። ወኢይአዝዝ፡ በግብረ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ቀሲስ፡ ወይኩን፡ ቀሲስ፡ ዘይኤዝዝ፡ ባቲ
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[2] ዘአዘዙ፡ ማቴዎስ፡ ወስምዖን፡ ሐዋርያት፡ በእንተ፡ ዐሥራት፡ ወበኵር
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ኵሉ፡ በኵር፡ ዘይበፅዑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ አው፡ ወይነ፡ አው፡ ባዕደ፡ ፍረያተ፡ ያምጽእዎ፡ ኀበ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ አው፡ ቀሲስ፡ አው፡ ዲያቆን፡ ኅቡረ፡ ምስሌሁ። ወይኩን፡ ለሲሳዮሙ፡ ወግብሮሙ፡ ወዘይፈቅዱ። ወዘኮነ፡ እምዓሥራት፡ ያስተዋፅእዎ፡ ለሲሳየ፡ ሰብእ፡ ወለእለ፡ ይቴሐቱ፡ እምዲያቆናት፡ ወመነኮሳዊያት፡ ወመዐስብ፡ ወነዳያን። ወበኵረ፡ እንስሳሰ፡ ለካህናት፡ ለባሕቲቶሙ፡ ወለእለ፡ ይትለአክዎሙ። ወከማሁ፡ ይግበሩ፡ በዘ፡ ተረፈ፡ እምቍርባን። ውእቱ፡ ለኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ ወለቀሳውስት። ይክፍልዎ፡ ዲያቆናት። ወለኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ በቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ እምኵሉ፡ ዘኮነ፡ አርባዕቱ፡ ክፍል። ወለቀሲስ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ክፍል። ወለዲያቆን፡ ክልኤቱ፡ ክፍል። ወለሰብእ፡ አሐደ፡ አሐደ። እስመ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ሠናይ፡ በቅድመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ከመ፡ ያክብርዎ፡ ለለ፡ አሐዱ፡ አሐዱ፡ በአምጣነ፡ መዓርጊሁ። ወኢያልህቅ፡ ቀዳሚ፡ ካህን፡ እምካህናት፡ ለርእሱ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ለካልኡ፡ አላ፡ ይኩን፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ክልኤሆሙ፡ ዕሩየ፡ በአሐዱ፡ ነፍስ፡ እስመ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ኢኮነት፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ሥርዐት፡ አላ፡ ሠናይ፡ ሥርዐታ፡ ወእሙር፡ መዓርጊሃ፡ በአምጣነ፡ መኃድሪሃ፡ እስመ ከማሁ፡ ሢመቶሙ፡ ለሰማያዊያን። ወከመዝ፡ አጠየቀነ፡ ወአርአየነ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ጰራቅሊጦስ፡ ማሕየዊ
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[3] ወአዘዘ፡ ጳውሎስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ ወይቤ። ኵሉ፡ መሀይምን፡ ወመሀይምንት፡ ሶበ፡ ይከውን፡ ጽባሕ፡ ኢይግበሩ፡ ግብረ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ይትኀፀቡ፡ ወይጸልዩ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ፈጣሪሆሙ፡ በተጋንዮ። ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ነገር፡ አው፡ ተዋቅሦ፡ ለያቅድሙ፡ ፈሪሀ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ላዕለ፡ ኵሉ፡ ነገር። ወይነጽሩ፡ መሀይምናን፡ ውስተ፡ ግብሮሙ፡ በፍቅር፡ ወበየውሀት፡ በከመ፡ አዘዝነ፡ ወመሀርነ፡ በመልእክትነ፡ ወነገርነ፡ በእንተ፡ ፈሪሀ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወሕገጊሁ
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[4] ትእዛዝ፡ ዘጴጥሮስ፡ ወጳውሎስ፡ በእንተ፡ ዕረፍተ፡ አግብርት፡ በዕለታት፡ ዘይደሉ
paragraph : 12
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፩። ንሕነ፡ አዘዝነ፡ ከመ፡ ያዕርፉ፡ አግብርት፡ በበ፡ ሰሙን፡ ፪፡ ዕለተ፡ ወእማንቱ፡ ሰንበት፡ ወዕለተ፡ እሑድ፡ ኅቡረ፡ ወያስተርክቡ፡ ባቲ፡ ለተፀምዶ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ወሰሚዐ፡ ትእዛዝ፡ ወመጻሕፍት፡ ቅዱሳት። አነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ወአነ፡ ጳውሎስ፡ አዘዝነ፡ ከመ፡ ይትቀነዩ፡ አግብርት፡ ኀሙሰ፡ መዋዕለ፡ በበ፡ ሰሙን፡ ወያዕርፉ፡ ፪፡ ዕለተ፡ ሰንበተ፡ ወእሑደ፡ ወያስተርክቡ፡ ባቲ፡ ተፀምዶ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ለዘክሮ፡ ወፈሪሀ፡ እግዚአብሔር
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ወዕረፍትሰ፡ በዕለተ፡ ሰንበት፡ ከመ፡ ታእምሩ፡ ከመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ፈጸመ፡ ኵሎ፡ ግብሮ፡ ወፍጥረቶ፡ ወበዛቲ፡ ዕለት፡ አዕረፈ፡ ወኢገብረ፡ ወኢምንተኒ፡ ወረሰያ፡ ደኃሪተ፡ ዕለታት፡ ወተፍጻሚቶን፡ ወደኃሪተ፡ መዋዕለ፡ ዓለም፡ ወተፍጻሚቱ፡ ወረሰያ፡ ዕለተ፡ መርስ፡ ወዕረፍተ፡ ለዕረፍቱ፡ ወመርስ፡ ለዕረፍተ፡ ቃሉ፡ ወመርስ፡ ለዕረፍተ፡ ፍጥረቱ
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ወዕረፍትሰ፡ በዕለተ፡ እሑድ፡ ከመ፡ ናእምር፡ ከመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወጠነ፡ ባቲ፡ ግብሮ፡ ወፈጠረ፡ ፍጥረቶ፡ በይእቲ፡ ዕለት፡ ወአዕበያ፡ በክሂሎቱ፡ ወረሰያ፡ ቀዳሚተ፡ ዕለታት፡ ወጥንቶን፡ ወቀዳሜ፡ ግብሩ፡ ለክርስቶስ። ኦሪት፡ መርሕ፡ ወወንጌል፡ መንፈሳዊ፡ ሐዲስ፡ ለሐዲስ፡ ሕዝብ፡ ወጥንቱ፡ ወቀዳሜ፡ ሕይወተ፡ ዓለም፡ ወጥንቱ። ወረሰያ፡ ዕለተ፡ ኅሪተ፡ ለዕበዩ፡ ወዕለተ፡ ብርሃን፡ ለሥልጣነ፡ ቃሉ፡ ወዕለተ፡ ሕይወት፡ ለሕይወተ፡ ፍጥረቱ፡ ወትንሣኤሁ፡ ዕለተ፡ እሑድ። ወይእቲ፡ ቀዳሚት፡ ዕለት፡ እምደኃሪ፡ መዋዕል፡ በከመ፡ ይእቲ፡ ቀዳሚት፡ ዕለት፡ እመዋዕለ፡ ፍጥረት። ወይእቲ፡ ቀዳሚት፡ ዕለት፡ እመዋዕለ፡ ሐዲስ፡ ሕግ፡ ወኪዳን፡ ወከማሁ፡ ይእቲ፡ ቀዳሚት፡ ዕለት፡ እምደኃሪ፡ መዋዕል፡ ኀበ፡ ሀሎ፡ ርትዕ፡ ወፍዳ። ወባቲ፡ ገብረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ብርሃነ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ዝውእቱ፡ ፀሐይ፡ መብርሂ፡ ወባቲ፡ አርአየ፡ ብርሃነ፡ ውስተ፡ ዓለም። ወገብረ፡ ባቲ፡ ብርሃነ፡ በደኃሪ። ወረሰያ፡ ለቀዳሚት፡ ሰንበት፡ ህየንተ፡ ጽልመት፡ እንተ፡ ፈጠረ፡ ቀዲሙ፡ ወረሰያ፡ ሌሊተ፡ ወረሰያ፡ ዕረፍተ፡ ከመ፡ ይኑሙ፡ ምውታን። ወረሰያ፡ ለዕለተ፡ እሑድ፡ ህየንተ፡ ብርሃን፡ ዘገብረ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ጽልመት፡ ወረሰያ፡ ሞዐልተ፡ ወንብረተ፡ ለንቁሃን፡ እለ፡ ሕያዋን። ወይእቲ፡ ዕለት፡ እንተ፡ ባቲ፡ ተንሥአ፡ እግዚእነ፡ እምውታን፡ ወአርአየ፡ ብርሃነ፡ በዲበ፡ ምድር፡ ወአዐቀ፡ ብርሃነ፡ ሐዲስ፡ ለሕዝብ፡ ሐዲስ፡ ወአግሀደ፡ ብርሃነ፡ ወሕገ፡ ለክርስቲያን
