Here you can explore some general information about the project. See also Beta maṣāḥəft institutional web page. Select About to meet the project team and our partners. Visit the Guidelines section to learn about our encoding principles. The section Data contains the Linked Open Data information, and API the Application Programming Interface documentation for those who want to exchange data with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The Permalinks section documents the versioning and referencing earlier versions of each record.
Click to get back to the home page. Here you can find out more about the project team, the cooperating projects, and the contact information. You can also visit our institutional page. Find out more about our Encoding Guidelines. In this section our Linked Open Data principles are explained. Developers can find our Application Programming Interface documentation here. The page documents the use of permalinks by the project.
Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
This section collects some additional resources offered by the project. Select Bibliography to explore the references cited in the project records. The Indexes list different types of project records (persons, places, titles, keywords, etc). Visit Projects for information on partners that have input data directly in the Beta maṣāḥǝft database. Special ways of exploring the data are offered under Visualizations. Two applications were developed in cooperation with the project TraCES, the Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser and the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae.

You are looking at work in progress version of this website. For questions contact the dev team.

Hover on words to see search options.

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Clavis Aethiopica listing

Visit the dynamic filtrable listing for fuller results

The list below was generated on 2024-11-25

CAe ID Main title
0001 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot ʾAbuna Yohannǝs and how he opposed the oppressive ruler of Danagaz
0002 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot ʾAbuna Yohannǝs persuades a husband to give up his second wife and be reconciled to his first
0003 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Lady Māḫdara Māryām and how the Virgin Mary claimed her house as a church
0004 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Lady Māḫdara Māryām commits suicide by hunger strike when her son steals the food for the Virgin Mary's feast
0004 King Zarʾa Yāʿqob, the 15th c. Ethiopian monarch, and how the Virgin Mary rebuked him for leaning against the wall of Dabra Zamaddo
0005 Dabra Zamaddo's church and the complaint of the icon for falling on the ground
0006 Dabra Zamaddo's people evade the forces of Imam Ahmad Gran
0007 Dabra Zamaddo's three monks who thought of leaving the monastery but survive for months on the spring of honey milk
0008 Dabra Zamaddo's icon Sǝʿla ʾAdḫǝno is exiled to Ruha (Lalibela?) in Ethiopia
0009 Dabra Zamaddo's icon Sǝʿla ʾAdḫǝno is recovered.
0010 Dabra Zamaddo's icon Sǝʿla ʾAdḫǝno is stolen and returned
0011 Dabra Zamaddo's monastery and how the people there detained the monastery’s cow as recompense.
0012 Dabra Zamaddo's church and the three huge boulders that ripped off the cliff and destroyed the roof and walls of the church kitchen
0013 Dabra Zamaddo's storm that engulfed the country with total darkness for four months.
0014 Dabra Zamaddo's Qʷǝrbāna Dǝngǝl encounters a leopard as a child.
0015 Dabra Zamaddo's Qʷǝrbāna Dǝngǝl is saved as a child from an attack by the Arami.
0016 Dabra Zamaddo's Qʷǝrbāna Dǝngǝl afflicted by the consequences of aging.
0017 Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot ʾAbuna Bartalomewos and how a fountain of honey milk sprang up under his feet
0018 Dabra Zamaddo's church's dangerous cliff side entrance is improved by the abbot and the Virgin Mary
0019 Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot ʾAbuna Ṣāmā ʾIyasus averts a raid by the Oromo people with prayers to the Virgin Mary
0020 Dabra Zamaddo's church and the tree that wrecked havoc on it
0021 Dabra Zamaddo's monks on the verge of abandoning the monastery (duplicate?)
0022 Dabra Zamaddo's three adulterous priests who are revealed and defrocked
0023 Dabra Zamaddo's leopard that dug out tombs and ate the corpses.
0024 Dabra Zamaddo's righteous monk who was afflicted by bugs.
0025 Dabra Zamaddo's Walatta Nǝgǝst whom the Blessed Virgin saved from a raid by the Arami.
0026 Dabra Zamaddo's “Keep yourself from minor things, lest you fall from big things”.
0027 Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot ʾAbuna Sinodos whom people opposed to cut the hab tree
0028 Dabra Zamaddo's church and the punishment for cutting trees from the church’s precinct.
0029 Dabra Zamaddo's woman who received the answer to her prayer through her support stick.
0030 Dabra Zamaddo's church and how chewing the body of the Son of the Blessed Virgin is not welcome to the Virgin Mary
0031 Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot Māḫdara Krǝstos who left his office on his own volition
0032 Dabra Zamaddo's Mabāʾa Ṣəyon church and the density of trees there that prevented two boys from dying in a fire
0033 Dabra Zamaddo's man who refused to observe holy days.
0034 Dabra Zamaddo's greedy man who did not observe holy days.
0035 Dabra Zamaddo's righteous Walda hawaryat whom the Blessed Virgin comforted.
0036 Dabra Zamaddo's righteous Walda Ḥawāryāt and the glory of māḫlet
0037 Dabra Zamaddo's thief who stole and sold the lectern from the church.
0038 Dabra Zamaddo's three monks who starved in the cell that once belonged to the Holy Family.
0039 King Lālibalā, the 13th c. Ethiopian monarch, and his godson at Dabra Zamaddo
0040 King Naʾakkʷǝto Laʾab, the 13th c. Ethiopian monarch, and how the Virgin Mary informs him about his future at Dabra Zamaddo
0041 King Zara Yaqob (Zarʾa Yaʿeqob), the 15th c. Ethiopian monarch, and how the Virgin Mary rebuked him for leaning against the wall of Dabra Zamaddo
0183 ḫabǝba tasfāna fiqṭor
0184 Yolyos ṭis ʾǝnta tādawyo
1001 Tǝrgʷāme maṣḥafa Salomon za-wǝʾǝtu maḥālǝya maḥālǝy
1002 ʾAbbā ʾElyās
1003 ʾAbbā Ǧāle
1004 ʾAbbā Nafso
1005 ʾAbbā Tāṭaq Kāsā:Yaqwārāw ʾanbasā
1006 ʾAbbātǝnnā lǝǧǧočč
1007 ʿAbdannāṣir wa-ṯ-ṯawra al-Ifrīqīya
1008 Hagiographic Dossier of St Takla Hāymānot
1009 ʾAbran zǝmm ʾǝnnǝbal
1010 Sǝmʿ za-qǝddusān ʾAbuqir wa-Yoḥannǝs ʾǝḫuhu wa-śalās danāgǝl wa-ʾǝmmon
1011 ʾAbušākǝr
1012 Acta Pilati
1013 Acta Salvatoris
1014 Acts of St Matthew the Evangelist
1015 The Acts of St Matthias and St Andrew
1016 Acts of Paul
1017 Acts of St Peter
1018 Acts of Philip in Greece
1019 Gǝbra ḥawāryāt
1020 The Acts of Thomas, I
1021 ʾAdafrǝs
1022 ʾAddis ʿālam
1023 ʿAddis yāmārǝññā mazgabaqālāt
1024 ad-Duʿāʾ wa-yalīhi:al-ʿIlāǧ bir-ruqya min al-kitāb was-sunna
1025 ad-Dusqūlīyya
1026 ʾAdgǝnā Tagalabā
1027 ʾAfār ya-naśśā śǝgā
1028 ʾAffāǧašǝññ
1029 ʿAǧāʾib al-āṯār fī t-tarāǧim wal-aḫbār
1030 Against Diodore of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia
1031 Against Eunomius
1032 Against Eunomius
1033 Against Eustathius
1034 Against Marcellus
1035 Against Nestorius
1036 Against Nestorius
1037 Against the Origenists
1038 Against those who speak about Two Natures (of Christ)
1039 ʾAgaki! taketǝnat – ʾAǧinat
1040 Agʿazi
1041 Aḫbār an-Nuba wal-Muqurra wa-ʿAlwa wal-Buǧa wan-Nīl
1042 Aḫbār az-zaman
1043 Aḥsan at-taqāsīm
1044 Akǝʿab
1045 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus ʾEṗifānyos
1046 ʾAksimāros
1047 Sinodos of Qǝfrǝyā
1048 al-Ādāb al-ǧāmiʿa
1049 al-Aḥbāš bayna Maʾrib wa-Aksūm
1050 al-ʿAlāqāt as-siyāsīya
1051 ʿĀlam warataññā
1052 al-Anwār al-mutarākima
1053 al-Asrār as-Sāriya
1054 ʾAlǝwwalladǝmm
1055 al-Fīl, sūra
1056 ʾAlgabām goǧǧoye
1057 al-Ǧawāhir al-ḥisān fī tarīḫ al-Ḥubšān
1058 al-Ǧawšan al-kabīr
1059 Al-Ḥabaša
1060 al-Ḥabaša
1061 al-Ḥabaša al-Muslima
1062 al-Ḥabaša bayna l-iqṭāʿ wa-l-ʿaṣr al ḥadīṯ
1063 al-Hady al-qudsī fi faḍāʾil āyat al-kursī
1064 al-Hiǧra ilā l-Ḥabaša
1065 Alif yeen
1066 al-Iṣāba fī tamyīz aṣ-ṣaḥāba
1067 al-Islām al-Ǧarīḥ fī l-Habaša
1068 al-Islām wa-l-Habaša ʿabr at-taʾriḫ
1069 al-Kašf ʿan muǧāwazat hāḏī l-umma al-alf
1070 al-Kawākib ad-durrīya fī madḥ ḫayr al-barrīya
1071 al-Kitāb al-manqūš fī manāqib al-ḥubūš
1072 al-Kitāb al-muḫtār min ṭalabāt al-abrār
1073 Allahummä solli ala muḥammädi imamul anbiya säydal mursälin
1074 al-Lumʿa al-bahīya fī mawlid ḫayr al-barrīya
1075 Almagest
1076 Gadla Tansǝʾa Wald
1077 al-Maǧmūʿa
1078 al-Maǧmūʿa al-mubāraka
1079 al-Masāʾil al-fiqhīya allatī lā yuʿḏaru fīhā bil-ǧahl
1080 Almätam qärrähu
1081 Almothumm bǝyye alwašǝmm
1082 al-Mudawwana al-kubrā
1083 al-Muqaddima
1084 al-Muqaddima al-ḥaḍramīya fī fiqh as-sādati aš-šafiʿīya
1085 al-Mutawwakil
1086 al-Muwaṭṭaʾ
1087 Alphabet of Jesus ben Sira
1088 al-Qaṣīda al-Ḥimyarīya
1089 al-Qurʾān
1090 al-Risāla
1091 al-Risāla fī uṣūl al-fiqh
1092 Alula Abbanäga
1093 al-Usd al-ġāba
1094 Amanuʾel därso mäls
1095 Ambo
1096 Ameri Ginni
1097 ʾAmmǝstu ʾaʿmāda mǝśṭir
1098 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-Bāsǝlyos
1099 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus Hǝryāqos za-hagara Bǝhnǝsā
1100 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
1101 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-Yāʿqob
1102 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-Mārqos
1103 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-darasu 318 rǝtuʿāna hāymānot
1104 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-ḥawāryāt
1105 Anaphora Pilati
1106 Anibal
1107 ʾAnkariṭos
1108 ʾAnqaṣ za-kidān
1109 ʾAnqaṣa ʾamin
1110 ʾAnqaṣa hālletā
1111 ʾAnqaṣa nǝssǝḥā
1112 ʾAnqaṣa qǝddāse
1113 ʾAnqaṣa bǝrhān
1114 Rules of Anthony
1115 Maṣḥafa mǝśṭir za-Heṗoliṭos baʾǝnta Krǝstos wa-baʾǝnta ḥassāwe masiḥ
1116 Antirrhetikos
1117 Antonini itinerarium
1118 Hagiographic Dossier of St Antony
1119 Hagiographic Dossier of St Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
1120 Apocalypse of Baruch
1121 Titles of the Canons of the Council of Antioch
1122 Penitential Canons (2)
1123 Homily in honor of Saturday
1124 Rāʾǝya [ʾǝgzǝʾtǝna] Māryām
1125 Apocalypse of Paul
1126 History of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament
1127 Apocalypse of Peter
1128 Apocalypse of Peter
1129 Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodios
1130 Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius
1133 Apologetical Explanation on the Hexameron
1134 Apologia ad Constantium
1135 Apology of Aristides
1136 Apophthegmata Patrum (General record)
1137 Apostles and disciples
1140 Epistle of the Apostles
1141 Apostolic Canons (General Record)
1142 Apostolic Constitutions
1143 Apparition of the Virgin Mary at Mǝṭmaq
1144 ʾArʾayā
1145 ʾArʾayā maṣḥafa ʾErmǝyās
1146 ʾArgānona wǝddāse
1147 ʿArke za-maskaram
1148 ʾArrǝmuññ
1150 Asbāb an-nuzūl
1151 Asceticon
1152 aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥ
1153 aš-Šayḫ ar-Rūḥānī
1154 as-Sīra an-nabawīya
1155 Assumption of Moses
1156 as-Sunan
1157 as-Sunan
1158 as-Sunan
1159 as-Sunan
1160 ʾAṭe Mǝnilǝkǝnnā ʾItyoṗyā
1161 Ṣalota hāymānot za-ʾAfrāqǝyā
1162 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-ʾAtnātewos
1163 ʾAto Balāynah waym yaqǝṭāt māʿbal
1164 aṭ-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā
1165 at-Tafsīr
1166 aṭ-Ṭirāz al-islāmī
1167 aṭ-Ṭirāz al-manqūš fī maḥāsin al-ḥubūš
1168 at-Tuḥfa aš-Šāhiya fī ʿilm al-hayʾa
1169 Ave Maria
1170 Awaš
1171 ʿAwda nagaśt
1172 Awsa Chronicle
1173 Ayaan daran
1174 ʾAydallam zawatǝr mot
1175 ʾAynǝffalāla
1176 Aynǝffälalä:Ertǝra 1941-51
1177 Azhār al-ʿurūš
1178 ʾAč̣č̣ǝr ya-ʿālam tārik
1179 Badāʾi ʿ az-zuhūr fī waqāʾiʿ ad-duhūr
1180 Baʾǝnta ʾabuna ʾAbrǝhām
1181 Baʾǝnta ʿǝrinā qǝddǝst śǝllāse
1182 Baʾǝnta hāymānot
1183 Baʾǝnta ḥǝmāmāt māḫyawit
1184 Baʾǝnta lǝdatu
1185 በአንተ፡ ልደቱ፡
1186 Baʾǝnta lǝdatu wa-ṭǝmqatu
1187 Baʾǝnta Māryām maḥaranna Krǝstos
1188 Baʾǝnta Māryām
1189 Baʾǝnta nǝssǝḥā wa-za-kama yǝrakkǝb tadlā wa-ʿǝraft
1190 Baʾǝnta qǝddǝsāt
1191 Baʾǝnta śǝllāseka
1192 Baʾǝnta ṭǝmqatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna
1193 Baʾǝnta wald
1194 Baʾǝnta wald fǝqur
1195 Bāḥra ḥassāb
1196 Bālakābbānnā bāladābbā
1197 Balg
1198 Ba-qadāmi gabra ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer
1199 Baralām wa-Yǝwāsǝf
1200 Barthelemy,Questions of
1201 Bārtos
1202 Book of Baruch
1203 Basetočču ʾāmbā
1204 Baṣḫa
1205 Baṭarrā č̣araqā
1206 Bāttǝggārrāññ
1207 Bazaar of Herakleides
1208 Bǝʿla nagaśt
1209 Bǝḥǝlmi zǝrraʾayo magaddi krǝstǝyān
1210 Bel wa-kaysi
1211 Bella
1212 Bǝlṣǝgǝnnā bagǝbǝrǝnnā
1214 Bereshid Rabbah
1215 Bǝrhāna ḫǝllina
1216 Bǝrr ʾambār sabbaralwo
1217 Beta lǝḥem zemā
1218 Bǝḍǝʿt ʾanti (hymn)
1219 Bible
1221 Book of the Wise Philosophers
1223 Canons of Cyril III ibn Laqlaq
1224 Canons of Eusebios (General record)
1225 Canons of Hippolytus
1226 Canons of Nicaea (General Record)
1227 Canons of Shenute
1229 Cantate Domino
1230 Canti popolari tigrai
1231 Cantici di Sion
1232 Canticle of the Three Youths in the Furnace
1233 Canticles
1234 Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
1235 Cathedral Homilies
1236 Cave of Treasures
1237 Chronicle
1238 Chronicle
1239 Chronicle of John of Nikiu
1240 Chronicle
1241 Chronicle of Zuqnin
1242 Chronicle of the Kingdom of Gumma
1243 Chronicles, Book of
1244 Chronicon
1245 Kitāb at-tawārīḫ
1246 Chronicon Paschale
1247 Chronographia
1248 Chronographia
1249 Chronographia
1250 Confessio
1251 Confessio
1252 Confessio Claudii
1253 Confession
1254 Dāgǝm mǝṣʾatu la-Krǝstos wa-tǝnśāʾe mǝwwǝtān
1255 Dāgmāwi Mǝnilǝk nǝguśa nagaśt za-ʾItyoṗyā
1256 Dalāʾil al-ḫayrāt
1257 Dam yāllaš ṭorǝnnat
1258 Dāndew Č̣abbude
1259 Daniel, Book of
1260 Darāsiw
1261 Dardaaran
1262 Dāwitǝnnā ʾOryā
1263 Dǝl ka-mot baḫwālā
1264 Dǝrrǝb č̣ǝqqun
1265 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta qǝddǝst fāsikā
1266 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta Śǝllāse fǝkre
1267 Dǝrsān … baʾǝnta hāymānot
1269 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta sanbatāt
1272 Dǝrsān dāgǝm za-ʿƎzrā
1273 Dǝrsān wa-gadl za-Yāred
1274 Dǝrsān wa-tǝmhǝrt za-ʾabawina ḥawāryāt qǝddusān
1275 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Yāʿqob ṗāṗṗās za-hagara Nǝṣǝbin za-kama maṣʾa nǝguśa Fārs ba-mawāʿǝlihu wǝst hagara Nǝṣǝbin
1276 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾAbbā Bāsǝlyos ʾeṗisqoṗṗos za-Qesārəyā baʾǝnta ḥǝnḍa beta krǝstiyān
1277 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ Tewoflos baʾǝnta qǝddus wa-ḫer Yoḥannǝs
1278 Discourse showing how the history of the blessed Virgin was discovered
1280 Dǝrsāna ʾAb wa-Wald wa-Manfas Qǝddus
1281 Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt
1282 Dǝrsana ʾAfnin
1283 Dǝrsāna fayātāy
1284 Dǝrsāna Gabrǝʾel
1285 Dǝrsān za-darasa qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos za-ʾAksum baʾǝnta ʿǝbayu wa-gadlu la-qǝddus Yǝsḥāq
1286 Dǝrsāna Garimā
1287 Dǝrsāna Giyorgis
1288 Dǝrsāna ḥǝmāmātihu wa-motu
1289 Dǝrsāna ʾIyasus Moʾa
1290 Dǝrsāna kidāna mǝḥrat
1291 Dǝrsān māḥyawi
1292 Dǝrsāna malāʾǝkt
1294 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos ʾabbā ʾElyās za-darasa baʾǝnta bǝḍuʿ manakos ʾabbā Maṭāʿ za-wǝʾǝtu Libānos
1295 Dǝrsāna Mikāʾel
1296 Dǝrsāna Rāguʾel
1297 Dǝrsāna Rufāʾel
1298 Dǝrsāna sanbat
1299 Maṣḥafa Sāwiros
1300 Dǝrsāna Śǝllāse
1301 Dǝrsāna Ṣǝyon
1302 Dǝrsāna ʿUrāʾel
1303 Dǝrsān wa-gadl za-Yāred
1304 Dǝrsāna Yoḥannǝs maṭmǝq
1306 Dǝblǝqlǝq
1307 Dialogue on the Soul and Resurrection
1308 Didache
1309 Didǝsqǝlyā
1310 ḏikr
1311 ḏikr al-mamālik
1312 ḏikr al-tawārīḫ
1313 Discourse of the 318 Fathers on the Trinity
1314 Disputation with Herban the Jew
1315 Daqiqa nabiyāt
1316 Dogʿali
1317 duʿāʾ
1318 Dukanaan Duuba
1319 Durdurii
1320 Ecclesiastes
1321 Ecloga
1322 Ecloga
1323 ʾƎddǝrtaññočču
1325 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa (General record)
1326 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa za-ʿĀrke
1328 ʾƎgzəʾtǝna Māryām
1330 ʾƎgziʾo mi bazu
1331 ʾƎgziʾo taśahālanna
1332 Eight Homilies on the Blessings
1333 Eklogaì hisoriôn
1334 Elenchos
1335 Apocalypse of Elijah
1336 Rāʾǝya ʾElyās
1337 ʾƎndawaṭṭāčč qarračč
1338 ʾƎnnātǝnnā lǝǧǧ
1340 Maṣḥafa Henok
1342 Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres
1343 ʾƎnqutātāš
1344 ʿƎnzirā sǝbḥat
1345 Letter to Epictus Bishop of Corinthos
1346 Epilcesis
1347 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-ʾEṗifānyos
1348 Epistle 70
1349 Epistle of Eusebius to Carpianus (General record)
1350 Epistle to Emperor Theodosius
1351 Epistle: The Book of the Epistle
1352 Epistles
1353 Epistula ad Marcellinum
1354 Epistula Apostolorum
1355 Parallel section to Apostolic Constitutions VIII
1356 ʿƎqabanni (shorter version)
1357 ʾƎqāw
1358 ʾƎqqubtaññočču
1359 ʾƎsāt way ʾababā
1362 Book of Esther
1363 Ethniká
1364 ʾƎwnat ʾattǝmotǝm
1365 ʾƎwqatǝn fǝllagā
1366 Exameron
1367 Exodus
1368 Expeditio Aethiopica
1369 The Expeditions of ʾIyāsu the Little
1370 Exposition of the Symbol of Nicaea
1371 Exposition of the Ten Commandments
1372 Expositiones in Psalmos
1373 Book of Ezekiel (General record)
1374 Book of Ezra and Nehemiah
1375 Apocalypse of Ezra on the Kingdom of the Arabs
1376 Apocalypse of Ezra
1377 Book of Ezra
1378 Eṗifanyos
1379 ʿƎḍa dabdābbe
1380 Fābulā ya-ʾāwrewočč komediyā
1381 Faḫr as-sūdān ʿalā l-bīḍān
1382 Fatḥ ar-raḥmānī
1383 Fatḥ madīnat Harar
1384 Fǝkkāre hāymānot
1385 Fǝkkāre ʾIyasus
1386 Fǝkkāre malakot
1387 Fǝkkare wäzena zä-318 rǝtuʿanä haymanot
1388 Fǝlsatomu wa-ḍaʾatomu la-ʾabaw ʾAbrǝhām wa-Yǝsḥaq wa-Yāʿqob
1389 Fǝqǝr ʾǝska maqābǝr
1390 Fǝre qǝddāse
1391 Festal Letters
1392 Fǝtḥ maḥāri
1393 Fǝtḥ manfasāwi
1394 Fǝtḥa magārǝḥ
1395 Fǝtḥa nagaśt
1396 Fǝtḥa śǝgāwi
1397 Fǝtḥat za-ʾab
1398 Fǝtḥat za-wald
1399 Filkǝsyos
1400 Ḫalleyu zanta ba-ʾalbābikǝmu mǝnt wǝʾǝtu nǝdet
1401 Physiologus (general record)
1402 Fitāwrāri Balāy
1403 Funǧ Chronicle
1404 Futūḥ al-Ḥabaša
1405 Gadla ʾAbakarazun
1406 Gadla ʾabaw qǝddusān
1407 Gadla ʿAbiya ʾƎgziʾ
1408 Gadla ʾAbrānyos
1409 Gadla ʾAbrǝhā wa-ʾAṣbǝḥa
1410 Gadla ʾAbrǝhām za-Dabra Ṣǝyon
1411 Gadla ʾAbrǝhām za-Qata
1412 Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (general record)
1413 Gadla ʾAbsādi
1414 Gadla ʾAbunāfǝr
1415 Gadla ʾAddām
1416 Gadla ʾAdḫāni
1417 Gadla ʾAfṣe
1418 Gadla ʾAlulā
1419 Gadla ʾAnānyā
1420 Gadla ʾAnorewos
1421 Gadla ʾArkaladǝs
1422 Gadla ʾAron
1423 Gadla ʾAron za-Dabra Dāret
1424 Gadla ʾAwsābiyos
1425 Gadla ʾAzqir
1426 Gadla Bakimos
1427 The Martyrdom of St Bartholomew
1428 Gadla Baṣalota Mikāʾel
1429 Gadla Batra Māryām za-Zage
1430 Gadla Bǝḍuʿa ʾAmlāk
1431 Gadla Buruk ʾAmlāk
1432 Gadla Dānǝʾel za-Dabra Māryām
1433 Gadla Dǝmyānos za-Dabra Sinā
1434 Gadla ʾƎḫǝta Krǝstos
1435 Gadla ʾElyās Gadāmawi
1436 Gadla ʿƎnbāqom
1437 Gadla ʾƎsṭifānos
1438 Gadla ʾEwosṭātewos
1439 Gadla ʿƎzrā za-Gunda Gunde
1440 Gadla ʾǝč̣č̣age Yoḥannǝs
1442 Gadla Fǝqǝrta Krǝstos
1443 Gadla Fǝre Mikāʾel
1444 Gadla Filǝṗṗos za-Dabra Bizan
1445 Gadla Filǝṗṗos za-Dabra Libānos
1446 Gadla Filmonā
1447 Gadla Fiqṭor za-Dabra Māryām
1448 Gadla Gabra ʾƎndrǝyās
1449 Gadla Gabra ʾIyasus
1450 Gadla Gabra Krǝstos
1451 Gadla Gabra Manfas Qǝddus (general record)
1452 Gadla Gabra Maśiḥ
1453 Gadla Gabra Masqal za-Gutamālā
1454 Gadla Gabra Mikāʾel za-Qʷǝrāro
1455 Gadla Giyorgis (Lydda)
1456 Gadla Giyorgis za-Gāsǝč̣č̣ā
1457 Gadla Giyorgis Ḥaddis
1458 Gadla Gubā
1459 Gadla Habta Māryām
1460 Gadla Ḥannā
1461 Gadla ḥawāryāt (general record)
1462 Gadla Herodā
1463 Gadla Ḥǝḍān Moʾa
1465 Gadla ʾIsāyǝyyās za-Gunda Gunde
1466 Gadla ʾIyāsu za-Ǧar Śǝllāse
1467 Gadla ʾIyasus Moʾa
1468 Gadla Kiros
1469 Gadla Krǝstos Śamrā
1470 The 'Gadla Lālibalā' collection of texts: type A
1471 Gadla Latḍun
1473 Gadla Libānos
1474 Gadla Liqānos
1475 Gadla Mabāʾa Ṣǝyon
1476 Gadla Madḫānina ʾƎgziʾ
1477 Gadla Marḥa Krǝstos
1479 Gadla Marqorewos za-Dabra Dǝmāḫ
1480 Gadla Masqal Bezāna
1481 Gadla Masqal Kǝbrā
1482 Gadla Mātyās za-ʿAddǝqe
1483 Gadla Muse
1484 Gadla Naʾakkʷǝto Laʾab
1485 Gadla ʿOṣ
1486 Gadla Qawǝsṭos
1487 Gadla qǝddusān
1488 Gadla Qirqos
1489 Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Bāraknāhā
1490 Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Bur
1491 Gadla Ṣādǝqān za-Ṗarāqliṭos
1492 Gadla Salāmā Kaśāte Bǝrhān
1493 Gadla samāʿtāt
1494 Gadla Śamra Krǝstos
1495 Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Dabra Hālleluyā
1496 Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Dabra Wagag
1497 Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Wāldǝbbā
1498 Gadla Śarḍa Ṗeṭros
1499 Gadla Sǝbǝstyānos
1500 Gadla Ṣǝḥmā
1501 Gadla Sinodā
1502 Gadla Sinodā za-Dabra Ṣǝmmunā
1503 Gadla Tādewos za-Dabra Bārtārwā
1504 Gadla Tādewos za-Dabra Māryām
1505 Gadla Takla ʾAlfā
1506 Gadla Takla Ḥawāryāt
1507 Gadla Takla Hāymānot (Dabra Libānos recension, general record)
1508 Gadla Tawalda Madḫǝn
1509 Gadla Walatta Ṗeṭros
1510 Gadla Yāʿqob (general record)
1511 Gadla Yāfqǝranna ʾƎgziʾ
1512 Collection of hagiographic texts in honour of St Yāred
1513 Gadla Yāsāy
1514 Gadla Yǝkunno ʾAmlāk
1515 Gadla Yǝmʾattā
1516 Gadla Yǝmrǝḥanna Krǝstos
1517 Gadla Yǝsḥaq (general record)
1518 Gadla Yǝtbārak
1519 Gadla Yoḥannǝs Mǝśrāqāwi
1520 Gadla Yoḥannǝs za-Dabra Bizan
1521 Gadla Yoḥanni za-Dabra ʿAśā
1522 Gadla Yonās za-Bur
1523 Gadla Yosef
1524 Gadla Yosṭinos
1525 Gadla Zakāryās za-Galilā
1526 Gadla Zamikāʾel ʾAragāwi
1527 Gadla Zarʾa ʾAbrǝhām
1528 Hagiographic Dossier of ʾAbuna Zarʾa Buruk
1529 Gadla Zayoḥannǝs za-Kǝbrān
1530 Gadla Zenā Mārqos
1531 Gadla Zenā Māryām
1532 Gadla Ṗanṭalewon za-ṣomaʿt
1533 Ǧadwal aš-Šāš waš-Šāmī
1534 Galata Waaqayyo Gooftaa Mač̣č̣aa
1535 Ǧalqaba barsiisaa
1536 Galṭan bǝnnāyaw
1537 Gamaliel, Gospel of
1538 Ǧāmiʿal-bayān ʿan taʾwīl āy al-Qurʿān
1539 Gannat
1540 Gannata manakosāt
1541 Garaani Namaa Mana Waaqayyoo Yookis Bultii Seeṭanaa
1542 Garaani Namaa Mana Waaqayyoo Yookis Bultii Seetanaa
1543 Ǧāṗān ʾǝndamǝn salaṭṭanačč
1544 Gǝbra Ḥǝmāmāt
1545 Gǝdāy gǝdāy ʾalaññ
1546 Genesis
1548 Synopsis of classes
1549 Gǝṣṣāwe zazza-watr
1550 Gize
1551 Glaphyra
1552 Godaannisa
1553 Goha Ṣǝbah
1554 Gondare bagāššāw
1555 Gondarew Gabra Māryām
1556 Questions of Gregory of Nyssa to his brother Basil
1557 Rāʾǝya Gorgoryos
1558 Wangel za-Mātewos
1559 Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
1560 Four Gospels
1561 Gungun
1562 Gʷabaz ʾayyan
1563 Gwāde, ʾǝngǝdih ʾamačǝh naññ
1565 Ha hu ba-sǝddǝst war
1566 Third Song of the Three Youths in the Furnace
1567 Book of Habakkuk
1568 Story of Habakkuk
1569 Anaphora of Cyril of Alexandria
1570 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs wangelāwi
1571 Habeş Seyahatnamesi
1572 Hadāʾiq ar-rūḥ war-rayḥān fī rawā��bī ʿulūm al-Qurʾān
1573 Ḥaddis
1574 Haḍir al-Habaḍa wamustaqbaluhā
1575 Ḥāǧǧ ʿumran zǝyaran ab tǝḥti ṣǝlal kitaben sunnan
1576 Hahu waym Papu
1578 Ḥamara nafs
1579 Ḥaṣṣir maṣḥaf nǝbab bǝ-tǝgrǝññā - ʾarbǝʿan ʾarbaʿtan zāntā
1580 Ḥaṣurä mäsqäl
1581 Ḥatatā Zarʾa Yāʿqob
1582 Ḫaylom waddi ʾAsmarā
1583 Hāymānot masiḥāwit
1584 Hāymānot rǝtǝʿt
1586 Hāymānota ʾabaw
1587 Hāymānota ʾabaw ḥawāryāt
1588 Hāymānota ʾabaw qaddamt
1589 Heavenly Ladder
1590 Ḥǝgg nāy Laggon Č̣ǝwān
1591 Ḥǝggi Hab Śǝllus Gara Ḵǝstos
1592 Ḥǝggi Laggo Sardā
1593 Ḥǝggi Saḥartǝn Lāmzān Wāq̄artǝn Dāmbān
1594 Shepherd of Hermas
1595 Hexaemeron of Basil
1596 Ḥǝywatǝnnā ya-ʾItyoṗyā ʾǝrmǝǧǧā
1597 Book of the Ḥimyarites
1598 Ḥiṣn al-muslim
1599 History of Nūr Muǧāhid
1600 History of the Captivity of the Israelites in Babylon
1601 History of the Councils
1602 History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria
1603 History of the People of Ethiopia
1604 History of the Persian Kings
1605 Zenā bǝḍuʿān ba-mawāʿǝla ʾErmǝyās
1607 History of the Wood on which Christ was Crucified
1608 Ḫoḫǝta bǝrhān
1610 Homiliae
1611 Homiliary for Lent
1612 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ Fǝremnāṭos ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos za-ʾAksum
1613 Homily On the Burials
1614 Homily for Good Friday
1615 Mǝʿdān za-liqa ṗāṗāsāt Teyoflos za-tǝtnabbab ba-ʿǝlata sanuy ba-qadāmi samun ʾǝmǝnna ṣom
1616 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta bǝḍuʿ Minās samāʿt
1617 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾabbā Yāʿqob ʾeṗṗis qoṗos za-Sǝrug baʾǝnta masqal
1618 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Yāʿqob za-śālǝs sanbata krǝstiyān za-yǝtnabbab za-ṣom
1619 Homily in honour of St John the Evangelist
1620 Homily of the 24 Priests
1621 Dǝrsān za-darasa qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ ʾabbā Yāʿǝqob ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos za-Sǝrug baʾǝnta ʾAbrǝhām ʾabuna ʿarka ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer wa-baʾǝnta ʾaqǝrbotu la-Yǝsḥaq waldu wa-ʾǝffo bezawo ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ba-baggǝʿ
1623 Dǝrsān za-darasa Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq baʾǝnta Yoḥannǝs Maṭmǝq
1624 Homily on Mary
1625 Homily on Mary
1626 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Yāʿqob wa-tamayṭat Māryām tǝgbāʾ betā ʾǝm-dǝḫra zǝntu ʾǝsma baṣḥa gize tǝlad walatta Lewāwiyān
1627 Homily on Mary and Zion
1628 Dǝrsān za-anbaro labāse ʾAmlāk walda ʾabaw ḥawāryāt ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗosāt bǝḍuʿ ʾabbā ʾAtnāsyos baṭrǝyārk za-ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝryā za-darasa ba-ʿǝlata tazkāru la-bǝʾsi nabiy mamhǝra ḥǝgg za-manakosāt ʾabbā Ṗākʷǝmis ʾaba māḫbarāt
1629 Homily on Priests and Deacons who have Fallen Asleep
1630 Homily on Simeon the Priest
1631 Dǝrsān qālu za-bǝṣuʿ Yāʿqob ʾeṗis qoṗos za-Śǝrug baʾǝnta malʾak wa-fayyātāwi
1632 Homily on the Angels, God and Faith
1633 ድርሳን፡ ዘአባ፡ ያዕቆብ፡ በእንተ፡ ስብከት፡ ጌና፡ ወበእንተ፡ ማርያም፡ ወኤልሳቤጥ፡
1634 Homily on the Annunciation to Zacharias
1635 Homily on the Apostle Thomas
1636 Homily on the Archangel Michael
1637 Homily on the Archangel Michael by Timothy of Alexandria (Ḫǝdār)
1638 Homily on the Assumption of Mary
1639 Homily on the Assumption of Mary
1640 Homily on the Assumption of Mary
1641 Homily on the Banishment of John Chrysostom
1642 Homily on the Canaanite Woman
1643 Dǝrsān manāzǝz wa-fǝśśǝḥa baʾǝnta zenā qǝddāse beta krǝstiyān za-tǝʾǝmǝrt
1644 Homily on the Deceased
1645 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta ḍaʾata nafs
1646 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ Minās ʾeṗṗis qoṗos za-ʾAksum baʾǝnta qǝddǝst walādita ʾamlak dǝngǝl Māryām
1647 Homily on the Dormition of Mary
1648 Homily on the Dormition of Mary
1649 Homily on the Faith and Trinity
1650 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus masqal za-ḫaśaśat ʾƎleni nǝgǝśt ba-mawāʿǝla ʿOzyān
1651 Homily on the Four Living Creatures (general record)
1652 Homily on the Glory of Our Lady Mary
1653 Homily on the House in which the Holy Virgin lived on Mount Qusqām
1654 Homily on the Icon of Mary
1655 Homily on the Letter to Cledonius
1657 Homily on the Mystic Supper
1658 Homily on the Nativity of John the Baptist
1659 Homily on the Nativity of Mary
1660 Homily on the Passion of Our Lord
1662 Homily on the Resurrection of the Lord
1664 Dǝrsān za-ʾanbaro ʾab qǝddus Tewoflos liqa ṗāṗṗāsāt za-ʾƎlaskǝndǝryā za-yǝbe baʾǝnta beta krǝstiyānomu la-3daqiq la-ʾAnānyā wa-ʾAzāryā wa-Misāʾel ba-ʿǝlata tazkāromu qǝddus ʾama 10la-gǝnbot
1665 Dǝrsān za-qǝddǝst Māryām walādita ʾamlāk za-baʾǝntiʾahā darasa Sāwiros rǝtuʿa hāymānot
1666 Homily on the Vision of Joseph
1667 Homily on the Visit of Mary to Elisabeth
1668 Ḥudūd al-ʿālam
1669 Hulatt ya-ʿǝnbā dabdābbewočč
1670 Ḥuratu la-ʾƎskǝndǝr
1671 Ascension of Isaiah
1672 Book of Isaiah
1673 Islām wa-l-Ḥabaša
1674 Iʿtirāf al-abāʾ
1675 Itqān fī ʿulūm al-Qurʾān
1676 ʾItyoṗyā mǝn ʿaynatāstadādǝr yāsfallǝgātāl
1677 ʾItyoṗyānnā Matammā, ya-ʾaṣe Yoḥannǝs tārik ba-ʾač̣č̣ǝru
1678 Iṯyūbyā fī ʿahd Hayla Silāsī l-awwal
1679 Chronicle of Jacob of Edessa
1680 The Martyrdom of St James the Just (brother of Jesus Christ)
1681 Book of James
1682 Epistle of James
1683 Homily by Jacob (of Serug) on the visit of Mary to Elizabeth
1684 The Martyrdom of St James son of Zebedee
1685 Book of Jeremiah
1686 Epistle of Jeremiah
1688 Book of Job
1689 Book of Joel
1690 Acts of St John son of Zebedee
1691 Apocryphal Gospel ofJohn
1692 Epistles of John
1693 Gospel of John
1694 Book of Jonah
1696 Book of Joshua
1697 Maṣḥafa kufāle
1699 Judean Antiquities
1700 Book of Judges
1701 Book of Judith
1702 Kabara Afraqa
1703 Kādmās bāššāgar
1704 Kāleb
1705 Kalīla wa-Dimna
1706 Ka-yǝqǝrtā balāy
1707 Kǝbrä haymanot
1708 Kǝbra lǝdat
1709 Kǝbra nagaśt
1710 Kǝftat
1711 Kǝḥdata Sayṭān
1712 Kǝlǝtta q̄ǝna ʾab dǝfāʿāt
1713 Kǝrār sikarr
1714 Kǝśtat za-ʾaryām
1715 Kǝtāb Qǝddus
1716 Kidān za-nagh
1717 Kidān za-sark
1718 Kidāna mǝḥrat
1719 Books of Kings
1720 Kitāb ad-daḫāʾirwa t-tuḥat
1721 Kitāb al-maǧāll
1722 Kitāb al- maǧāmiʿ
1723 Kitāb al-Aġānī
1724 Kitāb al-bustān wa-qāʿidat al-ḥukamāʾ wa-šams al-ādāb
1725 Kitāb al-faqar
1726 Kitāb al-farāʾiḍ
1727 Kitāb al-fihrist
1728 Kitāb al-ʿIbar
1729 Kitāb al-īḍāḥ
1730 Kitāb al-Ilmām bi-aḫbār man bi-arḍ al-Ḥabaša min mulūk al-Islām
1731 Kitāb al-Libās
1732 Kitāb al-maġāzī
1733 Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik
1734 Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik
1735 Kitāb al-mawāʿiẓ wa-l-iʿtibār fī ḏikr al-ḫiṭaṭ wal-āṯār
1736 Kitāb al-muhaḏḏab
1737 Kitāb al-Muḥkam wal-muḥīt al-aʿẓam fī l-luġa
1738 Kitāb al-ʿunwān
1739 Kitāb al-zunūǧ
1740 Kitāb an-naṣīḥatayn li-salāmat ad-dārayn
1741 Kitāb as-Sulūk li maʿrifat duwal al-mulūk
1742 Kitāb at-tawārīḫ
1744 Kitāb Bilawhar wa-Būdāsaf
1745 Kitāb Ruǧar
1746 Kitāb ṣūrat al-arḍ
1747 Klewopātrānnā Mārkāntəwān
1748 Krǝstosǝn sǝla mamsal
1749 Krǝstəyānǝnnatǝnnā sošālizǝm
1750 Lāḥa Māryām
1751 Lamǝn ʾalsallamhum
1752 Lamǝn mota bilu
1753 Lamentations
1754 Lamp in the Darkness, The
1755 La-rās ya-taṣāfa dabdābbe
1756 Lǝbb wallad tārik
1758 Lǝfāfa ṣǝdq
1759 Legend of Abgar (general record)
1760 Legend of Abgar
1761 Legend of Habakkuk
1762 Legend of Jeremiah
1763 Ṣalot za-qǝddus Susǝnyos baʾǝnta ʾasassǝlo dawe
1764 Legend of the Finding of the Cross
1765 Legend of the Wood of the Cross
1766 Legenda aurea
1767 Lǝǧǝnnat
1768 Lǝǧǝnnat tamallǝso ʾaymaṭām
1769 Leges Homeritarum
1771 Lǝssāna Yāʿǝqob
1772 Letter of Cyriacus
1773 Letter of Peter to Clement
1774 Letter of Prester John
1776 Letter of Simeon of Bêṯ Aršâm
1777 Letter on the Appearance of the Cross
1778 Letter to Amphilochus
1779 Letter to Cledonius
1780 Letter to Epictetus Bishop of Corinthos
1781 Letter to John II
1783 Letter to the Armenians
1784 Letter to the Egyptian monks
1785 Letter to the People of Alexandria
1786 Letter to the People of Constantinople
1787 Letter to Theodosius of Alexandria
1788 Letters
1789 Letters Concerning the Death of Children
1790 Maṣḥafa mǝśṭirāta baḥrǝyāta nagara ʾǝm-qāla gabra ʾIyasus Krǝstos wa-gǝʿuza Badrān walda Simāʾon za-ʾArmānyā ba-lǝbbunā manfas qǝddus ṣǝduqa qāl
