Simple Search
This is a most simple search that we can offer: it searches your text only in a few most common elements, and just as you type it. Few options, little trouble, very synthetic results, i.e. you really need to know already what you are looking for. Results are grouped by item type and in no particular order. You can paginate through the results but not filter them or refine your search.
Search the word 'simple'
Search the phrase "golden gospel"
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You found "golden gospel" in 39 results
1 result in persons
3 results in works
1 result in places
3 results in repositories
28 results in manuscripts
The Golden Gospel of Dabra Gannat Qǝddǝst Māryām Gänaḥti church.
The Golden Gospel of ʾAmbasat Kidāna Mǝḥrat.
The "Golden Gospel" book of ʿAddi Qolqʷal Giyorgis.
The Golden Gospel of ʿUrā Qirqos.
...hurch of Yoḥannǝs, the possessor of the Golden Gospel, in Rome
...ation to Yoḥannǝs, the possessor of the Golden Gospel
...Story of John of Rome who acquired the “Golden Gospel” ...
Golden Gospel of Beta Mata za-Ham
Golden Gospel
Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of the Golden Gospel