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፪፡ ትእዛዝ። ከመ፡ ያዕርፉ፡ አግብርት፡ ወመሀይምናን፡ በሰሙነ፡ ፋሲካ፡ እስመ፡ ሰሙነ፡ ሐዘን፡ ወሕማመ፡ ትስብእቱ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ማሕየዊ። ወያዕርፉ፡ ካዕበ፡ በሰሙን፡ እንተ፡ ድኅሬሃ፡ እስመ፡ ሰሙነ፡ ፍሥሓ፡ በትንሣኤሁ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ወመድኀኒተ፡ ዓለም፡ እስመ፡ ይትፈቀድ፡ ይምሀርዎሙ፡ መኑ፡ ዘተሰቅለ፡ ወሐመ፡ ወሞተ፡ ወተቀብረ፡ ወተንሥአ፡ በሣልስት፡ ዕለት፡ ወተፈጸመ፡ ትንቢተ፡ ነቢያት
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፫። ወያዕርፉ፡ ካዕበ፡ በበዓለ፡ ዕርገት፡ በእንተ፡ ትእዛዙ፡ ወትምህርቱ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ወዕርገቱ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማይ
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፬። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ እሑድ፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ተፍጻሜተ፡ ፶፡ በእንተ፡ ርደተ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ጳራቅሊጦስ፡ ዘተውህበ፡ ለእለ፡ የአምኑ፡ በክርስቶስ
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፭። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ ዜነዋ፡ በእንተ፡ መድኀኒት፡ ዘአሰፈወ፡ ለአዳም፡ ወለውሉዱ፡ እማርያም፡ ድንግል
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፮። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ ልደት፡ እስመ፡ ጸጋ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በይእቲ፡ ዕለት፡ ተውህበ፡ ለሰብእ፡ እንተ፡ ሀለዉ፡ ይሴፈውዎ፡ እምቀዳሚ፡ ፍጥረት፡ ወባቲ፡ አስተርአየ፡ ቃል፡ ዘእምትካት፡ ተሠጊዎ፡ በዲበ፡ ምድር፡ ለመድኀኒተ፡ ዓለም። ውእቱ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ዘተወልደ፡ እማርያም፡ ድንግል፡ እንተ፡ ንጽሕት፡ እምኵሉ፡ ትሕዝብት፡ ወርኵስ
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፯። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ ኤጰፋንያ፡ ዝውእቱ፡ ኅፅበት፡ ዘቦቱ፡ አስተርአየ፡ እግዚእ፡ መድኅን፡ ለኵሉ፡ ሰብእ፡ በፈለገ፡ ዮርዳኖስ። ወዓዲ፡ ተሠጥቀ፡ ሰማይ፡ ወስምዐ፡ ኮኖ፡ አብ፡ ከመ፡ ወልዱ፡ በይእቲ፡ ዕለት፡ ወይቤ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ወልድየ፡ ዘአፈቅር፡ ሎቱ። ስምዕዎ፡ ወተአዘዝዎ። ወወረደ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ከመ፡ ርግብ። ወሰማዕት፡ ወኵሉ፡ ፍጥረት፡ ይሬኢዩ፡ ወይሰምዑ፡ ዘንተ፡ ኵሎ
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፰። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ ተወክፎ፡ ስምዖን፡ ካህን፡ ላዕለ፡ እደዊሁ፡ እንዘ፡ ክቡዳን፡ አዕይንቲሁ፡ እምርሥኣን፡ እስመ፡ ከመዝ፡ ተብህለ፡ ሎቱ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይጥዕማ፡ ለሞት፡ እስከ፡ ይሬኢ፡ መሲሐ፡ መድኅነ። ወሶበ፡ ጾሮ፡ ስምዖን፡ ዲበ፡ እደዊሁ፡ ወአብኦ፡ ቤተ፡ መቅደስ፡ ወተካሥተ፡ አዕይንቲሁ፡ ወርእየ። ወተነበየ፡ ወይቤ፡ ይእዜ፡ ሰዐሮ፡ ለገብርከ፡ እግዚኦ። ይሖር፡ በሰላም፡ እስመ፡ ርእያ፡ አዕይንቲየ፡ አድኅኖተከ። እስመ፡ አምነ፡ በቃል፡ ዘተብህለ፡ ሎቱ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይመውት፡ እስከ፡ ይሬኢ፡ መሲሐ፡ እግዚእ፡ ወመድኅነ
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፱። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ ተወለጠ፡ ራእዩ፡ እስመ፡ በደብረ፡ ታቦር፡ አስተርአየነ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወአርአየነ፡ ስብሐተ፡ መለኮቱ። ወርኢናሁ፡ ንሕነ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ወሙሴ፡ ወኤልያስ፡ ይትናገርዎ፡ ወሰማዕነ፡ ቃለ፡ ምስለ፡ ደመና፡ ዘይጼልለነ፡ ወይብል፡ ዝንቱ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወልድየ፡ ዘአፈቅር፡ ሎቱ። ስምዕዎ፡ ወተአዘዝዎ። ወውእቱ፡ ይትናገሮሙ፡ ለሙሴ፡ ወለኤልያስ
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፲። ወያዕርፉ፡ በዕለተ፡ ተዝካሮሙ፡ ለሐዋርያት፡ እለ፡ እሙንቱ፡ መምህራነ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወመለባዊያነ፡ ሀብተ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ። ወያዕርፉ፡ በበዓለ፡ እስጢፋኖስ፡ ሊቀ፡ ሰማዕት፡ ወቀዳሚሆሙ፡ ወለባዕዳንሂ፡ ሰማዕት፡ ከማሁ፡ ወለሰማዕት፡ ወለቅዱሳን፡ እስመ፡ አቅደሙ፡ አክብሮቶ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ወአብደሩ፡ ፍቅሮ፡ እምሕይወቶሙ
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[5] ትእዛዝ፡ ዘሐዋርያት፡ በእንተ፡ ዐቂበ፡ ጊዜ፡ ጸሎት
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አቅሙ፡ ጸሎተ፡ እምቅድመ፡ ጽባሕ፡ እንዘ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ በሌሊት፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ነግህ፡ በጽባሕ፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ስድስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ተስዓቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ሰርክ፡ በምሴት፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ካልእ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ምሴት፡ በሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወመንፈቀ፡ ሌሊት