1791 Letters of Captivity
1792 Letum ʾaynagāllǝññ
1793 Leviticus
1794 Liber gentium
1795 Life of Aesop
1797 ገድል፡ ወስምዕ፡ ዘቅዱስ፡ ወብፁዕ፡ አትናቴዎስ፡ ዘብሔረ፡ ቍልዝም
1798 Life of Constantine
1799 Acts of John the Baptist
1800 Life of Joseph
1801 Life of Macrina
1802 Life of Moses
1803 Zenāhu la-qǝddus ʾabbā Ṗāwli falāsi
1804 Gadlu la-ʾab kǝbur Sāwiros liqa ṗāṗāsāt za-ʾAnṣokiyā
1805 Life of St Hilaria
1806 Liṭon za-ʾaryām
1807 ʾƎnza naʾakkʷǝto ʾǝsma ʿaqabanna
1808 Liṭon za-sark
1809 Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
1810 Lives of Eastern Saints
1811 Lives of the Prophets and the Tribes of their Origin
1812 Wangel za-Luqās
1813 Martyrdom ofLuke
1814 Maʿālim al-Hiǧratayn ilā arḍ al-Ḥabaša
1815 Maana-Faay
1817 Maʿaza qǝddāse wǝkuf...
1818 Mabāʾtā qʷǝṣri bǝ-tǝgrǝññā
1819 Maccabees, Book of (Ethiopic)
1820 Maccabees, Book of (Vulgata)
1821 Madḫal al-waǧīz fī sṭilāhāt as-sāda al-Malīkīya
1822 Madlota ʾamin
1823 Māʾbal
1824 Maftǝḥe śǝrāy
1825 Maǧmūʿ al-awrād al-kabīr
1826 Maǧmūʿal-qawānīn
1827 Magnificat
1828 Book of Odes
1829 Maḥaranna ʾAb
1830 Māḫbara malāʾǝkt wa-sabʾ
1832 Māḫbartaññočču
1833 Māḫdara bǝrhān hagara Ǧāpān
1834 Māḫleta ṣǝge
1835 Māḫleta Śǝllāse
1836 Māḫtama Salomon
1837 Makkabees
1838 Malʾaka Zaʾiyasus
1839 Malkām betasabočč
1841 Malkǝʾa ʾAmānuʾel
1842 Malkǝʾa ʾanqaṣa bǝrhān
1843 Malkǝʾa baʾatā
1850 Malkǝʾa gubāʾe
1851 Malkǝʾa ḥǝmāmāta masqal
1852 Malkǝʿa ʾItyoṗyā
1857 Malkǝʾa Māryām Ṣǝyon
1858 Malkǝʾa Māryām
1860 Malkǝʾa Mikāʾel
1862 Malkǝʾa Qʷǝsqʷām
1864 Malkǝʾa śǝʿl
1865 Malkǝʾa ṣǝge
1867 Malkǝʾa Ṣǝyon
1869 Malkǝʾa wǝddāse Māryām
1870 Malkǝʾa Yoḥānnǝs
1872 Man-ǝyu badalaññā
1873 Mangada samāy
1874 Mangǝśtǝnnā ya-ḥǝzb ʾastadādar
1875 Manhal al-aṭšān fi taʾriḫ al-Hubšān
1876 Maqannatǝwān ṭǝftā
1877 Maqśafta ḥassatāt
1878 Marbabta Salomon
1879 Marḥa ʿǝwwur
1880 Marḥa lǝbbunā
1881 Marḥa ṣǝdq
1882 Wangel za-Mārqos
1883 The Martyrdom of St Mark the Evangelist
1884 Mārqosāy wayni mǝs ḫǝmbāšāy
1885 Mars ʾamin
1886 The Martyrdom of Matthew the Evangelist
1887 The Martyrdom of Matthias
1888 The Martyrdom of St Paul
1889 The Martyrdom of St Peter
1890 Martyrdom of Pilate
1891 Zenāhomu la-sabʾa Nāgrān wa-sǝmʿomu la-qǝddus Ḫirut wa-ʾǝlla mǝslehu
1892 ቃል፡ ዘዜነዎ፡ አባ፡ ቢፋንዮስ፡ በእንተ፡ ፩መኰንን፡ ንጹሕ፡ ወፈራሄ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘስሙ፡ አስከናፍር፡
1893 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus liqa ḥarā Fāsiladas
1894 Martyrium of Elewtǝros and his mother Ǝntǝya
1895 Martyrium of Eustathius, his wife and his two children
1896 Martyrium of Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmium
1897 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddǝst wa-bǝḍǝʿt Makbǝyu wa-7daqiqā
1898 Martyrium of Mammes, Theodotus and his wife Rufina
1899 Gadla Marqoryos
1900 Sǝmʿ za-śalās danāgǝl za-ba Rome ʾǝlla ʾasmātihon Ṗisṭis wa-ʾAlāṗis wa-ʾAgāṗis
1902 Martyrium of the soldiers Arsenofis, Peter and Askirion
1903 Martyrium of Theocritus the Reader
1904 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Tewodros Banādlewos za-hagara ʾAnṣokiyā
1905 Martyrium of Yāsāy
1906 Māryām sǝbbǝḥt
1907 Maṣāḥǝfta liqāwǝnt
1908 Maṣāḥǝfta manakosāt
1910 Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik al-amṣār
1911 masālik
1912 Maṣḥaf baʾǝnta 12 ʾaʾbān
1913 Maṣḥafa ʾAksum
1914 Maṣḥafa ʾAntǝyākos
1915 Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt
1916 Maṣḥafa ʿarke
1917 Maṣḥafa ʾaślǝṭi
1918 Maṣḥafa bāḥrǝy
1919 Maṣḥafa bāḥrǝy
1921 Maṣḥafa bǝrhān
1922 Maṣḥafa dorho
1923 Maṣḥafa ʿǝraftā la-Māryām
1924 Maṣḥafa ʿǝrgatā la-Māryām
1925 Maṣḥafa falāsfā ṭabibān (general record)
1926 Maṣḥafa faws manfasāwi (General record)
1927 Maṣḥafa faws
1928 Maṣḥafa fǝlsatā la-Māryām
1929 Maṣḥafa fǝlsatu la-Takla Hāymānot (general record)
1930 Maṣḥafa fidal bǝ-zarabā tǝgrǝññā
1931 Maṣḥafa gǝnzat (general record)
1932 Maṣḥafa gǝṣṣāwe
1933 Maṣḥafa ḥāwi
1934 Mäṣḥafä Ḫǝdar
1935 Maṣḥafa ḥǝggǝgāt ʿabayt
1936 Maṣḥafa ḥǝmāmātihu wa-zenā sǝqlatu wa-qǝtlatu la-ʾƎgziʾǝna
1937 Maṣḥafa Ḥiqar
1938 Maṣḥafa kidān
1939 Maṣḥafa kidāna mǝḥrat
1940 Maṣḥafa krǝstǝnnā (General record)
1941 Maṣḥafa lǝdatā la-Māryām
1942 Maṣḥafa madḫānit
1943 Maṣḥafa maǧǝsṭi
1944 Maṣḥafa malāʾǝkt
1945 Maṣḥafa malāʾǝkt
1946 Maṣḥafa manakosāt
1947 Maṣḥafa maqdǝma kaśāte mǝśṭir
1948 Maṣḥafa Mār Yǝṣhāq
1949 Maṣḥafa mǝkr
1950 Maṣḥafa mǝsgānnā
1951 Maṣḥafa mǝśṭir
1952 Maṣḥafa mǝśṭir
1953 Mäṣḥafä mǝśṭir zäHeṗoliṭos
1954 Maṣḥafa mǝśṭira samāy wa-mǝdr
1955 Maṣḥafa milād
1956 Maṣḥafa nuzāze
1957 Book of Clement
1958 Maṣḥafa qandil
1959 Maṣḥafa qedar
1960 Maṣḥafa qǝddāse
1961 Maṣḥafa saʿātāt
1962 Maṣḥafa sawāsǝw wa-gǝss wa-mazgaba qālāt ḥaddis
1963 MäṣḥafäSäwiros
1964 Maṣḥafa Sawiros kālǝʾ
1965 Maṣḥafa sǝddat
1966 Maṣḥafa śǝllāse
1967 Maṣḥafa śǝna fǝṭrat
1968 Maṣḥafa śǝrʿāt za-waṣʾa ʾǝm-manbara Mārqos ḥawāryā ʾǝm-makāna maʿāllǝqā
1969 Maṣḥafa takāhǝdo ba-hāymānot (Zamufti)
1970 Maṣḥafa taklil
1971 Maṣḥafa tasǝʾǝlota ʾAntǝyākos
1972 Maṣḥafa tazkār
1973 Maṣḥafa tazkāru la-madḫāne ʿalam
1974 Maṣḥafa ṭefut
1975 Maṣḥafa ṭǝmqat
1976 Maṣḥafa ṭǝnta hāymānot
1977 Maṣḥafa ṭǝzzǝtā
1978 Maṣḥafa ṭomār
1979 Maṣḥafa ziq za-Gʷandar
1980 Maṣḥafa č̣awātā śǝgāwi wa-manfasāwi
1981 Maṣḥafa ṗāṗṗās
1982 Maṣḥafa ḍaḥāy
1983 Maṣḥafa ʿǝraftā wa-fǝlsatā
1984 Maṣḥeta ʾamin
1985 Maṣḥeta ʾItyoṗyā, per.
1986 Maṣḥeta lǝbbunnā
1987 Maṣḥeta Salomon
1988 Matḥaf
1989 Mawaddǝs
1990 Mawāśǝʾt
1991 Mawlid
1992 Mawlid šaraf al-ʿālamīn
1993 Mawlūd ar-rāʾiq fī mawlid sayyid al-ḫalāʾiq
1994 Mazgaba hāymānot
1995 Mazgaba qālāt
1996 Mazgaba qǝddāse
1997 Mazgaba tārik
1998 Mazgaba dǝggʷā
1999 Mazmur tagādālāy
2000 Mazmura Dāwit
2001 Mazmura fǝśśuḥān wa-ṣalota tǝkkuzān
2002 Mazmura Krǝstos
2003 Mazmura Krǝstos
2004 Mazmura Krǝstos
2005 Mazmura Krǝstos
2006 Mazmura lǝdat
2007 Mazmura Salomon
2008 Mǝlkǝʿām sayfa nabalbāl
2009 Memnon
2010 Mǝntanu ʾaʿāssǝyakki
2011 Mǝšat mǝšat marʿā
2013 Mǝśṭira ʾaʿbān
2014 Mǝśṭira Dāwit
2016 Mǝśṭira ṣǝgeyāt
2017 Mǝśṭira Śǝllāse
2018 Minās
2019 Misbaḥa
2020 Misk al-aḏfar fī manāqib sayf al-ḥaqq aš-šayḫ Gaʿfar
2022 Monastic Collection
2023 Moraš
2024 Mota Muse
2025 Muʿǧam al-buldān
2026 Muʿǧam aṣ-ṣaġīr
2027 Muʿǧam mā istaʿǧama
2028 Muḫtārl-ḥikam wa-maḥāsin
2029 Muḫtaṣar
2030 Murūǧ aḏ-ḏahab wa-maʿādin al-ǧawhar
2031 Musnad
2032 Muṣṭafā
2033 Mǝʾǝllād
2034 Anaphora of Our Lady Mary by Gregory
2035 Cycle of Jeremiah
2037 Anaphora of Our Lady Mary by Gregory or Nathaniel
2038 The Second Anaphora of St Gregory
2039 The Second Anaphora of Our Lady Mary by Cyril
2040 Anaphora of St Gregory of Nyssa
2041 Nagar baʾǝnta ʾǝlla yǝkǝḥǝdu tǝnśāʾe mǝwwǝtān
2042 Nagar baʾǝnta mot
2045 Nagara ʾastarʾayot masqalu ʿābiy la-ʾǝgziʾǝna wa-ʾamlākǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos ʾama 8 la-ḫǝdār ba-mawāʿǝla Qʷasṭānṭinos nǝguś ʿābiy mahaymǝn ḫer
2047 Nagara gubāʿe za-ʾabaw
2048 Nagara hāymānot
2049 Nagara madḫanit ʾǝm-qālāta Māri ʾEfrem
2050 Nagara manakosāt
2051 Nagara Māryām
2052 Colloquy of Moses with God on Mount Sinai (Christian recension)
2053 Nagara sanbat
2054 Nägärä wäg
2055 nägś
2057 Book of Nahum
2058 Nasabuhu š-šarīf
2059 Našq al-azhār fī aǧāʿib al-aqṭār
2060 Naturalis historia
2061 Navigationi et viaggi
2062 Nawādir
2063 Nawādir al-falāsifa
2064 Nāy daqqi Māryām maṣḥaf
2065 Nay ǝgzǝʾǝtǝnä Maryam
2066 Nay fidälatna mǝrmäran ḥaddis amähahǝran källo nǝbabatǝn ṣǝwṣǝwayatǝn
2067 Nay haḍäy Tedros traǧädi
2068 Nǝʾǝgziʾabǝḥer zǝssǝʾano nägär yälbon tǝnsaʾen ʿawätǝn
2069 Nǝgǝśtä Azeb
2070 Book of Nehemiah
2071 Nǝmän-ǝyyu zǝnägro
2072 New Testament
2073 Nǝzǝtäʿaskärä nǝḥadä mänʾǝsäy zirǝʾi ḥadä zanta
2074 Gospel ofNicodemus
2075 Book of Numbers
2077 Nuzhat al-asrārwa-ṭahārat al-aqḏār
2078 Nuzhat al-malik wal-mamlūk fī muḫtaṣar sīrat man walā Miṣr min al-mulūk
2079 Nuzhat al-muštāq fī iḫtirāq al-āfāq
2080 Nuzhat al-ʿumr fīt-tafḍīl bayna l-bīḍ was-sūd wassumr
2082 ʾO za-waradka...
2083 Octateuch
2084 Oda Oak Oracle
2085 On (the Life and Decollation of) John the Baptist
2086 On Adam’s Disobedience
2087 On Asia
2088 On Creation
2089 On Fasting
2090 On Fasting and Almsgiving
2091 On Fasting and Meekness
2092 On Fasting and Peace
2093 On Herodias
2094 On Holy Communion
2095 On How Our Lord Christ was Baptized
2096 On How Our Lord Observed Hosanna
2097 Dǝrsān za-darasa Rǝtuʿā Hāymānot baʾǝnta ḥǝḍata ʾaʾǝmrotu
2098 On Judas Iscariot
2099 On Measures and Weights
2100 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta ḥǝmāmātihu la-Krǝstos
2101 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta nǝssǝḥā
2102 On Penitence
2103 On Silence
2104 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta Tomās ḥawāryā
2105 On Strengthening the Faithful in their Belief in Jesus Christ
2107 On the Annunciation to Mary by Gabriel
2108 On the Appearance of God in the Old Testament and Christ in the New
2109 On the Ascension of Our Lord
2111 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta ṭǝmqatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
2112 On the Beheading
2113 On the Birth of God from Mary
2114 On the Charisms
2115 On the Circumcision of John the Baptist
2116 On the Passion of our Lord and the Thief
2117 On the Crucifixion
2118 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot za-darasa baʾǝnta motu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos gize 9 saʿat ba-ʿǝḍa masqal
2119 On the Dormition of John the Baptist
2120 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta qǝddǝst Fāsikā
2121 Nagarāt baʾǝnta 8ḫǝllināt za-ʾab Wagris
2122 On the Fig Tree
2123 On the Flight of the Holy Family
2124 Dǝrsān za-4 ʾǝnsǝsā kǝburān
2125 Dǝrsān za-darasa Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq ... baʾǝnta kǝbru la-Yoḥannǝs maṭmǝq
2126 Sǝmʿu la-ʿābiy mamhǝr kǝbur Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq yǝnaggǝr sǝbḥatā wa-kǝbrā la-zātti beta krǝstiyān...
2128 On the Holy Spirit
2129 On the Honoured Springs of Israel which are Peter and Paul
2130 On the Incarnation of the Logos
2131 On the Incarnation of the Son
2132 Baʾǝnta kʷǝnnane ḫāṭǝʾān
2133 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝṣuʿ Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq tǝrgʷāmehu la-ʾabuna za-ba-samāyāt
2134 On the Making of Man
2135 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta lǝdatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
2136 On the Nativity of John the Baptist
2137 On the Paraclete
2138 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta farasāwi wa-maṣabḥāwi
2139 On the Red Sea
2140 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta ʾAlʿāzār za-ʾanśǝʾo ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾǝm-mǝwwutān
2141 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta sāmǝrāwit
2142 On the Saying of Christ "If it be Possible, Let this Cup Pass from Me"
2143 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta bǝʾsit ḫāṭǝʾǝt ʾǝnta qabʾato la-ʾǝgziʾǝna
2144 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta ʿaśru danāgǝl
2145 Dǝrsān za-kama tawallaṭa rāʾǝyu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ba-wǝsta Dabra Tābor
2147 On the Venerable Cross
2149 On the Washing of the Feet
2150 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta kabkāb za-kona ba-Qānā za-Galilā
2151 On Virginity
2152 On the Visit of Mary to John the Baptist
2153 ʿOnāyn Lagʷāyn
2154 One thousand and one nights
2155 Onomasticon
2156 Oratio ad dominas
2157 Oratio dominica
2158 Oratio universalis
2161 Oromay
2162 Os cus de Judas
2163 TheOther War
2164 Book ofParables
2165 Paradise of the Fathers
2166 Handing over of Pilate
2167 Tarafa nagar za-Bārok za-ʾi-kona ḫǝbuʾa za-ʾama yǝḍewawu Bābilon
2168 Our Father
2169 Maṣḥafa zenāhomu la-ʾabaw
2170 Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
2172 Pesiqta Rabbati
2173 Peṭirat Mośe
2175 Polätikanna polätikäññočč
2177 Prayer for the Peace of the Soul of a Deceased Person
2178 Prayer of Blessing of Baptismal Water for the Feast of the Epiphany
2179 Prayer of Cyprian (generic record)
2181 Prayer of Thanksgiving
2182 The Preaching of St Andrew
2183 The Preaching of St Bartholomew
2184 The Preaching of St James the Just (brother of Jesus Christ)
2185 The Preaching of Judas Thaddeus, brother of Christ
2186 The Preaching of St Peter
2187 The Preaching of St Philip
2188 Preaching of St Simon the son of Cleopas, surnamed Judas or Nathaniel
2189 The Preaching of St Thomas
2190 Precepts of the Old Testament
2192 Profitable Compiler. Abridgement of the Explication of the Truth of the Faith
2193 Prophecy of Jeremiah Told to Pashhur
2194 Biblical Books of Prophets
2195 Proverbs
2198 Qäfowǝn attǝnkut
2199 Qalä gǝzat
2200 Qāla hāymānot
2201 Qalä nuzaze
2202 Qäññ Geta Yoftahe neguśe, aḉḉǝr yäḥǝywätǝnna
2203 Qännona Abulidǝs
2204 Qännona mänäkosat
2205 Qānūn al-masʿūdi fī l-hayʾa wan-nuǧūm
2206 Qärin gärrämäw
2207 Qaṣīdat al-burda
2208 Qawānīn al-mulūk
2209 Qimäñña baḥtawi
2210 Questions of Bartholomew
2212 Questions of Theodore
2213 Rabīʿ al-qulūb fī ḏikr manāqib wa-faḍāʾil sayyidinā aš-šayḫ Nūr Ḥusayn
2215 Rāʾǝya Sinodā
2216 Rāʾǝya taʾammǝr
2217 Rafʿšaʾn al-ḥubšān
2218 Rašāʾi al-Mīrġanīya
2219 Rǝʾǝsä mäṣaḥǝft
2220 Refutation of the Synod of Chalcedon
2221 Rǝtuʿ wa-ṣǝdǝq yǝdallu…
2222 ርቱዐ፡ ሃይማኖት፡
2223 riḥla
2224 Riḥlat al-Ḥabaša
2225 Riyāḍ aṣ-Ṣāliḥīn
2226 Romance of Alexander
2227 Rule ofMaḫbärä Śǝllase
2228 Rules of Pachomius
2229 Book of Ruth
2230 Saʿātāt za-gǝbṣ
2231 Saʿātāt za-maʿālt
2232 Salve Regina
2234 Saḥǝl
2235 Salāma ḥǝmāmāt
2236 Salāma qǝddusān
2238 Ṣalāt ʿalā an-Nabī
2240 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿayna ṭǝlā
2241 Ṣalot baʾǝnta burāke manbar
2242 Ṣalot baʾǝnta maʾǝsara ʾagānǝnt
2243 Ṣalot baʾǝnta masṭǝma ʾagānǝnt
2245 Ṣalot za-ṣallaya Yǝsḥaq Soryāwi
2246 Ṣalot za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām ba-Dabra Golgotā
2247 Ṣalot za-zawatǝr
2248 Ṣalota ʾakkʷatet za-Bāsǝlyos
2250 Ṣalota Dānǝʾel nabiy sǝbḥat za-ʾǝm-ʾAzāryā
2251 Ṣalota ʿƎnbāqom nabiyy
2252 Ṣalota ʿǝṭān
2253 Ṣalota fattǝto
2254 Ṣalota fǝtḥat
2255 Ṣalota ḥaddisān
2256 Ṣalota ḥāmus
2257 The Prayer of Hannah, mother of Samuel the Prophet
2258 The Prayer of Hezekiah, King of Judah
2259 Song of Isaiah
2260 Ṣalota kidān
2261 Ṣalota maʿassǝbān
2265 The Prayer of Manasseh
2266 Ṣalota mǝnkʷǝsǝnnā za-yǝtnabbab laʿla danāgǝl
2267 Ṣalota nǝssǝḥā
2269 Ṣalota qǝddus ʾabbā ʾƎnṭonǝs
2270 Ṣälotä Säʿatat
2271 Ṣalota śalastu daqiq
2272 Now you dismiss
2273 Ṣalota taklil
2274 The Prayer of Jonah
2275 Song of Zachariah
2277 The Prayer of Moses
2278 Second Prayer of Moses
2279 Śalsawi Dawit
2280 Šams al-Maʿārif
2281 Taʾammǝra Śǝllāse
2282 Taʾammǝra Śǝllāse
2284 Säqäqänǝš ǝsat
2285 Saqoqāwa dǝngǝl
2286 Zenā nagaromu la-Śǝllāse
2287 Saqoqāwa nafs
2288 Ṣärä koloniyalist
2289 Ṣärä Maryam
2290 Teaching of Jacob
2291 Šawāhid
2292 Sawāsǝw za-Qerǝllos
2293 Sawāsǝw (general record)
2294 Säwǝnna ǝwqät
2295 Sayfa malakot
2296 Sayfa Śǝllāse
2297 Scholia
2298 Sǝbḥata ʾaqarrǝb
2299 SǝbḥatäƎgziʾabǝḥer
2300 Sǝbḥata fǝqur
2301 Sǝbḥata nagh
2302 Sǝbḥatatä mäḫalǝy
2304 Sǝdätäñña gǝṭǝmočč
2305 Chronicle of Seʿert
2306 Ṣǝggeräda bǝʾǝr:yägǝṭǝmočč mädbäl
2307 Šǝgom ḥadgäy ḥarǝnnät ʿǝyyu
2309 šǝlläla
2310 śǝllase
2311 Sǝmʿa Ṗilaṭos
2312 Sǝmmǝntyoš qǝne
2313 Šǝmmiya
2314 Śǝna fǝṭrat (General record)
2315 Sǝnkǝfre
2317 Senodos
2318 Sentences to the monks
2320 Śǝrʿat Adkämä Mǝlgaʾ
2321 Śǝrʿat Akkälän Guzayn
2322 Śǝrʿat Karnǝššǝm
2323 Śǝrʿat Loggo Särda
2324 Śǝrʿat Loggo Ḉǝwa
2325 Śǝrʿat Mǝʿem Mäḥaza
2326 Śǝrʿāt za-ʾagbǝʾo tābota wǝsta beta krǝstiyān
2327 Śǝrʿāta ʾabaw manakosāt
2328 Śǝrʿatä abäw
2329 Śǝrʿatä ʿaśirä mänäkosat
2330 Śǝrʿāta beta krǝstiyān ʾama qǝddāsehā
2331 Śǝrʿatä betä krǝstiyan läʾǝgziʾabǝḥer
2332 Śǝrʿāta beta krǝstiyān
2333 Śǝrʿatä fǝḫrät
2334 śǝrʿatä gädam
2335 Śǝrʿāta gǝbǝr
2336 Śǝrʿatä gǝbṣ
2337 Śǝrʿāta gʷǝzo
2338 Śǝrʿatä maḫbär
2339 Śǝrʿatä maḫlet
2340 Śǝrʿatä mänäkosat
2341 Śǝrʿāta mangǝśt (general record)
2342 Śǝrʿāta mǝnkʷǝsǝnnā (general record)
2343 Śǝrʿatä mǝśtirä nǝssǝḥa [nuzaze]
2344 Śǝrʿatä mǝśtirä täklil
2345 Śǝrʿatä qännona
2346 śǝrʿatä qǝbʾatä meron
2348 Śǝrʿāta qʷǝrḥat
2349 Śǝrʿatä śimät zäsǝyyumanä betä krǝstyan ityoṗyawit
2350 Śǝrʿāta śimata mǝnkʷǝsǝnnā
2351 Setäñña adari
2352 Short Chronicles
2353 Ṭǝbaba Sābelā
2354 Sibylline Oracles
2355 Ṣifat ǧazīrat al-ʿarab
2356 Silsilat at-tawārīḫ
2358 Book of Sirach
2359 Sīrat al-Ḥabaša
2360 Sīrat rasūl allāh
2361 Ṣoma dǝggʷā
2362 Song of Songs
2363 Statutes of the Apostles
2364 Story of King Dämatyanos of Lebanon and of Gigar, The
2365 Story of Melchizedek
2366 Story of the Magi
2367 Story of the Passion Revealed to Three Women Sarah, Salome and Mary Magdalene
2368 Story of the Wood of the Cross
2369 Ṣubḥ al-aʿšā fī ṣināʿat al-inšāʾ
2370 Sulāyman al-Ḥakīm
2371 Ṣuwar al-aqālīm
2372 Sylloge
2373 Sylloges
2374 synápheia
2375 Sǝnkǝssār (General record)
2376 Synodal Letter by Cyriacus of Antioch
2377 Ṭomāra malʾǝktu
2378 Synodal Letter by Theodosios of Antioch
2379 Synodus Alexandrina
2380 Šaǧarat al-yakīn
2382 Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus
2383 Täʾammǝrä mädḫane ʿaläm
2384 Taʾammǝra Māryām
2385 Täʾammǝrä Maryam wäʾiyäsus
2386 Taʾammǝra Minās
2387 Taʾammǝra Rufāʾel
2388 Taʾammǝra Śǝllāse
2389 Täʾammǝrä ṣǝyon
2390 Täʾammǝrä Sinoda
2391 Täʿaqǝbo mǝsṭir
2392 Tabāraka
2393 Ṭabiba ṭabibān
2394 Täfäśśǝḥi Maryam
2395 Tāǧ at-tafāsīr li-kalām al-malik al-kabīr
2396 Tagśāṣa Salomon
2397 täkle
2398 Talallaq säwočč
2399 Ṭälfo bäkise
2400 Talmid
2401 Talmud
2402 Tanbīh an-nāʾimin
2403 Tanbīh, Kitāb at-
2404 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-qǝddus Yāʿqob za-Śǝrug
2405 Tanwīr al-ġabaš
2406 Täqqǝlǝnna särawitu
2407 Taqwīm al-Buldān
2408 Tärät tärät yämäśärät
2409 Targûm šēnî
2410 Taʾrīf bil-muṣṭalaḥ aš-šarīf
2411 Taʾrīḫ
2412 Taʾrīḫ al-Īrītriyā
2413 Taʾrīḫ al-Islām fī l-Ḥabaša
2414 Taʾrīḫ al-kanāʾis wal-adyira
2415 Taʾrīḫ ar-rusul wal-mulūk
2416 Taʾrīḫ-i-guzīda
2417 Tariḵ Ityoṗya
2418 Tarik tǝwlǝddä mänäkosat
2419 Tarik zägalla wäraʾǝyä Lǝbnä Dǝngǝl
2420 Tariḵ zähagärä Gamo
2421 Tarikä nägäśt
2422 Tārika nagaśt
2423 Tarikä zämän zädagmawi Mǝnilǝk
2424 Tarikǝnna mǝssale
2425 Tašrīf al-ayyām wal-ʿuṣūr fī sīrat al-malik al-Manṣūr
2426 Ṭaṭäññaw täwanay
2427 Täwaśǝʾo zänǝguś Gälawdewos
2428 Tawhīd inna fiqh
2429 Ṭaytu Bǝṭul
2430 Ṭäyyaqi
2431 Täzkarä mädḫǝn
2432 Teaching of the 318 Nicene Fathers on the right faith and the monastic life
2434 Tǝʾǝzāz za-ʾabuna qǝddus ʾabbā ʾƎnṭonǝs la-daqiqu
2435 Tǝʾǝzazä mänäkosat
2436 Tǝʾǝzāza sanbat
2437 Tǝʾǝzazat
2438 Ṭǝggät lam
2439 Tǝkkusat
2440 Tǝllǝqu dañña
2441 Tǝllǝqu Ǝskǝndǝr
2442 Tǝmhǝrt za-ʾabbā ʾƎnṭonǝs
2443 Tǝmhǝrtä haymanot
2444 Tǝmhǝrta ḫǝbuʾāt
2445 Tǝmhǝrtä krǝstiyan
2446 Tǝmhǝrtä Krǝstos
2447 Tǝmhǝrti krǝstǝnna
2448 Tǝmhǝrti qwǝṣri
2449 Teodros
2450 Ṭǝqǝm yalläbbät ḉäwata
2451 Ṭǝqur anbäsa
2452 Tǝrgʷāme fidalāt
2453 Tǝrgʷāme lamār Yǝsḥāq
2454 Tǝrgʷāme maṣḥāfa Salomon…
2455 Tǝrgʷāme qalamis
2456 Tǝrgʷāme wangel
2457 Testamentum Adami
2458 Zenāhu la-Yosef
2459 Testament of Reuben
2460 Testament of Solomon
2461 Testamentum Domini
2462 Testamentum Domini in Galilea
2463 Testamentum Novum
2464 Tetrabiblos
2465 Tǝzzǝta
2466 Tǝzzǝta
2468 Tiburtine Sibyl
2469 Epistles ofTimothy
2470 To Abladius
2471 Treatise to Eulogius
2472 To the Greeks
2473 Tobit, Book of
2474 Ṭomarä tǝsbǝʾǝt
2475 Ṭomare Paris
2476 Tome to Theodora
2477 Pentateuch
2478 Traditio Apostolica
2479 Transitus
2480 Treatise on Baptism
2481 Treatise on the First Four Councils
2482 Tuḥfāt al-albāb
2483 Uns al-muhaǧ wa-rawḍ al-furaǧ
2484 ʿUnwān aš-šarīf
2485 Vienna Protology
2486 Vision of the Righteous Enoch
2487 Vision of Theophilus of Alexandria on the Mount Qʷǝsqʷām
2490 Gadla ʾabaw wa-ʾaḫaw ʾǝlla nǝburān wǝsta Dabra Garzen
2491 Vita Pachomii
2492 Vita Sinuthii
2493 Wädaǧǧe lǝbbe
2494 Wäddi Ḥadärä:kab Badǝmä nab Saḥǝl
2495 Wäddi Waʿǝro
2496 Waʿǝla Šobʿattä ʿAnsäba zämat taḥtay
2497 Wägaḥta naṣǝnnät
2498 Wägʿi lǝbbi
2499 Wägʿi qäddamot
2500 Wänǧeläññaw dañña
2501 Wärqǝha
2502 Wäṭäṭo ǝndabboy ʿAndu
2503 Way anä däqqi – säʾan mǝmǝlkatʾdo
2504 wazema
2505 Wǝddāse ʾAmlāk
2506 Wǝddāse dǝngǝl
2507 Wǝddase ǝmqalä näbiyat
2508 Wǝddāse ḥawāryāt
2509 Wǝddāse Māryām
2510 Wǝddāse masqal
2512 Wǝddāse wa-gǝnāy la-masqal
2514 Wisdom of Bagor
2516 Ṭǝbaba Salomon
2517 Yaa nabi
2518 Yäʾafrika ḍäḥay
2519 Yäʿaläm nǝguś
2520 Yäʿaläm tarik
2521 Yäʿaläm tarik käfǝṭrät ǧämmǝro ǝskä zämänaččǝn dǝräs
2522 Yäʾamarǝñña fäliṭočč
2523 Yäʾamarǝñña yäǧiʾografi mäzgäbä qalat
2524 Yäʿand geta astäwayǝnnät
2525 Yäʾaradaw Taddäsä
2526 Yäbädäl fǝṣṣame
2527 Yäbägäna mäzmur
2528 Yabbatočč ḉäwata
2529 Yäbǝrhan fǝqre
2530 Yädäm dǝmṣ
2531 Yädǝḵočč kätäma
2532 Yäʿǝnsǝsat agälgǝlot
2533 Yäʿǝwqät bǝllǝḉta
2534 Yäfǝqǝr ḉorra
2535 Ya-fǝtḥā nagaśt tǝrgʷāme
2536 Yäfez doktor
2537 Yägalla tarik yäšäwa mäng��ǝśt
2538 Yägalla zämän ǝgziʾabǝḥer yäsäṭṭäw 200 ʿamät näw
2539 Yägäṭärwa fana
2540 Yägetaččäw mistočč
2541 Yägǝṭǝm gubaʾe
2542 Yägoǧǧam tarik
2543 Yägondäre Gäbrä Maryamaṭǝto magñät
2544 Yäḥabäša ǝnna yäwädäḫwala gabǝčča
2545 Yäḥaǧǧǝnna ʿumra guzo śǝnä śǝrʿat
2546 Yäḫaylä Śǝllase aḉḉǝr tarik
2547 Yaḥǝllina däwäl
2548 Yaḥǝlm ruḉḉa
2549 Yäḥǝywät tarik bäḫwala zämän lämminäsu lǝǧočč mastawäqiya
2550 Yähod amlaku qǝṭat
2551 Yäʾityoṗya aḉḉǝr tarik
2552 Yäʾityoṗya Ḥǝzb Nafqot
2553 Yäʾityoṗya ḥǝzb tarik
2554 Yäʾityoṗya nägäśt tarik
2555 Yäʾityoṗya nǝgǝśtat tarik
2556 Yäʾityoṗya tarik
2557 Yäʾityoṗyanna yäʾiṭalya ṭorǝnnät aṭe Mǝnilǝkǝnna aṭe Tewodros
2558 Yäkärmo säw
2559 Yäkidanä Qal tiyatǝr
2560 Yalačča gabǝčča
2561 Yälǝbb ḥassab:yäbǝrhanǝnna yäṣǝyon mogäsa gabǝčča
2562 Yälǝʿǝlt wäyzäro Mänän mängäd. Bäʾiyärusalemǝnna bämǝsr
2564 Yälmǝžat
2565 Yämäkka mädina guzo mǝsṭir
2566 Yämäkkära däwäl käMǝṣǝwwa ǝskä Mätämma
2567 Yämäññǝta ǝnnat
2568 Yamarǝñña qalat
2569 Yämayḉäw zämäčanna yäguzow tarik
2570 Yänǝgǝśtä azeb tarikawi guzo
2571 Yäpatris Lumumba asazzañ ammwammwat
2572 Yäqäyy kokäb ṭǝrri
2573 Yäqǝne käwakǝbt
2574 Yäqǝṭat maʿbäl
2575 Yäras Gobäna tarik
2576 Yärom awwädadäq
2577 Yaṣe Täklä Giyorgis yaṣe Yoḥannǝs tarik
2578 Yäṣǝḥuf ṭǝbäb mämmäriya
2579 Yäsetwan fätäna
2580 Yäši
2581 Yäšoḵ aklil
2582 Yätangut mǝsṭir
2583 Yätarik mastawäša
2584 Yätäsfa ǝgǝr bǝrät
2585 Ya-tǝmhǝrtǝnnā ya-tamāri bet tǝrgʷǝm
2586 Yätǝnbit qäṭäro
2587 Yätǝwlǝde mäzmur
2588 Yätewodros ʿǝnba
2589 Yätewodros tarik
2590 Ya-wangel tǝrgʷāme
2591 Yäyoḥannes wängel mägbiya
2592 Yä-Ḉamut šǝka
2593 Yǝdräs lä-wändǝmme lämmalawqǝh
2594 Yǝh mäṣaf yämmiṭäqqǝm mädḫanit yämminägǝr näw
2595 Gadla rǝʾǝsa nagaśtāt Yosṭos wa-ʾAboli waldu wa-Tāwǝklǝyā bǝʾsitu
2596 Yi Fiqma
2597 Yinay Yibaaxo Yaqassinay
2598 Josippon
2599 zäʾamlakǝyä
2600 Ẓafar al-wālih bi-muẓaffar wa-ālihī fī taʾrīḫ Kuǧarāt
2601 Zähagär wägäbäzä Aksum
2602 Zändo sinägś
2603 Zännäbäčč
2604 Zanta Ṣäʿazzägan Hazzägan
2605 Za-yǝnaggǝś
2606 Zǝḥaläfä nǝbrät Ertǝra
2607 Zǝkrä nägär
2608 Zǝkrä ṣadǝq
2609 Zemeča
2610 Zǝmmāre
2611 Zenā ʾabaw qǝddusān
2612 Zenā bǝʾsit za-ʿƎfrat
2613 Zenā Dabra Libānos
2614 Zenā Dabra Sinā
2615 Zenā ʿǝrgatā
2616 Zenā ʾƎskǝndǝr
2617 Zenā kidānomu la-ṣādǝqān
2618 Zenā Lālibalā
2619 Zenā la-Māryām wa-fǝlsatā
2620 Zena Lǝssan
2621 Zenā maṣāḥǝfta bǝrānnā
2622 Zenā Mazmura Dǝngǝl
2623 Zena nägäromu läśǝllase
2624 Zena Narga
2625 The story of Secundus, King Hadrian's sage and of his teachings, his wisdom and his dialogue
2626 Zena Ṣǝyon
2627 Zenā zǝkra sǝmu
2628 Zena ḍǝnsäta wälǝdäta
2629 Zenahu lägalla
2630 Zenahu läqerlos
2631 Zenahu lätewoflos
2632 Zǝnnan tärätǝn mǝsselan nay qäddamot
2633 Zosimos, Narrative of
2635 Ḍawana nafs
2636 ʿAśärtu täsƾʾǝlotat
2637 Deuteronomy
2639 Canons of S. Simon the Canaanite (1st recension)
2640 Canons of SS. Matthew and Simon
2641 Canons of SS. Peter and Paul
2642 Canons of the apostles
2643 Canons of S. Paul 1
2644 Canons of S. Paul 2
2645 ወካዕበ ፡ በእንተ ፡ እለ ፡ ተጸውዑ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምሳሕ ፡ ወተዝካረ ፡ ሙታን ።
2646 ወካዕበ ፡ ነገሮሙ ፡ በእንተ ፡ እለ ፡ ይስደዱ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ሃይማኖት ፡ ወይጐዩ ፡ እምሀር ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሀገር ።
2647 Canons of SS. Peter and Paul
2648 Canons of St Paul
2649 Canons of the Church Councils
2650 Canons of the Council of Nicaea I
2651 Canons of the Council of Gangra
2652 Canons of the Council of Sardes
2653 Canons of the Council of Antioch
2654 Discourse on the Essence of the Holy Trinity
2655 Discourse on How to distinguish between Good and Evil
2656 Discourse on the Fear of God
2657 Discourse on the Ancient People, and Refutation of the Jews
2658 Discourse of Gregory of Armenia against the Jews
2659 Hortatory discourse to believers, who desire to walk in the path of wisdom and knowledge
2660 ʾAbsǝliṭis qanonā baʾǝnta nǝssǝḥa tǝmhǝrt za-taśarʿa ʾǝmḫaba ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
