There are 9 entities matching your text query for "አሕባለ" with the parameters shown at the right. (searched: አሕባለ)
Search time: 0.594 seconds.Chronicle of ʿAmda Ṣǝyon
CAe 4275Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Bruce 88
- London, British Library, BL Oriental 821
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien 143
- Frankfurt, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt Ms. or. 38
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF Éthiopien d'Abbadie 118
Account of campaigns of ʿAmda Ṣǝyon I against the Muslims of South-East Ethiopia. According to , originally it was not a real historical work, but a homily to read in the church, with a propagandist purpose.... ኵሎ፡ አርመመ፡ ወኮነ፡ ዛሕን፡ ዐቢይ፡ አሕባለ፡ ራግናት፡ ኢተበትከት፡ ወሐመር፡ ተለዐለት፡ ወረከበት፡ መ...
Chronicle of Bakāffā
CAe 4633Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
...ጋረጃ፡ ቦቱ፡ ፮፡ መንኰራኵራት፡ ዘብርት፡ ወህየ፡ ሀለዉ፡ ፮፡ አሕባለ፡ ፈትል፡ ጽኑዓን።20ወያጸንዑ9፡ ኵሎ፡ ዕፀወ፡ ሐመር።21...
EMML6451Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ቲአነ፨ ወዘንተ፡ ኵሎ፡ ፈጺሞ፡ ኃደገ፡ ለነ፡ ማዕተቦ፡ ሰቲሮ፡ አሕባለ፡ መሣግር፡ ወአንደደ...
... እሉሂ፡ ተስሂቦሙ፡ በ፮ አሕባለ፡ ቃላተ፡ ወንጌል፡ ውስተ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሰማያት፡ ወይበውዑ፡...
... ተኃድገት፡ ህየ፡ /ምስለ፡/ ሚካኤል፡ ወአልቦሙሰ፡ ኢተበትከ፡ አሕባለ፡ ፍቅሮሙ፡ መል/ክ/...
BML Acq. e doni 679, Marrassini ms. 5Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ዋዕየ። አንተ፡ ውእቱ፡ ዘታገብእ፡ ሊተ፡ ርስትየ። አሕባለ፡ ወረው፡ ሊተ፡ የአኀዙኒ። ርስትየሰ፡ እተዝ፡ ውእቱ...
BML Acq. e doni 812, Marrassini ms. 7Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ድየ። ወኀብኡ፡ ሊተ፡ መሥርተ፡ ዕቡያን። ወሠተሩ፡ አሕባለ፡ መሣግር፡ ለእገርየ። ወአንበሩ፡ ዕቅፍተ፡ ለፍኖትየ...
...ድየ። ወኀብኡ፡ ሊተ፡ መሥርተ፡ ዕቡያን። ወሠተሩ፡ አሕባለ፡ መሣግር፡ ለእገርየ። ወአንበሩ፡ ዕቅፍተ፡ ለፍኖትየ...
Kings 1 = (Ethiopic) Book of Kings 3
CAe 2699Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
... ፡ ወንቅንት ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሐቌነ ፡ ወንትቀጸል ፡ አሕባለ ፡ ውስተ ፡ አርእስቲነ ፡ ወንሖር ፡ ኀሰ ፡ ንጉሠ ፡ እ...
... ወቀነቱ ፡ ሠቀ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሐቌሆሙ ፡ ወተቀጸሉ ፡ አሕባለ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ርእሶሙ ፡ ወይቤልዎ ፡ ለንጉሠ ፡ እስራኤል ...
BL Indian Office Collection MS Ethiopic 4Short Description
This paper codex is composed of... ወዘንተ፡ ኵሎ፡ ፈጺሞ፡ ኃደገ፡ ለነ፡ ማዕተቦ። ሰቲሮ፡ አሕባለ፡ መ[እ]ሣግር፡ ወአንደደ፡ እሳተ፡ ...
...፡ ተሥሒቦሙ፡ በስድስቱ። አሕባለ፡ ቃላተ፡ ወንጌል። ውስተ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሰማያት፡ ወይበውዑ፡...
BL Oriental 718, Wright cat. CCXCV, Wright cat. 295Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of...ሎ፡ ፈጺሞ፡ ኃደገ፡ ለነ፡ ማዕተቦ፡ ሰቲሮ፡ አሕባለ፡ ማሣግር፡ ወአንዲዶ፡ እሳተ፡ አኮ፡ ከመ፡ ያውዒ፡ አባለ፡...
...፡ ሀሎኩ፡ መፍትው፡ ይሑር፡ በከመ፡ ሖረ፡ ዝክቱ፨ በእላንቱኬ፡ አሕባለ፡ ቃል፡ ተስሒቦ፡ ወራግናቶኒ፡ እንዘ፡ ይሔድፍ፡ ...
...፡ ሐዋርያ። ጻድቅኒ፡ ውእቱ፡ እስመ፡ በበትረ፡ ጽሙና፡ ኵኑን፡ አሕባለ፡ ሥጋሁ፨ ሰማዕትኒ፡ ውእቱ፡ እስመ፡ ነ...
Mazmura Dāwit
CAe 2000Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
Author attributions
The Mazmura Dāwit, the Biblical Psalms attributed to David, usually circulates in the Ethiopic manuscript tradition as the first part of the , followed by the , and .አሕባለ ፡ ወረው ፡ ሊተ ፡ የአኅዙኒ ፤ወርስትየሰ ፡ እኁዝ ፡ ...
አሕባለ ፡ ኃጥኣን ፡ ተፀፍራ ፡ ላዕሌየ ፤ወሕገከሰ ፡ ኢረሳዕኩ...
ወሠተሩ ፡ አሕባለ ፡ መሣግር ፡ ለእገርየ ፤ወአንበሩ ፡ ዕቅፍተ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ፍኖትየ ።