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ እምቅድመ፡ ጽባሕ፡ እንዘ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ በእንተ፡ ከመ፡ በይእቲ፡ ሰዐት፡ ንሴፎ፡ ምጽአቶ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ለኰንኖ፡ ወበይእቲ፡ ሰዐት፡ ያአምሩ፡ ውሉደ፡ ብርሃን፡ ምግባረ፡ ሠናይ
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ በጽባሕ፡ እንዘ፡ ታአኵትዎ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ እስመ፡ አምጽአ፡ ብርሃነ፡ ላሕየ፡ ወሞዐልተ፡ ብሩሀ፡ ወአእተተ፡ ጽልመተ፡ ወፍርሀተ፡ ሌሊት
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ በሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ እስመ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ በይእቲ፡ ሰዐት፡ ፈትሑ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ ቀትለ፡ ወኮነ፡ ውእቱ፡ መድኀኒተ፡ ለውሉደ፡ አዳም
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ በስድስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ እስመ፡ በይእቲ፡ ሰዐት፡ ተሰቅለ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ዲበ፡ ዕፀ፡ መስቀል፡ ወሰፍሐ፡ እደዊሁ፡ ወደምሰሰ፡ ኀጢአተነ
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ በተስዓቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ እስመ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ በይእቲ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወፅአት፡ መንፈሱ፡ ወአድለቅለቀት፡ ምድር፡ ወተሠጠ፡ መንጦላዕተ፡ ምኵራብ፡ ወተሐምገ፡ ፀሐይ፡ ወጸልመ፡ ኵሉ፡ ዓለም
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ በምሴት፡ አኰቴት፡ እምኀቤክሙ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ በእንተ፡ ዘአምጽአ፡ ለክሙ፡ ዕረፍተ፡ ሌሊት፡ ወአእተተ፡ እምኔክሙ፡ ጻማ፡ ወስራሐ፡ ዘመዓልት፡ ዘገብረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ለኵሉ፡ ፍጥረቱ
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ወጸሎትሰ፡ ዘንዋም፡ ከመ፡ ትስአልዎ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ከመ፡ ይዕቀብክሙ፡ እምውሉደ፡ ጽልመት፡ ወያድኅንክሙ፡ እመሥገርተ፡ ጸላኢ፡ ማህጐል፡ ወእምሕሊና፡ እኩይ፡ እስመ፡ በይእቲ፡ ሰዐት፡ ይትባሐቱ፡ አጋንንት፡ ምስለ፡ ሰብእ፡ ወይወዲዩ፡ ውስተ፡ ልቦሙ፡ ሕሊና፡ እኩየ
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ወለእመ፡ ኢተክህለክሙ፡ ትሖሩ፡ ኀበ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ እምፍርሀተ፡ አረሚ፡ እኩያን፡ ጠዋያን። እስመ፡ ከመዝ፡ ይቤ፡ ዳዊት፡ በእንቲአሆሙ፡ ጸላእኩ፡ ማኅበረ፡ እኩያን። እስመ፡ አኮ፡ መካን፡ ዘይቄድሶ፡ ለሰብእ፡ አላ፡ ሰብእ፡ ዘይቄድሶ፡ ለመካን። ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ መካነ፡ ዕልዋን፡ ፍልሱ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ እስመ፡ ርኩስ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወበከመ፡ ካህናት፡ ንጹሓን፡ ይቄድሱ፡ መካነ፡ መሀይምናን፡ ራትዓን፡ ወከማሁ፡ ዕልዋን፡ ርኵሳን፡ ያረኵሱ፡ መካነ፡ ቅዱስ። ወለእመ፡ ኢተክህለክሙ፡ ትትጋብኡ፡ ውስተ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ አው፡ በማኅደረ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ ለለ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምኔክሙ፡ ይጸሊ፡ በቤቱ፡ በባሕቲቱ፡ አው፡ ምስለ፡ ክልኤቱ፡ ወሠለስቱ፡ እስመ፡ ተብህለ፡ ኀበ፡ ሀለዉ፡ ክልኤቱ፡ ወሠለስቱ፡ ጉቡኣን፡ በስምየ፡ ህየ፡ ሀለውኩ፡ ምስሌሆሙ። ወኢይከውኖ፡ መሀይምን፡ ይጸሊ፡ ምስሌሆሙ፡ ለእለ፡ ኢየአምኑ፡ በአሐዱ፡ ቤት፡ እስመ፡ ኢይደሉ፡ ይጸሊ፡ ዘየኀብር፡ ምስለ፡ ዘኢይኀብር፡ ወኢመሀይምን፡ ምስለ፡ ዕልው፡ አልቦ፡ ዘይጸሊ፡ እምኔክሙ፡ ምስሌሆሙ። ምንተ፡ ደመሮ፡ ለጽልመት፡ ምስለ፡ ብርሃን፡ ወአይ፡ መሀይምን፡ ወመሀይምንት፡ ያወስቡ፡ አግብርተ። ለይትገሐሡ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ ወእመአኮ፡ ይሰደዱ፡ እምቅድስት፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር
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[6] ትእዛዝ፡ ዘጳውሎስ፡ ሐዋርያ፡ በእንተ፡ እለ፡ ኖሙ፡ ዘከመ፡ ይትገበር፡ ተዝካር
paragraph : 35
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ይትገበር፡ በሣልስት፡ ዕለት፡ ለእለ፡ ኖሙ፡ ተዝካረ፡ ምውታን፡ በመዝሙር፡ ወጸሎት፡ እስመ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ሞተ፡ ወተንሥአ፡ በሣልስት፡ ዕለት። ወካዕበ፡ ይግበሩ፡ በሳብዕት፡ ዕለት፡ ዕጣነ፡ ወጸሎተ፡ ለተዝካረ፡ ሕያዋን፡ ወምውታን። ወካዕበ፡ ይግበሩ፡ በሠላሳ፡ ዕለት፡ አመ፡ ተፍጻሜተ፡ ወርኅ፡ ከመ፡ ሥርዐት፡ ዘትካት፡ እስመ፡ ደቂቀ፡ እስራኤል፡ ላሐውዎ፡ ለሙሴ፡ ነቢይ፡ ሠላሳ፡ ዕለት። ወይግበሩ፡ ሎቱ፡ ካዕበ፡ ዕጣነ፡ ለዓመት፡ መንፈሳዊት፡ ወይመጽውቱ፡ እምንዋዩ፡ ለነዳያን፡ ወለምስኪናን፡ ቤዛ፡ ነፍሱ
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ወአኮ፡ ዘንኤዝዝ፡ ይግበሩ፡ ዘንተ፡ ለዕልዋን፡ ወመናፍቃን፡ አላ፡ ንኤዝዝ፡ ለሰብአ፡ ኂሩት፡ ወአሚን፡ ወርትዕ። ወበእንተሰ፡ ዕልዋነ፡ መሲሑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ለእመ፡ መጽወቱ፡ በእንቲአሆሙ፡ ኵሎ፡ ዘበዓለም፡ እምንዋይ፡ ኢይበቍዖሙ፡ ወኢምንተኒ፡ እስመ፡ ዘኮነ፡ በሕይወቱ፡ ፀረ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ወከማሁ፡ በሞቱኒ፡ ፀረ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ እስመ፡ አልቦ፡ ኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አድልዎ፡ ወራትዕ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወያፈቅር፡ ጽድቀ፡ ወኢይዔምፅ፡ በፍትሕ፡ ወኵሉ፡ የሐውር፡ ኀቤሁ፡ ወይፈድዮ፡ በከመ፡ ምግባሩ