2661 Canons of the Council of Neo-Caesarea
2662 Canons of the Council of Ancyra
2663 Maḫlet for the morning of Thursday in Passion Week
2664 ʿƎzǝl for Good Friday
2665 Letter of Śarḍa Dǝngǝl
2666 Senodos: Coptic Index
2667 Ecclesiastic (apostolic) canons (71): titloi
2668 Apostolic canons (56): titloi
2669 Ecclesiastic (apostolic) canons (71)
2670 Apostolic canons (56)
2671 Canons of S. Simon the Canaanite 2nd recension
2672 Senodos: Melkite Index
2673 Apostolic Canons after Ascension
2674 Apostolic canons (81): titloi
2675 Apostolic canons (81)
2676 Apostolic canons Abṭelisāt (81): titles
2677 Apostolic canons Abṭelisāt (81)
2678 Apostolic canons Abṭelisāt (80): titles
2679 Apostolic canons Abṭelisāt (80)
2680 Canons of Clement, which he received in a letter from S. Peter
2681 Canons of the Council of Ancyra: titles
2682 Canons of the Council of Neo-Caesarea: titles
2683 Titles of the Canons of the Council of Gangra
2684 Titles of the Canons of the Council of Antioch
2685 Titles of the Canons of the Council of Laodicea
2686 Canons of the Council of Laodicea
2687 Titles of the Canons of the Council of Nicaea I
2688 Canons of the Council of Nicaea II
2689 Titles of the Canons of the Council of Nicaea II
2690 Introduction to the Council of Gangra
2691 Introduction to the Council of Antioch
2692 Penitential Canons [not to Peter]
2693 Canonical Responces by Peter of Alexandria
2694 On Ten Commandments
2695 Homily for the Wednesday of the Passion Week
2696 Homily for the Friday of the Passion Week
2697 Book of Samuel 1 = (Ethiopic) Book of Kings 1
2698 Book of Samuel 2 = (Ethiopic) Book of Kings 2
2699 Kings 1 = (Ethiopic) Book of Kings 3
2700 Kings 2 = (Ethiopic) Book of Kings 4
2701 Psalter
2703 The Third Prayer of Moses
2704 Canons of S. Simon the Canaanite (subunit)
2705 Introduction to the Gospels
2706 Introduction to the Gospels (subunit)
2709 Bǝsrāta Mātewos
2711 Bǝsrāta Mārqos
2713 Bǝsrāta Luqās
2715 Gospel of John
2716 Like not the world and what is in it...
2717 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2719 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2720 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Walatta Ṗeṭros
2721 Hymn to St Michael
2722 Malkǝʾa śǝqāyu la-Giyorgis
2723 Hymn to Pilate
2724 Hymn to Mar Benham
2725 Hymn to St Cyriacus
2726 Hymn to St Victor
2727 Hymn to St ʾAbādir and ʾIrāʾi
2728 Hymn to the Angels and the Martyrs
2729 Hymn to St Michael
2730 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2731 Hymn to God
2732 Hymn to Dioscorus and Severus
2733 Māḫbara mǝʾmanān
2734 Hymn to the Cross
2735 Hymn to ʿAbiya ʾƎgziʾ
2736 Malkǝʾa Śǝllāse
2737 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2738 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2739 Malkǝʾa lǝdatā
2740 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Jesus Christ
2741 Malkǝʾa ḥǝmāmāta masqal
2742 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Jesus Christ
2743 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Jacob who was cut in pieces
2744 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2745 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Roch
2746 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Cosmas and Damian
2747 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the innocent saints
2748 Malkǝʾa śǝʿǝl
2749 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾAskanāfǝr
2750 Malkǝʾ-hymn to God
2751 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Anthony and Macarius
2752 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Michael
2753 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Anthony
2754 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Nob
2755 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the guardian angel
2756 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist
2757 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Mercurius
2758 Malkǝʾ-hymn to king ʾIyasu II
2759 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Stephen
2760 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Hor
2761 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Michael
2762 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Michael and St Gabriel
2763 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Victor
2764 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Sarabāmon
2765 Malkǝʾ-hymn (Salām) to Phanuel
2766 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
2767 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Pilate
2768 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Philotheus
2769 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Takla Hāymānot
2770 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
2771 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Sebastian
2772 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Galawdewos
2773 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Krǝstos
2774 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Takla Hāymānot
2775 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾAboli
2776 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾAbib (Bulā)
2777 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Qirqos
2778 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Apostles
2779 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
2780 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
2781 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
2782 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist
2783 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Apostles
2784 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Cyriacus
2785 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Victor
2786 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2787 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Za-Mikāʾel ʾAragāwi
2788 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
2789 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Nob
2790 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾAbib (Bulā)
2791 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾAbib (Bulā)
2792 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2793 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2794 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2795 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
2796 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
2797 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Krǝstos
2798 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2799 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2800 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2801 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2802 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Apostles
2803 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Peter and St Paul
2804 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2805 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2806 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2807 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2808 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2809 Malkǝʾa beta krǝstiyān
2810 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2811 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2812 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2813 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Walatta Ṗeṭros
2814 Salām laki dāgǝmit samāy
2815 Malkǝʾ-hymn to king Kāleb
2816 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Apostles
2817 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the innocent saints
2818 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the martyrs of ʾAkmim
2819 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Juste and Aboli
2820 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the angels
2821 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the martyrs of Antioch and Egypt
2822 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Takla Hāymānot and others
2823 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs
2824 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the saints
2825 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the angels
2826 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Cosmas and Damian
2827 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Cherubim
2828 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Nathaniel
2829 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Thaddeus
2830 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Peter and St Paul
2831 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Mǝnilǝk II
2832 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Philotheus
2833 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist
2834 Image of Naʾakkʷǝto La-ʾab
2835 Malkǝʾa Mikāʾel
2836 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
2837 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2838 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Jesus Christ
2839 Malkǝʾa ʾIyasus
2840 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Qirqos
2841 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist
2842 Malkǝʾa masqal
2843 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Gabriel
2844 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Krǝstos
2845 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Jesus Christ
2846 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the angel Uriel
2847 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Raphael
2848 Malkǝʾ-hymn to David
2849 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Raphael
2850 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
2851 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Kiros
2852 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2853 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Nob
2854 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2855 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Philip the apostle
2856 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2857 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Job
2858 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2859 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Raphael
2860 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Qirqos
2861 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Jesus Christ
2862 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Holy Spirit
2863 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Julius
2864 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Andrew the apostle
2865 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Tādewos
2866 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2867 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Cyril
2868 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Anthony
2869 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Walatta Ṗeṭros
2870 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John
2871 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Mercurius
2872 Malkǝʾa ʾarbāʿttu ʾǝnsǝsā
2873 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Nob
2874 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Yāred
2875 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Gabriel
2876 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾAbib (Bulā)
2877 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Sarabāmon
2878 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
2879 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
2880 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Justus
2881 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
2882 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Raphael
2883 Malkǝʾa madḫāne ʿālam
2884 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Filmona
2885 Malkǝʾa Fānuʾel
2886 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Michael
2887 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Sebastian
2888 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Mercurius
2889 Malkǝʾa sanbat
2890 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2891 Malkǝʾa Māryām
2892 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Walatta Ṗeṭros
2893 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2894 Malkǝʾa Qʷǝsqʷām
2895 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2896 Malkǝʾa maṭlali
2897 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Anne
2898 Malkǝʾa beta krǝstiyān
2899 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Zena Māryām
2900 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾArsimā
2901 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
2902 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Victor and Claudius
2903 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Fathers of Nicea
2904 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
2905 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Cherubim
2906 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Peter and St Paul
2907 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the saints
2908 Malkǝʾa Śǝllāse
2909 Malkǝʾa ʿǝśrā waʾarbāʿttu kāhǝnāta samāy
2910 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
2911 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist and other saints
2912 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Jacob son of Alpheus
2913 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2914 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2915 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
2916 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Matthew the apostle
2917 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Mark the Evangelist
2918 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Jacob son of Alpheus
2919 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾabbā Garimā
2920 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Thomas
2921 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Matthew the apostle
2922 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Luke the Evangelist
2923 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2924 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Bartholomew the apostle
2925 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Jacob son of Zebedee
2926 Malkǝʾ-hymn to king ʾIyasu II
2927 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2928 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist
2929 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Andrew the apostle
2930 Malkǝʾa ʾAbuna Takla Hāymānot
2931 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2932 Malkǝʾa fǝlsatā
2933 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Holy Trinity
2934 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Raphael
2935 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Cherubim
2936 Malkǝʾa ʾarbǝʿā ḥarā
2937 La-kʷǝllon malkǝʾǝki
2938 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Tadamo
2940 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
2941 Malkǝʾa baʾatā
2942 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
2943 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Menas
2944 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the martyrs of Nāgrān
2945 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Yoḥannǝs of Bizan
2946 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Baptist
2947 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2948 Hymn to St George
2949 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2950 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2951 Hymn to the Cross
2952 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2954 Hymn to Takla Hāymānot
2955 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2956 Hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
2957 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2958 Hymn to St Victor
2959 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2960 Malkǝʾa ʾanqaṣa bǝrhān
2961 Hymn to St George
2962 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2963 Hymn to Aron the wonder-worker
2964 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2965 Malkǝʾa Gabrǝʾel
2966 Hymn to St Gabriel
2967 Ba-samāy wa-ba-mǝdr ʾalbǝya bāʿd
2968 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2969 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2970 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2971 Hymn to John the Baptist
2972 Hymn to St Stephen
2973 Hymn to St Cyriacus
2974 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Anthony
2975 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Takla Hāymānot
2976 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Aboli
2977 Hymn to St Joachim and St Anne
2978 Hymn to the prophets
2979 Hymn to St Isidore
2980 Hymn to Takla Hāymānot
2981 Hymn to the Holy Trinity
2982 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2983 Hymn to Dioscorus
2984 Hymn to St Pantaleon
2985 Hymn to the angels
2986 Hymn to Fāsiladas
2987 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2988 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2989 Hymn to Yāred
2990 Hymn to John Kāmā
2991 Hymn to the guardian angel
2992 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2993 Hymn to Jesus Christ
2994 Hymn to the angels
2995 Hymn to St Stephen
2996 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2997 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
2998 Hymn to Za-Mikāʾel ʾAragāwi
2999 Hymn to John the Baptist
3000 Hymn to St Zechariah
3001 Hymn to Walatta Ṗeṭros
3002 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3003 Hymn to Ṣǝḥma
3004 Malkǝʾa Fāsiladas
3005 Hymn to Sāmuʾel of Gadāma Wāli
3006 Hymn to St Menas
3007 Hymn to ʾAbib (Bulā)
3008 Hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
3009 Hymn to St George
3010 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3011 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3012 Bǝḍǝʿt ʾanti
3013 Hymn to the Church
3014 Hymn to ʾabbā Hor
3015 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3016 Hymn to St Justus
3017 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3018 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3019 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3020 Hymn to the Cross
3021 Hymn to St George
3022 Malkǝʾa ʾEdom
3023 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3024 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3025 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3026 Hymn to the Apostles
3027 Malkǝʾa beta krǝstiyān
3028 Hymn to John the Evangelist
3029 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3030 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3031 Hymn to the Martyrs
3032 Hymn to St George
3033 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3034 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3035 Hymn to Galāwdewos
3036 Hymn to St Stephen
3037 Hymn to the Cross
3038 Hymn to St George
3039 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3040 Malkǝʾa ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾab
3041 Hymn to Joseph
3042 Hymn to ʾabbā Sāmuʾel
3043 Hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
3044 Hymn to Za-Mikāʾel ʾAragāwi
3045 Hymn to Sarabāmon
3046 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3047 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3048 Hymn to the saints
3049 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3050 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3051 Hymn to the Holy Trinity
3052 Hymn to David
3053 Hymn to the Miracles of ʾEwosṭātewos
3054 Hymn to the saints
3055 ʾƎsaggǝd la-malakotǝka
3056 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3057 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3058 ʾƎsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki ʾǝsaggǝd laki wa-ʾǝweddǝsaki
3059 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3060 Hymn to Batra Māryām
3061 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3062 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3063 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3064 ʾƎsebbǝḥ ṣaggāki ʾo-mǝlʾǝta ṣaggā
3065 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3066 Hymn to St Qirqos
3067 Hymn to the Holy Trinity
3068 Hymn to Moses
3069 Hymn to St Mark the Evangelist
3070 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3071 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3072 Hymn to Walatta Ṗeṭros
3073 Hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
3074 Hymn to St George
3075 Hymn to St Sebastian
3076 Hymn to St Philip
3077 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3078 Hymn to ʾabbā Salāmā
3079 Hymn to ʾabbā Libānos
3080 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3081 Hymn to St Michael
3082 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3083 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer za-bǝrhānāt ʾǝgziʾabǝḥer za-śǝlṭānāt
3084 Hymn to God
3085 Hymn to Raguel the Archangel
3086 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3087 Hymn to St Menas
3088 ʾO-rǝḫrǝḫta ḫǝllinā
3089 Hymn to St George
3090 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3091 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3092 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3093 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3094 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3095 Hymn to St Cyricus and Julitta
3096 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3097 Hymn to ʾabbā Libānos
3098 Hymn to ʾAboli
3099 Hymn to Mār Bǝnhām
3100 Malkǝʾa Giyorgis
3101 Hymn to the Four Cherubim
3102 Hymn to Jesus Christ
3103 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3104 Hymn to St Julius
3105 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3106 Hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
3107 Hymn to St Cyriacus
3108 Yǝweddǝsǝwwa malāʾǝkt la-Māryām
3109 Hymn to ʾAbib (Bulā)
3110 Hymn to ʾabbā Liqānos
3111 Hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
3112 Hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
3113 Hymn to God
3114 Hymn to the Martyrs
3115 Malkǝʾa Ṗarāqliṭos
3116 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3117 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3118 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3119 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3120 ʾAkkʷateta qʷǝrbān za-Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq
3121 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
3122 Chronicle of Galāwdewos
3123 Calendar of saints, arranged according to their feast day
3124 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
3125 Saʿātāt za-nagh
3126 Ṣalot ba-3 saʿāt
3127 Ṣalot ba-6 saʿāt
3128 Ṣalot ba-9 saʿāt
3129 Ṣalot ba-12 saʿāt ba-gize sark
3130 Ṣalot ba-3 saʿāta lelit ba-gize nǝwām
3131 Ṣalot za-manfaqe lelit
3133 Salām-hymn to Zosimos from ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa
3134 Salām-hymn on Entry of Lord into Jerusalem from ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa
3135 Salām-hymn on the Passions of our Lord from ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa
3136 Salām-hymn on the Resurrection of Our Lord from ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa
3137 Salām-hymn on the Mid-Pentecost of Our Lord from ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa
3138 Nǝgǝranni sǝmaka
3141 Maṣḥafa ḥassāb
3143 Lǝdata ʾabaw
3144 Za-Hoseʿ nabiyy
3145 Za-ʾAmoṣ nabiyy
3146 Za-Mikyās nabiyy
3147 ዘአብድዩ፡ ነቢይ።
3148 Za-Sofonyās nabiyy
3149 Za-Ḥagge nabiyy
3150 Za-Zakāryās nabiyy
3151 Za-Milkǝyās nabiyy
3156 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-ʾƎsṭifānos
3157 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-Kirākos ṗāṗās za-ʾIyarusālem
3158 Sǝmʿ za-Ṗanṭalewon ʿaqqābe śǝrāy
3159 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Qoṗrǝyānos wa-qǝddǝst ʾIyusṭā
3160 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-Sargis wa-Bākkos
3161 Malʾǝkt za-Ṗilāgiyā
3162 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-Filǝyās
3163 Sǝmʿ za-Romānos
3164 Sǝmʿ za-Yoḥannǝs Daylāmi
3165 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-Minās
3166 Zenāhā la-Ṭāṭus
3167 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus ʾElewtǝros wa-ʾǝmmu ʾƎntǝyā
3168 Sǝmʿ za-Tewofǝlos Ṗāṭriqā wa-Damālis
3169 Martyrdom of Cosmas and Damian
3171 Tǝrgʷāme malʾǝkt za-bǝṣuʿ wa-kǝbur Ṗāwlos za-ṣaḥafa la-ʿƎbrāwǝyān
3177 Canon of the Doctors of the Church on those who abjure
3178 Dǝggʷā
3179 Revelation of John
3180 Anaphora by Dioscorus of Alexandria
3181 Tǝrgʷāme Ṗāwlos
3182 Tǝrgʷāme Dāwit
3183 Tǝrgʷāme daqiqa nabiyāt
3184 ʾAfa Warq
3185 Mazgaba malkǝʾ
3186 Mǝʿrāf
3187 Qāla tǝmhǝrt
3188 Liṭon
3189 Fourteen Anaphoras
3190 Tǝrgʷāme Mātewos
3191 Tǝrgʷāme Mārqos
3192 Tǝrgʷāme Luqās
3193 Tǝrgʷāme Yoḥannǝs
3194 Susanna
3195 Bel and the Dragon
3196 Ṣalot ba-nǝqwata dorho
3198 Prayer of the First Hour
3199 Maṣḥafa mǝknǝyāt
3200 Hagiographic Dossier of St ʾEwosṭātewos
3307 Hymns to Jesus Christ
3308 Nicene Creed
3309 Qerǝllos
3310 Prosphoneticus to the Emperor Theodosius II on the right faith
3311 Prosphoneticus to the Princesses Arcadia and Marina on the right faith
3312 Dialogue with Palladius on the Unity of Christ
3313 Homily by Severus of Synnada
3314 Homily by Acacius of Melitene
3315 Homily by Juvenal of Jerusalem
3316 Homily by Rheginus of Constantia
3317 Homily by Eusebius of Heracleia
3318 Homily by Theodotus of Ankyra
3319 Homily by Firmus of Caesarea
3320 Letter of the Council of Ephesus to John of Antioch
3321 Letter of John of Antioch to Cyril of Alexandria
3322 Letter of Cyril of Alexandria to John of Antioch
3323 Homily by Proclus of Cyzicus, Patriarch of Constantinople
3324 Homily by Severian of Gabala
3325 Symbol of faith by Gregory of Neocaesarea
3326 First homily by Cyril of Alexandria on Melchizedek
3327 Second homily by Cyril of Alexandria on Melchizedek
3328 Homily by Cyril of Alexandria
3329 Homily by Cyril of Alexandria
3330 Homily by Cyril of Alexandria
3331 Homily of Cyril of Alexandria
3332 Treatise on Melchizedek
3333 Treatise on the 318 Bishops of Nicaea
3334 On the birth and life of Jesus
3335 Antiheretical treatise
3336 Qǝddāse sanbat (prayer)
3337 Salām to the Saints for the canonical Hours
3491 Anathematisms by Gregory Thaumaturgus on the Incarnation
3499 1 Chronicles
3500 2 Chronicles
3501 Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
3502 Introduction to the Gospel of Mark
3503 Introduction to the Gospel of Luke
3504 Introduction to the Gospel of John
3505 Pauline Epistles
3506 Catholic Epistles
3507 First Epistle of Peter
3508 Second Epistle of Peter
3509 First Epistle of John
3510 Second Epistle of John
3511 Third Epistle of John
3512 Epistle of James
3513 Epistle of Jude
3515 Epistle to the Romans
3516 First Epistle to the Corinthians
3517 Second Epistle to the Corinthians
3518 Epistle to the Galatians
3519 Epistle to the Ephesians
3520 Epistle to the Philippians
3521 Epistle to the Colossians
3522 First Epistle to the Thessalonians
3523 Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
3524 Epistle to the Hebrews
3525 First Epistle to Timothy
3526 Second Epistle to Timothy
3527 Epistle to Titus
3528 Epistle to Philemon
3529 Daniel, Book of (includes Daniel, Susanna and Bel and the Dragon)
3530 Old Testament
3531 Chronicle of Śarḍa Dǝngǝl
3532 Commentary on the Psalms
3532 Tǝrgʷāme za-kufāle
3533 The Martyrdom of St Simon the son of Cleopas (surnamed Judas or Nathaniel)
3535 Martyrdom of St Luke
3536 The Martyrdom of St Philip
3537 The Martyrdom of Sts Andrew and Bartholomew
3538 The Martyrdom of St Andrew
3539 The Death of St John son of Zebedee
3540 The Preaching of St Matthias who preached in the country of the cannibals
3541 Book of the Acts of St James son of Zebedee
3542 The Acts of St Thomas, II
3543 Martyrdom of St James (the son of Alpheus)
3549 ʾAmmǝstu mǝgbārāt
3556 Fables of Luqmān
3557 Ṣalota rǝqet
3559 ʾAsmāta ʾǝgziʾna wa-madḫānina ʾIyasus Krǝstos
3560 Untitled Amharic treatise on the Christian faith
3561 Untitled Amharic treatise on the creation and the creatures
3562 Tǝmhǝrta ʾabaw
3563 Zenā Hāymānot
3571 Liṭon za-maḫātǝwa fāsikā
3575 Maṣḥafa saʿātāt
3576 Maṣḥafa saʿātāt
3577 Gize ṣalot
3578 Ṣalot za-qǝddus Qoṗrǝyānos
3579 Ṣalot za-Qoṗrǝyānos ba-za-yǝśǝʿʿǝr manāfǝst rǝkusān wa-ba-za-yāwaggǝz sayṭānāt
3581 Book of Ezra
3582 Ṣalot wa-ʾastabqʷǝʿot ḫaba ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām za-yǝtnabbab ba-lelit
3583 Prayer for the protection from illnesses, accidents and witchcraft
3584 Introductive exhortation to the Taʾammǝra Māryām
3585 Taʾammǝra Māryām
3586 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Hildephonsus (Dexius) of Toledo
3587 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor monk whom Mary gave a garment
3588 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a picture of Mary speaking to a worker
3589 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of ʾAḫmīm
3590 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the scribe Damianus from Philippi
3591 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Leo)
3592 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Isaac
3593 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the young girl called Mary, from Dafrā
3594 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a French painter whose scaffold was overthrown by the devil
3595 Miracle of a sick man in a hospital whom Mary carries to Jerusalem
3596 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the youth Zechariah, from Rome
3597 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Juliana and Barbara from Bethlehem
3598 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of three Arabs in Rīf and Salomon, abbot of Kalamon
3599 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the construction of a church in Jericho
3600 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind priest John from the church of St Mercurius in Cairo
3601 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man from Qʷalāsis who fought the Qʷǝz and whose eye was pierced by an arrow
3602 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Abraham, his wife Gerā and their blind daughter Elisabeth from Badramān
3603 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow and her poor daughters Maria, Martha, and Yawāhit
3604 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two scribes who were brothers
3605 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of George the Younger, who was delivered from prison
3606 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old priest Qaṭīr at ʾƎlkǝsus (al-Khusus)
3607 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two brothers Tāg and Nazīb from Dalgā
3608 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a European man with a petrified foot
3609 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the leprous Bishop Mercurius
3610 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Hartalom/Hartarom with broken legs
3611 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia, abbess of Mount Carmel
3612 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Phoenician evil man called Bārok
3613 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Anastasius, a deacon of Rome
3614 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk of the Monastery of St Samuel of Kalamon
3615 Miracle of Mary: The Story of the Cannibal of Qǝmr
3616 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor widow and her son who became a thief and was crucified
3617 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pregnant woman
3618 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the thirsty dog whom the Virgin gave water
3619 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the preservation of the Church of the Virgin in ʾAṯrīb
3622 Miracle of Mary: Homily on a potter from Syria
3623 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city destroyed by angels
3624 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man cursed by another
3625 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the founding of the Convent of Mǝṭmāq
3626 Miracle of Mary: Homily on a miracle at the Convent of Mǝṭmāq
3627 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the water reservoir at the Convent of Mǝṭmāq
3628 Miracle of Mary: Apparition of Jesus Christ to the Apostles, telling them where to build a church in honour of the Virgin
3629 Miracle of Mary: Christ makes St Peter head of the Church
3630 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an Arab chief sparing Christian pilgrims
3631 Miracle of Mary: Homily on a European man who stole the door of the cave in Bethlehem
3632 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the priest Rizqallā from Cairo by whose prayer stolen belongings of pilgrims where given back
3633 Miracle of Mary: Five Pains of the Virgin, Conversation of the Virgin and Jesus Christ; promise of salvation to those who recite the Paternoster and Ave Maria
3634 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the widow Martha and the monk Theodor of Ṣeʾednāyā
3635 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a European man who cut a piece of a miraculous picture in Ṣeʾednāyā
3636 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Theodosia, sister of Constantine, who found the cross in Jerusalem
3637 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man in Cairo who celebrated a feast for the Virgin each month
3638 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the healing of a handicapped man
3639 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an abbot who died after refusing the reading of the Miracles of Mary
3640 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a rich man who cast a loaf to a beggar and was saved by the Virgin after being condemned by Jesus
3641 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Ṗeṭros Bawārǝs who demanded to know the mystery of the trinity after building a Church to the Virgin
3642 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a pagan woman of Rome who converted
3643 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man of Cappadocia whose child was resuscitated after prayer
3644 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Martha, daughter of Fasilides, and her son Victor
3645 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of St Minas
3646 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Mark, son of the king of Rome, Gabra ʾIyasus
3647 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the patriarch Denis who asked from the Virgin to know the grave of Mark
3648 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʿAbd al-Masīḥ and Markezā
3649 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Yoḥannǝs Kǝmā who founded a Convent
3650 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk Yoḥannǝs (?) of St Macarius who had visions of the Virgin
3651 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾabbā Matewos who wounded his tongue to escape from being nominated patriarch
3652 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the drunk monk Timotewos (?), saved by the Virgin
3653 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the two monks Sadaqā and Ṗeṭros (?) of the Convent of St Victor
3655 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman from Ceasarea whom Mary helped to give birth
3657 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the monk ʾAbsādi of the Convent of ʾAbbā Sinoda
3658 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Roman monk ʾOḍ of the Convent of Kwǝzārā
3659 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Convent of Māḫǝw
3660 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor man who wanted to build a Chapel to Mary and of the buried pot of gold pieces
3661 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man without virtue who loved Mary
3662 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor woman innocently accused of having killed her child
3663 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a bandit saved by Mary after having stolen from churches
3664 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the flight of Egypt; Miracle of the sycomore of Dabra Mǝṭmāq
3665 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a city in Egypt destroyed by the curse of the Virgin
3666 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the source caused by Jesus and healing by its water
3667 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the inhabitants of a city in Egypt transformed in monkeys and hedgehogs by the Virgin
3669 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman and her family transformed into animals after having mistreated the Virgin
3670 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fountain of water caused by Jesus in Māḫḍāb while returning to Palestine
3671 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin announced by Gabriel
3672 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, healings in Jerusalem
3673 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Jews burned in Bethlehem
3674 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the apostles convene around the Virgin
3675 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Tāfonyā is sent to break the Virgin's bed and is saved by her
3676 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, apparition of Jesus on Sunday among angels
3677 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, Jesus separated the Virgin's soul from her body
3678 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the Virgin delivers condemned souls from hell
3679 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, meeting with St John
3680 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the transmigration of the Virgin, the Jews threaten to burn the Virgin's body and cut off the heads of the apostles
3681 Miracle of Mary: St John sees the Virgin in glory
3682 Miracle of Mary: The Virgin, Apostles and others receive communion by Jesus
3683 Miracle of Mary: The Virgin demands the announcement of her transmigration
3684 Miracle of Mary: St John sees the Virgin in Heaven
3685 Miracle of Mary: Miracles of the apparition of the Virgin to a sculptor and St Basil
3686 Miracle of Mary: Narration of St Basil on the apparition of the Virgin
3687 Miracle of Mary: Narration about St Basil, on a woman who killed her sister
3688 Miracle of Mary: Narration about John Chrysostom who defended Jesus' birth from the Virgin
3689 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Apparition of the Virgin to John Chrysostom
3690 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a statue of the Virgin built by Arcadius
3691 Office for the consecration of an image or statue of the Virgin
3692 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a hanged brigand resuscitated because he loved the Virgin
3693 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an evil officer at Tarsus in Cilicia who loved Mary and had an apparition of Jesus
3694 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Qirās, a brigand of Galatia, saved by Mary from hanging
3695 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the martyr ʾAbbā ʾEsi and his sister Tekla of Busir in Egypt
3696 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sāulā, wife of St George the Younger
3697 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Roman officer whose son was healed in Bethlehem
3698 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a possessed woman who is healed by Mary
3699 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an Egyptian woman healed by Mary from fever
3700 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a one-eyed woman healed by Mary in Bethlehem
3701 Miracle of Mary: Apparition of Mary and St Michael to the patriarch Timotewos at the Convent of ʾAbbā Pachomius
3702 Miracle of Mary: Story of an apparition of Jesus at the Convent of Qʷǝsqʷām to a monk called Anton (Antoine)
3703 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bifāmon of ʾAwsim who had an apparition of Mary
3704 Miracle of Mary: Martyrdom of John of Sǝnhut
3705 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Roman prefect hindered of entering the Holy Sepulchre
3706 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who receives a child after having prayed to Mary at her apparition in Maṭāriya
3707 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a gardener of Manfaluṭ
3708 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who despite her mother-in-law adored a torn image of Mary
3709 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a woman who prayed for a child and sees three sons in an apparition
3711 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an officer of Ephesus who was innocently crucified and saved by Mary
3712 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the resuscitation of the son of Tiberius, emperor of Rome
3713 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of an image of Christ, painted by St John for Tiberius, revelations by Mary to St John
3714 Miracle of Mary: Description of the second coming of Christ
3715 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Glory of the Virgin
3716 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the blind child of a woman from Cairo healed by Mary
3717 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who bathed in "the water of the Virgin" and whose soul was saved by Her
3718 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a brigand who loved Mary and whose funeral she commanded to the bishop
3719 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a poor man who loved Mary and became rich
3720 Miracle of Mary: History of the Church of the Virgin in Zǝwilā
3721 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted
3722 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾArsimā, whom Mary announced that two girls would be exempted from wordly desires
3724 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful abbot who appears a year after his death to announce his salvation by Mary
3725 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew of Constantinople punished for throwing out an image of Mary
3726 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jewish boy from Tyrus, saved by Mary from the furnace
3727 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a prince saved by Mary after being punished for having wrongly assigned an abbot
3728 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of sunken ship saved by Mary
3730 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a knight who denied Jesus but not Mary and was saved by her intercession
3732 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful widow who went to hell and later appeared at her convent and announced her salvation by Mary
3733 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a widow whom Mary told never to recite the greeting of the angel in hurry
3735 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a baptized Jewish boy called Gǝrānin saved by Mary from fire
