Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser - results for ሰራዊቶ

The most important data available to this parser can be seen at the following links

Dillmann's Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae Online, used for data validation can be found here.

This work was carried out for the TraCES project, Grant Agreement 338756.

TraCES corpus data was annotated with the GeTa tool (developed by Cristina Vertan) by the project team.

The code running here is available in the project GitHub repository and was developed by Pietro Liuzzo.

The application runs as a RESTXQ application and is powered by eXist-db.

You can query this parser also using Alpheios, on any Gǝʿǝz text you can see with a browser.

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Morphological parsing of ሰራዊቶ

4 possibilities shown parsing as noun.

You are seeing 4 out of 15 because we have filtered out all entries whose reconstructed root is not in the online Dillmann Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae. You are not seeing any pattern matching which is not consistent with the reconstructed root. You are not seeing results of fuzzy search.

Pattern Forms Link Lexicon TraCES Corpus
1a2ā3i ሰራዊ [decl]
1a2ā3 ሰራዊ [decl]
1a22ā3i ሰራዊ [decl]
1a22ā3 ሰራዊ [decl]

TraCES annotations of ሰራዊቶ

This word appears in this form in the TraCES corpus 12 times.

Attestations of ሰራዊቶ in the Beta maṣāḥǝft corpus