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[7] ወካዕበ፡ በእንተ፡ እለ፡ ተጸውዑ፡ ውስተ፡ ምሳሕ፡ ወተዝካረ፡ ምውታን
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ሶበ፡ ተጸዋዕክሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ተዝካረ፡ ምውታን፡ ኀበ፡ ተገብረ፡ መብልዕ፡ ወመስቴ፡ ሖሩ፡ በፍርሀት፡ ወበፍቅር፡ ወበግርማ፡ ወበየውሀት፡ በከመ፡ ይደሉ፡ ለዘ፡ አምሳሊክሙ። ወብልዑ፡ ወስተዩ፡ በከመ፡ ግብሩ፡ ለዘ፡ ይፈቅድ፡ ይስአል፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ህየንተ፡ ውእቱ፡ መብልዕ፡ ዘተገብረ፡ በእንቲአሁ፡ እስመ፡ ኮንክሙ፡ ቀሳውስተ፡ ወዲያቆናተ፡ ውስተ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ወይደልወክሙ፡ ትኩኑ፡ ንቁሃነ፡ ለገሥጾ፡ ነፍስክሙ፡ ወካልኣን። እስመ፡ ከመዝ፡ ይቤ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ እስመ፡ ለጽኑዓን፡ በእንቲአሆሙ፡ መዐት። ወበእንተዝ፡ ኢይደልዎሙ፡ ይስተዩ፡ ወይነ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይርስዕዋ፡ ለጥበብ፡ ወያርትዑ፡ ፍትሐ፡ ወይቁሙ፡ ቦቱ
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ወናሁ፡ ተዐውቀ፡ ከመ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት፡ ወቀሳውስት፡ ወዲያቆናት፡ እሙንቱ፡ በርትዕ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ አብ፡ ወወልዱ፡ ዘያፈቅር፡ ጽኑዓን፡ ውስተ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር። ወዘንተ፡ ዘንብል፡ አኮ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይስተዩ፡ ወይነ፡ ለዝሉፉ፡ እስመ፡ ውእቱ፡ ነውር፡ ለፍጥረተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አላ፡ ንብል፡ ከመ፡ ኢይስከሩ። እስመ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ኢአዘዞሙ፡ ለአበው፡ ቀደምት፡ ከመ፡ ኢይስተዩ፡ ወይነ፡ ወባሕቱ፡ ይቤ፡ ኢትስተዩ፡ ወይነ፡ ለስካር። ወአኮ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ነገር፡ ለካህናት፡ ለባሕቲቶሙ፡ አላ፡ ለኵሉ፡ ዘየአምን፡ በክርስቶስ
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ወካዕበ፡ ይቤ፡ በመጽሐፍ፡ ለመኑ፡ አሌሎቱ፡ ወለመኑ፡ ተደምሮ፡ ወለመኑ፡ ተዐቅቦ፡ ወለመኑ፡ ድካም፡ ወእባድ፡ ወለመኑ፡ ይከውን፡ አዕይንቲሁ፡ በአምሳለ፡ ጥንፍሕ፡ ወለመኑ፡ መዐት፡ ዘአልቦ፡ ምክንያተ፡ አኮኑ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ኵሉ፡ ለዘ፡ ያበዝኅ፡ ሰቲየ፡ ወይን፡ ወይጐነዲ፡ ነቢረ፡ በሰቲዮታ። ረሐቁኬ፡ እመካን፡ ዘአስተዳለዉ፡ ለስቴ፡ ወለትዝኅርት፡ ወግበሩ፡ ዘይደልወክሙ፡ ወኢትግበሩ፡ ዘየሐሥመክሙ
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[8] ወካዕበ፡ ነገሮሙ፡ በእንተ፡ እለ፡ ይሰደዱ፡ በእንተ፡ ሀይማኖት፡ ወይጐይዩ፡ እምሀገር፡ ውስተ፡ ሀገር
paragraph : 42
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ወኵሎሙ፡ እለ፡ ይሰደዱ፡ በእንተ፡ ሀይማኖቶሙ፡ ወይጐዩ፡ እምሀገር፡ ውስተ፡ ሀገር፡ ተዛኪሮሙ፡ ቃለ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ዘይቤ፡ ሶበ፡ ይሰድዱክሙ፡ እምዛቲ፡ ሀገር፡ ጕዩ፡ ውስተ፡ ካልእታ፡ ወትድኅኑ። እስመ፡ ነፍሶሙ፡ ኮነ፡ ጥቡዐ፡ በአሚን፡ ወኮነ፡ ሥጋሆሙ፡ ድኩመ፡ እምተዐግሦ፡ ለመቅሠፍት፡ ወጐዩ፡ ወተዐውቀ፡ ንጽሐ፡ ሕሊናሆሙ። እስመ፡ ተዐገሡ፡ አህጕሎ፡ ንዋዮሙ፡ ወተበርብሮ፡ አብያቲሆሙ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይህጐሉ፡ አሚኖቶሙ፡ በክርስቶስ፡ በክሂድ። ወመፍትው፡ ይርድእዎሙ፡ ለእለ፡ ከመዝ፡ ከመ፡ ይፈጽሙ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወይጽንዑ፡ ቦቱ
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[9] ነገር፡ ዘጴጥሮስ፡ ወጳውሎስ፡ ቅዱሳን፡ በእንተ፡ ዐቂበ፡ መዓርገ፡ ክህነት
paragraph : 44
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ንሕነ፡ ንኤዝዘክሙ፡ ኦካህናት፡ ወሰብአ፡ ሢመት፡ ሰማያዊ፡ ዘመላእክት፡ ግሙራ፡ ኢትትዐደዉ፡ መናብርቲክሙ፡ ወዓዲ፡ መዓርገ፡ እንተ፡ ተተከልክሙ፡ ላቲ። ወይኩን፡ ለለ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምኔክሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ግብር፡ እንተ፡ ተኀርየ፡ ላቲ፡ እምኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወዛቲ፡ ይእቲ፡ ትእዛዙ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ዘይቤ፡ ኵሉ፡ ሀብት፡ ሠናይ፡ ወጸጋ፡ መንፈሳዊት፡ እምኀበ፡ አበ፡ ብርሃን፡ ውእቱ። ወይቤለነ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ዘኪያክሙ፡ ሰምዐ፡ ኪያየ፡ ሰምዐ፡ ወዘኪያየ፡ ሰምዐ፡ ሰምዖ፡ ለዘፈነወኒ። ወዘዐመፀክሙ፡ ኪያየ፡ ዐመፀ።
paragraph : 45
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ወእመሰ፡ ዘአልቦ፡ ነፍስ፡ ወልበ፡ የዐቅብ፡ በዘ፡ ተአዘዘ፡ ወየዐቅብ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ሢመቱ። ናሁ፡ ሌሊት፡ ይተሉ፡ መዐልተ፡ ዐቂቦ፡ ሥርዐቶ። ወፀሐይኒ፡ ይተሉ፡ ወርኀ፡ በከመ፡ ተአዘዘ። ወከዋክብትኒ፡ ከማሁ፡ ወመአዝን፡ ወዘመናት፡ ወአውራኅ፡ ወሱባዔታት፡ ወዕለታት፡ ወሰዐታት፡ የዐቅቡ፡ ዐቅመ። በከመ፡ ተብህለ፡ በጽሑፍ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ወሀቦሙ፡ ወኢኀለፉ። ወካዕበ፡ ይቤ፡ በእንተ፡ ባሕር፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ገብረ፡ ላቲ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ወቀጸራ፡ በአረፍት፡ ወአናቅጽ፡ ወይቤላ፡ ብጽሒ፡ ዝየ፡ ባሕቱ፡ ወኢትኅልፊ። ሚመጠን፡ ይደልወክሙ፡ ኢትትዐበዩ፡ ላዕለ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወኢትወልጡ፡ ዘሠርዐ፡ ለክሙ፡ ወአዘዘክሙ፡ እግዚአብሔር።