3837 Commentary on the Passion
3838 Ṣalot baʾǝnta taʾammǝḫo qǝddusān
3839 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta hosāʿnā
3841 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta gǝbʾata maret
3843 Maṣḥafa za-waṣʾa ʾǝm-ʾIyarusālem
3848 Tǝrgʷāme qālāt za-bārakomu Muse la-daqiqa ʾƎsrāʾel
3849 Tǝrgʷāme qālāt za-kama bārakomu Yāʿqob la-daqiqu
3850 Maṣḥafa miṭata bǝrhānāta samāy
3851 We have written a computus that we will remember in order not to congregate with apostates...
3852 King list (general record)
3853 King list A
3854 King list B
3855 King list C
3856 King list D
3857 King list E
3858 King list F
3859 King list F bis
3860 King list G
3861 King list H
3862 King list H bis
3864 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Virgin Mary and the Lady Euphemia
3865 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary made a stream to reverse its course
3866 Miracle of Mary: How Nicodemus the Persian knight became a Christian
3867 Miracle of Mary: How a shoemaker's daughter called Mary was taken possession of a horse-solder, who spared her virginity
3868 Miracle of Mary: How a man forsook his wife and loved another woman who was a worshipper of the Virgin Mary and repented
3869 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused her son to appear in the form of a boy to a worshipper
3870 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and our Lord became sureties to a Jew for the debt owed to him by a certain merchant of Constantinople
3871 Miracle of Mary: How a woman consigned to the devil the son she conceived on Easter eve
3872 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary protected a philantropic merchant who had beggared himself
3873 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and St Peter saved from hell the souls of Peter the deacon and Stephen, two brothers from Constantinople
3874 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from hell the soul of an evil man who had intended to build a church in her name
3875 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary enabled a man to slay a serpent from which he took a pearl
3876 Miracle of Mary: How a bishop from St Peter's church in Rome stole holy oil and bought two pearls for Mary after having been rebuked
3877 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a young widow from a knight, who became a monk
3878 Miracle of Mary: How a knight loved a lady and prayed to Mary who appeared to him and how he became a monk
3879 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary told a treasurer of a church to kiss her cheeks
3880 Miracle of Mary: How a merchant denied Christ but not Mary, who saved him
3881 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary raised a dead knight to fight against Golyād
3882 Miracle of Mary: How an Ishmaelite was converted when he saw oil and milk flowing from the breasts of a picture of the Virgin Mary
3883 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary appeared to a young man and made him swear he would not marry and how he ran away after his father chose a bride and broke his neck
3884 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained forgiveness for a spendthrift because though he denied the Father, Christ, the Holy Ghost and the angels he would not deny her
3885 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a lady from adultery by causing her to read the Prayers for the Dead and appeared to her
3886 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave a lady who commited incest with her son and murdered their child
3887 Miracle of Mary: How a young man placed a ring on the finger of a figure of the Virgin Mary, who regarded it as a ring of betrothal
3888 Miracle of Mary: How the painted figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary bled when a Jew cast the board into a pit, how the magistrate burned the Jew alive
3889 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved the soul of a monk who was crossing a stream to visit a lover
3890 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary made the tears of a sinful maiden to outweigh her sins
3891 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary, when twelve years old, healed an epileptic
3893 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary when at Bethlehem healed king Safron and drove out devils
3894 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave Mary the Egyptian harlot
3895 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered a Muslim from prison and how he escaped to Cyprus
3896 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary fought against an ape and delivered a huntsman from death
3897 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary kept alive miners buried in a fall of earth
3898 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from prison a wrongly accused governor
3899 Miracle of Mary: The Virgin Mary and the wife who was an adultress
3900 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary smote a satan who was trying to corrupt a monk
3901 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary fed the starving monks
3902 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary healed a leper on the day of her festival
3903 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary healed a sick man by anointing him with her spittle
3904 Miracle of Mary: How the monks of a certain monastery reviled their abbot, whom the Virgin Mary carried to paradise
3905 Miracle of Mary: How a man collapsed whilst on his way to receive the Eucharist
3906 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained entry to paradise for the soul of a monk who had kept her fast annually
3907 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused the spirits of Macarius and others to appear to the monks of Scete
3908 Miracle of Mary: How an image of the Virgin Mary wept for the sins of the world
3910 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused a storm to cease and saved sheep and took the shepherd to Paradise
3911 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary with shrouded face was seen by a collector of firewood who acquired wealth through her protection
3912 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary converted a demented herdsman and delivered him from Satan
3913 Miracle of Mary: How an avaricious priest refused to leave the bed of a rich man to go to a dying woman
3914 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary administered to certain monks a celestial compound to digest their food
3915 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary rebuked a woman who gave up fasting at her husband's command
3916 Miracle of Mary: How a wealthy lady who dressed in mean attire to give alms was carried to Church by the Virgin Mary
3917 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained forgiveness for a monk who mutilated himself after he had defiled himself
3918 Miracle of Mary: How a bishop removed a priest from his office and how the Virgin Mary rebuked the bishop
3919 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the sinful deacon ʾAstirās whom Mary ordered to be buried in the believers' graveyard
3920 Miracle of Mary: How the monk Gerdan obeyed the lust of the flesh and cut his own throat and how the Virgin Mary brought his soul back to his body
3921 Miracle of Mary: How the image of the Virgin Mary in a Church bowed to the monks
3922 Miracle of Mary: How a widow forsook her duties in the Church and lived in sin, how her place had been filled by the Virgin Mary
3923 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and her Son appeared in a beehive
3924 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary sent a vision to a young man and caused him to embrace the ascetic life
3925 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from the devils the soul of an avaricious farmer who had given alms in her name
3926 Miracle of Mary: How a great king in Rome dedicated an altar to Virgin Mary and Her Child
3927 Mǝssālǝyāta Salomon
3928 Miracle of Mary: Another version of the story of Nathan the monk
3929 História da Etiópia
3939 Prayer for the first hour of the night
3940 Prayer
3941 Miracle of Jesus: Healing of the blind man by Jesus
3942 Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt
3943 Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt
3944 Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt
3945 Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾt
3946 Ṣalotāt za-saʿātāt
3947 Chronicle of Yohānnǝs I
3948 Maṣḥafa krǝstǝnnā
3949 Maṣḥafa krǝstǝnnā
3950 Chronicle of ʾIyāsu I
3951 Chronicle of Susǝnyos
3952 Maṣḥafa qandil
3953 Maṣḥafa qandil
3954 Prayer to Jesus brought by angels to a European prince
3955 Dǝrsān za-darasa ʾab kǝbur wa-qǝddus mamhǝr ʾArke Lāʾos ʾeṗṗis qoṗos za-hagara Danā baʾǝnta Gabrǝʾel liqa malāʾǝkt
3956 Dǝrsān za-darasa ʾab qǝddus ʾabbā Sāwiros ʾeṗṗis qoṗos za-hagara Fayyǝm
3957 Ṣalota burāke za-Bāsǝlyos
3958 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Tāḫśāś)
3959 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Ṭǝrr)
3960 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Yakkātit)
3961 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Maggābit)
3962 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Miyāzyā)
3963 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Gǝnbot)
3964 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Sane)
3965 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Ḥamle)
3966 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Naḥase)
3967 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Maskaram)
3968 Homily on the Archangel Michael (for Ṭǝqǝmt)
3969 Gadla Takla Hāymānot
3970 Gadla Takla Hāymānot (Ḥayq recension)
3971 Taʾammǝra Takla Hāymānot
3972 Maṣḥafa lǝdatu la-ʾabuna Takla Hāymānot
3973 Gadla Takla Hāymānot (general record)
3974 Gadla Takla Ṣǝyon
3975 Fǝkkāre fidal
3976 litany to Our Lord Jesus Christ
3977 Taʾammǝra Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
3978 ʾƎlmasṭoʾagya
3979 Maṣḥafa krǝstǝnnā
3980 Ḫʷǝlqʷa madḫanit
3981 Taʾammǝḫotā la-Māryām dǝngǝl
3982 Śǝrʿāta mǝnkʷǝsǝnnā
3983 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta tazālǝfota ʾAyhud wa-margama Yǝhudā ʾAsqorotāwi
3984 Poem to Our Lady Mary
3985 Mazmura Dǝngǝl
3986 litany to Jesus Christ
3987 Prayer of Our Lady Mary for the 16th Yakkātit
3988 litany to Our Lady Mary
3989 ʾAragāwi manfasāwi
3990 Prayer by Philoxenus of Mabbug
3991 Protective prayers attributed to Solomon
3992 Prayer
3993 Miracle of Mary (general record for a single unidentified miracle)
3994 Hāle luyā ʾaʿattǝb wa-ʾǝtnaśśāʾ
3995 Hymn
3996 Hymn
3997 Ker ʾiyǝfarrǝh
4000 Prayer to Our Lady Mary
4001 Syllabary of the Ethiopic alphabet
4002 Ṣalot za-Muse
4003 Ṣalota mogas wa-gǝrmā
4004 Prayer of Moses against the enemies
4005 Prayer against hail
4006 Taʾammǝra Giyorgis
4007 Ṣalot baʾǝnta maftǝḥe śǝrāy
4008 Book of the diadem of victory and book of the harp
4009 Naʿa ḫabeya Dāwit nǝguśa ʾƎsrāʾel
4010 Hāymānotu la-qǝddus ʿābiyy māri Yāʿqob ʾƎlbarādʿi
4011 On the twelve signs of the zodiac
4012 On various stars and their names
4013 ʿƎṭāna mogar
4014 Mǝʿdān za-ʾastagābǝʾǝwwo 7 manakosāt mǝḥurān ʾǝm-maṣāḥǝft qǝddusān
4015 Liturgy for the Feast of Epiphany
4016 Prayer of the cross
4017 Maṣḥafa faws manfasāwi (by Michael of ʾAṯrīb)
4018 Maṣḥafa faws manfasāwi (Anonymous)
4019 Caeremoniale sacerdotum
4020 Regulae de Hierarchia ecclesiastica
4021 Quaestiones de rebus ecclesiasticis subtiliores, cum solutionibus
4022 Regulae fidei et vitae
4023 Za-tanabbaya ʾabbā Nabiyud manakos za-Dabra Sihat
4024 Gadl za-qǝddus ʾArkaladǝs
4025 Nagar za-ʾabbā ʾEfrem
4026 Wǝddāse ʾǝm-qāla nabiyāt lāʿla Māryām ba-warḫa tāḫśāś
4027 Prohibitions for monks
4029 Apophthegmata by John Colobus
4030 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa (Giyorgis of Gāsǝḉḉā)
4031 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa (Zarʾa Yāʿqob)
4032 Sǝnkǝssār (Group A)
4033 Sǝnkǝssār (Group B)
4034 Sǝnkǝssār (First revision, Dabra Ḥayq ʾƎsṭifānos)
4035 Sǝnkǝssār (Second revision, Dabra Libānos recension)
4036 Wǝddāse ba-warḫa tāḫśāś qāl ʾǝm-mazmura Dāwit za-tafannǝwo
4037 Wǝddāse za-Dāwit. Qāl ʾǝm-Dāwit ba-3-hāleluyā
4038 Prayers for the blessing of meal and of thanksgiving after meal
4039 Sǝmʿ za-bǝḍǝʿt ʾƎmrāyǝs
4040 Martyrdom of Philemon
4041 Martyrdom of Theodotus
4042 Martyrdom of the forty soldiers of Cappadocia
4043 Martyrdom of ʾAfomiya (Euphemia)
4045 Miracle of Mary: How Mary provided a garment to the priest who only knew the anaphora of Mary
4046 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the widow and her son, a thief saved by Mary
4048 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the virgin whom a magistrate wanted to corrupt
4049 Gadla ʾAlāniqos
4050 Vita of Saint Bula surnamed ʾAbib
4051 Dǝrsān za-bǝṣuʿ ʾabbā Minās ʾeṗis qoṗos za-ʾAkʷsum baʾǝnta bǝṣuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾabbā Yoḥanni
4052 On the twelve hours of the night and the twelve hours of the day
4053 Prayer to Our Lady Mary
4054 Gadlo la-ʾElyās nabiyy
4056 Praise to Our Lady Mary
4057 Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (Recension I)
4058 Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (Recension II)
4059 Gadla Yāʿqob (Recension I, literal translation)
4060 Gadla Yāʿqob (Recension II, Beta ʾƎsrāʾel Version)
4061 Gadla Yāʿqob (Recension III, free translation)
4062 Gadla Yǝsḥāq (Recension I, literal translation)
4063 Gadla Yǝsḥāq (Recension II, Beta ʾƎsrāʾel Version)
4064 Gadla Yǝsḥāq (Recension III, free translation)
4065 Prayer of thanksgiving for the offering of the incense
4066 Gadla Minās
4067 Gadla ʾAbsādi za-ʾAzazo
4068 Ṣalota ʾǝnforā
4069 Gadla Sāmuʾel (Waldǝbbā): short recension
4070 Gadla Sāmuʾel (Waldǝbbā): long recension
4071 Gadla Kiros
4072 Gadla Kiros
4073 Gadla Kiros
4074 Gadla Gabra Manfas Qǝddus A
4075 Gadla Gabra Manfas Qǝddus B
4076 Gadla Gabra Manfas Qǝddus C
4077 Dǝrsān on Gabra Manfas Qǝddus and four miracles performed by him during life
4078 Collection of chants (stages before the formation of Dǝggwa, with no indication of the authorship by Yared)
4079 Dǝrsān on the childhood of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus (without miracles)
4082 Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Dabra Qʷayaṣā
4083 Prayer of the helmsman
4084 Ṣalota nagh
4085 Ṣalota nagh
4087 Chronology from Adam to Lǝbna Dǝngǝl
4088 Annals of ʾAddi Naʾammǝn
4089 Excerpt from Walda ʿAmid, Introduction to the "short chronicle"
4090 Ḫāylu Compilation (general record)
4091 Gadla Takaśta Bǝrhān
4092 ዜናሁ፡ ለአስክንድር፡
4093 Wisdom maxims following the Secundus
4094 Gadla Mazrāʾǝta Krǝstos
4095 Hymn to Jesus Christ and Our Lady Mary
4096 Amharic Explanation of words and grammatical forms (general record)
4097 Prayers for the daily hours
4098 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
4099 Maṣḥafa tǝrgʷāme fidal
4100 Māḫlǝy za-ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʿabiy ba-3 hāle luyā
4101 Salām to Jesus Christ
4102 Salām to Our Lady Mary
4103 Invocation to Our Lady Mary
4104 Prophecies and witnesses on Christ
4105 Salām to St Stephen
4106 Rhymed poem to Māʿǝqāba ʾƎgziʾ
4107 Rhymed poem to Our Lady Mary in Egypt
4108 Rhymed poem to Our Lady Mary on the eucharist
4109 Salām to Our Lady Mary
4110 Rhymed invocation to Our Lady Mary
4111 Salām to Our Lady Mary (Tafaśśǝḥi dǝngǝl tafaśśǝḥi Māryām)
4113 Supplication to God
4114 Gadla Takla Hāymānot - Dabra Libānos, first sub-recension
4115 Gadla Takla Hāymānot (Dabra Libānos recension, second sub-recension)
4116 Homily by the Righteous Bishop Basil on the Angels, God and Faith
4117 Interpretation and Symbolic Commentary on Genesis and Exodus
4118 Gadla Malkǝʾa Krǝstos
4119 The Chronicle of Emperor Tewodros II
4120 Za-targwama ʾabbā Dǝyonāsyos za-bǝḥera Mǝśrāq baʾǝnta 12 ḥawāryāt
4121 Sawāsǝwa ṭǝbab
4122 Gadla Krǝstos Bezāna
4123 Prayer to God
4124 Prayer to God
4125 Prayer to God
4127 Letter from ʾIyāsu I to Leronǝs
4128 Letter from ʾIyāsu I to Clement XI
4129 Salām to ʾEwosṭātewos
4130 Salām to Our Lady Mary
4131 Salām to Jesus Christ
4132 Invocation to ʾEwosṭātewos
4133 Invocation to Gabra Krǝstos
4134 Salām to Gabra Krǝstos
4135 Salām to Gabra Krǝstos
4136 Invocation to the archangel Gabriel
4137 Protective prayer against the demon ʾAnāse
4138 Prayer against the hail
4139 Invocation to Our Lady Mary
4140 Invocation to Our Lady Mary
4141 Invocation to Our Lady Mary
4142 Praise to Our Lady Mary
4143 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
4144 Invocation to Our Lady Mary
4145 On auspicious and inauspicious days
4146 Invocation to the Holy Trinity
4147 A Hymn to St Antony (unidentified)
4148 Salām hymn to St Antony
4149 malʾǝkt to Anthony
4150 Ṣalota qǝddus ʾabbā ʾƎnṭonǝs
4151 Praise to Our Lady Mary
4152 Eucharistic prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ
4153 Eucharistic prayer to Our Lady Mary
4154 Prayer on the holy names revealed by Jesus to the apostle Andrew
4155 12 Miracles of St Michael
4156 Prayer concerning the Hebrew letters
4157 Salām to St Michael
4158 Praise to Our Lady Mary
4159 Saragallā ʾElyās
4160 Ṣalota za-ṣallaya Mār Yǝṣḥaq
4161 Prayer of the middle of the night
4162 Invocation to Jesus Christ
4163 Prayer of faith
4164 Prayer for the morning
4165 Prayer for the entrance in church
4166 Prayer for the morning
4167 Prayer for the morning
4168 Prayer for the morning
4169 Prayer for the morning
4170 Prayer for the morning
4171 Litany for the morning
4171 litany for the morning
4172 litany for the morning
4173 Ṣalota mǝḥlǝlā
4174 Ṣalota mǝśrāq
4175 Prayer for the first hour
4176 Prayer for the second hour
4177 Prayer for the second hour
4178 Prayer for the second hour
4179 Prayer of faith
4180 Prayer for the third hour
4181 Prayer for the third hour
4182 Prayer for the third hour
4183 Prayer for the third hour
4184 Prayer for the third hour
4185 Prayer for the fourth hour
4186 Prayer for the fourth hour
4187 Prayer for the fifth hour
4188 Prayer for the fifth hour
4189 Other prayer for the fifth hour
4190 Prayer to Jesus Christ
4191 Prayer (wa-ʾasteḫāfaro la-sayṭān ba-motu ba-diba masqal)
4192 Prayer of repentance
4193 Prayer of faith
4194 Introductory prayer for the sixth hour
4195 Prayer before the Sunday oration
4196 Prayer for the sixth hour
4197 Prayer for the sixth hour
4198 Prayer for the sixth hour
4199 Prayer for the sixth hour
4200 Prayer and entreaty to the Lord
4201 Prayer to God
4202 Prayer and entreaty to the Lord
4203 Prayer of ʾabbā Bǝlo
4204 Prayer of the blessing by Henoch
4205 Prayer to Jesus Christ
4206 Prayer for the seventh hour
4207 Prayer for the eighth hour
4208 Prayer
4209 Prayer to Jesus Christ
4210 Prayer
4211 Prayer of faith
4212 Introduction to the prayers for the ninth hour
4213 Prayer before the Sunday oration
4214 Prayer for the ninth hour
4215 Prayer for the ninth hour
4216 Prayer for the ninth hour
4217 Prayer to Jesus Christ
4218 Prayer
4219 Prayer
4220 Prayer
4221 Prayer
4222 Prayer
4223 Prayer
4224 Prayer
4225 Prayer
4226 Prayer
4227 Invocation to Jesus Christ
4228 Invocation to Jesus Christ
4229 Prayer to St Stephen
4230 Conclusion of the prayers for the ninth hour
4231 Prayer for the eleventh hour
4232 Prayer for the eleventh hour
4233 Prayer for the twelfth hour
4234 Prayer for the twelfth hour
4235 Prayer for the twelfth hour
4236 Prayer for the twelfth hour
4237 Prayer to the fathers
4238 Ṣalota watr
4239 Prayer of Ephrem for the twilight
4240 Prayer of the introduction of the lamps
4241 Prayer for the twilight
4242 Prayer for the twilight
4243 Prayer for the twilight
4244 Prayer of John for the twilight
4245 Prayer for the twilight
4246 Prayer for the twilight
4247 Exhortation and invocation to God
4248 Prayer of faith
4249 Ṣalot la-baʾata bet
4250 Ṣalota bet
4251 Prayer before the time of sleep
4252 Prayer before the time of sleep
4253 Ṣalotu la-Filmon maʿanzǝr
4254 Prayer
4255 Ṣalot ba-ḫaba ḫadarka
4256 Ṣalot la-manakosāt
4257 Ṣalot la-danāgǝl
4258 Prayer of faith
4259 Prayer of Saturday
4260 Prayer of faith
4261 Prayer of the Sunday
4262 Prayer of faith
4263 Prayers for the night
4264 Liṭon za-qadām
4265 Liṭon za-ḫamus
4266 Liṭon za-ʿārb
4267 Prayer for the sleepers
4268 Liṭon za-ʾǝḥud
4269 Ṣalota wangel
4270 Ṣalota taʾammǝr
4271 Prayers for the twilight
4272 Salām-hymn to Our Lady Mary
4273 Māḫleta nabiyāt wa-wǝddāsehā la-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām
4274 ʾAkko-nu bǝʾsi
4275 Chronicle of ʿAmda Ṣǝyon
4276 Gadla ʾAnbas
4277 Miracle of Mary: On the sepulchre of Our Lady Mary, ark of those who worship her in the day of the Day of the Judgment
4279 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George, the apostles and St Sebastian
4280 Rule of Santo Stefano dei Mori
4281 Prayer of the third hour
4282 Prayer of the sixth hour
4283 Prayer of the ninth hour
4284 Prayer of the ninth hour
4285 Prayer of the twelfth hour
4286 Hymn to Jesus Christ
4287 Prayer against the thunder, the lightning and the hail
4288 Nagara qadāmi za-ḫabehomu la-manakosāt
4289 Nagar za-qǝddus Yǝsḥaq
4290 Dǝrsān za-darasa qǝddus ʾabbā Yǝsḥaq baʾǝnta taḫāśǝśo ʾamlāk wa-baʾǝnta rǝḥqo ʾǝm-ʿalam
4291 Ḥassāb ʾǝm-ʾAdām
4292 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the martyrs
4293 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the martyr Baʾǝda Mikāʾel
4294 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
4295 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Paraclete
4297 Prayer to Our Lady Mary
4298 Taʾammǝḫotā la-Māryām
4299 Prayer of Our Lady Mary to Jesus Christ at the sepulchre
4300 Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Holy Children
4301 Mazmur zaʿarb
4302 1 Maccabees, Book of (Vulgata)
4302 Protective prayer against the demons in the name of St Michael
4303 Condemnation against the poisoners in the name of Solomon
4303 2 Maccabees, Book of (Vulgata)
4304 Prayer for obtaining freedom from the enemies
4305 Prayer for obtaining freedom from the enemies
4306 Salām-hymn to the apostles and the disciples
4308 Prayers for the morning
4309 Prayer to Our Lady Mary
4310 Protective prayer containing divine names
4311 Miracle of Our Lady Mary on the end of Nestorius
4313 Prayer to Our Lady Mary
4314 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lord Jesus Christ
4315 Taʾammǝra ʾEwosṭātewos
4316 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
4317 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Matthew
4318 Commemorative list of disciples of ʾEwosṭātewos
4319 Gadla ʾEwosṭātewos
4320 Gadla ʾEwosṭātewos
4321 Gadla ʾEwosṭātewos
4322 Ṣalota māḫtam
4323 Ṣalota hāymānot
4324 ʾAsmātihu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna za-wahabo la-Ṗeṭros
4326 Encomium of Mary
4327 Prayer
4328 Ṣalota ʾarwe mǝdr
4329 ʾAndǝmtā (general record)
4330 Chronicle of Minās
4331 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
4332 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
4333 Malkǝʾ-hymn to John the Evangelist
4334 Life of Ezekiel
4336 Genealogy of the Fathers
4337 Hymn to Mary
4338 Hymn to Jesus Christ and Mary
4339 Hymn to the Trinity
4340 Prayer of Our Lady Mary to the Christ Child
4341 Prayer for the intercession of the saints
4342 Protective prayer against the snakes
4343 Prayer of Our Lady Mary to the Christ Child
4344 Prayer of Our Lady Mary to the Christ Child
4345 Prayer of Our Lady Mary in Egypt to heal Joseph's cough
4346 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾǝlla nomu
4347 Hymn to Mary
4348 ዘአፍቀረነ፡ አግዚእ፡
4349 Wāzemā Hymn
4350 Wāzemā za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs
4351 Hymn to the fruits of the Earth
4352 Hymn for the feast of the Cross
4353 Wāzemā za-ṣǝgeyāt
4354 Hymn to Zamikāʾel ʾAragāwi
4355 Hymn to St Stephen
4356 Hymn to ʾabbā Yoḥanni
4357 Wāzemā za-Qʷǝsqʷām
4358 Hymn to the Four Beasts
4359 Hymn to St Michael the Archangel
4360 Hymn to St Michael the Archangel
4361 Hymn to Zechariah
4362 Hymn to the Heavenly Priests
4363 Wāzemā za-ṣādǝqān
4364 Hymn to the martyrs
4365 Wāzemā za-ʾastamḥǝro
4366 Hymn of supplication
4367 Wāzemā za-sǝbkat
4368 Wāzemā za-bǝrhān
4369 Hymn to St Gabriel the Archangel
4370 Wāzemā za-nolāwi
4371 Hymn for the Christmas Eve
4372 Hymn for Christmas
4373 Hymn for the Sunday after Christmas
4374 Hymn to ʾabbā Libānos
4375 Hymn to John the Apostle
4376 Wāzemā za-gǝzrat
4377 Hymn for the baptism
4378 Hymn for the feast of Cana in Galilee
4379 Hymn to Simeon
4380 Wāzemā za-ʾastarʾǝyo
4381 Hymn to Simeon
4382 Wāzemā za-qǝddǝst
4383 Hymn for the Palm Sunday
4384 Hymn for the Foot Washing
4385 Hymn for Good Friday
4386 Hymn for Easter Eve
4387 Hymn for Easter Sunday
4388 Hymn for Easter Monday
4389 Hymn for Easter Tuesday
4390 Hymn for Easter Wednesday
4391 Hymn for the Easter Thursday
4392 Hymn for the Easter Friday
4393 Hymn for the Easter Saturday
4394 Hymn for the Sunday In Albis
4395 Hymn for St George the Martyr
4396 Hymn for the feast of the Birth of Mary
4397 Hymn for the Ascension Day
4398 Hymn for Pentecost
4399 Hymn for the Saturday after Pentecost
4400 Hymn for the Sunday after the octave of Ascension Day
4401 Hymn to St Michael the Archangel
4402 Hymn to ʾabbā Garimā
4403 Wāzemā za-qǝddāse
4404 Hymn to Peter and Paul
4405 Hymn to the Apostles
4406 Hymn to the Trinity
4407 Wāzemā za-Qirqos
4408 Hymn to ʾabbā Salāma
4409 Hymn to the Virgins
4410 Hymn for the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor
4411 Hymn to the disciples of Christ
4412 Hymn for the death of Our Lady Mary
4413 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
4414 Hymn to Our Lady Mary, for saturday
4415 Hymn to Abraham
4416 Wāzemā za-sanābǝt
4417 Hymn to St Andrew
4418 Hymn for the beheading of John the Baptist
4419 Hymn to Raphael the Archangel
4420 Wāzemā za-kǝramt
4421 Hymn for the feast of winter
4422 Hymn to Takla Hāymānot
4423 Hymn for the feast of the Cross
4424 Mawāśǝʿt za-baʿāl Yoḥannǝs Maṭmǝq
4425 Mawāśǝʿt za-takkaze
4426 Mawāśǝʿt za-Zakārǝyās
4427 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾƎsṭifānos
4428 Mawāśǝʿt za-ḥǝnṣata beta krǝstiyān
4429 Mawāśǝʿt za-masqal
4430 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾƎlleni
4431 Mawāśǝʿt za-ṣādǝqān
4432 Mawāśǝʿt za-samāʿǝt
4433 Mawāśǝʿt za-Gabra Krǝstos
4434 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾƎsṭifānos ʾama 10wa6
4435 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾƎsṭifānos ʾama 10wa7
4436 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾabbā Yoḥanni
4437 Mawāśǝʿt za-4-ʾǝnsǝsā
4438 Mawāśǝʿt za-4-ʾǝnsǝsā
4439 Mawāśǝʿt za-Mikāʾel
4440 Mawāśǝʿt za-tuguhān
4441 Mawāśǝʿt za-Minās
4442 Mawāśǝʿt za-kāhǝnāta samāy
4443 Mawāśǝʿt za-kāhǝnāta samāy
4444 Mawāśǝʿt za-Mārqorewos
4445 Mawāśǝʿt za-samāʿtāt za-Nāgrān
4446 Mawāśǝʿt za-Ṗeṭros
4447 Mawāśǝʿt za-3-daqiq
4448 Mawāśǝʿt za-Gabrǝʾel
4449 Mawāśǝʿt za-genā Krǝstos
4450 Mawāśǝʿt za-lǝdat
4451 Mawāśǝʿt za-sānitā genā
4452 Mawāśǝʿt za-sanbata baʿāla ʾǝgziʾna
4453 Mawāśǝʿt za-ḥǝḍānāt
4454 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾƎsṭifānos
4455 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾabbā Maṭṭāʿ
4456 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾabbā Maṭṭāʿ
4457 Mawāśǝʿt za-maḫātǝwa ʾEṗafānǝyā
4458 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʿǝlata ʾEṗifānǝyā
4459 Antiphon of Epiphany
4460 Mawāśǝʿt za-sanitā baʿāla ʾEṗafānǝyā
4461 Mawāśǝʿt za-śalusa ʾEṗifānǝyā
4462 Mawāśǝʿt za-ṭǝmqata ʾEṗifānǝyā
4463 Antiphon of the eighth day of Epiphany
4464 Mawāśǝʿt za-Qānā za-Galilā
4465 Mawāśǝʿt za-māḫbara qǝddusān
4466 Mawāśǝʿt za-zenā Gabrǝʾel
4467 Mawāśǝʿt za-hośāʿnā
4468 Mawāśǝʿt za-maḫātǝwa Fāsikā mawāśǝʾǝt za-sark
4469 Mawāśǝʿt za-dāgǝm
4470 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʿǝlata Fāsikā
4471 Mawāśǝʿt za-sanuya Fāsikā
4472 Mawāśǝʿt za-śalusa Fāsikā
4473 Mawāśǝʿt za-rabuʿa Fāsikā
4474 Mawāśǝʿt za-ḫamusa Fāsikā
4475 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʿarba Fāsikā
4476 Mawāśǝʿt za-sabuʿa Fāsikā
4477 Mawāśǝʿt za-8 Fāsikā
4478 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾanbǝro ʾalbās za-danāgǝl
4479 Mawāśǝʿt za-Giyorgis
4480 Mawāśǝʿt za-rakbata kāhǝnāt
4481 Mawāśǝʿt za-baʾata Gǝbṣ
4482 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʿǝlata ʿǝrgat
4483 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾawet Yoḥannǝs
4484 Mawāśǝʿt za-baʿāl 50
4485 Mawāśǝʿt za-Mikāʾel
4486 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾabbā Garimā
4487 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾabbā Garimā
4488 Mawāśǝʿt za-ḥawāryāt
4489 Mawāśǝʿt za-Qirqos
4490 Mawāśǝʿt za-danāgǝl
4491 Mawāśǝʿt za-māḫbara bakʷr
4492 Mawāśǝʿt za-Dabra Tābor
4493 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām
4494 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾAbrǝhām
4495 Mawāśǝʿt za-Malka Ṣedeq
4496 Mawāśǝʿt za-mǝtrata rǝʾǝsu la-Yoḥannǝs
4497 Antiphon of ʾAbbā Libānos
4498 Mawāśǝʿt za-falāsǝyān
4499 Mawāśǝʿt za-sanbata krǝstiyān
4500 Maṣḥafa fǝtḥat
4501 Hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
4502 Wāzemā za-Ṣǝyon
4503 Wāzemā za-Māʿǝdo
4504 Wāzemā ba-samuna ḥǝmāmāt
4505 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George the Martyr
4506 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
4507 Prayer of Manasseh
4508 Maṣḥafa ṭǝnbaho / ṭǝbbaho
4509 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddǝst Bārbārā
4510 Vita and Martyrdom of ʾAbbā Baʾamin
4511 Short hymn
4512 Hymn to Mary
4513 Hymn to Jesus Christ
4513 Romewonnā Žulyat
4514 On the motion of the sun during the several months
4515 Hymn to Jesus Christ
4516 ʿAṣe Kāleb
4516 Hymn to God
4517 Ṣalota manfaqa lelit
4518 Hymn to Jesus Christ
4519 Prayer
4520 Prayer of Our Lady Mary to Jesus Christ, for 21 miyāzyā
4521 Prayer of Our Lady Mary to Jesus Christ before the labour
4522 Magical prayer against the demons
4523 Ṣalota nǝssǝḥā
4524 ʾAsmāta ḫayl
4525 Magical prayer with the names that Jesus Christ gave to the apostles durin his Ascension
4526 Wa-ʾana-ni ʾamāḥḥaḍǝn nafsǝya wa-śǝgāya ba-ʿǝḍa masqalka kǝbur
4527 ʾAsmāt ba-za-yǝḍḍarāʿ gǝbru la-ḥassāwe masiḥ
4528 ʾAsmāt qǝddǝst ba-za-yǝḍḍarāʿ gǝbru la-ḥassāwe masiḥ
4529 Prayer containing magical names
4530 Magical names of God
4531 ʾAsmāta ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
4532 Magical prayer revealed by Jesus Christ to obtain the eternal salvation
4533 Prayer against the magic
4534 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Our Lady Mary
4535 Yagoǧǧām tārik
4536 Prayer to Our Lady Mary
4537 Magical prayer
4538 Protective prayer against the demons
4539 Praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ
4540 Anathema by ʾabbā Bakimos
4541 Yaʾabbātoč̣č̣ qǝrs
4542 ʾƎḍub dǝnq
4543 ʾƎnqǝlf lamne
4544 Epistle of Zarʾa Yāʿqob
4545 Yaʾalam ǧiʾogrāfi baʾamārǝññā
4547 Yaʾityoṗyā maretǝnnā gǝbǝr sǝm
4548 Salām-hymn to Krǝstos Śamrā
4550 Summary of the Gadla Krǝstos Śamrā
4551 Salām-hymn to Lālibalā
4552 Tract about Prayer and Christian Discipline
4553 Tract about Prayer and Christian Discipline
4554 Tract about Prayer and Christian Discipline
4555 ʾOrit za-fǝṭrat za-targʷamā Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq
4556 Praises to Our Lord Jesus Christ, 39 in number
4557 Yaḥǝḍānāt Mǝsāle
4558 Kawalwal ǝska Mayč̣aw
4559 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʾǝsaromu la-ʾagānǝnt
4560 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾasassǝlo dawe ʾǝm-ḥǝḍānāt
4561 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿǝsara ʾagānǝnt baʾǝnta dam
4562 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma rǝʾs
4563 Prayer against Qurṣat
4564 Ṣalot baʾǝnta dam
4565 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿāyna ṣǝlā wa-ʿāyna bāryā ʾagānǝnt
4566 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿāyna bāryā wa-ʿāyna ṣǝlā
4567 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿāyna ṣǝlā wa-ʿāyna zār wa-ʿāyna ʾagānǝnt
4568 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿāyna ṣǝlā wa-ʿāyna bāryā wa-ʿāyna ʾabašon
4569 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿāyna ṣǝlā wa-ʿāyna warq
4570 Ṣalot baʾǝnta maftǝḥe śǝrāy
4571 Ṣalot baʾǝnta za-kama ḍawwǝʿomu Salomon la-ʾagānǝnt rǝkusān wa-ʿāqqābǝyān śǝrāy
4572 Ṣalot baʾǝnta za-kama ragamomu Salomon la-ʾagānǝnt
4573 ከምር፡ ለፍዮን፡
4574 ጸሎተ፡ ንጽራ፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ሕማመ፡ ዓይነት፡ ወዓይነ፡ ወርቅ፡
4575 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma bāryā wa-legewon wa-baʾǝnta māʿśara ʾagānǝnt
4576 Ṣalota dǝngāḍe za-wahabo ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer la-ʾAddām kama yǝdangǝṣ lǝbbu
4577 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma qʷǝrṭmāt
4578 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሱስንዮስ፡ ዘያሰስል፡ ሕማመ፡ ባርያ፡ ወሌጌዎን፡ ወበእንተ፡ መጋኛ፡ ወጉሥምት፡
4579 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ በሽታ፡ አበስኢሎን፡
4580 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ማእሠረ፡ አጋንንት፡ ወልደ፡ ዓልአዛር፡ ዘስሙ፡ ሸፒራ፡ አሽፒራ፡
4581 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ማእሠረ፡ አጋንንት፡ እንትሙ፡ እለ፡ ባርያ፡ እለ፡ ሌጌዎን፡
4582 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ማእሠረ፡ አጋንንት፡ ኬርኬሹ፡ ኬርኬሹ፡
4583 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ባርያ፡ ወሌጌዎን፡ አስማተ፡ መሸብር፡ አጋንንት፡ አሽብር፡ ሸሸችርን፡ ሸሸርርን፡
4584 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ መስጥመ፡ አጋንንት፡ ጅዝኩመላህ፡
4585 Prayer to Jesus by Mary
4586 Prayer to Jesus by Mary
4587 Dialogue between God and Adam
4588 Prayer about a dragon
4589 Words of Jesus on the Cross
4590 Ya-ʾIyob tārik
4591 Tǝrgʷāme miṭata bǝrhānāta samāy
4592 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ወድ፡
4593 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ውሂበ፡ ንዋይ፡
4594 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ እፍዝ፡ አደነግዝ፡
4595 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ ቍርጸት፡
4596 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ምቀኛ፡
4597 Prayer against various women's complaints and against demons
4598 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሶታላይ፡
4599 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʾśaromu la-ʾagānǝnt wa-bāryā wa-legewon budā
4600 ጸሎት፡ ዘድንጋፄ፡ ዘወሀቦ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ለአዳም፡
4601 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ ቡዳ፡ ወነሀቢ፡ ጸፍልል፡ ድንፍል፡
4602 Magic prayer against various evils
4603 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma lǝbb
4604 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma qʷǝrṣat
4605 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma sǝqsǝqāt
4606 Tǝmhǝrta hǝsāb
4607 Ya-gǝʿǝz qʷānqʷā sawāsǝw
4608 Fidal qʷānqʷā ʾItyoṗyā
4609 Maṣḥafa sawāsǝw zalǝssāna Maṣḥaf balǝssāna rǝʿǝsu
4610 Kǝfla sawāsǝw śālǝs
4611 Marḥa ṣahifa malāʾǝkt
4612 Mamhǝra lǝssāna gǝʿǝz
4613 Fǝṭun malmade fidal wanǝbāb zalǝssāna gǝʿǝz
4614 Hymn to Our Lady Mary
4615 Malkǝʾ-hymn to the Cross, John the Evangelist, and the Apostles
4617 Nǝbrata ʾǝd
4618 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma sabʾ za-yǝtʿawwaq wa-za-ʾi-yǝtʿawwaq
4619 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma bāryā wa-legewon
4620 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma nahabt wa-ʾagānǝnt ʾAlāhumā Wayānurā
4621 Ṣalot ba-za-yārḫǝqomu la-ʾagānǝnt wa-yǝsaddǝdomu la-sayṭānāt
4622 Life of Paul
4622 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma qʷǝrṭat
4623 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma qʷǝrṭat
4624 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma wǝgāt
4625 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma wǝgāt
4626 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿaynat
4627 Introduction to the Pauline Epistles
4628 Vocabulary of the Pauline Epistles
4629 Rhymed Praise of God
4630 Za-ʾaqrabku māḫleta
4631 Praise to Our Lady Mary
4632 Hymn to Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity
4633 Chronicle of Bakāffā
4634 Chronicle of ʾIyāsu II
4635 Chronicle of ʾIyoʾas
4636 Chronicle of Tewoflos
4637 Chronicle of Yosṭos
4638 Chronicle of Takla Hāymānot
4639 Chronicle of Dāwit
4640 Chronicle of Fāsiladas
4642 Prayer to St Susǝnyos
4643 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Susǝnyos
4644 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ ዓይነት፡ ባርያ፡ ወዓይነ፡ ሰብእ፡ እኩይ፡ ወሌጌዎን፡
4645 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ ሾተላይ፡ ባርያ፡ ወመፈርግ፡
4646 Chronicle of Zarʾa Yāʿqob
4647 Chronicle of Baʾǝda Māryām
4648 Chronicle of ʾƎskǝndǝr
4649 Chronicle of Nāʿod
4650 Amharic Royal Songs (generic record)
4651 Chronicle of Lǝbna Dǝngǝl
4652 Taʾammǝra Gabrǝʾel
4653 Compendium of the Chronicle of Galāwdewos
4654 Miracle of the man who was bitten by a snake
4655 Miracle of the labourer whose foot was injured by a stone
4656 Miracle of the building of the columns of the altar dedicated to St Gabriel
4657 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Gabriel
4658 Malkǝʾ-hymn for the consecration of the church of St Gabriel in Dānā
4659 Taʾammǝra Rāguʾel
4660 Homily on the apparition of Our Lady Mary to king Lǝbna Dǝngǝl
4661 Miracle of Jesus Christ (general record for a single unidentified miracle)
4661 Qǝddāse ʾItyoṗṗǝyā
4662 Miracle of St George (general record for a single unidentified miracle)
4663 ʿƎqabanni (longer version)
4664 Maqdǝma Ṗawlos ḥawāryā
4666 Sǝma ʾahgurāt
4667 Tārik za-mǝdra Gondar
4668 Protective prayers for the seven weekdays
4669 Taʾammǝra Qirqos
4670 Miracle of St Cyricus on the lazy worker
4671 Miracle of St Cyricus on the arsonist
4672 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): Miracle of the man who scorned St Cyricus