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ወባሕቱ፡ በእንተ፡ ብዙኃን፡ እለ፡ ያስተሐቅሩ፡ ዘንተ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ወወለጡ፡ ወመተሩ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ክህነት፡ ወነሥኡ፡ ለርእሶሙ፡ መዓርገ፡ ዘኢይደልዎሙ፡ ወኢወሀቦሙ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወበእንተዝ፡ ኮኑ፡ ዘየዐልውዎ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር። ከመ፡ ሰብአ፡ ቆሬ፡ እለ፡ ጽሑፍ፡ ነገሮሙ፡ ውስተ፡ ኦሪት። ወከመ፡ ዖዝያን፡ ንጉሥ፡ ዘተዐደወ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ሥርዐት፡ ወኢሀብት፡ እምኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወረሰየ፡ ርእሶ፡ ካህነ። ወደቂቀ፡ ቆሬ፡ ውዕዩ፡ በእሳት፡ ወለዖዝያንሰ፡ አልበሶ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ልብሰ፡ ለምጽ
paragraph : 47
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ወኵሉ፡ ዘገብረ፡ ከመ፡ ምግባሮሙ፡ ያምዕዖ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ዘአዘዘ፡ ሠናየ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ወየዐልውዎ፡ ለመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ። እስመ፡ የኀሥሡ፡ ስምዐ፡ ላዕለ፡ ርእሶሙ፡ ወቦቱ፡ ያነሥኡ፡ ኵነኔ፡ በርቱዕ፡ ወያወርድ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ መዐቶ፡ ላዕሌሆሙ፡ ወመርገመ። እስመ፡ ይሬኢ፡ ዘይከውን፡ እምአስትቶ፡ በቍርባን፡ ዘያቀርቡ፡ ለዘኢይደልዎ፡ ወይመስሎሙ፡ ክህነት፡ ከመ፡ ተውኔት፡ ወኢያአምሩ፡ ከመ፡ አምሳለ፡ ክህነቱ፡ ለኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ አምላክነ። ወእምይእዜ፡ ለዘ፡ ኮነ፡ በከመ፡ ነገርነ፡ እምተዐድዎ፡ በዝንቱ፡ ወይስሕቦ፡ ከመ፡ ይህጐል፡ ዐቂበ፡ ክህነት፡ ወይነግር፡ ከመ፡ ሰብእ፡ ይገብኡ፡ ድኅሬሆሙ፡ በድፍረቶሙ
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ወናሁ፡ ሙሴ፡ ዘየዐቢ፡ ገብሩ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ዘተናገሮ፡ ገጾ፡ በገጽ፡ በከመ፡ ይትናገር፡ ብእሲ፡ ምስለ፡ ካልኡ፡ ወይቤሎ፡ ናሁ፡ አእመርኩከ፡ እማእከለ፡ ሰብእ። ወኢያስተርአዮ፡ በለሖሳስ፡ ወኢበሕልም፡ ወኢበትሕዝብት፡ ወኢበመልእክተ፡ መላእክት፡ አላ፡ በጸጋሁ፡ ከመዝ፡ ወሀበ፡ እምሕግ፡ ዘነሥአ፡ እምኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር
paragraph : 49
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ወሠርዐ፡ ባቲ፡ ዘይደሉ፡ ለሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ ወለካህናት፡ ወይደሉ፡ ይግበሩ፡ ሌዋውያን፡ ወከፈሎሙ፡ በበመክፈልቶሙ፡ በዘይደሉ፡ ይመግቡ፡ መልእክቶሙ፡ ወይቀውሙ፡ ባቲ። ወዘኮነ፡ ግብረ፡ ሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ ኢይቀርብዎ፡ ካህናት፡ ወኢያብሖሙ፡ ሕግ፡ ወኵሉ፡ ግብረ፡ ካህናት፡ ኢይቀርብዎ፡ ሌዋዊያን። ወባሕቱ፡ ኵሉ፡ ዘመድ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ የዐቅብ፡ ዘተአዘዘ፡ ሥሩዐ፡ ወኢይትዐደው። ወኵሉ፡ ዘተዐደወ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ እምዘ፡ ተአዘዘ፡ ኀበ፡ ካልእ፡ ቀቲለ፡ ይቀትልዎ
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ወናሁ፡ ተዐውቀ፡ እምነገረ፡ ሳኦል፡ አመ፡ ሦዐ፡ እምአባግዐ፡ ዐማሌቅ፡ ወኀለፈ፡ ወተዐደወ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወረሰየ፡ ርእሶ፡ ዘያቀርብ፡ ቍርባነ፡ እንዘ፡ ኢሀሎ፡ ምስሌሁ፡ ሳሙኤል፡ ነቢይ፡ ዘኮነ፡ ሊቀ፡ ካህናት። ወወረደ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ ኀጢአት፡ ወመርገም፡ ለዝሉፉ፡ እስመ፡ ኢኀሠሠ፡ እምዘ፡ ቀብኦ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ከመ፡ ያቅርብ፡ ህየንቴሁ፡ እስመ፡ ውእቱ፡ ካህን፡ በአማን
paragraph : 51
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ወአርአየ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘከመዝ፡ በዖዝያን፡ ንጉሥ፡ ገቢረ፡ ከመዝ፡ በጊዜሃ፡ እስመ፡ ሶበ፡ ተዐደወ፡ ትእዛዞ፡ ረከቦ፡ ፍትሐ፡ ኵነኔ፡ ወለምጸ፡ ፈድፋደ፡ ወበእንተ፡ ተኀብሎቱ፡ ላዕለ፡ ክህነት፡ ዘኢኮነ፡ ሎቱ፡ ተሰልበ፡ መንግሥቱ፡ እንተ፡ ይእቲ፡ ርስቱ፡ ወኮነ፡ ነኪረ፡ ወስዱደ፡ እምኔሃ
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ወዘኮነ፡ በኀቤነ፡ ኢይሰወረክሙ፡ እስመ፡ ታአምሩ፡ ከመ፡ ተሰምዩ፡ በኀቤነ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት፡ ወቀሳውስት፡ ወዲያቆናት፡ ወጸለይነ፡ ላዕሌሆሙ፡ ወአንበርነ፡ እደዊነ፡ ዲበ፡ ርእሶሙ፡ ወወለጥነ፡ አስማተ፡ ሢመቶሙ፡ ከመ፡ ይትዐወቅ፡ ተወልጦ፡ መዓርጊሆሙ። እስመ፡ አኮ፡ ኵሉ፡ ዘፈቀደ፡ ዘይከውኖ፡ ወይመጽአነ፡ ወናነብር፡ እደዊነ፡ ዲቤሁ፡ በከመ፡ ክህነተ፡ ኢዮርብዓም፡ ርኩስ፡ ወምቱር። ወባሕቱ፡ ንገብር፡ ዘንተ፡ ወዘጸውዖ፡ ወሤሞ፡ ወኮነ፡ ድልወ፡ በምግባሩ፡ ይትኀረይ፡ ለዝንቱ
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ወሶበ፡ ኮነ፡ ዘይልህቅ፡ ወዘይንእስ፡ ዘአልቦ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ወትእዛዘ፡ እምሰመይነ፡ ኵሎ፡ መዓርገ፡ ክህነት፡ በአሐዱ፡ ስም። ወባሕቱ፡ በከመ፡ ተመሀርነ፡ በኀበ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ኵሎ፡ ግብረ፡ ከማሁ፡ አዕበይናሁ፡ ለኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ በሢመተ፡ ክህነት፡ ወለቀሲስ፡ በተክህኖ፡ ወለዲያቆን፡ በመልእክተ፡ ክልኤሆሙ፡ ከመ፡ ይትፈጸም፡ ግብረ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ በርቱዕ
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እስመ፡ ኢይደልዎ፡ ለዲያቆን፡ ያቅርብ፡ ቍርባነ፡ በእዴሁ፡ ወያጥምቅ፡ ጥምቀተ፡ ወይባርክ፡ ሕዝበ፡ በረከተ፡ ንኡሰ፡ ወዐቢየ። ወቀሳውስትሰ፡ ቦሙ፡ ይትፈጸም፡ ክህነት፡ ወኢይደሉ፡ ይትገፈታእ፡ ሥርዐት፡ ወከማሁ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ኢይከውን፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ሥሩዕ፡ አላ፡ በሠናይ፡ ትእዛዝ፡ ይከውን። ከመ፡ ይኩኑ፡ ሰራዊተ፡ መላእክት፡ ትሑታን፡ ይትመጠዉ፡ ግብረ፡ ሰራዊተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ዘይትሌዐል፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ ወይኩኑ፡ በዜማ፡ ልዑላን
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ወኵሉ፡ ዘገብረ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ዘአዘዝነ፡ ወይትመጠው፡ መዓርገ፡ ዘይትሌዐል፡ እምኔሁ፡ ወይሠይም፡ ለርእሱ፡ በፈቃዱ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ሐዲስ፡ ያእምር፡ ከመ፡ አመክዐበ፡ ለርእሱ፡ ኵነኔ፡ እምእግዚአብሔር፡ ወእምኔነ፡ ወሠራዕነ፡ ኵነኔሆሙ፡ ውስተ፡ ሳድስ፡ መጽሐፍነ፡ ዘጽሑፍ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ኵነኔያት፡ እስመ፡ አኮ፡ ተቃውሞቶሙ፡ ዚአነ፡ ወኢጽልእ፡ ለኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት፡ አላ፡ ይትቃወምዎ፡ ለዐቢይ፡ ካህን፡ ዘይሬኢ፡ ኵሎ፡ ወለገጸ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ በኵሉ፡ ጊዜ፡ ውእቱ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ አምላክነ
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ሙሴ፡ መፍቀሬ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ እሙን፡ ፍቅሩ፡ ሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ ወካህናተ፡ ወሌዋውያነ፡ ወለነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ መድኀኒነ፡ ሤመነ፡ ፲ወ፪፡ ሐዋርያት፡ እምኔነ፡ ላእካነ። አነ፡ ፊልጶስ፡ ወአነ፡ ያዕቆብ፡ ወባዕዳን፡ እለ፡ ምስሌነ፡ እሙራን፡ እምኔነ፡ ሊቃነ፡ ካህናት፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ጾታ። ወቀሳውስት፡ በገጹ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ጾታ። ወዲያቆናትኒ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ጾታ፡ ዝውእቱ፡ ዲያቆናት፡ ወንፍቀ፡ ዲያቆናት፡ ወአናጕንስጢስ
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ቀዳሚኬ፡ መንበር፡ ውእቱ፡ ሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ዋሕድ፡ ዘኢመሠጠ፡ ለርእሱ፡ ክብረ፡ ወባሕቱ፡ አብ፡ ዘሤሞ፡ ካህነ፡ ዘለዓለም። ወአመ፡ ኮነ፡ ሰብአ፡ ከማነ፡ ወአቅረበ፡ ነፍሶ፡ መሥዋዕተ፡ መንፈሳዌ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ለሊሁ፡ በእደዊሁ፡ ሥጋሁ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወልድ፡ አዘዘነ፡ ለነ፡ ለባሕቲተነ፡ ከመ፡ ንግበር፡ ዘንተ፡ እንዘ፡ ሀሎ፡ ምስሌነ፡ በዐቢይ፡ ምሥጢር፡ እንዘ፡ ንትአመኖ
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ወባሕቱ፡ አኮ፡ ኵሉ፡ ዘአምነ፡ ቦቱ፡ ይሠየም፡ ካህነ፡ በአማን፡ ወኢሊቀ፡ ካህናት። አላ፡ ንሕነ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማይ፡ አቅረብነ፡ በከመ፡ አዘዘነ፡ መሥዋዕተ፡ ንጹሐ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ደም። ወሤምነ፡ እምኔነ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳተ፡ ወቀሳውስተ፡ ወዲያቆናተ፡ ሰብዐተ፡ እለ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ እስጢፋኖስ፡ ወፊልጶስ፡ ወጵሮኮሮን፡ ወኒቃኖራ፡ ወጢሞና፡ ወጳርሜና፡ ወኒቃለዎን
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ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ዝንቱ፡ እስጢፋኖስ፡ አሐዱ፡ እምኔነ፡ በፍቅረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወአርአየ፡ በሕጉ፡ ፈሪሀ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወፍቅረ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ እስከ፡ መጠወ፡ ነፍሶ፡ ወከዐወ፡ ደሞ፡ ወወሀበ፡ ሥጋሁ፡ ለአይሁድ፡ ቀታልያነ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ወወገርዎ፡ በእብን፡ ወቀተልዎ። ወመንክር፡ በኀቤሁ፡ እስመ፡ በጊዜ፡ ወገርዎ፡ ርእየ፡ ኀዋኅወ፡ ሰማይ፡ ርኅወ፡ ወርእዮ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ እንዘ፡ ይነብር፡ በየማነ፡ አብ፡ ወውእቱ፡ ኮነ፡ በኂሩቱ፡ ወአርአዮ
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ወኢተዐደወ፡ እመዓርጊሁ፡ ወእመልእክቱ፡ እንተ፡ አመገቦ፡ ባቲ፡ ወኢያቅረበ፡ ቍርባነ፡ ግሙራ፡ ወኢያንበረ፡ እዴሁ፡ ላዕለ፡ መኑሂ፡ ወኢባረከ፡ ብእሴ፡ ወባሕቱ፡ ዐቀበ፡ መዓርገ፡ ዲያቆንና፡ እስከ፡ ዕለተ፡ ሞቱ፡ ወባቲ፡ ረከቦ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር። ዝኬ፡ ይኄይስ፡ ወይኤድም፡ ከመ፡ ትኩኑ፡ ከማሁ፡ ወትዕቀቡ፡ ሠናየ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ክህነት
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ወእመቦ፡ ዘይግእዞሙ፡ ለፊልጶስ፡ ወለሐናንያ፡ ወይብል፡ ፊልጶስ፡ አጥመቆ፡ ለገብረ፡ ንግሥተ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ወሐናንያ፡ አጥመቆ፡ ለጳውሎስ። ወንሕነ፡ ንብል፡ ወንኤዝዝ፡ ወአቅደምነ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ወንቤ፡ ኢይምሥጥ፡ ሰብእ፡ ሢመተ፡ ክህነት፡ ለርእሱ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ እመ፡ ተውህቦ፡ እምኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር። ከመ፡ መልከ፡ ጼዴቅ፡ ወያዕቆብ፡ እለ፡ ነሥኡ፡ ክህነተ፡ በኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወኮነ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ዘይባርኮሙ፡ በውእቱ፡ አው፡ ይነሥእ፡ ዘይነሥእ፡ እምሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ በከመ፡ አሮን፡ እሙሴ፡ ዘወሀቦ፡ በከመ፡ አዘዘ፡ እግዚአብሔር