4673 Miracle of St Cyricus and precepts from the Gospels
4674 Miracle of St Cyricus on the priest whose donkey was defended by the saint against a hyena
4675 Miracle of St Cyricus on the thief who took a garment and died
4676 Miracle of St Cyricus on the donkey of the monk ʾabbā Garimā
4677 Miracle of St Cyricus on the man who killed his wife's cow
4678 Miracle of St Cyricus on the two brothers who found the book of the miracles of St Cyricus
4679 Rǝst za-ʾAmbā za-ʾƎsrāʾel
4680 Śǝrʿāta beta mangǝśt
4681 Restauration of the royal throne in ʾAksum
4682 Kama-zǝ nubāre śǝrʿātā la-ʾǝmmǝna Ṣǝyon gabaza ʾAksum
4683 ዓመታተ፡ ነገሥታተ፡ አክሱም፡
4684 List of the compulsory labours for the construction of ʾAksum Ṣǝyon
4685 Rule for the protection of ʾAksum Ṣǝyon
4686 Chronology from ʾabbā Salāmā to Śarṣa Dǝngǝl
4687 History of the foundation of ʾAksum
4688 Taxes for the Žān Ṣǝge
4689 List of Kings who will reign at the end of the world, according to St Clement
4690 Chronology of Umayyad and Abbasid califs, of the Fatimids and Ayyubites until 659 H.
4691 Prayer for the weekdays
4692 Ṣalot baʾǝnta fǝtḥata śǝrāy za-kin wa-za-ṭǝbab
4693 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿayna za-yǝsallǝb lǝbba sabʾ
4694 ዝውእቱ፡ ዜና፡ ስሞሙ፡ ለአበዊነ፡ ሊቃነ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ዘለእስክንድርያ፡
4696 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma lǝsāna sabʾ
4697 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʾśaromu la-ʾagānǝnt
4698 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾǝda sabʾ ʾǝkkuyān
4699 Protective prayer for the dissolution of the spells
4700 Ṣalota fatāḥe śǝrāyāt
4702 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿśara ʾagānǝnt wa-bāryā wa-legewon wa-ʿayna ṭǝlā wa-ʿayna warq
4703 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿaynāt
4704 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿśǝromu la-ʾagānǝnt
4705 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma wǝgʿāt
4706 List of Egyptian Patriarchs
4707 Ṣalot wa-wǝddāse za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna Māryām dǝngǝl walādita ʾamlāk
4708 Prayer for going to the church
4709 Prayer for entering the church
4710 Prayer for mercy
4711 Mastabqʷǝʿān
4712 Collection of prayers for each day of the week
4713 Liṭon za-masqal
4714 Salām laki ḫoḫǝta mǝśrāq
4715 Maṣḥafa nǝfq
4717 Taʾammǝra Libānos
4718 Tafaśśǝḥi ʾo-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝya Māryām
4719 ʾƎweddǝsā la-wǝddǝst
4720 Miracle of Jesus: Raising of Yonās, the son of the widow of Nāyn
4721 Miracle of Jesus: The inundated field
4722 Fǝtḥata śǝrāy ʾagānǝnt bāryā śǝrāya kin kāhǝnāt wa-diyāqonāt
4723 Tārika Walda ʿAmid
4724 Abbreviated Introduction of Walda ʿAmid
4725 Gadla ʾAkāla Krǝstos
4726 Gadla ʾAlef
4727 Gadla ʾAmlākāwi
4728 Gadla ʾAnorewos
4729 Zenā ʾArka Dǝngǝl
4730 Gadla ʾAron za-Galilā
4731 Gadla ʾAron za-Kǝtur
4732 Gadla ʿAṣqa Dǝngǝl
4733 Gadla Baggǝʿu
4734 Gadla Bāsǝlyos
4735 Gadla Batra Gǝlā Māryām (general record)
4736 Gadla Bǝʾse Salām
4737 Gadla Bǝsṭāwros
4738 Gadla Dānǝʾel za-Waqen
4739 Gadla Dānǝʾel za-Tamben
4740 Gadla Dǝmyānos
4741 Gadla ʾƎḫǝta Ṗeṭros
4742 Gadla ʾElǝyās
4743 Gadla ʾƎndrǝyās za-Wāšā Gadām
4744 Gadla ʾƎndrǝyās za-Saffǝʾa
4745 Gadla ʾabbā ʾƎnṭonǝs
4746 Gadla ʿƎquba ʾƎgziʾ
4747 Gadla ʾƎstǝnfāsa Krǝstos
4748 Gadla Faqāda ʾAmlāk
4749 Gadla Fǝqura Wald
4750 Gadla Gabra Krǝstos
4751 Gadla Gabra Krǝstos za-Gunda Gunde
4752 Gadla Gabra Marʿāwi
4753 Gadla Gabra Māryām
4754 Gadla Gabra Masqal za-Garʿāltā
4755 Gadla Gabra Nāzrāwi
4756 Gadla Gabǝr Ḫer
4757 Gadla Galāwdewos
4758 Zenā Gǝrmāna ʾƎgziʾ
4759 Gadla Habta Māryām
4760 Gadla Habta Śǝllāse qadamāy
4761 Gadla Habta Śǝllāse dāgǝmāy
4762 Gadla Ḥadarā
4763 Gadla Ḥarā
4764 Zenā Ḥǝnḍā Hāymānot
4765 Gadla Ḫǝruya Ḫer
4766 Gadla Ḫirut
4767 Gadla ʾIsāyǝyyās
4768 Gadla Lǝbdǝyos
4769 Gadla Mabāʾa Māryām
4770 Gadla Mabāʾa Śǝllāse
4771 Gadla Māʿǝqaba ʾƎgziʾ
4772 Gadla Makbǝba Dǝngǝl
4773 Gadla Malka Ṣedeq
4774 Gadla Malka Ṣedeq
4775 Gadla Māmmās za-Gʷǝgʷǝdā
4776 Gadla Marʿāwi Krǝstos
4777 Gadla Marḥa ʾIyasus
4778 Gadla Mārqos
4779 Gadla Gabra Maśiḥ
4780 Zenā Mātyās za-Gʷaǧǧām
4781 Gadla Mazgaba Śǝllāse
4782 Gadla Mazmura Krǝstos
4783 Gadla Muse
4784 Gadla Nǝwāya ʾIyasus
4785 Gadla Nolāwi za-ʾAwabal
4786 Zenā Nolāwina Ḫer
4787 Zenā Ṗāwlos
4788 Zenā Ṗāwlos za-Tamben
4789 Gadla Salāmā Matargʷǝm
4790 Gadla Śamra ʾAb
4791 Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Saqurt
4792 Gadla Sāmuʾel za-Ṭāritā
4793 Gadla Ṣǝge Dǝngǝl
4794 Zenā Set
4795 Gadla Taʾamna ʾƎgziʾ
4796 Gadla Takla Nabiyāt
4797 Gadla Talāwe Krǝstos
4798 Zenā Tasfā Ḥawāryāt
4799 Gadla Tewodros za-ʾAdyābo
4800 Gadla Tewodros za-Maqārāt
4801 Zenā Tomās za-Dimā
4802 Gadla Tomās za-Ḥaydā
4803 Gadla Tomās za-Qorerā
4804 Gadla Walatta Māryām
4805 Gadla Walatta Ṣǝyon
4806 Zenā Walda Tǝnśāʾe za-ʾƎnfrāz
4807 Gadla Warada Qāla ʾƎgziʾ
4808 Gadla Yǝbārǝkanna
4809 Gadla Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos
4810 Gadla Yǝsḥaq za-Dabra Kāswā
4811 Gadla Yoḥannǝs za-Bankʷal
4812 Gadla Yoḥannǝs za-Gʷǝnānqe
4813 Gadla Yoḥannǝs za-Ṣǝlālo
4814 Gadla Yosef za-Walaqā
4815 Gadla Yosṭos
4816 Gadla Yoḥanni za-Dabra Dāmmo
4817 Gadla Zaʾiyasus
4818 Gadla Zakāryās za-Barbare
4819 Gadla Zakāryās za-Gefā
4820 Gadla Zalibānos za-Yalmetān
4821 Gadla Zamadḫǝn
4822 Gadla Zarʾa Muse
4823 Joseph and Aseneth
4824 Taʾammǝra ʾAnorewos
4825 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-ʾAbādir wa-ʾIrāʾi
4826 Gadla ʾabuna māri ʾabbā Barsomā
4827 Sǝmʿ za-makʷannǝn qǝddus Galāwdewos
4828 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Dānǝʾel
4829 Zenā la-qǝddǝst ʾAwgānyā wa-zenā ʾabu-hā qǝddus Filǝṗṗos
4830 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Gorgoryos liqa ṗāṗṗāsāt za-ʾArmānyā
4831 History of Ethiopia
4832 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Susǝyos
4833 Short Chronicles (Qʷaraṭā Recension)
4834 Za-ʾErmǝyās nabiy
4835 Gadla sǝmʿu la-qǝddus ʾabu Yǝsḥaq za-ʾǝm-Dǝfrā
4836 Zenā motā la-ʾǝmmǝna ʾƎskǝndǝryāwit
4837 Sǝmʿu la-Māryām gǝbṣāwit
4838 Collectio Monastica
4839 Introduction of Walda ʿAmid
4840 Zenā Sarkis za-ʾArmānyā wa-zenā qǝddus Tǝrtāg
4841 Discourse of Dionysius on the Martyrdom of Sts Peter and Paul
4842 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Sāmuʾel mastagādl za-Dabra Qalamon
4843 Maṣḥafa Ṭeqalā
4844 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddǝst Ṭeqalā wa-za-4-danāgǝl ʾǝlla mǝsle-hā
4845 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Fiqṭor za-hagara ʾAnṣokiyā
4846 Acts of Thomas, III (on the miracle of the dragon)
4847 Acts of Thomas, IV
4848 Acts of Thomas, V (on the woman who was slain in a shop)
4849 The Martyrdom of St Thomas
4850 Pseudo-trilingual royal inscriptions, RIÉ 185
4851 Pseudo-trilingual royal inscriptions, RIÉ 270
4852 Gadla qǝddus ʾabbā ʾIyāsu
4853 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Mārqos wangelāwi
4854 Zenāhomu la-7daqiq za-kona samāʿt ba-wǝsta baʾat
4855 Sǝbḥata Dǝngǝl
4856 Kǝfla Zamanāt
4857 Vita of St Antony
4858 Sǝmǝka ḥǝyāw
4858 Liṭon za-śalus
4859 Wa-kāʿba nāstabaqqʷǝʿo la-ʾamlāka mǝḥrat
4859 Liṭon za-rabuʿ
4860 Litanies for the days of the week
4860 litanies for the days of the week
4861 Chronicle of Yāʿqob
4862 Chronicle of Zadǝngǝl
4863 Praise of God
4864 Chronicle from 1808 to 1833 by Liq ʾAṭqu
4865 Dǝrsān za-Felon ṗāṗās za-bǝḥera Qerṗesyās baʾǝnta baʿāl fāsikā
4866 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq baʾǝnta ṭǝmqatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
4867 Two Epistles to the monk Theodore who Left Monastic Life
4868 Hymn
4869 The 72 Disciples
4870 The Evangelists and their Symbols
4871 The Original Language
4872 Maqdǝma wangel
4873 Stichometry
4874 Note on the Episcopal Sees of the Four Evangelists
4875 Introduction on the Reliability of the Gospels
4876 Letter to Carpianus and Eusebian Canons: 2 pages of letter + 8 pages of canons
4877 Letter to Carpianus and Eusebian Canons: 3 pages of letter + 7 pages of canons
4878 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the resurrection of ʿAmda Masqal
4879 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the paralytic healed on the day of the translation
4880 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the blind widow
4881 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the blind woman
4882 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the blind woman
4883 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the woman who was healed while having the Eucharist
4884 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the woman whose hen was attacked by a vulture
4885 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the monks who had no bread for commemorating the saint
4886 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the resurrection of the administrator <!-- procurator in GrebTiss p. 406 --> of the monastery
4887 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the pregnant woman
4888 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the man who offered an oblation and was healed
4889 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the healed woman
4890 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the infirm officer
4891 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the sterile woman
4892 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the pregnant woman
4893 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the monks who were liberated by the wild beasts
4894 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the dry fields
4895 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the rich man who was healed
4896 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the man whose field was devastated
4897 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the man who was healed from the plague
4898 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the bread and the beverage taken from the soldiers
4899 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the monk and the panther
4900 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the water thrown into the oil
4901 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the woman from Edessa
4902 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the man from Warab, who recovered his richness
4903 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the vault of heaven, which remained three hours above the temple
4904 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the crocodile and the ox
4905 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the panther and the young man
4906 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the bread thrown into the droppings of the oxen
4907 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the incense taken from the vultur
4908 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the paralytic who was healed
4909 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the woman who was caned and the cane got broken
4910 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the man who was healed from his wounds
4911 Miracle of Takla Hāymānot on the man whose hand was healed
4912 Prayer for the Eucharist
4913 Introduction to the Catholic Epistles
4914 Tǝrgʷāme ʾaʿnāqʷ
4915 Dǝrsān za-bǝṣuʿ Fisālgos
4916 Zenā mǝssāleyāt za-ṭabib Fisǝʾalgos
4917 Zenā ṭǝbab za-Fisǝʾalgos ṭabib
4918 Malkǝʾa Māryām
4919 Malkǝʾa ʾAbrānyos za-Dabra Ṭǝllul
4920 Malkǝʾa Filǝṗṗos za-Dabra Bizan
4921 Malkǝʾa ʾƎsṭifānos za-Gunda Gunde
4922 Life of Lālibalā
4924 King Lālibalā and the three Angels
4925 How the river swallowed Lālibalā's honey and then spit it out
4926 How Lālibalā became like a poor person
4927 Lālibalā and a rebel
4928 How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a rich woman
4929 How a prayer to Lālibalā saved a man
4930 Story about virtuous Deeds of Lālibalā
4934 Ṣalota śǝryata ḫaṭiʾāt
4935 Zenāhu la-ʾaḍe Kāleb
4936 Tārik nǝguśa nǝgǝśt za-ʿabiy Qʷasṭanṭinos
4937 Gadla qǝddus Sǝlbestǝros liqa ṗāṗas za-hagara Rome
4938 Gadla Lewon, ʾepis qoṗos za-hagara Kāṭānin
4939 Gadlu wa-zenāhu la-ʾabbā Yoṗidiyon za-gadāma Māryām
4940 Gadla Langinos ṣādǝq
4941 Tārik za-hǝlqata ʿālam wa-za-ḥassāwe masiḥ
4942 Śarāwita malāʾǝktihu la-Madḫāne ʿĀlam
4943 Gadla qǝddus Qalemǝnṭos wa-ʾAgātangelos
4944 Nagara tǝsbǝʾtu la-walda ʾǝgziʾabǝḥer ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
4945 Maṣḥafa ḥǝywat baʿāla ʾǝgziʾabǝḥer 2wa9-la-tāḫśāś za-sǝmu tewofānyā
4946 Ya-Māryām kidāna mǝḥrat za16la-naḥase ǝmu baʿāla fǝlsatā
4947 Mǝśṭira ṭǝmqatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna wa-madḫanina ʾIyasus Krǝstos
4948 Gadla Sǝmʿon ʾaragāwi
4949 Mǝśṭira hośāʿna mǝśṭir za-wǝsta qʷǝrbān
4950 Mǝśṭira ḥǝmāmu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
4951 Dǝrsāna ʿUrāʾel
4952 Zenā lǝdatomu la-nagaśtāt ʾǝm-ʾAddām ʾǝska yǝʾǝze
4953 ʿƎdme mangǝśtomu wa-ʾasmātihomu la-nagaśta Zāgʷe
4954 Ḫʷalqʷa zaman wa-śimata mangǝśta ʿālam
4957 Sǝbḥāta fǝqur za-Giyorgis
4958 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta kǝbromu la-24 kāhǝnāta samāy
4959 Dǝrsāna ḥǝḍānāt
4960 Saʾali lana Māryām saʾali lana Māryām ḫaba waldǝki ḫer madhane ʿālam
4961 Miracles of the Covenant of Mary in the land of Ethiopia
4962 Ba-sǝma ʾƎgziʾbǝḥer qadāmāwi za-ʾǝnbala tǝmālǝm
4963 Naʿā ḫabeya ʾo-ʾǝgziʾǝya ʾIyasus Krǝstos
4965 Kʷǝllomu śarāwita malāʾǝkt yǝsebbǝḥuki
4966 ʾƎwnatǝn fǝllagā
4967 Ṣalota nadarā
4968 Sǝnkǝssār (General record for the "Second Recension")
4969 Edict of King Galāwdewos
4970 ‘Gadla Lālibalā collection of textual units’
4972 Inventory list of the objects donated by Lǝbna Dǝngǝl
4973 List of the Kings of Israel
4974 Concerning the prayer of Longinus
4975 ድርሳን፡ ዘደረሰ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ጌርሎስ፡ ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ዘኢየሩሳለም፡
4978 Comparison of different countries with the regions of Ethiopia
4979 History of Jewish and Persian kings
4980 Interpretation of Jewish alphabet
4981 History of Aksum
4982 List of canonical books
4983 List of the abbots of Dabra Libānos
4984 List of 12 nǝbura ʾǝd consectrated by Philipp
4985 Hagiographic Dossier on ʾAkāla Krǝstos
4986 Gadla ʾabbā ʾAkāla Krəstos ʾAbbā Mǝnet za-Mǝdra Zoga
4987 Zenā taʾammərātihu la-ʾabuna ʾAkāla Krəstos
4988 Malkəʿa ʾabuna ʾAkāla Krəstos
4989 Salām la-ʾabuna ʾAkāla Krəstos
4990 On the twelth foundations of the celestial city
4991 Names of the months in Ethiopic, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, and Coptic
4992 Computus of Sybil
4993 On the languages of sons of Noah
4994 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Tomās for the 21st Ṭǝrr
4995 Prayer of Moses
4996 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a thief merchant
4997 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bishop Philoteus
4998 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a Jew from Jerusalem swallowed by a snake
5000 Miracle of Mary: The beggar at the church of Qirqos in ʾAmhārā from whose head a horn grew
5002 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a shipwrecked pilgrim
5003 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Jonah, his wife and another woman
5004 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Dina resurrected and released from the Hades by St. Mary
5008 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a sinful woman who swallowed a scorpion
5009 Prayer of Mary for Healing
5010 Magic Prayer of the Virgin Mary
5011 Magic Paryer of the Virgin Mary
5012 Monumentum Adulitanum
5013 Magic prayer to Mary
5017 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Sophia who distributed all her jewelry to the poor, and her husband who did not let her go to the church
5019 Monumentum Adulitanum Inscription of unknown king
5020 Ḥǝmāmātihu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
5025 Legend of Abgar (Older Version)
5027 Legend of Abgar (Longer Version)
5028 Prayer (ba-sǝmu la-ʾǝgziʾabḥer bazayǝtfallaṭu semāyāt wa-mǝdr)
5029 Magic Formulas
5032 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a monk in the monastery of St. Ephrem, on an island in the river of Tigris
5035 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the merchant who was offered riches for denying the faith
5036 Protective prayer against illness
5037 ጸሎት፡ በእንተ፡ ሕማመ፡ ባርያ፡ ወግርማ፡ መድፋነ፡ ጾር፡ ዘስሙ፡ ቀእሞን፡
5039 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of ʾabbā Mārdāri who was visited and blessed by 12 angels
5041 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of St Paul who sees the glory of the Virgin Mary
5042 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Bǝḥor, a disciple of ʾAmmoni, who sees the glory of the Virgin Mary
5043 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of St Gregory the Illuminator who sees the glory of the Virgin Mary
5045 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of two sons of the magician ʾAbrāsi pardoned thanks to the prayer to St. Mary
5046 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of sick people
5048 Ḥassābāt
5049 Soba ṣaḥafa Daqsǝyos taʾammǝrihā ʾǝluda
5050 Sǝnkǝssār Commemoration of Mary for the 16th Yakkātit
5051 Mǝnbāb za-fǝlsatā
5052 Soba ʾaṣḥafa Daqsǝyos taʾammǝrǝki qǝddusa
5053 Taʾammǝraki Māryām ḫāṭǝʾ wǝʾǝtu za-ʾastato
5054 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a nobleman who established a hospital and took Satan as assistant
5058 Testamentum Domini Collection
5059 Taʾammǝra fǝqrǝki
5060 ʿĀbiy wǝʾǝtu taʾammǝr ṣagiyotǝki ba-dǝngāle
5061 Taʾammǝra ʾAnānya
5062 Malkǝʾa ʾabuna ʾAnānyā
5063 Hymn to Archangels
5064 History of the Episcopate of Alexandria
5065 Anti-slavery Protocol
5066 Miracles of Michael
5068 Malkǝʾa Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
5069 Saʾalnāka maḥari saʾalnāka faṭāri
5070 On the Reading of Psalter and Gospels
5071 Ṣalot baʾǝnta maftǝḥe śǝrāy
5072 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿayna ṭǝlā
5073 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿayna ṭǝlā
5074 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿayna ṭǝlā
5075 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma bāryā wa-legewon wa-ʾagānǝnt
5076 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma bāryā wa-legewon wa-ʾagānǝnt
5077 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿayna ṭǝlā
5078 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿayna
5080 Preamble
5081 Soteriology
5082 Teaching about the Saints
5083 Lālibalā entered Heavenly Jerusalem
5084 Lālibalā accomplished the Word of Gospel
5086 Magic Prayer Against Hail
5086 Praise for Lālibalā
5087 Magic Prayer Against Hail
5087 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Sunday
5088 Letter of Macarius
5089 On Fasting
5090 On Modesty and Silence
5091 Miracle of Mary: The Virgin Mary and the man who went mad
5092 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Theophilus of Alexandria
5093 Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: Satan urges Herod to pursue the Holy Family
5094 Miracle of Mary: Satan appears to King Herod and advises him to kill the innocents
5095 Miracle of Mary: The arrival of the Holy Family in Sāmǝnon
5096 Miracle of Mary: The vision of Theophilus continued: The Holy Family returns from Egypt
5097 Miracle of Mary: The Frenchman whose wife was unable to have children
5098 Miracle of Mary: During the famine of 1120 MM., the Arabs try to plunder the monasteries
5099 Miracle of Mary: The monks of Dabra Qalǝmon who were despoiled by Berbers
5100 Miracle of Mary: An Arab steals the scissors of the tailor of Dabra Qalǝmon
5101 Miracle of Mary: Qommos Raphael from Dabra ʾƎnṣǝnā and the sacrament of confession
5102 Miracle of Mary: An Arab who contemns St Mary's icon at Dabra Qalamon is punished
5103 Miracle of Mary: The composition of the Maṣḥafa ḥawi by Patriarch Gabriel ibn Tarīk
5104 Miracle of Mary: ʾAmnut, the custodian of a church in Egypt, quarrels with his bishop
5105 Miracle of Mary: Nǝkʷāl, the deacon from Margawkim, who spent his master's money on the poor
5106 Miracle of Mary: The priest from Nārdin who was accused because he kept a nun in his house
5107 Miracle of Mary: The Arab woman who suffered from an issue of blood for many years
5108 Miracle of Mary: Yoḥannǝs finds a copy of the Acts of St Juliana and St Barbara that he had lost
5109 Miracle of Mary: The lamp before the icon of St Mary that the priest tipped over
5110 Miracle of Mary: ʾƎmma Yoḥannǝs and the Ethiopian monk who was on pilgrimage to Jerusalem
5111 Miracle of Mary: The lamp of the Christian from Mǝneta Diyāqon that was blown out by the wind
5112 Miracle of Mary: The wife of Joseph from Mǝneta Diyāqon, who had no male children
5113 Miracle of Mary: The cupbearer of the king of France
5114 Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor
5115 Miracle of Mary: The devout Muslim who became a Christian when St Mary appeared to him
5116 Miracle of Mary: At the consecration of Dabra Mǝṭmāq St Mary appears
5117 Magic Prayer
5118 Takaśta Bǝrhān
5119 Magic Prayer
5120 Magic Prayer
5121 Manozer
5122 Magic Prayer
5123 Prayer concerning the conqueror of an enemy
5124 Magic Prayer
5125 ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾarāwita mədr
5126 Ṣalot za-nahābi
5127 Ṣalot baʾǝnta maftǝḥe śǝrāy
5128 ʾAnta wəʾətu za-tafatḥa śərāyātihomu la-maśaryān
5129 Ba-mǝṣʾata krǝstos sǝnqāwi
5130 Məśṭira Haymanot
5131 Magic Prayer Against Snakes
5132 Ṣalot baʾǝnta šənt
5133 Magic Formula Against Stomachache
5134 Gadla Kiros (general record)
5135 Magic Formula Against Stomachache
5136 Magic Formula Against Stomachache
5137 Magic Prayer
5138 Magic Prayer for Undoing Charms
5139 Magic Prayer for Undoing Charms
5140 Instructions and Prayers on Holy Communion
5141 Form of a Letter to the Emperor Mǝnilǝk
5142 Miracle of Mary: The bishop, who was present at the apparition of St Mary, asks her to give her blessing
5143 Miracle of Mary: People from other faiths come to see the annual apparition of St Mary
5144 Miracle of Mary: The people toss their caps and kerchiefs into the air before the apparition of St Mary, occasionally she reaches out and takes one of them
5145 Miracle of Mary: The people start to beat a serving girl, in order to take from her the kerchief that she had received back from St Mary after tossing it to her
5146 Miracle of Mary: The untrustworthy camel driver of Dabra Mǝṭmāq
5147 Miracle of Mary: Yǝsḥaq, prior of Dabra Mǝṭmāq, who fled to Scete to escape the burden of his office
5148 Miracle of Mary: The son of a Muslim ruler of Egypt blasphemes the icon of St Mary
5149 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of Eulogius, the stonemason of Scete, who used to give hospitality to strangers
5150 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the old woman from Sǝmbāt who gave the offering for St Mary to St George
5151 Miracle of the church built on the tomb of St Mary that will turn into a ship
5152 Miracle of Mary: Three virgins come to serve St Mary as she is about to give birth
5153 Miracle of Mary: Bishop Michael sends Deacon John to help the monks of Dabra Mǝṭmāq celebrate Passion Week
5154 Miracle of Mary: An abbot in Scete sees first a multitude of demons, then a multitude of saints
5155 Miracle of Mary: The Arab woman who entrusted her jewels to a Christian for safekeeping
5156 Miracle of Mary: A man killed during the construction of the church of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām is raised from the dead
5157 The story of the sorceress Ṭāludār, who was possessed by a demon
5158 Miracle of Mary: The infidel who stole the lumber from the church at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5159 Miracle of Mary: When Sǝfǝngǝyā, wife of king Masfǝyānos of Romǝyā, prays to have a child before the icon of St Mary, the icon inclines its head; Sǝfǝngǝyā then conceives Yǝsḥaq (ʾAbbā Garimā)
5160 Miracle of Mary: ʾƎnṭāwos, a pagan from Qarāys, becomes a Christian after being struck by miraculous arrows
5161 Miracle of Mary: A man who speaks blasphemously of St Mary has his hands and legs cut off
5162 Miracle of Mary: The conversion of the Muslim, Rǝwḫ, who is renamed ʾƎnṭonǝs Ḥaddis
5163 Miracle of Mary: The wife of Mark, a priest from Mallāwī, is cured of her leprosy
5164 Miracle of Mary: The monks of St Anthony celebrate Holy week at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5165 Miracle of Mary: A Muslim, Kaṭib, tries to extort money from the monks of St Anthony
5166 Miracle of Mary: Homily of John Chrysostom on the visit of St Mary and her Son to John the Baptist
5167 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zeno builds churches in Scete
5168 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fisherman who was washing his clothes and the reversed river
5169 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a man washing clothes and the reversed river
5170 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of a fisherman who adored the Virgin Mary and was saved from snake
5171 Miracle of young Jesus and catechist
5172 Miracle of Mary: A priest is warned by an angel not to rush when incensing the icon of St Mary
5173 Miracle of Mary: St Mary blesses Scete, which St Macarius choses for his monastery
5174 Miracle of Mary: The story of Michael, the scribe who converted to Islam when he was beaten
5175 Miracle of Mary: The story of the Muslim who lived near the churches of St Mark and St Shenute
5176 Miracle of Mary: A hermit in Jerusalem is saved from the temptations of Satan
5177 Miracle of Mary: A monk, Abraham, drinks poisonous water while on a journey to visit the patriarch and dies, but is then raised from the dead
5178 Miracle of Mary: The wrath of St Mary against the prefect of a church who tried to stop the priests from making a procession while singing hymns to her
5179 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the miracles of St Mary
5180 Miracle of Mary: The persecution of the Christians during the patriarchate of Cosmas II
5181 Miracle of Mary: The withered olive tree at the gate of the church in ʾƎndulǝs
5182 Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Abraham and the interpretation of the parable of the mustard seed
5183 Miracle of Mary: The brigands who killed each other at the miraculous spring
5184 Genealogy of royal family
5185 Ṣalot baʾǝnta hǝmāma budā
5186 Ṣalota ʾasmāt ʿābbayt
5187 Tārik za-manakosāt
5188 Maṣḥafa Madbal
5193 Zenāhu la-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿǝ ʾabbā Bǝnyāmi
5194 Chronographic Work
5195 Works of Creation and the Fall of Man
5196 Ṣalot baʾǝnta gǝrmā mogas
5197 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿayn
5198 Ṣalot baʾǝnta bawiʾa qāla ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer
5199 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾargəʿə dam
5200 Miracle of Mary: The miracle concerning the golden ink during the time of king Dāwit
5201 Miracle of Mary: St Basil and the rich man who refused to give him a tablet [sāledā] for an icon of St Mary.
5202 Miracle of Mary: St Basil finds the buried icon of St Mary
5203 Miracle of Mary: St Mary tells St Basil to take two pillars from a pagan temple.
5204 Miracle of Mary: St Mary sets up the pillars in the church and makes a miraculous spring flow out at their base
5205 Miracle of Mary: The places in Egypt visited by the Holy Family
5206 TreatisePassions
5207 Miracle of Mary: When Ṗāriqos of Feṣā confesses his sins to the bishop, the latter, refusing him absolution, tells him to go to ʾAbbā Yāʿqob (Santiago)
5208 Miracle of Mary: Thecla is taken to Alexandria to see her brother, ʾabbā ʾEsi, in a boat guided by the Archangels Gabriel and Sureyal
5209 Miracle of Mary: St Mary incenses Thecla
5210 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the vision of Anthony of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5211 Miracle of Mary: Anthony, the monk of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām, asks about the anointing of the animals
5212 Miracle of Mary: St Mary anoints sick animals and heals them at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5213 Miracle of Mary: Message of St Mary to Anthony, monk of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5214 Miracle of Mary: The blessing given to the animals at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām by the anointing of St Mary
5215 Miracle of Mary: The priest who left the keys of the church locked up inside
5216 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The life of St Mary to the birth of Christ
5217 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria : The flight into Egypt
5218 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria : The Holy Family receives hospitality from a shepherd
5219 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The Holy Family crosses the Nile at ʾAšmunayn
5220 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria : The Christ Child grants St Mary a vision of his future glory
5221 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: ʾAḫrufās, the guardian angel of Egypt, comes to the Holy Family
5222 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The experience of the Holy Family in the district of ʾAšmunayn
5223 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The Holy Family encounters brigands
5224 Miracle of Mary: Vision of Timothy of Alexandria: The Holy Family arrives at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5225 Miracle of Mary: The Holy Spirit recounts the salvific events that have occurred on Sunday
5226 Miracle of Mary: St Mary prays with the disciples
5227 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of St Mary's prayer
5229 Miracle of Mary: St Mary asks that St John be allowed to visit her dwelling place
5230 Miracle of Mary: Salome's hands are burned when she tries to verify St Mary's virginity, but they are healed when she takes the Christ Child into her arms
5231 Miracle of Mary: St John the Evangelist sees Christ kissing St Mary's burial cloth
5232 Miracle of Mary: St Mary s soul descends from heaven in a tent of light
5233 Miracle of Mary: St Mary rescues the ship in which Mār Barsumā is travelling
5234 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the disciples of Mār Barsumā in the form of a dove
5235 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to Sts ʾAtrāsis and Yonā, virgins and martyrs
5236 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Sarabamon, the future bishop of Nikiu and martyr
5237 Miracle of Mary: The events that occurred during the captivity of Abbots Sāmuʾel of Dabra Qalǝmon and John of Scete
5238 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Nicholas and gives him priestly vestments
5239 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the brother of St Basil, St Gregory, bishop of "the Islands" (Nyssa)
5240 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Paphnutius
5241 Miracle of Mary: St Mary raises Andrew, a disciple of Abba Sāmuʾel of Dabra Qalǝmon, from the dead.
5242 Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbā Sāmuʾel of Dabra Qalǝmon instructs his disciples on his deathbed
5243 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to St Theodore the Anatolian
5244 Miracle of Mary: The fate of the monk, Giyorgis, who followed the teachings of Zamikāʾel
5245 Miracle of Mary: The vision of a certain saint about the fate of a priest who swore falsely
5246 Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbās sees a vision of St Mary blessing the monks who were chanting the Psalms
5247 Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree
5248 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites
5249 Miracle of Mary: Synaxary entry for 16 Naḥase: The Apostles visit St Mary in heaven
5250 Miracle of Mary: Anonymous homily against the report that the Apostles abandoned the body of St Mary when they were attacked by the Jews during her funeral procession
5251 Miracle of Mary: A Christian community is attacked by a neighboring Muslim community
5252 Miracle of Mary: A renegade monk who had become a Jew is hunted down by the troops of the king
5253 Miracle of Mary: The Magicians who tried to cast a spell on the Epiphany water
5255 Miracle of Mary: The birth of the prince, Batergelā Māryām
5256 Miracle of Mary: Batergelā Māryām is accused of treason and is imprisoned
5257 Miracle of Mary: Batergelā Māryām is protected from the plague; his calumniator is punished by the king
5258 Miracle of Mary: When the destruction of Dabra Mǝtmāq is reported in Ethiopia, the king orders the construction of a new monastery to take its place
5259 Miracle of Mary: When Satan destroys the oven of a monastery, he is compelled to serve the monks for twelve years in punishment
5260 Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals the daughter of ʾArsabān while still in the womb of St Anne
5261 Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary
5262 Miracle of Mary: The birth of St Mary on the 1st of Gǝnbot
5263 Miracle of Mary: When she is three years old, St Mary is taken to the Temple
5264 Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary (general record)
5265 Miracle of Mary: The descent of the holy seed from Adam to St Mary
5266 Miracle of Mary: God sends St Gabriel to St Mary for the Annunciation
5267 Miracle of Mary: The Jews plot to kill St Mary because of the miracles she was working while still in the womb of St Anne
5268 Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation
5269 Miracle of Mary: St Mary leaves the Temple and enters the home of St Joseph
5270 Miracle of Mary: The Circumcision
5271 Miracle of Mary: Herod orders the slaughter of the Innocents; a hunter with his dogs finds the Holy Family in flight from the king
5272 Miracle of Mary: The hunter reports to King Dǝmātǝyānos, who comes to visit the Holy Family
5273 Miracle of Mary: St Gabriel tells St Mary to return from the mountains of Lebanon to Bethlehem
5274 Miracle of Mary: An angel tells St Joseph to take St Mary and her child to Egypt
5275 Miracle of Mary: All Israel is upset by the coming of the Magi; St Gabriel tells St Mary to flee to the mountains of Lebanon
5276 Miracle of Mary: The Magi find the Holy Family and depart; St Mary flees to Tiberias and from there to the mountains of Lebanon
5277 Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family stays in Dirde
5278 Miracle of Mary: St Mary's prayer while in the wilderness of ʾEdomǝyās
5279 Miracle of Mary: A child, while attending a hermit's mass near Jerusalem, is seized by Satan, but is delivered by St Mary
5280 Miracle of Mary: A column falls and breaks the leg of the son of an official when Muslims destroy a church of St Mary in Homs
5281 Miracle of Mary: St Mary stays in the Temple
5282 Miracle of Mary: St Mary is espoused to St Joseph
5283 Miracle of Mary: Ṭirās, who did not observe holy days, becomes deaf and dumb, but he is healed when his master prays to St Mary
5284 Miracle of Mary: St Mary makes a covenant with King Dāwit of Ethiopia
5285 Miracle of Mary: The general of King Dāwit of Ethiopia who defected to the enemy
5286 Miracle of Mary: The hunter who discovered the Holy Family in flight is turned into a dog when he violates his oath not to reveal them
5287 Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family visits the king of the Semites
5288 Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family uses stones instead of a boat to cross the Nile
5289 Miracle of Mary: The three pious priests and monks who wore fine clothes
5290 Miracle of Mary: The Muslims who stole the furnishings of a church of St Mary located near the western boundary of Ethiopia and were struck by lightning
5291 Miracle of Mary: The punishment of an Ethiopian woman who swore falsely that she had not committed adultery with another woman's husband
5292 Miracle of Mary: The monk who was expelled from school when he could not pay his teacher
5293 Miracle of Mary: The new tābot of St Mary that was found outside the box in which it had been placed
5294 Miracle of Mary: A monk, while guarding a church, has a nocturnal emission and finds himself suddenly outside the courtyard of the church
5295 Miracle of Mary: An angel drives away the custodian of a church of St Mary when he was about to enter after sinning with a woman
5296 Miracle of Mary: The Ethiopian general who went off to fight the Muslims without the consent of the king
5297 Miracle of Mary: The two retainers of a pious ruler who swore not to fight with one another
5298 Miracle of Mary: A monk obtains from St Mary food for a visitor
5299 Miracle of Mary: The king who ordered his retainers to bury him in the church of St Mary that he had built
5300 Miracle of Mary: The man who out of jealousy burned down the house of a former wife who had abandoned him
5301 Miracle of Mary: The man who suspected a former wife of having burned down his house
5302 Miracle of Mary: The thieves who stole the furnishings of a church of St Mary and refused to restore them when she appeared to them
5303 Miracle of Mary: The man who borrowed for a wedding a silken garment from the church of St Mary
5304 Miracle of Mary: The Muslim who was unable to open the church he was intending to plunder
5305 Miracle of Mary: A goat comes miraculously to be slaughtered
5306 Miracle of Mary: The robbers who took from a monk his clothes and the cover of an icon of St Mary that he was carrying
5307 Miracle of Mary: The abbot who fell sick while on a missionary journey
5308 Miracle of Mary: The nativity of Christ
5309 Miracle of Mary: The milk of St Mary that was poured on the ground in Egypt
5310 Miracle of Mary: The Ethiopian pilgrim who was expelled from the Church (of the Resurrection) in Jerusalem during the Easter services
5311 Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary in the Church of the "Romans'' that rebuked the Ethiopians for approaching with their shoes on
5312 Miracle of Mary: The rich man who left the church because the priest was saying the Anaphora of St Mary, Gʷasʿā, on a big feast day
5313 Miracle of Mary: The rich persons who stored their wealth in a church
5314 Miracle of Mary: The man who lost a slave that he was about to sell in Barārā
5315 Miracle of Mary: The monasteries summon King (Dāwit) of Ethiopia to abdicate
5316 Miracle of Mary: The carpenter who asked for a copy of the Gadla samāʿtāt as a reward for his services in building a church
5317 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a priest of Dabra Māryām in Sire
5318 Miracle of Mary: The pilgrim who was journeying to Jerusalem through Ḥamdā
5319 Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary in a church of Alexandria that some Europeans tried to steal
5320 Miracle of Mary: The punishment of a custodian of a church who did not obey the bishop
5321 Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary that did not burn when the rest of the house was destroyed
5322 Miracle of Mary: The pious monk who drowned while crossing a river on his way to a feast that was being given by a rich man in honor of the Assumption
5323 Miracle of Mary: The blind teacher whom his pupils wanted to push over a cliff while they were on their way to a feast being given in honor of the Assumption
5324 Miracle of Mary: The Nativity; the adoration of the shepherds and the Magi
5325 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to Theocleia and prepares her for martyrdom
5326 Miracle of Mary: The abbot who rejected the horologium and other works of ʾabbā Giyorgis
5327 Miracle of Mary: St Mary cuts short her visit to a pious monk when she hears her name invoked according to the horologium of ʾabbā Giyorgis
5328 Miracle of Mary: A young monk is horrified when he has a sexual dream
5329 Miracle of Mary: When a couple tries to marry their son whom they had dedicated to St Mary, he falls sick to the point of death
5330 Miracle of Mary: The monk from a monstery on an island who could not find his boat when he wanted to return
5331 Miracle of Mary: St Alexius lives for fifteen years near a church of St Mary in Armenia
5332 Miracle of Mary: The history of ʾabbā Bulā/ʾAbib
5333 Miracle of Mary: The recovery of the icons stolen from Hagara Māryām
5334 Miracle of Mary: St Mary reveals where the furnishings stolen from the church of Hagara Māryām are located
5335 Miracle of Mary: A leopard carries off a goat that a poor man had bought in the market for the commemorative feast of St Mary
5336 Miracle of Mary: The man who used to steal his food from the fields and would not admit it when questioned
5337 Miracle of Mary: A huge tree needed for the construction of Hagara Māryām that they were unable to cut down falls down for them during the night
5338 Miracle of Mary: Stone needed for the constructton of Hagara Māryām is found by the help of a vision
5339 Miracle of Mary: A tree intended for a pillar for Hagara Māryām falls over a cliff, when they cut it down, but it ts recovered undamaged
5340 Miracle of Mary: Zarʿ a Yāʿqob and the invasion of Badlāy
5341 Miracle of Mary: Zarʿa Yāʿqob is given a sign of Badlāy's fall
5342 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the gabaz of her church in Waybǝlā and tells him about the fall of Badlāy
5343 Miracle of Mary: The Egyptian woman who lost a silver plate while bathing in a miraculous spring
5344 Miracle of Mary: The hungry man whom St Mary used to feed
5345 Miracle of Mary: The priest, Zacharias, who was about to hang himself so as not to see his son die
5346 Miracle of Mary: St Mary turns water over which her anaphora was recited by ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli into miraculous bread
5347 Miracle of Mary: St Mary brings gifts to ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli
5348 Miracle of Mary: Satan tries to prevent ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli from praying by seizing his prayer book
5349 Miracle of Mary: Praise of St Mary's greatness
5350 Miracle of Mary: Malka Ṣǝdǝq learns from a vision how Zarʿa Yāʿqob was chosen to reign
5351 Miracle of Mary: A paralytic is cured at the church of Makāna ʾIyasus; he establishes a monastery at the tomb of ʾabbā ʾAnbasā and lives there
5352 Miracle of Mary: St Mary informs Malka Ṣǝdǝq in a vision that he will receive favour from Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob
5353 Miracle of Mary: The Stephanites are revealed among the damned in a vision of the blessed and the damned
5354 መጽሐፈ፡ አሀጕሎተ፡ ሐሰት፡
5355 Miracle of Mary: The miraculous icon in a monastery: when the Body of Christ falls to the ground unnoticed during the distribution of Communion, St Mary orders St Michael to pick it up
5356 Miracle of Mary: A Christian of Tāʾka Māryām, Tansǝʾa Krǝstos, tries to convert a Muslim
5357 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a pious woman and asks her to go to a certain town and teach the people the observance of her five feast days, from the 21st to the 25th of Gǝnbot
5358 Miracle of Mary: St. Mary rescues ʾƎnṭonǝs, a wonder-working monk from another monastery who was living with the monks of Dabra Māryām, when Satan comes in disguise and tries to throttle him
5359 Miracle of Mary: A man prays for his sick son before the icon of St Mary, she sends St Qirqos, then comes herself with St George to cure him
5360 Miracle of Mary: The girl who was going to be stoned after she was caught committing fornication
5361 Miracle of Mary: The king's washerman who was attacked by a lion
5362 Miracle of Mary: A young man whom his mother had vowed to the service of St Mary becomes impotent when his parents try to wed him
5363 Miracle of Mary: The man who wanted to give a banquet on St Mary's feast but was unable because of a famine
5364 Miracle of Mary: A sinner is saved from damnation because he had built a shrine in the name of St Mary
5365 Miracle of Mary: A soldier redeems the Child Jesus from another soldier who was thinking of handing him over to King Herod
5366 Miracle of Mary: The man who accepted fine clothes as a bribe for future favors
5367 Miracle of Mary: St Mary stops a pestilence
5368 Miracle of Mary: A plague in a monastery is halted at the prayer of a monk
5369 Miracle of Mary: The church of St Mary in Spain to which she used to bring Christian captives
5370 Miracle of Mary: The priest from Cyprus who brought a particle of the Eucharist to a Jew
5371 Miracle of Mary: Brigands try to steal from a church of St Mary in Syria but are unable to bring what they have stolen out of the church
5372 Miracle of Mary: A child whom his mother had vowed to St Mary is rescued from drowning
5373 Miracle of Mary: Some Christians held captive by a Muslim are freed by an angel and are brought to Cyprus
5374 Miracle of Mary: A Muslim official demands tribute from the monks of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
5375 Miracle of Mary: A thief is hanged upside down with the objects he stole from the church of St Mary in Sǝbkaḥad
5376 Miracle of Mary: The dog that ran off with a manuscript of the Miracles of Mary
5377 Miracle of Mary: The king of Egypt asks St Mary to bless his land
5378 Miracle of Mary: St Mary restores his eye to a brigand from Sāf who had been deprived of it by order of the judge
5379 Miracle of Mary: An unbaptized Jewish woman attempts to enter the house of St Mary, who prevents her and tells her to seek baptism
5380 Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation
5381 Miracle of Mary: St Mary gives a cup of the water of life to an Ethiopian monk in Jerusalem
5382 Miracle of Mary: On the conception of Christ
5383 Miracle of Mary: The woman whose baby daughter was carried off by a hyena
5384 Miracle of Mary: Christ gives Ethiopia as tithes to St Mary
5385 Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family returns from Egypt by way of Gaza
5386 Miracle of Mary: St Mary is welcomed when she returns to Galilee
5387 Miracle of Mary: A container of oil remains suspended in mid air in a church of St Mary when the cord by which it was suspended breaks
5388 Miracle of Mary: The Nativity of Christ
5389 Miracle of Mary: The shepherds and the magi come to worship Christ
5390 Miracle of Mary: St Mary's stay in the Temple
5391 Miracle of Mary: The story of Julius Aqfahasi
5392 Miracle of Mary: The story of ʾAbādir, a district governor of Egypt
5393 Miracle of Mary: The story of King Ṭarsǝs of Fārs, who loved to kill Christians
5394 Miracle of Mary: King Yasāy of Egypt, who became a monk in Dabra Rom
5395 Miracle of Mary: The Jew from Rome who wanted to kill Christians, but was seized by the priests of the church of St Mary