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ናሁ፡ ተዐውቀ፡ በቃልነ፡ ከመ፡ ፊልጶስ፡ ወሐናንያ፡ ኢመሠጡ፡ ለርእሶሙ፡ ክህነተ፡ ወባሕቱ፡ ተፈነዉ፡ ቦቱ፡ ወተወክፉ፡ ክህነተ፡ እምሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ዘአልቦ፡ ዘይመስሎ፡ ወአልቦ፡ ዘይትዔረዮ፡ ዘሎቱ፡ ስብሐት፡ ወክብር፡ አሜን
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[10] ትእዛዝ፡ ወቀኖና፡ ዘጳውሎስ፡ ላእክ፡ በእንተ፡ እለ፡ ይመጽኡ፡ ኀበ፡ ምሥጢርነ፡ ሐዲስ፡ ወባዕድኒ። አነ፡ ጳውሎስ፡ ንኡስ፡ እምሐዋርያት፡ እኤዝዘክሙ፡ አኀዊነ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት፡ ቀሳውስት፡ ወዲያቆናት፡ ዘንተ፡ ሥርዐተ
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[10.1] ኵሉ፡ ዘአፍቀረ፡ ይደመር፡ ምስሌነ፡ ወይሳተፍ፡ በነፍሱ፡ በምሥጢርነ፡ ይደልዎሙ፡ ይምጽኡ፡ ኀበ፡ ዲያቆን፡ ወዲያቆን፡ ያምጽኦሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ አው፡ ቀሲስ፡ ዘየዐቢ፡ ብዙኀ፡ አእምሮ፡ በሕግነ፡ ወይስአሎ፡ ወይበሎ፡ በእንተ፡ ምንት፡ አፍቀረ፡ በአተ፡ ውስተ፡ ሕግነ። ወይኩን፡ ዲያቆን፡ ዘይሴአሎሙ፡ በተኀሥሦ፡ በእንተ፡ ግብሮሙ፡ ወይርአይ፡ ለእመ፡ ኮኑ፡ አግብርተ፡ አው፡ አግዓዚያነ። ወለእመቦ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ ገብር፡ ለብእሲ፡ መሀይምን፡ ይስአልዎ፡ ለውእቱ፡ መሀይምን፡ በእንቲአሁ፡ ወለእመ፡ ሠናይ፡ ግዕዙ፡ ወለእመ፡ ነገረ፡ እግዚኡ፡ ኂሩቶ፡ ወሠናየ፡ ግዕዙ፡ ወውዱስ፡ ፍናዊሁ፡ ይትሐበዮ። ወለእመ፡ ኢኮነ፡ ከማሁ፡ አው፡ ሥሡዕ፡ አው፡ ጽልሕው፡ ስድድዎ፡ እምኀቤክሙ፡ ወአርሕቅዎ፡ እስከ፡ ስምዐ፡ ይከውኖ፡ እግዚኡ፡ ከመ፡ ይደሉ፡ ለዝንቱ። ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ገብረ፡ ለዘኢይአምን፡ ይሴአልዎ፡ ለእግዚኡ፡ ወያእምሩ፡ በኀቤሁ፡ ለእመ፡ ሠናየ፡ ተልእኮ፡ ለእግዚኡ። ከመ፡ ኢይኩን፡ ሕግነ፡ ዘይጼውዕ፡ ውስተ፡ ሙስና፡ አላ፡ ኀበ፡ ሠናይ፡ ወኂሩት፡ ወተፍጻሜቱ፡ ሠናይ
paragraph : 65
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[10.2] ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘቦ፡ ብእሲተ፡ አው፡ ብእሲት፡ እንተ፡ ባቲ፡ ምተ፡ ያለብውዎሙ፡ ከመዝ፡ ከመ፡ ይትዐገሡ፡ በዘ፡ ዚአሆሙ፡ እምካልእ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይኩኑ፡ ዘያረኵሱ፡ በተመርዖ፡ ውስተ፡ ፍትወት፡ ከመ፡ ጽሙም። ወለእመ፡ ኮኑ፡ ዘኢያወስቡ፡ መሀርዎሙ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይዘምው፡ አላ፡ ያውስቡ፡ በሕግ፡ በከመ፡ አዘዝነ፡ ወአበየነ። ወለእመቦ፡ እግዚአ፡ መሀይምነ፡ ወአእመረ፡ ከመ፡ ይዜሙ፡ ገብሩ፡ ወኢያስተዋስቦ፡ ወድአ፡ አብጽሖ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ ኵነኔ። ወለእመ፡ ኮነት፡ አመት፡ መፍቀሪተ፡ ዝሙት፡ ወኢያስተዋስባ፡ ይስዐር፡ ወይሰደድ፡ በከመ፡ አዘዝናክሙ
paragraph : 66
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[10.3] ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ዘጋኔን፡ ይምሀርዎ፡ ቀዲሙ፡ ፍርሀተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወትእዛዞ፡ ወኢያቅርብዎ፡ ቍርባነ፡ እስከ የሐዩ፡ ወይኀድጎ፡ ጋኔኑ። ወለእመ፡ በጽሐ፡ ለሞት፡ ይትወከፍዎ፡ ወያቅርብዎ፡ ቍርባነ
paragraph : 67
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[10.4] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘይትሐዘብዎ፡ በዝሙት፡ ወገብረ፡ ልማዶ፡ ለይትከላእ፡ እምይእቲ፡ ኀጢአት፡ ወርስሐት፡ ወይትገሐሥ፡ ተግሕሦ፡ ወእመ፡ አኮ፡ ይሰደድ
paragraph : 68
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[10.5] ወከማሁ፡ ብእሲትኒ፡ ዘማዊት፡ አው፡ ትኅድግ፡ ይእተ፡ ፍትወተ፡ ወትትገሐሥ፡ እምይእቲ፡ ዝሙት፡ ወተመርዖ፡ በኀጢአት፡ ወእመ፡ አኮ፡ ትሰደድ፡ እምኔነ
paragraph : 69
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[10.7] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ አው፡ ብእሲት፡ ዘአፍቀረ፡ ይባእ፡ ውስተ፡ ሕግነ፡ ለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ሰካሬ፡ አው፡ ባዕደ፡ አው፡ መዐንዝረ፡ አው፡ ተዋናዪ፡ አው፡ ዘፋኒ፡ አው፡ ዘይሜህር፡ ማሕሌተ፡ አው፡ መራሒ፡ ውስተ፡ ዝሙት፡ አው፡ ወዳዪ፡ ማእከለ፡ ሰብእ፡ እከየ፡ ወጽልአ፡ ለይኅድጉ፡ ግብሮሙ፡ ወይትገሐሡ፡ እምኔሃ፡ ወይግድፍዋ፡ ድኅሬሆሙ
paragraph : 70
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[10.6] ወኵሎሙ፡ ገበርተ፡ ጣዖት፡ እለ፡ ይገልፉ፡ እምእብን፡ ወዕፅ፡ ወይሰብኩ፡ እምብርት፡ ወኀጺን፡ ወብሩር፡ ወወርቅ፡ ለእመ፡ ቦኡ፡ ምስሌነ፡ ውስተ፡ ሕግነ፡ ይትከልኡ፡ እምዝንቱ፡ ኵሉ፡ ወይትገሐሡ፡ እምይእቲ፡ ኀጢአተ፡ ኪን፡ ወእመ፡ አኮ፡ ይሰደዱ፡ ወይትገደፉ፡ እማኅበርነ
paragraph : 71
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[10.8] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ሐራዊ፡ ዘቦአ፡ ውስተ፡ ሕግነ፡ ወኮነ፡ ቀዲሙ፡ ቱሱሐ፡ ምስለ፡ ሐራሁ፡ ለንጉሠ፡ ምድር፡ በኀጢአት፡ ወአበሳ፡ ለይትገሐሥ፡ እምትዕግልት፡ ወዐመፃ፡ ወውዴት፡ ለይንበር፡ በሲሳዩ፡ ዘይሁብዎ። ወለእመ፡ ኀደገ፡ ዘንተ፡ ምግባረ፡ ይትወከፍዎ። ወለእመ፡ ኢኀደገ፡ ለይስድድዎ
paragraph : 72
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[10.9] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘአውሰበ፡ ወገብረ፡ ሕሡመ፡ ዝሙተ፡ አው፡ ምርዐተ፡ ወባዕደኒ አው፡ አርኰሰ፡ ኀፍረቶ፡ አው፡ ኮነ፡ ውኁደ፡ ኀፍረት፡ አው፡ መሠርይ፡ አው፡ ረቃይ፡ አው፡ መዐንስብ፡ አው፡ አእማሪ፡ አው፡ ተዋናይ፡ አው፡ ረኣዬ፡ ኮከብ፡ ገሃደ፡ አው፡ መራሔ፡ ዝሙት፡ አው፡ ዘያስተጋብእ፡ ዘይሰመይ፡ በዝ፡ መዋዕል፡ መምህረ፡ እኩይ፡ ወኀጢአት። አሌሎሙ፡ በኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በዕለተ፡ ደይን። አው፡ ማሪ፡ ዘይነግር፡ በከመ፡ የሐሊ፡ በእንተ፡ ዘኢሀሎ፡ አው፡ ተማሕፃኒ፡ አው፡ መምካሪ፡ አው፡ ባዕለ፡ ፋል፡ አው፡ ዘይነግር፡ በትእምርተ፡ ሐሰት፡ አው፡ ፈካሬ፡ ሕልም፡ እሉ፡ እለ፡ ይነብሩ፡ ውስተ፡ ፍኖት፡ ወውስተ፡ እደዊሆሙ፡ አሕፃ፡ እለ፡ ይጽሕፉ፡ ተማሕፅኖ፡ ወእለ፡ ይሬእዩ፡ ወእለ፡ ያውዕዩ፡ ገጾሙ፡ በእሳት፡ ሶበ፡ ይረክቦሙ፡ ምንዳቤ፡ ወይላጽዩ፡ ጽሕሞሙ፡ ወጸጕሮሙ፡ ሶበ፡ ይረክቦሙ፡ ውእቱ፡ ተቈጢዖሙ፡ እምኵነኔሁ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ዘወረደ፡ ላዕሌሆሙ። አው፡ ተጠያሬ፡ በዖፍ፡ አው፡ ዘይጽሕፍ፡ ዲበ፡ እደዊሁ፡ ወእገሪሁ፡ በመርፍእ፡ ወሐላዪ፡ በትእምርት፡ ወዘይትአመር፡ በንቅወተ፡ ዖፍ፡ በጽባሕ፡ ወቦቱ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ለውእቱ፡ ድምፅ፡ በኀበ፡ አረሚ፡39 ኢትትወከፍዎ፡40 ወኢትስምዕዎ፡41 ወበእንተ፡42 ኆልቆሙ፡ ይነግሮሙ፡43 በእንተ፡ ሕይወት፡ ወሞት፡ በከመ፡ ይመስሎሙ፡ ወኢኮነ፡ በኀቤነ፡44 ከማሁ። ወዘኮነ፡45 ከመዝ፡46 ግዕዙ፡47 ኢይትወከፍዎ፡ ውስተ፡ ሕግነ፡ እስከ፡48 የኀሥሡ፡ በእንቲአሁ፡ ወያመክርዎ፡49 ዘከመ፡ ኮነ። ለእመ፡ ነስሐ፡ በእንተ፡ ምግባሩ፡ እስመ፡ ምሥጢሩ፡ ለሰብእ፡ ኅቡእ፡ አእምሮቱ፡ ወለእመ፡ ተግሕሥዎ፡ ለውእቱ፡ ግብር፡ ይትወከፍዎሙ። ወለእመ፡ ኢኀደግዎ፡ ወኀሠሡ፡ ያብኡ፡ ላዕሌነ፡ ሀከከ፡ ይሰደዱ
paragraph : 73
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[10.10] እመቦ፡ ዕቅብተ፡ ለብእሲ፡ ዘኢይአምን፡ ለእመ፡ ዐቀበት፡ ነፍሳ፡ ለባሕቲቱ፡ ይትወከፍዋ፡ በእንተ፡ ንጽሓ። ወእመሰ፡ ሖረት፡ ካልአ፡ በፍትወታ፡ ለሙስና፡ ወተደምሮ፡ በኀጢአት፡ ወኮነ፡ ልማዳ፡ ለትሰደድ
paragraph : 74
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[10.11] እመቦ፡ መሀይምን፡ ዘኮነ፡ ምስሌነ፡ ወቦአ፡ ውስተ፡ ሕግነ፡ ወቦ፡ ዕቅብተ፡ አው፡ አመተ፡ ይትገሐሥ፡ እምኔሃ፡ ሶበ፡ ተጠምቀ፡ ወያውስባ፡ በሕግ፡ ዘአዘዝነ። ለእመ፡ ያፈቅር፡ ማኅደራ፡ ወያግዕዛ፡ ቀዲሙ፡ ወይጽሐፍ፡ ላቲ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ግዕዛኒሃ፡ እምቅድመ፡ አውስቦ፡ ከመ፡ ትምለክ፡ ነፍሳ፡ ወትኅረይ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይኀልይዋ። ወለእመ፡ ተዐደወ፡ ወገብረ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ዘአዘዝነ፡ አምጽአ፡ ላዕለ፡ ነፍሱ፡ ኵነኔ፡ ወይሰደድ
paragraph : 75
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[10.12] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘኮነ፡ እምኔነ፡ ወገብረ፡ ግብረ፡ አረሚ፡ ወዘአምሳሊሆሙ፡ ወአምነ፡ በምሳልያተ፡ አይሁድ፡ ወገብረ፡ ባቲ፡ ለይኅድጋ፡ አው፡ ይሰደድ
paragraph : 76
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[10.13] ወዘይፈቅድ፡ ይኩን፡ ውስተ፡ ኆልቈ፡ እለ፡ ይትቀነዩ፡ በክፍል፡ ወይፀመድ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ በፍርሀት፡ ወበንጽሕ፡ ወያመክርዎ፡ ባቲ፡ ሠለስተ፡ ዓመተ። ወለእመ፡ ኮነ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘቦ፡ ፍቅረ፡ ወተረክበ፡ በሠናይ፡ ወኂሩት፡ ንጹሕ፡ ይትወከፍዎ። እስመ፡ ውእቱ፡ ግብር፡ ኢይከውን፡ በቀዊም፡ ፍጡነ፡ አላ፡ ይከውን፡ በሠናይ፡ ሕሊና፡ ወበአመክሮ
paragraph : 77
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[10.14] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘይትመየጥ፡ ኀበ፡ ዘፍን፡ ወዐንዝሮ፡ ወወክሕ፡ ዘይትገበር፡ በኀበ፡ ተውኔት፡ አው፡ ኀበ፡ ይትጋደሉ፡ አው፡ ያስተዛብጡ፡ አባግዕ፡ ወዶርሆ፡ ምስለ፡ ካልኡ፡ አው፡ ኀበ፡ ይትሜሀሩ፡ አፍራስ፡ ወነዲፈ፡ በሐጽ፡ ይኅድጉ፡ ዘንተ፡ ወይትመየጡ፡ እምኔሁ፡ ወይምትሩ፡ ዘንተ፡ ግብረ፡ እስመ፡ ግበረ፡ አረሚ፡ ይእቲ። ወእመ፡ አኮ፡ ይሰደድ
paragraph : 78
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[10.15] እመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ሕዝባዊ፡ ዘይሜህር፡ ሰብአ፡ ለሠናይ፡ ወይበውእ፡ ማእከሎሙ፡ በሰላም፡ ወመቲረ፡ ሀከክ፡ ኢይትመካሕ፡ በዝንቱ፡ ወይኩን፡ እስትርኩበ፡ በቃሉ፡ ንጹሐ፡ በሥጋሁ፡ ወዐይኑ፡ ወነፍሱ። እስመ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ግብር፡ ኢኮነ፡ ግብሩ። ወባሕቱ፡ ግብረ፡ ካህናት፡ ወኤጲስ፡ ቆጶሳት፡ ውእቱ፡ ወያርትዕ፡ ነፍሶ፡ ቀዲሙ፡ ወፈጺሞ፡ ይኩን፡ ኄረ። ወእምዝ፡ ይወጥን፡ ምህሮ፡ ሰብእ፡ እስመ፡ ተብህለ፡ ወይኩኑ፡ ምሁራነ፡ በኀበ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወመራሕያነ፡ ለሠናይ።

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Suggested citation of this record

Alessandro Bausi, Pietro Maria Liuzzo, Eugenia Sokolinski, ʻCanons of S. Simon the Canaanite (1st recension)ʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2018-03-16) [Accessed: 2024-12-23]

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Revision history

  • Alessandro Bausi Provided text on 16.3.2018
  • Eugenia Sokolinski added keywords witnesses relation on 24.4.2017
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo Created XML record from Ethio authority google spreadsheet on 26.7.2016

Attribution of the content

Alessandro Bausi, general editor

Alessandro Bausi, editor

Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor

Eugenia Sokolinski, contributor

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.