5396 Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals the wounds of ʾƎrmǝyās of Sidon with a drop of her milk
5397 Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Tewoqriṭos of Jerusalem rebukes King ʾAkrāṭis of Egypt for not fasting or praying
5398 Miracle of Mary: The story of ʾAstaqāʾos, the European potter who was buried alive
5399 Miracle of Mary: The temptations that ʾAkrosǝyā, the wife of Qawstos, overcame
5400 Explications to the treatise ʾAmmǝstu ʾaʿmāda mǝśṭir (‘The Five Pillars of Mystery’)
5401 Miracle of Mary: The soul of Christina, the wife of Aaron, an Egyptian official, goes to Heaven
5402 Miracle of Mary: The Muslims who spent the night at the ruins of Dabra Mǝṭmāq
5403 Miracle of Mary: The priest Thomas sees St Mary inscribing the names of those who praise her on the fiery chariot of gold
5404 Miracle of Mary: When Israel sins against the Law, the Philistines defeat them and carry off the Ark of Zion, which then chastizes them
5405 Gǝbra hagar za-bēta nǝguś
5406 List of objects from Aksum Ṣǝyon given by King Lǝbna Dǝngǝl to the governors of the north
5407 Quṣǝr baʿālāt za-ʿābiy wa-za-nǝʾus
5408 Miracle of Mary: The news of the capture of the Ark of Zion is brought to Eli
5409 Miracle of Mary: The Philistines bring the Ark of Zion to Azotus and put it into the temple of Dagon
5410 Miracle of Mary: The havoc wrought among the Philistines by the Ark of Zion
5411 Miracle of Mary: The Philistines consult magicians as to what they should do with the Ark of Zion
5412 Miracle of Mary: The Philistines send back the Ark of Zion on a cart drawn by two heifers
5413 Miracle of Mary: Ṗarālǝyā from ʾIyyorām, who was beaten by her husband because she was childless
5414 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Honorius, who lived like a monk
5415 Miracle of Mary: King Barṭaqu of Greece, who became a monk
5416 Miracle of Mary: A dragon that had swallowed up, ʾEfrem, a monk of Dabra Ṭimonā, is compelled to vomit him up alive ten days later
5417 Miracle of Mary: The story of Dilāsor, brother of Emperor Theodosius, who was ʾAbbā Kiros
5418 Miracle of Mary: Christ orders ʾabbā Sāmu'el of Wāli to celebrate Mass for the feast of St Mary
5419 Miracle of Mary: ʾAbbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli is lifted up while reciting the Wǝddāse Māryām
5420 Miracle of Mary: The prodigal son of a man who used, when he was alive, to feed two persons; St Mary promises him riches, but he finds only two grains of gold
5421 Miracle of Mary: The annual apparition of St Mary at Dabra Mǝṭmāq
5422 Miracle of Mary: Archbishop Ṭilās, who was seized by Jews while carrying a golden chalice
5423 Miracle of Mary: Elias from Elkesus, who was falsely accused and was suspended by the abbot
5424 Miracle of Mary: Bishop Hildephonsus sees the icon of St Mary sweating; she asks him to raise a girl from the dead
5425 Miracle of Mary: The three monks who attempted to say Mass in a mosque
5426 Miracle of Mary: The dogs of the hunter praise St Mary
5427 Miracle of Mary: Tektā, who is childless, hasa dream about ten generations ending with the moon and the sun
5428 Miracle of Mary: The Assumption as narrated by St John to Prochorus
5429 Miracle of Mary: St John tells Prochorus how he and the other Apostles were brought together on the 15th of Naḥase
5430 Miracle of Mary: Plato is present at the Transitus of St Mary
5431 Miracle of Mary: St Thomas relates how he was taken to Heaven and saw the body of St Mary
5432 Miracle of Mary: St Mary narrates to St John a revelation made to her by Christ on Golgotha
5433 Miracle of Mary: Christ grants St Mary a vision of the sufferings of those in Hell
5434 Miracle of Mary: The magi and their chief, Balaʿālam, see the star of Christ's birth
5435 Miracle of Mary: A continuation of Christ's revelation to St Mary
5436 Miracle of Mary: Narration of the consecration of the first church; when the patriarchs are commemorated, they rise from the dead and are baptized
5437 Miracle of Mary: The beginning of the history of the Ark of Zion in the giving of the Ten Commandments
5438 Miracle of Mary: The miracles of the Ark of Zion in the days of Joshua
5439 Homily on the Ark of the Covenant
5439 Text of RIE 187
5440 Magic Prayer for Travellers
5441 ʾAmaknəyo za-ḥawāryāt
5442 Hymn to Virgin Mary
5443 Salām laki ʾo-ʾǝgzǝʾtǝya qǝddǝst dǝngǝl Māryām ʾǝmma bǝrhān
5449 Ṣalota ʿǝṭān za-nagh za-Gǝbṣ
5450 Ṣalota ʿǝṭān za-śark za-Gǝbṣ
5451 Ṣalot baʾǝnta bǝʿǝr wa-lāhm
5452 History of the holymCross and emperors of Constantinople
5453 HassabaTabiban
5454 Miracle of Mary: An official who used to rob the poor is converted when a monk reveals that Satan was acting as his counsellor
5455 Miracle of Mary: The history of the Ark of Zion during the reigns of David and Solomon; Mǝnilǝk takes the Ark towards ʾAksum; when they reach the Red Sea, it parts before them
5456 Miracle of Mary: The Ark of Zion is installed in ʾAksum; the coming there of ʾAbbā Salāmā, who explains to the priests attending the Ark its true significance
5457 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the giving of the Law and the fashioning of the Tabernacle
5458 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily: The crossing of the Jordan and the conquest of Palestine
5459 Miracle of Mary: Exhortation based on the conquest of Palestine by the Ark of Zion
5460 Miracle of Mary: King David and all Israel bring back the Ark of Zion
5461 Miracle of Mary: Nathan tells King David that his son, Solomon , will build the Temple for the Ark of Zion
5462 Miracle of Mary: The Temple that King Solomon built for the Ark of Zion
5463 Miracle of Mary: Reflections on the construction of the Temple of Solomon
5464 Discourse of Theodotus of Ancyra
5465 Miracle of Mary: The Ark of Zion is brought into the Temple of Zion
5466 Miracle of Mary: God appears to King Solomon in a dream after the dedication of the Temple
5467 Miracle of Mary: After the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, the Arc of Zion is hidden; the prophecy of Ezra concerning it
5468 Miracle of Mary: The prophecy of Ezra concerning the Ark of Zion
5469 Miracle of Mary: The precious stones used in building the Temple
5470 Miracle of Mary: The vision of Zechariah concerning the Ark of Zion
5471 Miracle of Mary: The Dormition and Transitus of St Mary
5472 Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals a servant girl from a magic spell
5473 Miracle of Mary: Daniel from Constantinople, who wanted to go to church to receive Communion even when there was fighting in the streets
5474 Miracle of Mary: Degannā, the church builder, who was asked by King ʾAkṭab to build a temple for his pagan gods
5475 Miracle of Mary: Sārā from Mǝsot, who became insane and went about naked
5476 Miracle of Mary: Barnābās from Sandafā, who used to venerate St Mary's icon
5477 Miracle of Mary: Qāwsṭos, the husband of ʾAkrosǝyā, becomes a disciple of St Clement
5478 Miracle of Mary: The brother of Emperor Constantine who wanted to marry the empress while Constantine was on pilgrimage to Jerusalem
5479 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Annunciation and the Incarnation
5480 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily: the miraculous conception of St John the Baptist
5481 Maṣḥafa ʾAḫbǝro
5482 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily: the Visitation
5483 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation
5484 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation
5485 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation
5486 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation
5487 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Visitation
5488 Miracle of Mary: The mourning of St John the Baptist for his mother
5489 Miracle of Mary: In a vision St Mary is shown the Paradise of the Just
5490 Miracle of Mary: St Mary's promises to those who are devoted to her
5491 Miracle of Mary: St Mary prays to Christ on the 16th of Yakkātit
5492 Miracle of Mary: The people of Febor sacrifice pigs at the gate of their city so as to prevent the Holy Famiy from entering; they themselves are changed into pigs
5493 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob kills Badlāy and dimembers his body
5494 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob writes the Book of the Miracles of Mary
5495 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob , returning victorious, builds a church in the name of St Mary and commands the observance of her feast
5496 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob composes chants in honour of St Mary
5497 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob establishes the cult of the Trinity throughout his empire
5498 Miracle of Mary: St Mary helps Emperor Nāʿod humble the Jews
5499 Miracle of Mary: St Mary assists the emperors of Ethiopia
5500 ምንባብ፡ ቅዳሴ፡ ዘበዕለቱ፡ በሰነይ፡ ጎርጎርዮስ፡ ዘእንዚናዙ፡
5501 Ṣalota fattǝto za-qǝddāse ḥawāryāt
5502 Miracle of Mary: St Mary is found to be pregnant
5503 Miracle of Mary: St Mary comes to a church in the form of a white dove to heal from smallpox a man whose only good work was celebrating her commemoration
5504 Miracle of Mary: The Dormition and Assumption of St Mary's body into Heaven
5505 Miracle of Mary: The king who invited ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām to come and discuss spiritual matters
5506 Miracle of Mary: A bishop asks a man for the prayer that saved him from Satan
5507 Miracle of Mary: The Stephanites in Egypt and Palestine
5508 Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation
5509 Miracle of Mary: Synaxary entry for the 21st of Gǝnbot: the Holy Family enters Egypt
5510 Miracle of Mary: St Thomas arrives for the funeral of St Mary
5511 Miracle of Mary: A barren woman conceives and bears Saldā Masqal
5512 ʾƎsma bakama kona lati madḫəna ʿālam Krəstos
5513 Miracle of Mary: Sts Mary and Gabriel visit an Ethiopian named Gabra Māryām and heal him
5514 Miracle of Mary: Abraham, a relative of St Stephen, becomes a Christian
5515 Miracle of Mary: At the commemoration of ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli a blind man recovers his sight
5516 Miracle of Mary: A blind woman is brought by her son to the tomb of ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli
5517 Miracle of Mary: The blind woman from Zaraftā who was unable to come to the tomb of ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli
5519 Miracle of Mary: St Mary and her Son appear to Patriarch Bartholomew while saying Mass
5520 Miracle of Mary: Satan comes to some monks and entrusts a child to them; the monks eat the child
5521 Miracle of Mary: A monk heals two blind hyena cubs with an icon of St Mary
5522 Miracle of Mary: The monk, Paul, who was attacked by brigands
5523 Miracle of Mary: The pious deacon who was seized to avenge a homicide committed by his brother
5524 Miracle of Mary: The Transitus of St Mary
5525 Miracle of Mary: The Jewish magistrate who believed in Christ when he saw St Mary's miracles
5526 Miracle of Mary: St Mary is symbolized in Scripture as a dove
5527 Miracle of Mary: Christ gives St Mary the Pact of Mercy
5528 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to ʾabuna Madḫānina ʾƎgziʾ and ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli
5529 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli and promises blessings to those who drink the water over which they read her anaphora
5530 Miracle of Mary: The cross at Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām that used to bless when the priest saying Mass blessed
5531 Miracle of Mary: A Muslim herder starts to build a shrine to St Mary on good land; when he dies, she saves his soul from the angels of darkness
5532 Miracle of Mary: Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob institutes monthly feasts of St Mary
5533 Miracle of Mary: A history of Dabra Mǝṭmāq, its construction, destruction and reconstruction
5534 Miracle of Mary: The dissolute youth from Ethiopia who was about to be killed by the magistrate
5535 Miracle of Mary: The ruined church of St Mary that was rebuilt
5536 Miracle of Mary: St Mary asks bread from a poor widow during the flight from Herod
5537 Miracle of Mary: Certain ones raised from the dead relate to St Mary their sufferings in the fires of Gehenna
5538 Miracle of Mary: The monastery near Alexandria whose trees were cut down by Jews
5539 Discourse of Peter on the Cross
5540 Miracle of Mary: Sābelā, a nun of Caesarea, who had a vision of St Mary while sleeping
5541 Miracle of Mary: The bread and wine that came down from Heaven to Abbot Gabriel during Mass in the church of St Mary in Rome
5542 Miracle of Mary: Bishop Dǝrālyos in Dabra Gaṣṣ, who was a lazy monk
5543 Miracle of Mary: The European Archbishop Thaddeus, whom St Mary assisted at Mass
5544 Miracle of Mary: The monk, Abiathar, in Nubia, who was led to repentance by a vision of St Mary
5545 Miracle of Mary: Eusebius, whom St Mary took to Heaven
5546 Miracle of Mary: The prophet, Jonah, who came from Egypt
5547 Discourse of Constantine
5548 Introduction to Gadla ḥawāryāt
5549 The Discourse of Dionysius on the Tribes of the Apostles
5550 Miracle of Mary: Matthias, a student from Bārtos in Egypt, who was beaten and imprisoned for teaching about Christ
5551 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to ʾabbā Bǝsoy on the day of the Assumption
5552 Miracle of Mary: How the Egyptian youth, Bǝsoy, who had destroyed churches and killed people, repented after killing a pregnant woman
5553 Miracle of Mary: ʾabbā Paphnutius lives in the desert for thirty-three years, being nourished with bread from Heaven
5554 Miracle of Mary: ʾArkaledǝs from Qāwǝḥ, who vowed not to look again at a woman, when his mother came to visit him, he died before seeing her
5555 Miracle of Mary: The vision granted to Archbishop Bartholomew in Jerusalem
5556 Miracle of Mary: Four thieves break into the church of St Mary and steal vestments; they are brought back by lions
5557 Miracle of Mary: The thirty monks of Scete whom Satan inspired to beat each other
5558 Miracle of Mary: Satan takes the form of a bird to deceive two monks who had lived together in harmony for fifteen years
5559 Miracle of Mary: The clergy wish to receive Communion on the feast of Easter from Archbishop Maximus in Jerusalem
5560 Miracle of Mary: St Mary assists ʾabbā Dānǝʾel in the desert and gives him a lion to ride on
5561 Miracle of Mary: The European monk, Zenā Krǝstos, who was a herder and whose beasts were attacked by a lion
5562 Miracle of Mary: Sts Michael and Gabriel appear while Abbot Eliab is teaching his monks, who are given bread from Heaven
5563 Miracle of Mary: Homily of St John the Evangelist on the greatness of St Mary, which he had seen in a vision
5564 Miracle of Mary: The Christian villagers in Armenia who had to buy their water from Jews
5565 Miracle of Mary: Pelagia, a nun from Caesarea, whom Satan afflicted with leprosy
5566 Miracle of Mary: ʾAqlemyā, a poor woman from Rome, who was tied to a tree by brigands for five days and nights
5567 Miracle of Mary: A Christian retainer escapes unharmed when his king is defeated by the Moslems
5568 Miracle of Mary: The woman who was crossing a river on a raft
5569 Miracle of Mary: St Mary teaches a man who had been refused instruction how to write
5570 Miracle of Mary: Zakāryās from Rāfā, whom the custodian of the church locked out of the place where his food was kept
5571 Miracle of Mary: Abbot Lǝbdǝyos speaks to the people on the feast of St Mary when they ask him to distribute Communion
5572 Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Mǝkmǝyanos, whom the clergy and people threatened to depose when he fell sick
5573 Miracle of Mary: Bishop Bakimos of Constantinople, to whom St Mary appeared concerning Lǝbanyā, who was sterile
5574 Miracle of Mary: The story of the martyr, St Romanus
5575 Miracle of Mary: How the angels worship the Eucharist, the Cross and St Mary
5576 Miracle of Mary: Abbot Tasfa Māḫbar from Caesarea, who was given a cloud as a chariot and went to visit ʾabbā Zakāryas in Scete
5577 Miracle of Mary: Doyq, the son of Ṭāliq, is raised from the dead by St Mary while she was still in the womb of St Anne
5578 Miracle of Mary: Saladdin and his men try to force their way into the house where St Mary was born
5579 Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals two women whom a demon had made ill
5580 Miracle of Mary: A young servant of a monk gets lost among Muslims but is restored safe and sound when the monk cries to St Mary
5581 Miracle of Mary: A woman marries seven times, but each time her husband is killed by a demon
5582 Miracle of Mary: St Mary before her dormition asks Christ to bless those who honor her and pray for her help
5583 Miracle of Mary: A Christian from Bethlehem is restored to his community after being sold into slavery by the Turks and beaten and slain by his master
5584 Miracle of Mary: St Mary visits Calvary
5585 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the greatness of St Mary
5586 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Assumption and on the reason for the trials and labors of the Apostles
5587 Miracle of Mary: The vision of St John in the Apocalypse
5588 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the vision of St John the Evangelist
5589 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse
5590 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse
5591 Miracle of Mary: Conclusion of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse
5592 Miracle of Mary: The Apostles decree that the events concerning the Transitus of St Mary that they have witnessed should be written down and that be commemorated three times a year
5593 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the silver bird with gilded wings (Ps: 67:14)
5594 Miracle of Mary: The acts of St Paul in Wāriqon, as narrated by St Peter
5595 Miracle of Mary: When the Jews try to seize St Mary and the Apostles in Bethlehem, they are taken by the Spirit to the Temple, the house being left empty
5596 Miracle of Mary: The governor believes in Christ and rebukes the Jews
5597 Miracle of Mary: The Spirit tells the Apostles to take St Mary from the Temple
5598 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Annunciation, preceded by the gospel text
5599 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Annunciation
5600 Miracle of Mary: When ʾAgābos from Dalgā enters the church, the icon of St Mary weeps
5601 Miracle of Mary: The Dormition
5602 Miracle of Mary: After the Annunciation, Zacharias blesses St Mary, who then goes to visit her cousin, Elizabeth
5603 Miracle of Mary: When King Herod learns that the Holy Family is in the wilderness of Bārṭā, an angel tells St Joseph to flee to the mountains of Lebanon
5604 Miracle of Mary: Herod commands that King Gigār be brought to the olive tree
5605 Miracle of Mary: The prayer of King Dǝmātyanos
5606 Miracle of Mary: When St Mary departs from the city of ʾIṭenin, its people weep
5607 Miracle of Mary: On the occasion of the marriage of Sts Joachim and Anne, prophecies are made concerning the birth of St Mary
5608 Miracle of Mary: The story of Zacharias, the father of St John the Baptist
5609 Miracle of Mary: Homily of Cyriacus of Bǝhnǝsā for the 16th of Naḥase
5610 Miracle of Mary: St Mary thanks Christ after receiving from him the Pact of Mercy
5611 Miracle of Mary: Christ appears to the Apostles after the Dormition of St Mary
5612 Miracle of Mary: The Chalcedonian schism; the house of Nazareth is miraculously transported
5613 Miracle of Mary: The church of St Mary in Homs collapses in an earthquake
5614 Miracle of Mary: Job, a pupil of Barsuma, falls into a well
5615 Miracle of Mary: Homily on the greatness of St Mary
5616 Miracle of Mary: Anne from Constantinople rises from the dead and relates her experiences
5617 Miracle of Mary: The heir who planned to terminate his father's custom of a monthly feast in honor of St Mary
5618 Miracle of Mary: Some officials visit the icon of St Mary at Dabra Sedenyā
5619 Miracle of Mary: Homily of Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob on St Mary as the hope of salvation
5620 Miracle of Mary: When the Holy Family encounters brigands during their return journey from Egypt, Christ repairs the broken sword of Ṭeṭos
5621 Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a Muslim who was about to teach the Islamic religion to a Christian who had been compelled to apostasize; the Muslim teacher is converted to Christianity and dies a martyr
5622 Sermon of Cyril of Alexandria said in the church of John the Baptist on 23 Miyāzyā, on Sunday
5623 Malkǝʾ-hymn to ʾabbā ʾAbib
5625 Tǝrgʷāme śǝna fǝṭrat
5626 AmaLesaneyaYebe
5627 Nagara ʾarʾǝsta ʾaʾǝmro
5628 Commentary on the Nicene Creed
5629 Amharic Commentary on the Nicene Creed
5630 Taʾammǝra ʾarbāʿtu ʾǝnsǝsā
5631 Gadl za-ʾAbbā Nob
5631 Salām la-ʾarbāʿtu ʾǝnsǝsā
5632 Miracle of Mary: How the Christians asked Mary to show them what they demanded
5633 Ḍadāl Ḍaḥay
5634 Maṣḥafa ʾƎnqʷu
5636 Maṣḥafa Zalāfe ʾƎsṭfānos
5637 Dersāna Ṣom
5638 Miracle of Mary: Mary saves Barsumā's ship and appears to his disciples
5639 Wǝddāse Māryām
5640 Miracle of Mary: Cyriacus of Behnesa composes the Anaphora of Mary
5641 Miracle of Mary: Description of the church of ʾAtrib
5642 Miracle of Mary: Dialogue between the priest of the church of ʾAtrib with the general
5643 Miracle of Mary: Apparition of Mary to Yoḥannǝs, the priest of the church of ʾAtrib
5644 Miracle of Mary: Arrival of the letter prohibiting the destruction of the church of ʾAtrib
5645 Miracle of Mary: Dialogue between the general and the king after his return from ʾAtrib
5646 Mastagābǝʾ
5647 Miracle of Mary: Deacon Michael, the grocer (part 1)
5648 Miracle of Mary: Deacon Michael, the grocer (part 2)
5649 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (part 1)
5650 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (part 2)
5651 Miracle of Mary: The felled tree in Dāmot
5652 Miracle of Mary: The felled tree in Dāmot is reerected
5653 Miracle of Mary: Mary appears to the monk Gabra Māryām in the form of a small child
5654 Maṣḥafa gǝṣṣǝw
5655 Bārәkanna ʾәgziʾo
5656 Malḥǝq
5657 Miracle of Mary: A sinful priest possessed by a demon afflicts wounds on himself and his healed by Mary's milk after two visions
5658 Miracle of Mary: A king whom the people wants to adore consults a wise woman, who has a vision of Mary and Christ
5659 Miracle of Mary: ʾƎrmǝyās is chosen as the successor of king Mārqos
5660 Miracle of Mary: The story of St George
5661 Miracle of Mary: The spendthrift who refused to deny Mary (part 1)
5662 Miracle of Mary: The spendthrift who refused to deny Mary (part 2)
5663 Miracle of Mary: Mary saves a rich sinner who had loved her
5664 Miracle of Mary: Christ narrates the construction of Dabra Mǝṭmāq to Mary
5665 Miracle of Mary: The governor has to hinder Muslims visiting Dabra Mǝṭmāq from becoming Christian
5666 Miracle of Mary: A boy, whom the king and his parents wanted to sacrifice, becomes king
5667 Miracle of Mary: Vision of the deacon Baruch
5668 Miracle of Mary: The divine light appearing on the torches of the Ethiopians and Egyptians in the church of the resurrection
5669 Miracle of Mary: Miracle produced by the chants on the feast of the Cross in Jerusalem
5670 Miracle of Mary: Miracle produced by chants in churches in Gulo Maḵadā and Gogdā Wagdā
5671 Songs of Salomon (so called “Hebrew version”)
5672 Chronicle of Takla Giyorgis I
5673 Miracles of Mary: ʾAkko-nu bəʾsi collection
5674 Nagara wagǝʿ za-ʾaṣwām za-kama yǝtqannay ba-ba-maʿārgihomu
5675 Śǝrʿata ʾaṣwām
5676 Hymn to Mary
5677 Ḥassāba ṭabibān
5678 Commemorative note and hymn for St Roch (Roqo)
5679 Ṣalot baʾǝnta lǝssāna sabʾ zamad
5680 Ṣalot baʾǝnta masdade ʾagānǝnt wa-ḍar
5681 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma rǝʾǝs wa-ʿayn
5682 Prayer against pain in the eyes
5683 Tamāhḍanku ba-ʿǝlata ʿārb ba-fǝqur
5684 Explanation of the Sign of the Faith
5685 Hymn to Jesus Christ
5686 Mǝntǝnu ʾaʿaśǝyakki ʿǝseta ba-ʾǝnta kwǝllu za-gabarki
5687 Ṣalot baʾǝnta bāryā wa-zār
5688 Ṣalot baʾǝnta bāryā ʾagānǝnta ṣawāgān menāfəsta rəkusān dask wa-nədād
5689 Sǝbḥata fǝqur za-Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
5690 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿayna ṭǝlā wa-ʿayna warq ṣelota nədrā zəwəʾǝtu ḥǝmāma ʿayna ʾəkkuy
5691 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma budā wa-qumaňňā
5692 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿayna ṭǝlā zaʾaseromu laʾagānǝnt
5693 Prayer to chase demons away
5694 Luke 1:26-38 and salām-hymns
5695 Magic Prayer Against Illnesses and Demons
5696 Ḥaṣura Masqal
5697 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʾaqʷyāṣ wa-ḥaqʷe wa-kʷəllu ʾabāla śəgā
5698 Chapters by John Colobus
5699 Prayer of the blessed Virgin Mary
5700 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man possessed by a demon
5701 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Julitta and St. Michael
5702 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and Qade the infidel merchant
5703 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the woman who liked the adultery
5704 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man who had neither clothes nor food
5705 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man who was making the good
5706 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the infidel who was a thief
5707 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the adulteress who was married many times
5708 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the demons, in the region of Māy Ḍaʿādā
5709 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the sick man who was near death
5710 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the infidel horseman who was adversary of another horseman
5711 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man who loved the love of the world
5712 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the woman who had no husband
5713 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the adulteress with whom no one could be compared in adultery
5714 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the presbyter
5715 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the adulterer who separated from his wife
5716 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the sick man in the country of “ʾĀnəziz”
5717 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man in the insland of “ʾĀnəziz”, the Saint's native land
5718 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus, St. Julitta, and the governor ʾArmātyānos
5719 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the monk from a remote region
5720 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the sterile couple who was supplicating to the saint for getting a baby
5721 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the monk ʾElyās
5722 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man with the impure spirit
5723 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the paralytic
5724 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man from Egypt
5725 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man in a region with a building on the island
5726 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the evil man
5727 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the pagan woman
5728 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the man who wanted to take a wife
5729 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the bishop
5730 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus saved the house of a monk from fire
5731 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and the pagans who waged a war against Christians
5732 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St. Cyricus and King in the region of Rohā (or Rome)
5733 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the poor woman who was selling the water
5734 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the son of a presbyter of the church devoted to him
5735 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the governor in front of the King
5736 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the great ruler who was imprisoned
5737 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the strong wind from the west that destroyed the church devoted to him
5738 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the sick man
5739 Hagiographic Dossier of Sts Cyricus and Julitta
5740 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the infidel
5741 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and St George of Lydda
5742 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the blind man who loved the fighting and the quarrel
5743 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the guardian of the church of St Cyriacus, in the region of Māy Ḍaʿādā
5744 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the farmer who wanted to repair the tie-hook (qarāqǝro) of the yoke
5745 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the evil man
5746 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the faithful men of Qalmā
5747 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the ruler who built other churches dedicated to him
5748 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus, learned priests of his church and a hermit
5749 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus receiving his kidān on 15 Ṭǝrr
5750 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the man of bad behavior
5751 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and St Gabriel
5752 Salām Hymn to St Cyricus
5753 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the Jew
5754 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the bishop who placed in an island of Egypt with his son
5755 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the big ruler who became king after a lower state
5756 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the priests who wanted to restore the church of the saint
5757 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the faithful who fell into the precipice
5758 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the monk who took possession of the image (picture) of the saint
5759 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the ascetic monk
5760 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the man with a hen
5761 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the construction of a big church in his honour
5762 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the paralytic who was sick from his childhood
5763 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the man whose name was Walda Qirqos
5764 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the thief who denied stealing
5765 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the paralytic whose legs were dry like a stone
5766 Miracle of St Cyricus (Qirqos): St Cyricus and the thief who stole the clothes of a woman
5767 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave Mary the Egyptian harlot
5768 Acts of John the Baptist
5769 Hāymānota ʾabaw with Maṣḥafa ṭomār
5770 ተአምሪሁ፡ ለሰማዕት᎓ ኃያል᎓ ፊቅጦር᎓
5772 Commemorative note and hymn for St Victor
5773 The Synaxarion entries for 2 Maskaram.
5774 Maṣḥafa zenahu Takla Hāymānot
5775 Sǝbḥāt laki Māryām ba-ḫʷǝlqʷa malāʾǝkt za-ʾaryām
5776 Hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
5777 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Kiros
5778 Miracles of Takla Hāymānot worked in Šabal
5780 Protective ʾasmāt-prayer
5781 Maṣḥafa ʾAnkǝro
5782 Hymn to George
5798 List of the Kings of Israel
5799 Tǝrgʷāme maṣḥaf za-Ḥǝzqǝʾel
5800 Life of Daniel
5801 Book of Ezekiel - Eth I
5802 Book of Ezekiel - Eth II
5803 Synaxarion commemoration of Garimā
5804 Vision of Sinodā - Recension A
5805 Vision of Sinodā - Recension B
5806 Vision of Sinodā - Recension C
5807 Homily and Teaching of the Apostles regarding the Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Our Lord
5808 Sǝʾlatāt ba-samuna ḥǝmāmāt
5809 On the Burial of Our Lord
5810 Ethiopic explanation of several Hebrew names
5811 Contendings of the Apostles: Recension I
5812 On the Crucifixion
5813 Homily by Ephraim the Syrian on Death and Satan
5814 Contendings of the Apostles: Recension II
5815 Contendings of the Apostles: Recension III
5816 Contendings of the Apostles: Recension IV
5817 Contendings of the Apostles: Recension V
5818 Contendings of the Apostles: Recension VI
5820 ʾArāwita Gadām
5821 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿǝsara mǝqqaňňā wa-tankolaňňā
5822 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma dam
5823 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿǝsara dam wa-šotalāy
5824 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿǝsara ʾagānǝnt wa-ʿāyna ṭǝlā
5825 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾǝǧa sabʾ wa-maftǝḥe śǝrāy
5826 Magic Prayer Against Evil Spirits
5826 test
5827 Magic Prayer Against Evil Spirits
5828 Prayer Against Bleeding
5829 Prayer to the Divine
5830 Prayer to Jesus Christ
5831 Prayer to Jesus Christ
5832 Books of Solomon
5833 On the Reading of the Gospels
5835 Dates of the Martyrdoms of the Apostles
5836 Acts of St Thomas
5837 Prayer to Jesus Christ
5838 Prayer to Jesus Christ
5839 The Third Ethiopian Book of Maccabees
5840 The Second Ethiopian Book of Maccabees
5841 Three Ethiopian Books of Maccabees
5842 Medical Instructions for Ethiopians
5843 Mannu za-yaḫāddǝr
5844 Ṣalot baʾǝnta zār
5845 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʿāyna ṣǝlāwagi wa-ʿayna warq
5846 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿāyna ṭǝlā wa-ṣǝlāwagi
5847 ʾAsmāt-prayer
5848 Magic prayer of the devil
5849 Genealogy of the Twelve Apostles
5850 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾasassǝlo dawe za-bāryā wa-ṣǝlāwagi
5851 Naʾakkʷǝtaka ʾǝgziʾo wa-nǝsebbǝḥaka
5852 Psalter (non-standard)
5853 Hymn to Mary
5854 Hymn to Mary
5855 GIyorgisWaldaAmExcerpt
5856 Dǝrsānāt
5857 Homily by Theophilus of Constantinople on St Stephen the Protomartyr
5858 Ephraim Syrus, on Fasting and Prayer
5859 Homily on the man who was born blind
5860 On Palm Sunday
5861 On Palm Sunday
5862 Homily by the Orthodox on the Great Spiritual Easter
5863 The History of John of Rome
5864 On the Transfiguration of Our Lord
5865 ʾAmaḥaḍḍǝnakkǝmu ʾagāʾǝztǝya ʾāb wa-wald wa-manfas qǝddus
5866 ʾO-za-ʾaṣoruka masqala ʾǝnbālā fǝtḥ …
5867 Śǝllus qǝddus mazgaba samāy
5868 Mawaddǝs hymn to Demetrius
5869 Gadla Yǝsḥaq (Beta ʾƎsrāʾel recension)
5870 Gadla Yāʿqob (Beta ʾƎsrāʾel recension)
5871 Gadla ʾAbrǝhām (Beta ʾƎsrāʾel recension)
5872 Nagara Muse (general record)
5873 Nagara Muse (Beta ʾƎsrāʾel recension)
5874 Ya-sābǝʿt sanbat ṣalot
5875 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿaynat bāryā wa-legewon wa-ʾafa ʾagānǝnt wa-ṭǝquro
5876 ʾAsmāt-prayer of the Archangel Michael
5877 Hagiographic Dossier of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos
5878 Taʾāmmǝra samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos
5879 Malkǝʾa samāʿtāta Ṗarāqliṭos
5880 Salām-hymn for the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos
5881 Note on the commemoration of the Martyrs of Ṗarāqliṭos
5883 Gadla Takla Hāymānot (mixed recension)
5884 Mazmura Dāwit tǝmassǝl gannata
5885 ʾO-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝya Māryām ṣǝwwāʿā lǝbbunā malakotāwi
5886 On the length of the day during the months of the year
5887 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma bāryā wa-legewon wa-ḥǝmāma ʾalgʷǝm wa-nagargār
5888 ʾAsmāt-prayer (general record)
5889 Prayer for undoing of charms (general record)
5890 ʾAsmāt-prayer of the Archangel Gabriel
5891 Saʿātāt za-Qʷǝsqʷām
5892 Zenā saqoqāwǝki
5894 Taśāhālka ʾǝgziʾo mǝdraka
5895 Dǝrsāna lǝdatā la-Māryām
5897 Table Prayer
5898 Homily on the Archangel Michael
5899 Hymn Following Communion
5900 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta ʿǝbayu wa-kǝbru la-Mikāʾel
5901 Dǝrsāna Gabrǝʾel
5902 liturgical miscellany (undefined)
5903 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Short version)
5904 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Bishop of Rome, ʾAbbās (Long version)
5905 ፊደለ፡ ሐዋርያ፡
5906 Miracle of Mary: After a man denies Christ and Mary, his wife prays before the image of Mary, who appears then to the husband
5906 Miracle of Mary: After a man denies Christ and Mary, his wife prays before the image of Mary, who appears then to the husband
5907 Miracle of Mary: St Mary saves two travellers from floods and soldiers
5908 Prayer of Penance
5909 Collection of prayers
5910 Tigrinya translation of Maṣḥafa qǝddāse (Missal)
5911 Canon of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt
5911 Canon of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt
5912 Miracle of Mary: Mary leads Teklā to Alexandria
5913 ʾAbugidā Syllabarium
5914 Hāhu Syllabarium
5915 Miracle of Mary: Miracles performed by Mary after her death on various women
5916 Prayer
5917 Taʾammǝra Ḥannā
5918 Taʾammǝrātihomu la-Ḥannā wa-ʾIyāqem
5919 Salām-hymn to St Anne
5920 Beginning of the Gospel of John
5921 Salām-hymn to Dabra Libānos
5922 Sǝmʿu wa-lǝbbǝw ʾo-daqiqa ʾAddām
5923 Story of the Ten Commandments
5924 Yǝtbārak ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāka ʾƎsrāʾel la-kʷǝllu za-śǝgā wa-lakʷǝllu manfas...
5925 Yǝtbārak ʾƎgziʾabḥer ʾamlāka ʾƎsrāʾel wa-ʾǝzenu ṣǝdqaka ba-ʾafuya la-tǝwlǝda tǝwlǝd ʾǝska la-ʿālam...
5926 Yǝtbārak ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāka ʾƎsrāʾel liqāna malāʾǝkt Mikāʾel wa-Gabrǝʾel Surāfel wa-Kirubel...
5927 Yǝtbārak ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāka ʾƎsrāʾel wa-zǝntu wǝʾǝtu sǝmǝya za-nagarkǝwo...
5928 Yǝtbārak ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāka ʾƎsrāʾel ʾel kir kir … wa-ʾǝmbǝdbǝd ṣawʿā ṣǝwāʿku
5929 ይትባረክ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አምላከ፡ እስራኤል፡ ወጸውኡ፡ ስማየ፡ በሳብዕት፡ ዕለት፡
5930 Wa-yǝʾǝzeni ʾƎgziʾo ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamen buruk
5931 Yǝtbārak ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāka ʾƎsrāʾel za-gabra ʿābiya wa-mankara bāḥtitu
5932 Tazakkar ʾƎgziʾo kidāna ʾagbǝrtika kidāna ʾAbrǝhām
5933 Amharic Commentary on the Introductory Rite to the Miracles of Mary
5934 Amharic Commentary on the Our Father
5935 Amharic Commentary on the Hail Mary
5936 Amharic Commentary on the Praises of Mary
5937 Amharic Commentary on the Ten Commandments
5938 Amharic Commentary on the Pillars of Mystery
5940 Amharic Commentary on the Farewell Speech of Moses
5941 Amharic Commentary on the Prayer of the Covenant
5942 Amharic Commentary on the Supplications
5943 Amharic Commentary on the litanical Prayer
5944 Commentary on Mystagogia
5945 Amharic Commentary on the Ordinary of the Mass
5946 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of the Apostles
5947 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Our Lord
5948 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of John, Son of Thunder
5949 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Mary
5950 Amharic Commentary on the of the 318 Orthodox Fathers
5951 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Athanasius
5952 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Basil
5953 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Gregory, brother of Basil
5954 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Epiphanius
5955 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of John Chrysostom
5956 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Cyril
5957 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Jacob of Serugh
5958 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Dioscorus
5959 Amharic Commentary on the Anaphora of Gregory the Wonder Worker
5960 Hail Mary
5961 Ten Commandments
5962 Prayer to the three names to defeat the enemy
5963 Amharic Commentary on the Mystery of the Trinity
5964 Commentary on the Mystery of the Incarnation
5965 Amharic Commentary on the Mystery of Baptism (General record)
5966 Amharic Commentary on the Mystery of Holy Communion
5967 Amharic Commentary on the Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead
5968 Amharic Commentary on the Epistles of Paul
5969 Amharic Commentary by John Chrysostom on Matthew's note about Mary
5970 Amharic Commentary on the Didascalia
5971 Amharic Commentary on Homilies of the Fathers
5972 Amharic Commentary on the Testimony of the Fathers
5973 Amharic Commentary on the Testimony of the Fathers on the Incarnation
5974 Amharic Commentary on the Fǝtḥa nagaśt
5975 Amharic Commentary on Ezekiel
5976 Amharic Commentary on Instructions and Explanations to the Chanters
5977 Amharic Commentary on the Computus
5978 Amharic Commentary on Qerǝllos
5979 Amharic Commentary on the Words of ʾAragāwi
5980 Amharic Commentary on the Story of David
5981 Amharic Commentary on the Four Gospels
5982 Amharic Commentary on the ʾOrit/Octateuch
5983 Amharic Commentary on Enoch
5984 Amharic Commentary on Daniel
5985 Amharic Commentary on Psalms
5985 Amharic Commentary on Psalms
5986 Amharic Commentary on the Psalter
5987 Amharic Commentary on the Book of Revelation
5988 Amharic Commentary on Isaiah
5989 Amharic Commentary on the Daily Prayer
5990 Sǝla ʾortodoks beta krǝstiyān ʾandānd śǝrʿātočč ya-qarraba nagara malakotāwi tǝččǝt
5991 Praise to God
5992 Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus Krǝstos
5993 Hymn to Mary
5994 Dǝrsāna sanbata krǝstiyān
5995 Tazkāra maṣḥafa saʿātāt
5996 Computation of the Hours
5997 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to Titus
5998 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews
5999 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to the Colossians
6000 Amharic Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians
6001 Amharic Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians
6002 Amharic Commentary on the First Epistle to Timothy
6003 Amharic Commentary on the Second Epistle to Timothy
6004 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
6005 Amharic Commentary on the First Epistle to the Thessalonians
6006 Amharic Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
6007 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians
6008 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to Philemon
6009 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
6010 Amharic Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
6011 Register of the Church feasts for the entire year
6012 Miracle of Jesus: Salome praises Jesus
6013 Miracle of Jesus: The presentation of Jesus at the temple
6014 Miracle of Jesus: The stolen cows of Ṭǝṭmǝnā, a neighbour of the Holy Family
6015 Miracle of Jesus: The fisher of the lake Tiberias whose fish were stolen
6016 Miracle of Jesus: The stolen calf
6017 Miracle of Jesus: Jesus saves Joseph from a lion
6018 litany for Holy Saturday
6019 Miracle of Jesus: The adulterous woman
6020 Miracle of Jesus: The crucifixion
6021 Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension
6022 Brief chronology of the Roman and Byzantine emperors
6023 መቅደመ፡ ሐሳብ፡
6024 Introductory text and hymn to the Miracles of Mary
6025 Decree of the twelve Orthodox bishops against various heresies
6026 Nagara baqʷǝʿet za-qǝddus ʾabbā Wagris
6027 Letter of Lucius to Evagrius
6028 Letter of Evagrius to Lucius
6029 Miracle of Mary: The poor deacon Michael of Cairo, whose Muslim neighbour converted (General record)
6030 Miracle of Mary: A man mutilates himself after committing a sexual sin (General record)
6031 Miracle of Mary: The divorced wife who prayed for revenge against her rival (General record)
6031 Miracle of Mary: The divorced wife who prayed for revenge against her rival (General record)
6032 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused her son to appear in the form of a boy to a worshipper (General record)
6033 Miracle of Mary: The noblewoman who was persuaded by her spiritual father to give away her fine clothes
6034 Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary told a treasurer of a church to kiss her cheeks (General record)
6035 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the merchant who was offered riches for denying the faith
6036 Miracle of Mary: The young man who was ready to serve Satan, but refused to deny St Mary
6037 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the preservation of the Church of the Virgin in ʾAṯrīb (General record)
6037 Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the preservation of the Church of the Virgin in ʾAṯrīb (General record)
6038 Miracle of Mary: The inhabitants of Dāmot who would not observe the feast days of St Mary are punished by a storm that brings down a mighty tree (General record)
6039 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (General record)
6039 Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites (General record)
6040 Baʾǝnta ṣǝnusāt soba yaʿāṣṣǝbon la-walid
6041 Ṣalota ḥǝmāma karś
6042 Ḥassaba Dǝmeṭros
6043 Computus from the beginning till the end of the World
6044 Tract in Amharic on the three Natures of the Godhead and their Union
6045 ሥርዓተ፡ ስግደት፡ በተፍጻሜተ፡ በዓለ፡ ፶፡ ቅድስት፡
6046 Short Invocation to Our Lady Mary
6047 On the twelve apostles
6048 On Palm Sunday
6049 For the third Sunday in Lent
6049 Introductory Prayer to the Miracles of Mary
6049 Hymn to Virgin Mary
6049 For the first Sunday in Lent
6050 For the second Sunday in Lent
6051 Taʾammǝra Zamikāʾel ʾAragāwi
6052 Introductory Prayer to the Miracles of Mary
6053 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the woman who stopped the sun to finish her daily work before the Sabbath
6054 Introductory hymn to the Mazmura Dǝngǝl
6054 Introductory hymn to the Mazmura Dǝngǝl
6055 Hymn to the Virgin Mary
6056 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the evil man who was saved from the demons by the saint
6057 Discourse in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6058 Ladder of Paradise
6059 For the beginning of Lent
6060 Dǝrsān za-darasa Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot za-yǝtnabbab ba-qǝbalā ṣom
6061 For the third Sunday in Lent
6062 Taʾammǝra ʾUrāʾel
6064 እነሆ፡ አጫጭር፡ ልቦለዶች
6065 ምን፡ ይሉኝ።
6066 ኅብረ፡ አምሳል፡ (አማርኛ፡ ቅኔ፡) አንደኛ፡ መጽሐፍ፡
6067 እኔስ፡ ሰው፡ አልሆንም፡
6068 ሰጲራ፡
6069 የይስማኤል፡ ቍጥቋጦ፡
6070 እሱንተይው!!
6071 የእሥራት፡ ዘመን፡ በአበሻ፡ አገር፡ የቴዎድሮስ፡ እሥረኛ፡
6072 ሰውና፡ ጉዞው፤ ሰብአዊ፡ ጉዞዬ፡
6073 ጥበበ፡ ሥላሴ፡
6074 ዘአርትዑ፡ ነገረ፡ ፲ወ፪ አበው፡ ጠበብተ፡ መንፈሳውያን፡ ተጋብኡ፡ ኅቡረ፡ ወተናገሩ፡ በበይናቲሆሙ።
6075 ነገር፡ በእንተ፡ ዘይሰምዕ፡ በቍዔታ፡ ለነፍሱ፡ ወይበውእ፡ ውስተ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሰማያት።
6076 የንግግርና፡ የጽሑፍ፡ ነፃነት፡
6077 የቡና ቤት ዝንቦች
6079 ከምሱር።
6080 የመንፈስ፡ ማዕበል፡
6081 ጉልበተ-ደመወዝና፡ ካፒታል፡
6082 የዓለም፡ ድርጅቶች፡
6083 አጫጭር፡ ልብ-ወለድ፡ ታሪኮች፡
6084 እስራኤላዊው: ወጣት: (ሳምሶን):
6085 ምልክአም፡ "ሰይፈ፡ ነበልባል፡"
6086 ሁለት፡ የሙት፡ ልጆች፡ ልብወለድ፡ ታሪክ፡
6087 የትንቢት፡ ቀጠሮ፤ (ቴአትር)፡
6088 ዘመናዊ፡ ኑሮ፡
6089 ውሀ፡ የበላው፡ ቤት፡
6090 ምቀኛ፡ የኑሮ፡ መጋኛ፡ ቲያትር፡ ተጻፈ፡
6091 አርእስት፡ ስጡልኝ፤ ልብ-ውልድ፡ ታሪክ፡
6092 በመቆየት፡ ተአምር፡ አየሁ
6093 የንብና፡ ዶሮእርባታ፡ ለጥቅምናለደስታ፡
6094 የኢጣሊያ፡ የቅኝ፡ ግዛት፡ ሕልም፡
6095 የአገልጋይ፡ መስተዋት፡
6096 ትምህርቴ፡ የዓይኔ፡ ብርሃን፡ መስታወቴ፡
6097 በላይ፡
6098 ማን፡ ገደለው፡
6099 የማለዳው፡ ደሀ፡
6100 ምነው፡ ዘነጥክብን?፡
6101 አውቀን፡ እንታረም፡
6102 ስብጥርጥር፡ አሥራ፡ አምሥት፡ ነጥቦች፡
6103 ጠንቋይ፡ ሬት፡
6104 Ṣalot wa-sǝʾlat baʾǝnta madḫānita nafs wa-śǝgā
6105 ʾƎgziʾo ʾadḫǝnanni za-ʾadḫānko la-ʾElyās ʾǝm-ʾǝda ʾElzābel nǝgǝśt...
6106 ኃዘንና: ደስታ:
6107 አርኣያ፡
6108 ብዕለ፡ ገራህት፡
6109 ንክ፡ ነው፡?
6110 መተዋወቅያ፡ ምዕራባዊ፡ ኃይል፡
6111 ዶቅማስ፡
6112 አጥፊዋ፡ ተማረች፡
6113 ጊዜና፡ ፓሊስ፡
6114 Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, multiple authors compiled by the Institute of Ethiopian Studies Haile Sallassie I University,
6115 የኢትዮጵያ፡ ታሪክ፡ ከረዥሙ፡ ባጭሩ፡ የተወጣጣ፡
6116 Bibliography of Ethiopia by H.E. Ato Ketema Yifru,
6117 የኢትዮጵያ፡ ጥናቶች፡ መጽሔት
6118 የቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ በጎ፡ አድራጎት፡ ድርጅት፡ ቻርተር፡
6119 የቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ የበጎ፡ አድራጎት፡ ድርጅት፡ መመሥረት፡
6120 ልብ፡ ውልቅ፡
6121 ኢትዮጵያ፡ ከየት፡ ወዴት፡?
6122 The Gurage; A People of the Ensete Culture
6123 የአምሳ፡ አለቃ፡ ገብሬ፡
6124 አንተ፡ ሰው፡ ነህ። አይደለህም፡ እንዴ፡?
6125 Ethiopia: Empire in Revolution
6126 Tradition and Change in Ethiopia: Social and cultural life as reflected in Amharic Fictional Literature ca. 1930-1974
6127 Ethiopia; A short Illustrated History
6128 The book of the pearl of great price
6130 ፈልክስዩስ ገብረ፡ ክርስቶስ፡
6131 ሥርዐት፡ ቁመት፡ ዘሰናብት፡ ወዘዐበይት፡ በዓላት፡
6132 ሐተታ: ዘዘርአ: ያዕቆብ: አክሱማዊ: ወወልደ: ሕይወት: አንፈራዛዊ:
6133 ግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ለሰሁለተኛው፡ የአምስት፡ ዓመት፡ የልማት፡ ፕላን፡ ለሕዝባቸው፡ ያደረጉት፡ ንግግር፡
6134 የኢትዮጵያ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ መንግሥት፡ የጥንታዊ፡ ታሪካዊ፡ ቅርሶች፡ አስተዳደር። የታሪክ፡ ቅርስ፡ መደበኛ፡ ሥፍራዎች፡
6135 የሜይ፡ ደይ፡ ታሪክ፡
6136 ያማርኛ፡ ፊደል፡
6137 የኢትዮጵያ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ስለ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ባሕርያት፡ አካላዊ፡ ተዋሕዶ፡ የምታምነው፡ ትምህርት፡
6138 የመልካም፡ ሶስዬቴ፡ ሥነ፡ ሥርዓትና፡ ሕግጋት፡
6140 የግርማዊ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ዘኢትዮጵያ፡ የ፳፫ኛው፡ ዓመት፡ የዘውድ፡ በዓል፡ መታሰቢያ። ጥቅምት፡ ፳፫፡ ቀን፡ ፲፱፻፵፮፡ ዓ.ም.፡ ከግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ የተነገረ፡ የዙፋን፡ ቃል።
6141 የግርማዊ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ዘኢትዮጵያ፡ የ፳፪ኛው፡ ዓመት፡ የዘውድ፡ በዓል፡ መታሰቢያ፡ ጥቅምት፡ ፳፫፡ ቀን፡ ፲፱፻፵፭፡ ዓ.ም.፡ ከግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ የተነገረ፡ የዙፋን፡ ቃል።
6142 መብትና፡ ተግባር፡
6143 ግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ሚያዝያ፡ ፮፡ ቀን፡ ፲፱፻፶፫፡ ዓ፡ ም፡ በገነተ፡ ልዑል፡ ቤተ ፡መንግሥት፡ ለክቡራን፡ ሚስትሮችና፡ ለመንግሥት፡ ባለ፡ ሥልጣኖች፡ ያደረጉት፡ ንግግር።
6144 ስለ፡ ፲፱፻፵፱፡ ዓ.ም.፡ የተደረሰ፡ የዕንቁጣጣሽ፡ መዝሙር።
6145 ወደ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ የሚያደርስ፡ መንገድ።
6146 መሰረታዊ፡ ማርክሳዊ፡ የስነ፡ ጥበብ፡ ድንጋጌዋች፡ የሶሺያሊስት፡ ኪነት፡ አጭር፡ መመሪያ፡
6147 ግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ጥቅምት፡ ፳፫፡ ቀን፡ ፲፱፻፶፱፡ ዓ.ም.፡ ምክር፡ ቤቱን፡ ሲከፍቱ፡ ያደረጉት፡ የዙፋን፡ ንግግር፡
6148 The Visit of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I Emperor of Ethiopia to India, Japan and Burma 1956
6149 አምኀ፡ ፍቅር፡ ወሰላም፡ ለግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ለቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ፶፮ኛ፡ ዘመነ፡ ልደት፡ መታሰቢያ፡
6150 ግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ጥቅምት፡ ፳፫፡ ቀን፡ ፲፱፻፶፯፡ ዓ. ም.፡ ፓርላማን፡ ሲከፍቱ፡ ያደረጉት፡ የዙፋን፡ ንግግር።
6152 የግርማዊ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ዘኢትዮጵያ፡ የ፲፮ኛው፡ ዓመት፡ የዘውድ፡ በዓል፡ መታሰቢያ፤ ጥቅምት፡ ፳፫፡ ቀን፡ ፲፱፻፵፡ ዓ.ም.፡ ከግርማዊ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ የተነገሩ፡ ቃሎች።>
6153 The African Summit Conference
6154 ስለ፡ ሰው፡ አካልና፡ ስለ፡ ዋናዎቹ፡ የሰውነት፡ ክፍሎች፡
6155 Maṣḥafa gǝnzat
6156 On the chronology and the countries of origin of the Prophets
6158 Malkǝʾa Galāwdewos
6159 Malkǝʾa Bǝsoy
6160 Dǝrsana Galāwdewos
6161 Litany to Mary
6162 Sǝnkǝssār commemoration of John the Baptist (30th Yakkātit)
6163 Sǝnkǝssār commemoration of John the Baptist (2nd Sane)
6164 Maṣḥafa mǝgbārāt śannāyt
6166 Taʾammǝratihu la-Yoḥannǝs Maṭmǝq
6167 Salām-hymn to Libānos
6168 አስተርእዮቱ፡ ለአንባቆም፡ ነቢይ፡ በአማን፡ በሃገረ፡ እንተ፡ ስማ፡ ቀርጠሳ፡
6169 Encyclical Letter of Mark, the 108th patriarch of Alexandria, to the Church of Ethiopia
6170 Commemoration of Eleazar, the son of Aaron (3rd of Ḫǝdār)
6171 Invention of the Holy Cross by the empress Helena
6172 Hagiographic Dossier of St George of Lydda
6173 Martyrdom of James Intercisus
6174 Nagar baʾǝnta śalastu mǝʾǝt ʿaśśartu wa-samantu za-ʾabā Sāwiros ʾama 9 la-Ḫǝdār
6175 Discourse on the 24 elders
6176 Malkǝʾa Ṣādǝqān za-Bāraknāhā
6177 Hagiographic Dossier of the Righteous Ones of Bāraknāhā
6178 Baʾǝnta ḥǝnḍā beta krǝstiyān la-ʾǝgzǝʾtǝna nǝṣǝḥt Māryām ba-ʿǝlata qǝddāse ʾama 20wa1 la-Sane ba-salāma ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer
6179 Malkǝʾa sanbata krǝstiyān
6180 ድርሳን፡ በእንተ፡ ሕንጻ፡ አብያተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ለእግዝእትነ፡ ቅድስት፡ ማርያም፡ በዕለተ፡ ቅዳሴሃ፡ አመ፡ ፳ወ፩ለሰኔ፡
6181 Homily (by an anonymous author) on the Birth of St George
6182 Miracles of Theodore Stratelates
6183 Dǝrsān za-darasa ʾabuna qǝddus ʾabbā ʾEfrem baʾǝnta za-tawallaṭa ʾarʾayāhu la-ʾƎgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos ba-Dabra Tābor
6185 Qāl za-darasa ʾabbā Ṗāwli baʾǝnta tawāśǝʾotu mǝsla Sayṭān
6186 Dǝrsān za-darasa bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾabbā Yaʿǝqob ze-Serug baʾǝnta ʿǝraftu la-ʾAron kāhǝn
6187 Dǝrsān za-yǝtnabbab ʾama 3 la-tāḫśāś baʾǝnta lǝdatā la-ʾǝgzǝʾtǝna Māryām walādita ʾAmlāk wa-zakama boʾat wǝsta beta maqdas wa-zakama ʾawaffayǝwwā la-Yosef wa-zakama ḥorat beta Zakāryās ḫaba bǝʾǝsitu ʾElsābeṭ
6188 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta za-zenawā Gabrǝʾel la-Māryām ba-warḫa maggābit ʾama 20wa9
6189 Nagar zakama ḍansat ʾǝgzǝʾtǝna Māryām ʾǝmma ʾAmlāk
6190 Malkǝʾa ʾƎdnā
6191 Malkǝʾa kidāna mǝḥrat
6192 Saqoqāwa nafs
6193 Dǝrsāna madḫāne ʿālam
6194 Miracle of St George: St George frees a possessed man from Satan
6195 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾarwe mǝdr
6196 Ṣalota ʾarwe mǝdr
6199 Wǝddāse za-Malkǝʾa Śǝllāse
6200 Hymn to the Miracles of ʾEwosṭātewos
6201 Collection of Hymns for the Miracles of ʾEwosṭātewos
6203 መልክአ፡ ስቅለት፡
6205 Saʾalnāka maḥari saʾalnāka faṭāri saʾalnāka kahali
6207 Discourse on Victor, by Cyriacus, bishop of Behnesa
6208 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta za-kona sǝmʿa Ṗilāṭos masfǝn ba-hagara Rome
6209 Miracle of George: Andrew and his wife build a church for the body of the saint
6210 Miracle of George: Andrew writes the Life after the saint’s death and after his body returned to Lydda
6211 Miracle of St George: St George punishes the thieving Jewish magician
6212 Miracle of St George: St George heals Nāṭolis from leprosy, son of the Persian governor Niqoros
6213 Miracle of St George: Two Samaritans are rescued from being eaten by lions
6214 Miracle of St George: St George heals Socrates from the gout and his possessed son
6215 Miracle of St George: St George punishes a man who stole church’s property
6216 Miracle of St George: St George punishes to death governor ʾAwhǝyos after his attempt to destroy the saint’s church in Joppe
6217 Miracle of St George: The impoverished ship owner Eulogius recovers his money from the Egyptian thief
6218 Miracle of St George: St George punishes a man who refused to pay back the money to a priest
6220 Miracle of St George: A widow offers two pillars to St George’s church in Lydda
6221 Miracle of St George: George, son of Bifān, is rescued from Arab captivity
6222 Miracle of St George: Diocletian comes to Lydda to demolish the church of St George but dies an evil death
6223 Kǝfla ʾabaw
6224 Miracle of St George: A Church is built in Bǝbā in Upper Egypt
6225 Miracle of St George: A pagan finds the lights and brings them to the church of Bǝbā
6226 Miracle of St George: A Muslim of Bǝbā gets lost in the desert on a pilgrimage to Mecca
6227 Miracle of St George: St George appears to a pagan from Bǝbā who entered his church
6228 Miracle of St George: George, son of the bishop in Bǝbā, is revived
6229 Miracle of St George: St George rides with a man from Bǝbā on his horse so he can celebrate the saint’s feast
6231 Gadla samāʿǝt ʾƎnṭonǝs ḥaddis
6232 Hymn to God
6233 Gadl za-qǝddus ʾabu Ṗāwli
6234 Miracle of St George: A malicious appointee from Bǝbā, who hates St George, is killed and hung on a palm tree
6235 Miracle of St George: A pagan breaks a lamp in the church of St George in Old Cairo and is killed
6236 Miracle of St George: A pagan woman takes the Eucharist and dies an agonizing death
6237 ገድል፡ ዘአቡ፡ ለንጊኖስ፡ ንቡረ፡ እድ፡ ዘደብረ፡ ማህው፡
6238 Antiochene Collection
6239 Ecclesiastical canons
6240 Apostolic Tradition
6241 List of Apostles and disciples
6242 Canons of the council of Neocaesarea
6243 Canons of the council of Ancyra
6244 Council of Gangra
6245 Canons of the Council of Gangra
6246 Council of Antioch
6247 The canons of the Council of Antioch
6248 Council and canons of Laodicea
6249 Council and the names of the fathers of Serdica
6250 Canons of the council of Serdica
6251 Names of the months
6252 Twelve chapters of Cyril of Alexandria
6253 Treatises of Gregory of Nazianzus
6254 Baptismal ritual
6255 Collection of prayers
6256 Council and the names of the fathers of Nicaea
6257 Canons of the Council of Nicaea
6258 Letter to the People of Alexandria
6259 Letter on Arius
6260 On the Only Judge
6261 Canons of the council of Chalcedon
6262 Canons of the council of Constantinople
6263 Council of Ephesus
6264 Gadl za-ʾabuna qǝddus ʾabbā Babnodā
6265 Zenāhu la-ʾabbā Ṗāwli za-taśamya Bulā
6267 Miracle of St George: St George opens the door of his church while the keeper sleeps
6268 Miracle of St George: The bishop finds St George guarding the church door after the priests have forgotten to close it
6269 Miracle of St George: St Samuel of the monastery of Qalǝmon, and the translation of St George’s body at the time of ʾAbbā Gabriel, Patriarch of Alexandria
6271 Dǝrsān za-darasa qǝddus mār ʾEfrem Soryāwi baʾǝnta kʷǝnane wa-nǝssǝḥa
6272 Miracle of St George: Pagans invade a church of St George
6273 Miracle of St George: An old church of St George is being replaced with a newly built one but it is immediately destroyed by a storm
6274 Miracle of St George: The house of a monk is saved from fire
6275 Miracle of St George: A governor sees in a dream how he defeats an army of the heathens
6276 Miracle of St George: A serpent fights with a church keeper
6277 Miracle of St George: A boy kills a serpent with a stone
6278 ʾƎm5 la-warḫa Yakkātit la-ʾabawina qǝddusān ʾAtnāsǝyos liqa ṗāṗṗāsāt za-ʾƎlaskǝndǝryā wa-Bāsǝlyos wa-tazkāra qǝddus ʾab ʾabbā ʾAbbǝlo za-yǝmasǝl malāʾǝkt
6279 ʿƎqabanni (general record)
6280 Prayer to St George
6281 Nǝʿi ḫabeya ʾo-dǝngǝl mǝsla waldǝki fǝqurki
6282 Nǝsebbǝḥo la-ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer
6283 Saʾali lana Māryām ʾǝmmǝna wa-ʾǝmmu la-ʾƎgziʾǝna
6284 Hāle luyā kokaba samaynāka
6285 Mogasǝna wa-kǝbrǝna qarna madḫanitǝna
6286 Mikāʾel liqa malāʾǝkt saʾal baʾǝntiʾana
6287 Saʾali lana Māryām māḫǝtota ʿālam sǝbbǝḥt ba-ʾaryām
6288 Nāstabaqʷʿā la-nǝgǝśta kʷǝllǝna Māryām ʾǝmmǝna wa-ʾǝmmu la-ʾƎgziʾǝna
6289 Sǝmʿani ʾo-ʾƎgziʾo ṣalotǝya
6290 Boʾa malʾak ḫabehā wa-yǝbelā tafaśśǝḥi
6291 Ḥassāba rәtuʿ
6292 Dǝrsān ʾǝm-qāla qǝddus Mātewos ʾeṗṗis qoṗos samāʿǝt za-ʾanbaro baʾǝnta baʾatu la-ʾƎgziʾ ḫaba tābot wa-tawakfotu Sǝmʿon lotu ʾǝmdǝḫra 40 ʿǝlat ʾǝm-lǝdat qǝddus
6293 Miracle of St George: A beer container falls down a precipice without shattering and without losing a drop
6294 Miracle of St George: How St George takes away his image from a monk who wears it on his neck after a wet dream
6295 Miracle of St George: St George strikes down an Egyptian king after he came with his wife to make abode in a new church devoted to the saint
6296 Miracle of St George: A lamp reaches the church on a wave whereupon the head of the army entrusts himself to the saint and wins the battle
6297 Miracle of St George: St George and St Behnam help a fisherman pulling his net full of fish
6298 Miracle of St George: A virtuous monk witnesses that St George is the most venerated of all saints
6299 Miracle of St George: During the decoration of St George’s church, an egg falls from the top without breaking
6300 Miracle of St George: A painter falls from the top of the church and remains unharmed and his colour container intact
6301 Miracle of St George: A newly built church does not correspond to the will of the saint and is replaced
6302 Miracle of St George: A priest and his son rebuild an old church of St George and find gold hidden in the old building
6303 Miracle of St George: Joseph, a young man from Mount Lebanon, is being rescued by St George near Beirut
6304 Ṣalota sarāqi wa-qamāññā
6305 Lālibalā's gʷǝlt to Ham
6306 Gabra Masqal's grant of Sar’e etc
6307 Gabra Masqal's gʷǝlt of Galabā etc.
6308 Gabra Masqal's gʷǝlt of Tēdrar etc.
6309 Gabra Masqal's donation of eight fields
6310 Gabra Masqal's note on Gʷǝnāgʷǝnā monastery
6311 Lālibalā's gʷǝlt to the church of Masqal and to the church of Mary
6312 A note by ʿāqābe saʿāt of Maṭāʿ Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos
6313 Land grant by Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos, bəgwənāy of Ṣəlālā, ‘aqābe sa‘āt of Maṭā‘
6314 Note by Mǝslena ʾƎgzi’: sǝyum Dabr Mā‘ṣo
6315 Restoration of gʷǝlt by ʾƎngǝdā ʾƎgzi’
6316 Land grant by Takasta Bǝrhan, nǝbura ʾǝd and ‘aqabe sa‘āt za-beta Maṭā‘
6317 Gospel donation by Takasta Bǝrhan, nǝbura ʾǝd and ‘aqabe sa‘āt za-beta Maṭā‘
6319 Note by ‘aqābē sa‘āt ʾAsfǝḥā
6321 Return of fields in Biḥat by Sanbat Maḥara
6322 Restoration of gʷǝlt by Tasfāna ʾƎgzi’
6323 Land grant by Zǝwāba ʾƎgzi’
6324 Gʷǝlt by Yā‘bika ʾƎgzi’
6325 Return of lands by Krǝstos ʾAbuhu
6326 ʿAmda Ṣǝyon's donations
6327 Gʷǝlt by Bǝlen Sābā
6328 Grant to Māryām za-Sa‘agā by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon
6329 Restoration of gʷǝlt by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon/Garba Masqal
6330 Land grant by Gabra Krǝstos
6331 ‘Amda Ṣǝyon's gʷǝlt of Ṣǝdā’ etc
6332 Restoration of gʷǝlt to Gunāgunā by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon
6334 Land grant by ‘Ǝqbā ʾƎgzi’
6335 Grant by Yǝśmǝka ʾƎgzi’
6336 Restoration of Tarkā by Tansǝ’a Krǝstos
6337 Grant by ʾAsgad
6338 Donation of ʾAd Burāha
6339 Land grant by Māryām Ḫaylā
6340 A note on women's ban at the monastery
6341 Monks geneology
6342 Funeral services
6343 L'Evangelo d'oro
6344 Donation by Tasfā ʾIyasus
6345 A note that lists dignitaries
6346 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus wa-kǝbur samāʿt nǝṣuh ʾabbā Pifāmon
6347 Salām lakǝmu malāʾǝkt tǝguhān
6348 Bārǝko wa-wǝddāse yǝdallǝwomu la-śǝllase
6349 Sǝmʿ wa-gadl za-qǝddus ʾabbā ʾAkāwǝḥ
6350 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the saint's heavenly journey from Armenia
6351 Hymn to Lālibalā
6351 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the woman who stopped the sun to finish her daily work before the Sabbath
6352 Bārǝko wa-wǝddāse yǝdallǝwomu la-śǝllase
6352 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the widow Burǝkt Māryām who was saved from death
6353 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the evil man who was saved from the demons by the saint
6353 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ ʾAbaskiron
6354 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the people of Armenia saw the saint walking on the sea
6355 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: Gabra Krǝstos ordered his son Taʾamāni Baʾǝgziʾ to observe the saint's commemoration
6356 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: Taʾammino Baʾǝgziʾ ordered his son Bǝrhāna Masqal to observe the saint's commemoration
6357 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: a monk who lived near the Romā river told the governor about the greatness of the saint
6358 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the saint appeared and saved a pious priest who was being slandered before the king
6359 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: a man from ʾAksum was saved from the downpour during his journey
6360 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the blind woman from ʾAksum who recovered her sight
6361 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the pious monk who was unjustly imprisoned and was rescued by the saint's appearance
6362 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the people of a certain district of Ethiopia who never suffered from drought or famine
6363 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the ruler who tried to take stones from the saint's sepulchre
6364 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the saint saved a monk from Dabra Bizan who had been taken captive by slave hunters
6365 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the sick man who was healed and his daughter who had a snake in her womb
6366 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the death of the saint
6367 Amharic Commentary on Psalms
6368 Amharic Commentary on the Psalter
6369 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus wa-kǝbur Yoḥannǝs za-Sǝnhut
6370 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta taśaggǝwotu la-ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer qāl
6370 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: The saint and Bǝrhana Masqal
6371 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the woman from Šawā tells her mother to venerate Eustathius
6372 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: Monks of Dabra Libanos venerate Eustathius
6373 Baʾǝnta samānǝyā-wa-ʾaḥadu maṣaḥǝft kama ʾaḥadu qal ʾǝmantu
6374 La-krǝstiyān hulu tasfā nuzzāze yammihon ṭǝqit qāl
6375 Rǝḫwa samāy
6376 Ḥǝmāmāta masqalǝss ʾǝndet naw
6377 ʿƎsaggǝd laki ṣǝge Ḥanā babǝraka ṭǝbuʿ
6378 ʾƎm-ṭǝbabǝka sǝfuḥ wa-ʾǝm-ṣǝggāka raqiq
6379 Martyrdom of Theoctistus and Alexandra
6380 Zenāhā la-nǝṣǝḥt wa-ḫǝrit wa-burǝkt ʾOrni
6381 Gadlu la-samāʿt ṣǝnuʿ bǝḍuʿāwi ʾAbrǝhām Ḍarābi
6382 ድርሳን፡ በእንተ፡ ሰማዕት፡ ዐቢይ፡ ማር፡ ቴዎድሮስ፡
6383 ʾO-ʾǝgziʾǝna wa-'amlakǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos walda ʾǝgziʾabǝḥer ḥǝyāw lǝʿul diba kʷǝllu
6384 Sawwǝr ʾǝmlāʿlana kǝbada ḫaṭāwǝ'ina ʾo-ʾǝgziʾo
6385 Wǝddāse ba-sanbata krǝstiyān
6386 Hagiographic Cycle of Libānos
6387 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: The saint and Bǝrhana Masqal
6387 Malkǝʾa Libānos
6388 Hymn to the Trinity
6389 Malkǝʾa Tewodros
6390 Wayna manfas qǝddus Fiqṭor za-ṭāʿǝmka fǝdfud
6391 Gabra Masqal qǝlāʿe bāḥǝttu manṭolāʿta gǝzuf lǝbbǝya
6392 Good children, pure from defilement, behold, I begin your salutation with the light of holy wisdom
6393 Salām-hymn for Libānos
6394 Dǝrsān ba-ʿǝlata ʾƎlla ʾAṣbǝḥā
6395 Consecration Ritual
6396 Introduction to the Miracles of Jesus
6397 Miracle of Jesus: Concerning the Virginity of Mary
6399 Miracle of Jesus: The Birth of Jesus
6400 Miracle of Jesus: The Epiphany
6401 Miracle of Jesus: The Miracles of the Child Jesus
6402 The Infancy Gospel
6403 The resurrection of Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel
6404 Homily on the Four Living Creatures (recension A)
6405 Homily on the Four Living Creatures (recension B)
6406 Miracle of Jesus: The picture of Ezekiel’s vision
6407 Miracle of Jesus: The Samaritan woman Bərsinyä
6408 Miracle of Jesus: The calling and the baptism of Simon and Andrew; The confession and the priority of Peter
6409 Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of a dead man and the glorification of Jesus by sheep and an ox
6410 Miracle of Jesus: The olive branch planted by Zacchaeus
6411 Miracle of Jesus: The miracle of the melons
6412 Miracle of Jesus: The healing of the woman suffering from hemmorage
6413 Miracle of Jesus: The healing of a deaf mute suffering from elephantiasis
6414 Miracle of Jesus: The expulsion of locusts from Galilee and Judaea, and the question of the Sabbath
6415 On the parable of the prodigal son
6416 Miracle of Jesus: The lions of Ashkelon
6417 Miracle of Jesus: Eschatological discourse of Jesus in Jericho
6418 Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on the Mount of Olives
6419 Miracle of Jesus: The baptism and temptation of Jesus
6420 Miracle of Jesus: The marriage at Cana
6421 Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of Lazarus
6422 Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on Mount Sinai
6423 Miracles of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles in Jerusalem
6425 Miracle of Jesus: The triumphant entry into Jerusalem; The expulsion of money changers and vendors from the temple
6426 Miracle of Jesus: Mary Magdalene anoints the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee
6427 Miracle of Jesus: The washing of the feet; The Last Supper; Judasʾ treason; Jesus is arrested
6428 Miracle of Jesus: Judas hangs himself; The Jews bribe the guardians of the sepulcher
6429 Miracle of Jesus: The Resurrection
6430 Miracle of Jesus: The imprisonment of Joseph of Arimathea and of many of his disciples; Their miraculous deliverance
6431 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Yoḥannǝs walda ṣarābi
6432 Zenāhu la-qǝddus wa-buruk Ḥarusṭǝfārus wa-kǝlʾe qǝddusāt ʾanǝst
6433 መጽሐፈ፡ ገድላ፡ ወስምዓ፡ ለቅድስት፡ ኅሪት፡ ልዕልት፡ እምሰማዕታት፡ በክብር፡ ወዕበይ፡ መሪና፡
6434 Hymn to the Trinity
6435 Sǝmʿu la-qǝddus samāʿt ḫayyāl tǝguh ʾAbakarazun
6436 Sǝmʿ za-Bāsǝliqos
6437 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddǝst Krǝsṭinā walatta Rǝbānos
6438 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus ʾƎnṭāwos
6439 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus ʾƎndǝryānos wa-za-20wa4 samāʿtāt wa-za-bǝḍǝʿt ʾƎnṭolyā
6440 Dǝrsān za-yǝtnabbab ba-4 ṣom sanbat ʾǝnta yǝʾǝti Dabra Zayt qǝddǝst
6441 ድርሳን፡ ዘርቱዓ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ በእንተ፡ ዘከመ፡ ክኅደ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡
6442 Mǝnbāb ba5 sanbat ṣom za-baʾǝnta sǝmʿ wa-baʾǝnta mǝnkʷǝsǝnnā
6443 Dǝrsān za-yǝtnabbab ba-6 sanbat ṣom
6444 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿā Hāymānot za-yǝtnabbab ba-ʿarb sǝqlat gize 3 saʿāt za-kama ḥatato Ṗilāṭos la-ʾƎgziʾǝna gize 3 saʿāt
6445 Nǝʿu nǝbki
6446 Bārǝk wa-wǝddāse la-māryām śǝrguta śǝllāse
6447 Malkǝ'a gabra manfas qǝddus
6448 Malāʾǝktihomu la-śǝllus ruṣatomu nafās
6449 Miracles of Jesus: The disciples pluck grain on the Sabbath
6450 Miracle of Mary: The judge appointed by another tribe who wanted to observe Sabbath at a church built for Mary
6451 Miracle of Mary: A copy of the Miracles of Mary belonging to a righteous monk is lost; rain does not fall for seventeen days and nights during the rainy season until the manuscript is found
6452 Prayer for the deceased
6453 Malkǝ'a Mikāʾel wa-Gabrǝʾel
6454 Dǝrsān za-qǝddǝst Fāsikā za-Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot baʾǝnta qǝddǝst Fāsikā tǝnśāʾehu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna wa-madḫanina
6455 Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor (general record)
6456 Miracle of Mary: The husband who denied Christ when he became poor
6457 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Yāʿqob za-zenawa ḥǝywata ʾabbā Maqārǝs
6458 Maṣḥafa zenātihomu la-ʾabawina qǝddusān
6459 Astronomical treatise
6460 Tǝrgʷāme baʾǝnta 20-wa-2 fidalāt
6461 On the distances from Jerusalem
6462 Tract on the text of Ps. 90.4
6464 Dǝrsān za-baʾǝnta nǝssǝḥa Nanawe za-darasa ʾabbā ʾEfrem
6466 Za-ʾabbā ʾEfrem dǝrsān baʾǝnta Dāwit
6467 Tract on heresies
6468 ʾAstabǝqʷǝʿot ʾǝnta za-Sǝmʿon ʿAmdāwi
6469 Maṣḥafa dǝrsān za-24 kāhǝnāta samāy
6470 Gadla Māmās za-Gʷǝdgʷǝdā
6471 Taʾammǝra Māmās
6472 Malkǝʾa Māmās
6473 Ṣalota ʾayna ṭǝlā wa-ʾayna warq wa-ʾayna wagi wa-ʾayna śǝrāy
6474 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʾayna ṭǝlā wa-ʾayna warq wa-ʾayna ʾagānǝnt wa-lǝsāna budā wa-qumaññā wa-mǝrtaññā wa-ʾayna ʾagānǝnt wa-ḥəmāma fǝṭrat
6475 Ṣalota nadarā
6476 ʾAllāh mallāh mallāh ʾallāh
6477 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾayna ṭǝlā wa-gǝrmā mogas wa-madfǝna ḍar
6478 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿśara ʾagānǝnt za-qurṭǝmāta wa-wǝgāta wa-hod qurṣat wa-tasawāšo
6479 Protective text containing the secret names of God
6481 Hagiographic Dossier of Māmās
6482 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddǝst ʾArsimā
6483 Malkǝʾ-hymn to Antony
6484 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾayna ṭǝlā gargārayā ʿāyna bāryā wa-legewon
6485 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾasassǝlo dawe ʾǝm-ḥǝḍānāt
6486 Ṣalot baʾǝnta madfǝna ḍar wa-ṣalāʿe
6487 Ṣalot baʾǝnta za-dam
6488 Ṣalot baʾǝnta dam
6489 School Chants
6490 Śǝrʿāta ʾaqqʷāqʷām
6491 Malkǝʾa Fānuʾel
6492 Protective prayer with stanza of the Malkǝʾa Fānuʾel
6493 Dǝrsān za-qǝddǝst Māryām dǝngǝl ʾǝmmu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna
6494 Synaxarion commemoration of the construction of the church of Mary
6495 Za-kama zenawā Gabrǝʾel la-Māryām wa-yǝbe ḫaylu la-ʾab za-warada yǝḫdǝr ba-māḫḍanā la-dǝngǝl za-ba-fǝqru maṣʾa
6496 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma nǝzāž
6497 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿāynat bāryā wa-legewon zār wa-quraññā budā wa-qumaññā marbabta Salomon
6498 ʾAstawāḍǝʾo tǝrgum
6499 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-Ṗeṭros liqa ṗāṗṗāsāt za-ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝryā
6500 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Talāsǝs wa-ʾAlʿāzār
6501 Gadlu la-qǝddus samāʿt wa-ḫayyāl wa-mastagādǝl ʾAnqiṭos wa-ʾǝlla mǝslehu
6502 Za-kama tarakba ʾaʿǝḍǝmtihu la-qǝddus ʾƎsṭifānos
6503 Martyrdom of ‘Mārqos of Dabra Tarmaq
6504 Martyrdom of Eusebius of Cesarea
6505 Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus Marmǝhnām walda Sanāḥereb nǝguśa ʾAtor wa-za-ʾǝḫǝtu Sārā
6506 Prayer with stanzas introduced by sǝbḥat laka
6507 Gadla Kāleb
6508 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Gabrǝʾel liqa malāʾǝkt za-yǝtǝnabab ʾǝma 10wa9 la-yakkātit zatanāgara ʾEṗifānyos kǝbur ṗāṗṗās za-hagara Qoṗros wa-wǝsta maṣḥaf za-yǝsamay ʾAksimāros
6509 Sǝnkǝssār commemoration of ʾArwā
6510 Prayer of ʾAbuna ʾƎstǝnfāsa Krǝstos
6511 Sawāsǝw-lexicon of verbs and poetic formulas
6512 Gadla Zenobis wa-Zinobyā
6513 Nagar baʾǝnta kǝbur masqal
6514 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos Minās za-ʾAksum baʾǝnta sabʿā ʾardǝʾǝt wa-baʾǝnta qǝddusān ʾabaw ba-Niqǝyā tagābʾu 318 ṗāṗṗāsāt
6515 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ Minās za-ʾAksum za-baʾǝnta qǝddusān ḥawāryāt
6516 Dǝrsān za-qʷalz
6517 Dǝrsān za-baʿāla genā
6518 Dǝrsān za-baʿāla ʾEṗafānǝyā
6519 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta baʿāla Fāsikā qǝddǝst
6520 Dǝrsān za-samuna Fāsikā
6521 Dǝrsān ba-baʿāla ʾarbǝʿā
6522 Dǝrsān za-Ṗeṭros wa-Mārqos wangelāwi nagara Sǝnidos za-ḥǝgg kama-zǝ
6523 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ Fǝlǝksinos za-hagara Mǝnbǝg ṗāṗṗās baʾǝnta za-tawakfo Sǝmʿon ʾaragāwi la-ʾIyasus wǝsta ḥǝḍnu
6524 ድርሳን፡ ዘብፁዕ፡ አባ፡ ቴዎፍሎስ፡ ዘበእንተ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ወበእንተ፡ ፈያታዊ፡ ዘየማን፡
6525 Homily on St. Abakluz (by Stephen, Bishop of Ahnās in Egypt)
6526 Miracles of St. Abakluz (by Stephen, Bishop of Ahnās)
6527 Homily on Zosimus
6528 Martyrdom of Abraham and George (Garga) of Scete
6529 Combat of ‘abbā Absādi and bishop ‘Alāniqos from Egypt
6530 Homiliary of the Fathers
6531 Homily by Ephraim on Abraham "the second" for 5 Naḥasē
6532 Homily on the martyrdom of the Martyrs of Aḫmim
6533 Gadl za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿǝ ʾabuna ʾabbā ʾAmoni za-Dabra Tonā
6534 Vita of ʾAron of Serugh
6535 ድርሳን፡ ዘአባ፡ ያዕቆብ፡ ዘይተነበብ፡ በሳድስ፡ ሰንበተ፡ ጾም።
6536 Vita Arsenii
6537 Gadla Bǝsoy
6538 Martyrdom of Eugenius (ʾAwgānyos)
6539 Martyrdom of Bakimos
6540 Vita of Cornelius the Centurion
6541 Taʾammǝra ʾabbā Barsomā
6542 Miracles of Besoy
6543 Life of Daniel of Scetis
6544 Combat of Elijah the Prophet
6545 Martyrdom of Demetrius of Thessaloniki
6545 Martyrdom of Demetrius of Thessaloniki
6546 Combat of the Israelite Woman ʾArwā
6547 Gadla ʾabbā Barsomā ʾǝruq
6548 ገድለ፡ ኤላርዮን፡
6549 Amharic treatise on the nature and life of Christ
6550 Dǝrsān ba-baʿala gena qǝddǝst ʾǝnta yǝʾti lǝdatu la-madḫǝnina ʾIyasus Krǝstos
6551 Martyrdom of ʾabbā ʾEsi and his sister Tekla of Busir in Egypt
6552 Malkǝʾa ʾƎsṭifānos
6553 Sacerdotal prayers for the Divine Office
6555 ʾO-ʾǝgziʾo maḥaranna
6556 3 ʿǝdaw ʿǝruyāna ʾakāl ba-gaṣṣ
6558 Salām laki mogasǝna wa-kǝbrǝna
6559 Salām laki mǝlǝʿta ṣaggā mǝlǝʿta kǝbr
6560 Hymn to the angels, 24 heavenly priests, and Four Living Animals
6561 Hymn to Takla Hāymānot and ʾEwosṭātewos
6562 Supplicative Prayer to God and Mary
6563 Computus of the Law of God
6567 Notes on the Apostles and their Predicament
6569 Tafaśśǝḥi ʾo-za-nǝsǝʾǝlaki dāḫnā
6570 ʾO-za-ʾadḫankomu
6571 Text on invention of the Cross commemorated on 17 Maskaram
6572 Tasǝʾlǝwwo 10wa2 ʾardāʾihu la-ʾIyasus Krǝstos
6573 Nagara Grann
6574 The Ten Questions
6575 The Teaching of the Orthodox Faith
6576 Taʾammǝrātihu la-Mabāʾa Ṣǝyon
6577 Hagiographic Dossier of Mabāʾa Ṣǝyon
6578 Poetic rephrasing of the Book of Revelation
6579 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Haymānot za-darasa baʾǝnta qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ samāʿt ʾƎsṭifānos qadāmi samāʿt
6580 Dǝrsān za-ʾIṗifānǝyā baʾǝnta ʾastarǝʾǝyotu la-Krǝstos ba-śǝgā sabʾ
6581 Ṣalota fǝtḥata māy
6582 Dǝrsān za-qǝddǝst ṣom Fasǝkā za-darasa Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot la-ḥǝnṣā māʾǝmanān
6583 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Haymānot za-yǝtnabbab ba-ṣalotā la-Māryām walādita ʾAmlāk
6585 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot la-rǝtuʿāna hāymānot ḥǝzb ba-baaʿāla ḫamsā yǝtnabbab
6586 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot za-darasa baʾǝnta ʾardǝʾǝta ʾǝgziʾǝna wa-baʾǝnta māḫbaromu la-qǝddusān wa-samāʿt za-ʾǝm-qǝddusāt maṣāḥǝft
6587 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot za-baʾǝnta ṣom
6588 Dǝrsān za-Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot za-darasa ba-mawāʿǝla ʾaṣwām
6589 Dǝrsān za-baʿāla Fāsikā qǝddǝst
6590 Dǝrsāna baʿāla ʾarbǝʿā ʾǝnta yǝʾǝti ʿǝrgatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
6591 Monastic Genealogy (general record)
6592 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa (intermediate recension)
6593 Poem to Kiros or Raphael
6594 Dǝrsān za-ʾEṗifānis ṗāṗās za-hagara Qoṗros baʾǝnta hāymānot za-nǝṣǝḥt rǝgǝb wa-qǝddǝst dǝngǝl za-yǝʾǝti beta krǝstiyān
6596 Dǝrsān za-yǝtnabbab ba-Masqal za-ṣom baʾǝnta qǝddus ʿǝḍa masqal za-Krǝstos
6598 ድርሳን፡ ዘቄርሎስ፡ ሊቀ፡ ጳጳሳት፡ ዘእልስክንድርያ፡ በበዓለ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ ወንጌላዊ፡
6599 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾabuna ʾAbrǝhām wa-za-qǝddus wa-nǝṣuḥ Yǝsḥaq waldu
6600 ድርሳን፡ ዘርቱዐ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ዘደረሰ፡ በእንተ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ መጥምቅ፡
6602 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs
6603 Dǝrsān za-ziʾāhu la-Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq za-yǝtnabbab ba-ḫāməs sanbata ṣom
6604 Dǝrsān ba-ṣalota ḫamus
6605 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Yāʿqob za-darasa baʾǝnta lǝdatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ʾIyasus Krǝstos
6606 Dǝrsān za-ziʾahu la-Yoḥannǝs baʾǝnta mǝṣwāt
6607 Dǝrsān za-ziʾahu la-Yoḥannǝs baʾǝnta ṣom
6608 Commentary on the Pentateuch by Mǝhǝrka Dǝngǝl
6609 Protective Prayer (general record)
6611 Dǝrsān ba-ṣalota Yoḥannǝs maṭmǝq
6612 አርአያ፡ መስቀል፡ ዘአስተርአዮ፡ ለቈስጠንጢኖስ፡ ወበዘ፡ ረከበት፡ እሌኒ፡ ዕፀ፡ መስቀል፡ በሳብዕ፡ ዓመተ፡ መንግስቱ፡ ለቈስጠንጢኖስ፡ ንጉሥ፡
6613 Dǝrsān za-beta krǝstiyān za-Yoḥannǝs mafqarita gadām
6614 Dǝrsān za-yǝtnabbab ba-kāhǝnāt wa-ba4 ʾǝnsǝsā
6615 Maṣḥafa ṭəbab za-maṣʾa ʾəm-gəbṣ
6616 Introduction to the Homiliary on the Passions of Christ
6617 Homily on the Passions of the Saviour of the World for Monday
6618 Dǝrsāna madhāne ʿālam
6619 Homilies about the Saviour of the World and his feasts
6620 Dǝrsān za20wa4 kāhǝnāta samāy
6621 Qāla tagśāṣ za-darasa Tewoflos ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos baʾǝnta ṣom
6622 Dǝrsān ba-kāʿǝb sanbata ṣom
6623 Dǝrsān soba nǝtwaffay ṣoma
6624 Zenā ḥǝywatu za-bǝḍuʿ Maqābis za-tagādala ba-gadāma Hor
6625 Apocalyptic treatise of Ezra (first part)
6626 Apocalyptic treatise of Ezra
6627 Dǝrsāna sanbat
6628 Ordination of the Sabbath
6629 Miracle of St George: A Jewish woman who comes to the church of St George is healed and protected from her relatives
6630 ʾAʾǝkkʷǝtaka ʾƎgziʾo za-waḫabkanni zanta ʿābiya ṣaggā...
6631 Salām-hymn to St Michael
6632 Salām-hymn to St Gabriel
6633 Salām-hymn to St Raphael
6634 Salām-hymn to St ʾAfnin
6635 Salām-hymn to all angels
6636 Salām-hymn to the Cherubim
6637 Salām-hymn to the martyrs
6638 Salām-hymn to Fāsiladas
6639 Salām-hymn to St Stephen
6640 Salām-hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
6641 Salām-hymn to Minās
6642 Salām-hymn to Marmǝhnām
6643 Salām-hymn to Mercurius
6644 Salām-hymn to ʾArsemā
6645 Salām-hymn to ʾArwā
6646 Salām-hymn to the Apostles
6647 Salām-hymn to Kiros
6648 Salām-hymn to ʾAbib
6649 Salām-hymn to ʾAbbā Milki
6650 Salām-hymn to ʾAron the Syrian
6651 Salām-hymn to the Nicene Fathers
6652 Salām-hymn to Gabra Manfas Qǝddus
6653 Salām-hymn to Sāmuʾel of Waldǝbbā
6654 Salām-hymn to the Nine Saints
6655 Salām-hymn to Takla Hāymānot
6656 Salām-hymn to ʾEwosṭātewos
6657 Salām-hymn to Tewodros
6658 Salām-hymn to Galāwdewos
6659 Salām-hymn to Sǝbǝstyānos
6660 Salām-hymn to John of ʾAsyuṭ
6661 Salām-hymn to Victor
6662 Salām-hymn to Latḍun
6663 Salām-hymn to Macarius the Great
6664 Salām-hymn to Matthew
6665 Salām-hymn to Antony
6666 Malkǝʾa Sāṭnāʾel
6667 Salām-hymn to Macarius
6668 Salām-hymn to ʾAbbā ʾAnbasā
6669 Salām-hymn to Demetrius
6670 Salām-hymn to Moses
6671 Salām-hymn to Theophilus
6672 Salām-hymn to John the Short
6673 Salām-hymn to ʾƎndrǝyās
6674 Hymns and Prayers
6675 Commentary on the Song of Song
6676 Commentary on Daniel (General record)
6677 Protective prayer for the deliverance from enemies and haters
6678 Ṣalota mabraq
6679 Ṣalota moqǝḥ
6680 Protective prayer against qʷǝrṣat
6681 Protective prayer against a demon
6682 Ṣalota Mikāʾel
6683 Protective prayer for deliverance from captivity and prison
6684 Ṣalota nagara mastawādǝd wa-mastafāqǝr za-wahabo ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer la-Yoḥannǝs wa-yǝbelo kama-zǝ
6685 Dǝrsān ba-baʿāla 50
6686 Dǝrsān za-Ṗarāqaliṭolos za-hagara Qozqos za-darasa ba-Qʷasṭanṭinos Ṗoli baʾǝnta ḥǝmāmātihu la-Krǝstos wa-baʾǝnta tǝʿǝgǝstu wa-ʾafqǝrota sabʾ
6687 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā ʾEfrem za-yǝtnabbab ba-ṣalota ḫamus
6688 Teaching of Mysteries (general record)
6689 Dǝrsān za-maḫātǝwa Fāsikā
6691 Hagiographic Dossier of Fāsiladas
6692 Miracles of Fāsiladas
6693 Hagiographic Dossier of Mārmǝhnām
6694 Miracles of Mārmǝhnām
6695 Hagiographic Dossier of ʾAbuqir
6696 Miracles of ʾAbuqir
6698 ድርሳን፡ ዘዮሐንስ፡ አፈ፡ ወርቅ፡ ዘይትነበብ፡ በራብዕ፡ ሰንበተ፡ ጾም፡
6700 Dǝrsān za-baʾǝnta ṣom
6700 Dǝrsān za-baʾǝnta ṣom
6701 Properties of the four elements
6702 Maṣḥafa kobor
6703 Salām-hymn to St Michael
6705 The Synaxarion-type compilation of ʾAbuna Gabra Māryām of Dabra Bizan
6706 Ṣalota habt wa-qǝbʿāta manfas qǝddus
6707 Protective prayer for burying the hearts of the enemies
6708 Protective prayer for burying the hearts of the enemies
6709 Protective prayer containing ʾasmāt, and some Arabic words
6710 Life and martyrdom of Yoḥannǝs [Kāmā]
6711 Dǝrsān za-bǝḍuʿ wa-qǝddus ʿabiy mamhǝra bǝḥera ṣǝbaḥ Yāʿqob za-Sǝrug
6712 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗos za-Dabra Maqārǝs
6713 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Yāʿqob ʿabiy mamhǝr za-hagara Sǝrug
6714 Protective prayer against all illness, containing ʾasmāt and supplications to Christ
6715 Protective prayer against stomachache (qʷərḍat), containing ʾasmāt
6716 Protective prayer against stomachache (wəgʿāt), containing ʾasmāt
6717 Protective prayer against headache (mǝtāt and fəlṣata rǝʾs), containing ʾasmāt
6718 Protective prayer against ʾaqʷəyāṣāt (shinbone?) and magicians
6719 Gǝṣṣāwe śǝrʿat za-ʾAwsebis Fǝlǝsṭǝnāwi za-maṣḥafa mazmur
6720 Collections of melodic models for ʾarbāʿt antiphons, śalast antiphons, and ʾaryām antiphons
6721 Dǝrsān za-kama zenawā Gabrǝʾel la-Māryām wa-za-kama ʾaqdǝmu zenǝwo lǝdatu la-Yoḥannǝs
6722 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta za-zenawā Gabrǝʾel la-Māryām qǝddǝst
6723 Martyrdom of Yoḥanni
6724 Malkǝʾa Yoḥannǝs Maṭmǝq
6725 Letter from Patriarch John XVII to King ʾIyāsu II
6726 Homily by Anastasios Sinaita on Ps. 90
6727 A homily on youth and old age
6728 A discourse of John Chrysostom to the children of the Church
6729 Prayer of the Virgin Mary to her Son
6730 Prayer of exorcism
6731 Prayer of protection against the Devil
6732 Prayer for evicting the Devil
6733 Ṣalota mogaś
6734 Prayer against headache
6735 Ṣalota māy
6736 Ṣalota masqalu la-Krǝstos
6737 Prayer of exorcism
6738 Malkǝʾ-hymn to St George
6739 Protective prayer against hemorrhage (ḥǝmāma dam), containing ʾasmāt
6740 Protective prayer in Gǝʿǝz and Amharic against stomachache (wəgʿāt and qurṣat), containing ʾasmāt
6741 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus Tewoflos za-manfaqa ḫamsa
6742 Dǝrsān za-baʾǝnta qǝddǝst rakb wa-gubāʾe kāhǝnāt
6744 Dǝrsān za-ʾabbā ʾEfrem ba-ṣalota ḫamus
6745 Dǝrsān baʾǝnta za-yǝbe wǝsta Wangel nǝʿu ḫabeya śǝruḥān wa-kǝbudan wa-ʾana ʾaʿarrafakkǝmu
6746 Dǝrsān ba-ḫāmǝs sanbata ṣom za-ʾǝm-Wangel za-95 Mātewos
6747 Dǝrsān za-Yoḥānnǝs ʾAfa Warq za-yǝtnabbab ba-rābǝʿ sanbata ṣom
6748 Dǝrsān za-Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq za-yǝtnabbab ba-qadāmāy sanbata ṣom
6749 Protective prayer for the binding of demons
6750 Protective prayer against pestilence (ferā)
6751 Protective prayer against the evil eye (ʿāynat), containing ʾasmāt
6752 Protective prayer against smiths, containing ʾasmāt
6753 Protective prayer against stomachache (wəgʿāt), containing ʾasmāt
6754 Protective prayer against rheumatism (?) (qʷǝrṭǝmāt), containing ʾasmāt
6755 Magaṣṣawi buruk
6756 Protective prayer against stomachache (qʷǝrḍat) and more, containing ʾasmāt
6757 Protective prayer for the undoing of charms, against various diseases
6758 Protective prayer containing supplications
6759 Protective prayer to God, with supplications
6761 Protective prayer for the undoing of charms
6763 Introduction to ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer nagśa
6764 Collection of salām-hymns (general record)
6765 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How Gabra Manfas Qǝddus saved from hell the sinful monk who had faith in the saint
6766 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint brought out a demon from a woman who had been possessed for three years
6767 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint sent a lion to save the nun attacked by two brigands
6768 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint freed a sinful woman from the snake she had in her womb
6769 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint had the foetus of a pregnant nun transferred to a sterile woman
6770 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint killed the hawk who had stolen the māʿtab-cord from the head of a pious man
6771 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint resurrected seventy children who had died in a landslide
6772 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint resurrected a child whose body was put in a jar
6773 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint took for himself the rich man who had lied to the saints and martyrs
6774 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How Gabra Manfas Qǝddus saved the poor man who had been killed by Satan because he had not denied the saint
6775 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint ordered a lion and a leopard to guard a cow and a ram for a year
6776 Śǝgawyāta za-yǝbe kǝbur mamhǝr ʾabbā Yāʿqob baʾǝnta bǝḍʿǝt Māryām ʾǝnta ʾaṭbawato la-ʾǝgziʾǝna ḥaliba la-za yǝsesi la-kʷǝllu ʿalam
6777 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint resurrected the rooster eaten by a thief
6778 Miracle of Gabra Manfas Qǝddus: How the saint ascended to heaven after his death
6779 Annunciation followed by salām-laki-greetings
6780 Nagara ʿāmat
6781 Protective prayer against the evil eye (ḥǝmāma ʿāyna bāryā wa-legewon) with ʾasmāt
6782 Protective prayer for the binding of demons (māʿsaromu la-ʾagānǝnt), with ʾasmāt
6783 Mark 5:1–13
6784 Protective prayer against stomachache (qʷǝrḍat), with ʾasmāt
6785 Protective prayer against the fear of demons (dǝngāḍe ʾagānǝnt za-maʿālt wa-za-lelit)
6786 Matthew 8:28–32
6787 Protective prayer against the evil eye and headache (ḥǝmāma ʿāyn wa-fǝlḍata rǝʾs)
6788 Protective prayer for the drowning (maśṭǝm) of demons, for Sunday
6789 Salām-hymn to Rāguʾel
6790 Salām-hymn to Kiros
6791 Protective prayer against demons, with ʾasmāt
6792 Protective prayer for the binding of demons, with ʾasmāt
6793 Protective prayer with ʾasmāt
6794 Protective prayer against bāryā
6795 Protective prayer
6796 Protective prayer against various illnesses, containing the names of the nails of the cross
6797 Protective prayer against wǝgʾat (stomachache)
6798 Protective prayer with ʾasmāt
6799 Homily by Rǝtuʿa Hāymānot on the Incarnation
6800 Ḥassāb qadāmi
6801 Kʷǝllomu sarāwita malāʾǝkt nadda ʾǝsat ʾǝmmuntu...
6802 Wa-soba ʾaṣḥafa Daqsǝyos maṣḥafa taʾammǝrǝki buruk
6802 Wa-soba ʾaṣḥafa Daqsǝyos maṣḥafa taʾammǝrǝki buruk
6803 Supplicative Prayer
6804 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: ʾEwosṭātewos and Warāsina ʾƎgziʾ
6805 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: On the broken prayer staff
6806 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: On the rich monk and the locusts
6807 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: On ʾAbdabal the sinner
6808 Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: On constructing a church
6809 Miracle of ʾEwosṭatewos on a sick monk from Dabra Māryām and ʾAbuna ʾAbsādi
6810 Protective prayer against Bāryā and impure spirits
6811 Protective text
6812 Magic prayer to bind the demons
6813 Protective prayer with ʾasmāt Sǝqyāʾelʾel
6814 Protective prayer for pregnancy and for chasing the demons away
6815 Service for Easter beginning with mǝlṭān za-tǝnśāʾe
6817 ፍካሬ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ኢያሱ፡ ወልደ፡ ነዌ፡
6818 A short history of the kings Lǝbna Dǝngǝl, Galāwdewos, Minās and Śarḍa Dǝngǝl.
6819 Teaching of the 318 Nicene Fathers
6821 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ ʾEfrem baʾǝnta ṭǝmqatu la-ʾǝgziʾǝna
6822 Salām laka ʿaqābi...
6823 Nagar baʾǝnta Malka Ṣedeq nǝguśa Sālem
6825 About the names of the Prophets and countries of their origin
6826 On the computation of the moveable feasts during the 19-year cycle
6827 Apophtegma on humility, knowledge and purity
6828 Prayer to the Virgin
6829 Protective prayer against evil eye (ʿāyna ṣǝlā wa-nagargār wa-bāryā wa-legewon), with ʾasmāt
6830 Protective prayer against evil eye (ʿāyna ṭǝlā wa-ʿāyna zār wa-šotalāy), with ʾasmāt
6831 Prayer to George
6832 Commentary on the Apocalypse of John
6833 Salām lakkǝmu ṣādǝqān wa-samāʿt...
6834 Commentary on 1 Chronicles
6835 Commentary on 2 Chronicles
6836 Commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles
6837 Commentary on the Books of Kings
6838 Explanations of Hebrew weight measurements
6839 Commentary on Isaiah
6841 Mawāśǝʿt za-ʾArsimā
6842 Ṭǝnta lǝdatomu la-manakosāt
6843 Commentary on Old Testament books
6844 Protective prayer against hemorrhage and for childbirth
6845 Protective prayer against šatolāy, with ʾasmāt
6847 Zǝmmāre za-Hosāʿnā
6848 Zǝmmāre za-Dabra Zayt
6849 መጽሐፈ ምንሀር
6850 Short prayer in the shape of a supplication to Susǝnyos
6851 Prayer against the sufferings provoked by the Budā, containing ʾasmāt
6852 Prayer for binding the demons
6853 Prayer for binding the Enemy
6854 Prayer for binding the demons, containing ʾasmāt
6855 Short prayer mentioning lightning
6856 Prayer against Bāryā and Legewon
6857 Short prayer with ʾasmāt
6858 Short prayer against snakes
6859 Prayer about giving birth
6860 Short prayer in Amharic
6861 Short prayer
6862 Short prayer for a scribe
6863 Salām-hymn to Fāsiladas
6864 Salām-hymn to Mary
6865 Salām-hymn to Gabrǝʾel
6866 Testaments of the Three Patriarchs
6867 Salām-hymn to the apostles
6868 Salām-hymn to Takla Hāymānot
6869 Gadla ʾIyosāb
6870 Gadla Sāmuʾel
6871 Gadla Yǝsḥaq
6905 Epistulae ad Caesariam
6906 Mastabqʷǝʿ za-Māryām
6907 Mastabqʷǝʿ za-Māryām
6908 Mastabqʷǝʿ za-Māryām
6909 Dǝrsān ba-sanbat krǝstiyān
6910 Miracle of Jesus healing the bleeding woman
6911 Malkəʾa ʿālam
6912 Amharic commentary on the Book of Enoch by mamhǝr Getāhun
6915 Life of Maximus and Domatius
6916 The life of St Euphrasia of Constantinople
6917 Hagiographic dossier of Yoḥannǝs of Wifāt
6918 Gadla Yoḥannǝs za-Wifāt
6919 Miracles of Yohannes of Wifat
6920 Amharic commentary on Jubilees by Wasan of Goǧǧām
6921 Bible (Amharic)
6922 Old Testament (Amharic)
6923 New Testament (Amharic)
6924 Octateuch (Amharic)
6925 Enumeration of the Books of the Old Testament
6926 Genesis (Amharic)
6927 Exodus (Amharic)
6928 Leviticus (Amharic)
6929 Book of Numbers (Amharic)
6930 Deuteronomy (Amharic)
6931 Book of Joshua (Amharic)
6932 Book of Judges (Amharic)
6933 Book of Ruth (Amharic)
6934 Composition for moral edification
6935 Tārika Walda ʾAmid (α-recension)
6936 Tārika Walda ʾAmid (β-recension)
6937 Nagara Māryām (Amharic)
6938 Maṣḥafa nuzāze (Amharic)
6939 Gadla Sosǝnnā
6940 Commentary on the Mystery of the Incarnation in Amharic
6941 Dǝrsān za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq baʾǝnta lǝdatu la-Krǝstos ʾǝgziʾǝna wa-madḫǝnina ʾǝm-Māryām qǝddǝst dǝngǝl
6942 Salām to places connected with the life of Jesus
6943 Predictions about the birth of Christ made by the Prophets
6944 Magic Prayer against snake venom, measles, smallpox, and manṭaṭa
6945 Explications by Walda Rufāel of Goǧǧām in Amharic on the Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews by John Chrysostom
6946 Invocation to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ for protection
6947 Hymn to Jesus Christ
6948 Magical Prayer against Enemies
6949 Kʷǝllu yǝtḫāddag ʾǝmma ḫādagǝwo... (Qǝne of kʷǝllǝkǝmu gǝʿǝz or mawaddǝs type)
6950 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ṣawwǝʿa ʾǝmǝnna galilā ʾanǝsta... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6951 Bahaki betel, dabra salāmna, wa-ḫoḫǝta samāy rǝḫut... (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type)
6952 Tāsqʷaqu ṭǝqqa saqāqaw lǝbb wa-tanāzǝzo... (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type)
6954 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer śǝmar ba-śǝmratǝka śǝmǝrt,... (Qǝne of kǝbr yǝʾǝti type)
6955 La-mangǝśta samāy gannat za-maʿāddǝm ṣǝgehā,... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6956 Malkǝʾa Madḫāne ʿālam
6957 Ḥassāba ḥǝgg
6958 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāk faṭāre ʿālamāt mantā, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6959 La-ʾǝmma faṭāri dǝngǝl ʾǝnta ʾǝm-fǝṭurān ḥarayā, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6960 ʾƎm-maḫḍana gʷǝrʿe wa-ʾaf wa-ʾanqasa ləsān ṣabib, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6961 ʾƎmna malakot tǝsbǝʾt ʾǝnza yǝfallǝṭu, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6962 Tārammǝm-nu ʾƎsfānos ḥakkim ba-ʾamsala bǝʾǝsi nǝwwum ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6963 La-śǝqlata Krǝstos wald zalbo walādi ʿaqabā, ... (Qǝne of an unidentified type)
6964 Liqa kahǝnāt ʾAron ba-dama lāhǝm ʾǝnsǝsā, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6965 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾamlāk faṭāre ʿālamāt mantā, ... (Qǝne of kǝbr yǝʾǝti type)
6966 Ba-ḥagara Filṗos Qisāryā dǝḫra sarǝrotā, ... (Qǝne of za-yǝʾǝze type)
6967 Prayer on the Passion of Jesus Christ, which Jesus revealed to Matilda, Bridget and Elizabeth
6968 Appendix to the Book of the Mystery
6969 Anathemas of the 12 bishops composed after the excommunication of Nestorius
6970 Compiler’s reasons why he included these patristic excerpts with the Book of the Mystery
6971 Ya-ḥǝgǝnnā ya-śǝrʿat maṣḥaf
6972 Protective prayer
6973 Protective prayer against blacksmiths
6974 Protective prayer against blacksmiths
6975 Protective prayer against amenorrhea
6976 Protective prayer against stomachache
6977 Protective prayer for the healing of wounds
6978 Protective prayer against thieves
6979 Protective prayer to avoid captivity
6980 Protective prayer to avoid captivity
6981 Protective prayer against sorcerers
6982 Protective prayer against diseases and wounds
6983 Protective prayer with ʾasmāt
6984 Protective prayer in the name of the Good Thief
6985 Protective prayer with the verses of Psalm 118
6986 Protective prayer with the verses of Psalm 118
6987 Protective prayer with the names of God
6988 Protective prayer of ʾAbbā Gedewon
6989 Protective prayer against fear
6990 Tarrafa nagaru la-ʾelsāʿ qalil sǝrat ʿof
6991 ʾƎmḥaqla ʾaʾirmon ṣawʿ ʾǝggʷāla ʾanbasā gǝruma
6992 Subāʿe ʾErmǝyās nabiy 330wa3subāʿe ʿǝlatāt
6993 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot Abuna Yohannǝs and how the monks revolted against him
6994 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's church and taking a grotto from a poor widow in order to build it in honor of the Virgin Mary
6995 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot Abuna Yohannǝs is transported to Jerusalem
6996 Miracle of Mary: Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot Abuna Yohannǝs is revealed to be a saint as a mere child
6997 ʾAḥadu zǝhur ʿǝbuya lǝbb qatāli ʾǝnza gaysa yālelli, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
6998 La-ʾay tǝwlǝd ʾǝm ḫʷǝlqʷa tǝwlǝd, ... (Qǝne of mawǝddǝs type)
6999 Protective prayer
7000 Textual unit on the production of metals
7001 Protective prayer
7002 Prayer against buda and smiths
7003 Prayer against buda and magicians by the virtue of secret names uttered by the Virgin Mary
7004 Prayer against fever and naqaṭqaṭ by the virtue of the magical names written by the Wise Men after the prophecy of the coming of Christ had become known
7005 Prayer against charms by the virtue of secret names uttered by the Virgin Mary
7006 Yǝzarrǝʾu zarʾa mastagabrān ʾǝlla yǝnabbǝru ḥaqla wa-yahaddǝru gadāma ... (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type)
7007 Protective prayer
7008 Protective prayer against Kir
7009 ʾAmlākǝna
7010 ʾƎsma rassayanna
7014 ʾAbrǝhām ʾab ba-zarʾa manfasu ʾamin, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
7015 ʾƎmlǝbba lǝbbuna qabḍunni ʾamsāla bǝʾǝsi za-mota, ... (Qǝne of ʿǝṭāna mogar type)
7016 Liṭon wa‐kāʿba nāstabaqqʷǝʿo la‐ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ʾabuhu
7018 Kawina makʷannǝn baʿāla gerā wa-kawina kāhǝn ʿabiy mǝnt wǝʾǝtu, ... (Qǝne of wāzemā type)
7019 Miracles of St Yared
7020 Salām la-Māryām tābot
7021 Protective prayer against Bāryā, demons, Dask, gudāle and budā
7022 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmama bǝdbǝd
7023 Amharic commentary-introduction to the Kidān za-nagh and Tǝmhǝrta ḫǝbuʾāt
7024 Amharic commentary on the Kidān za-nagh
7025 Amharic commentary on the Tǝmhǝrta ḫǝbuʾāt
7026 ʾO-ʾƎgziʾ-o naʾakkʷətakka wa-nəsebbəḥakka wa-nəsaggəd la-ʿəbaya ḥayləka wa-la-ṣənʿā fəqrəka
7027 Admonitions for Reaping and for the Creation of the World
7028 Kǝfl za-mǝʿdān sǝ-tāč̣ǝddǝm
7029 Kǝfl sǝnna fǝṭratǝm
7030 Salām laka la-wǝrzǝwān ʾabaw (...) waldomu
7031 ʾAb qǝddus ʾamṣāʾe ʿālamāt ba-kinu
7032 Amharic treatise on the Trinity
7033 Yǝlabbǝsu ʾalbasā ḍarq ... (Qǝne of śǝllāse type)
7034 La-Tǝʾmār dasseta kǝbra za-ba-dǝngǝlǝnnā tǝhellu ... (Qǝne of wāzemā type)
7035 Tasabbǝḥa samāʿta Lǝddā ba-lǝsāna sayf ṣalāʿihu ... (Qǝne of wāzemā type)
7036 Gabrǝʾel beta ziʾaka marʿāta za-Yoḥannǝs ʾab ... (Qǝne of wāzemā type)
7037 Mazgaba dǝrsān
7038 ʾEwosṭātewos ʾǝnza ʾǝlf wǝlud wǝsta ḥǝḍnə-ka ... (Qǝne of śǝllāse-type)
7039 Collection of nine qǝne poems attributed to Gabra Masiḥ
7040 Ḥassāba ḥǝgg
7041 Ya-getā ṣalot
7042 Ṣalot baʾǝnta Legewon rǝkus
7042 Ṣalot baʾǝnta Legewon rǝkus
7043 Anonymous homily on the Eucharist
7044 Prayer in the Name of all Saints
7045 Prayer against colic
7046 Prayer against colic
7047 Ba-zaman qadāmāwi ʾi-yǝḥǝmmi qʷāʿ (Qǝne of wāzemā type)
7048 Kalʾaki ʾAron ba-batra ʾǝdehu ṭǝllǝlt (Qǝne, of ʿǝtāna mogar-type)
7049 ʾAnta Bāryā ṣallim gānen hǝśśum
7050 Śǝrʾāta krǝstiyān
7051 Amharic Commentary on Chronography
7052 ʾI-hallo ba-ʿālam diba saragallā ʾǝnza ba-zabānu la-ʾadg nabābe nagar śannāy. (Qǝne of the kʷǝllǝkǝmu gǝʿǝz-type)
7053 The Mirror of Light of Abraham
7054 Prayer of love ʾǝnǝyǝryǝr and prayer of love ʾaqmaṭmaṭ ...
7055 Lǝgʷāma wa-qǝnnǝwāta ba-ʾamān tawakfa Fāsiladas (Qǝne of wāzemā type)
7056 La-Krǝstos ṭǝʿuma qāl sǝqul P̣eṭros ba-ʾaṣmǝʿotu (Qǝne of the śǝllāse-type)
7057 Ṣalota ferā wa-nǝdād za-qǝddus Mikāʾel
7058 Ṣababatana mǝdrǝka (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type)
7059 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿaynat šimdān
7060 La-śayṭ wa-taśāyṭo mǝśyāṭ qomat ba-karśa Hānā (Qǝne of the wāzemā-type)
7061 Dǝngǝla ʾƎsrāʾel nānkǝr (Qǝne of the mawaddǝs-type)
7062 ʾI-tǝbalka Ṣǝyon qatāle ʾǝnsǝsā (Qǝne of the kʷǝllǝkǝmu-type)
7063 ʾAllāhummā wa-yānurā ḥašǝm
7064 ʿƎlmaykakǝn rabi tāʾos bāʾos
7065 ʾƎsebbǝḥ ṣaggāki
7066 Nicene Creed (Amharic)
7067 Nǝṣgab lala-ʿāmatu walatta kefā ʾǝm-daqiqǝki (Qǝne of the śǝllāse-type)
7068 ʾƎmma za-tǝkāt sakabki gola ʾalḥǝmt (Qǝne of mawaddǝs type)
7069 ʾItyoṗyā ʿabbāy ʾǝm-ʾItyoṗyā ba-ṭomāra wayle wa-lāh (Qǝne of mawaddǝs za-kʷǝllǝkǝmu type)
7070 Taśayṭa Yosef ba-mǝssāleka ʾabāgʿā Yāʿqob yǝrʾay mangala wafara ḥaqla (Qǝne of the kʷǝllǝkǝmu-type)
7071 La-sabʾa māḫbar ṣariqa māḫbaromu Ṗāwlos dǝḫra taqasma ba-ḍew wa-dǝḫra ba-ʾǝsāt basala (Qǝne of the śǝllāse-type)
7072 Mamhǝra zǝntu ʿālam ʾEwosṭātewos dabra ʾArmānyā waldaka baṣḥa la-zammǝro (Qǝne of unknown type)
7073 Tamayṭat Ṣǝyon ṣewā ʾAṗṗǝlon nakkir (Qǝne of unknown type)
7074 ʾAdḫǝnanni ʾǝm-ḥǝmāma ʾayna Ṣǝlā ...
7075 Ḥagarǝna konat kama Samāryā ʾǝsma ba-lāʾlehā warada naṭabṭāb zǝnām maʿāt (Qǝne of unknown type)
7076 Bǝʾǝsi ʾi-yǝṣāʾ ʾǝm-ʾanqaṣa betu ʾǝsma ʾaragāwi wǝʾǝtu za-waṣʾa ʾǝmǝnna gannat nǝdq (Qǝne of the mawaddǝs-type)
7077 Nǝguśa nagaśt wald ʾama qoma ba-ʿāwda tasayṭa salāsā (Qǝne of kəbr yəʾəti-type)
7078 ʾƎffo ʾayhud ʾazmāda ʾəmməka dabtarā masqal takalu ba-ʾawda matkaftəka Selo (Qǝne of the mawaddəs-type)
7079 ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer ṣawwǝʿa ʾǝmǝnna Galilā ʾanǝsta (Qǝne of the ʿəṭāna mogar-type)
7081 Zǝ-wǝʾǝtu ʾasmātihu la-ʾƎgziʾabǝher
7082 ʾƎm-nāhsa ʾIsāyəyās za-waṣʾa ba-ʾamata fəddā hāmal lanṣ farasa ʿOzyān hamalmil (Qǝne of the mawaddəs-type)
7083 Taṣewǝwotu la-sabʾ ʾǝmma kama Ṣǝyon kona mǝhǝrkā ṣənuʾ ʾǝm tamannana (Qǝne possibly of the mawaddəs-type)
7084 Nǝʾus ʾana ʾǝm-ʾahawǝya ʾǝmma-ni ʾǝlabbǝs maʾarrǝga ʾǝllu Logyo (Qǝne of unknown type)
7085 Ṣalot baʾǝnta māʿśara ʾagānǝnt ṗaṗur ṗǝwyākāʾel
7086 Bo ṣādqān wǝluda betǝka ʾǝlla mannanu ʿālama wa-ʿǝlla ʾelu ʾadbāra (Qǝne possibly of the mawaddǝs-type)
7087 Daǧǧāzmāčč Wǝbe ʾi-tābzǝh ḫazana lǝbbunā ba-mota ʾahadu waldǝka ʾǝnbala gizehu wa-mawāʿǝlu (Qǝne possibly of the mawaddǝs-type)
7088 Ṭāʿwā nǝʾus madḫane ʾalam za-ʾasarakka ʾǝgraka nolāwe ʾǝnsǝsā qannot (Qǝne possibly of the mawaddǝs-type)
7089 Sǝna ṣǝgeradā ʿālam ʾǝnta tǝtnaggafi wa-taḥallǝfi qǝṣbata ʾarʾayā ṣǝlālot wa-hǝlm (Qǝne possibly of the mawaddǝs-type)
7090 La-gaṣṣa gafāʾi təsaffəh manṭolāʿta rətʿ marʾawe tawlāṭ Krəstos gəfuʿ ʾənza ʿərāqu (Qəne possibly of the mawaddəs-type)
7091 ʾAyte nāsmǝk wǝlud ʾamaṣā za-tamazbara lǝbbǝna ba-gǝbra ʾamaṣā nafās (Qǝne of the mawaddǝs-type)
7092 Māʾmǝr wa-labbāwi bǝʿse ʾƎgziʾabǝḥer
7093 Tasadad ʾanta Bāryā ṣallim...
7094 Ba-zǝ ʾasmāt sǝddǝdomu la-ʾagānǝnt ...
7095 Ṣalot za-qʷǝrḍat
7096 Ṣalota dǝngāḍe wa-magrare ʾagānǝnt...
7098 ʿĀlam ʾǝska gizehā ba-ḥabla zǝngāʾe tǝsǝḥǝbanni wa-tāwarrǝdanni kāʾǝba ḫaba za-qadāmi margam (Qǝne possibly of the śəllāse-type)
7099 ʾƎffo halloka ba-gize təbelā ʾOrita Muse qəddus (Qǝne possibly of the kəbr yəʾəti-type)
7100 Lǝyon wa-ʾAwṭāki mǝsla Dǝyosqoros liq ba-bāḥla ʾǝmun ʾi-ḥabru (Qǝne of the wāzemā-type)
7101 ʾƎyyadarrasabbəññ naw ba-sane farasaññāw mot (Amharic "qǝne-style" poem)
7103 Collection of prayers of the prophets of the Old Testament (ወሶበ፡ ጸርሐ፡ ስመከ፡ ...)
7105 ʾAsmāta Salomon
7106 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ʾaqʷyāṣāt
7107 Treatise on divination
7108 Treatise on astronomy
7109 Treatise on moonrise and moonset
7110 On the calculation of the kekros
7111 Treatise on the signs of the zodiac
7112 Names of the Archangel Michael
7113 Sixteen horoscopes
7115 Ṣalot baʾǝnta kʷināt ...
7116 Za-nabara wǝsta ḫǝlqatu la-Salomon...
7119 Yǝtḫāfaru wa-yǝḫsaru kʷǝllomu ṣalāʾtəya...
7120 Kamāhu ʾaššabromu la-sabʾa kʷǝllu fǝṭrat...
7121 Ṣalot baʾənta ḥəmāma walid
7122 Calendrical diagram
7123 Chart of the winds
7124 Theological treatise on the nature of God
7125 Rufāʾel lāʿka tasabʾo bāḥra tasabʾo ʾama ṣabata... (Qǝne of śǝllāse type)
7126 Names of God found by the Archangel Michael
7127 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḥǝmāma ʿāynat wa-manso wa-māʿśara ʾagānǝnt
7128 ʿOzyān wadqa ʾǝm-manbara tadlā... (Qǝne possibly of kwǝllǝkǝmu-type)
7129 Ba-qǝdma ṣabʿ wa-qatl
7130 Ṣalot baʾǝnta ḫayla ṣalāʾi wa-ḍar
7131 Nǝsʾǝlaka wa-nāstabaqʷǝʿāka baʾǝnta kʷināt wa-ḍar
7132 Hāymānot tamāru
7133 Life of Theodorus of Tabennese
7134 The story of Paul the Simple
7135 The life of Macarius of Egypt
7136 On the persecution of the Jacobite Christians at the time of the Jesuits
7137 Combat of Macarius the priest of Alexandria
7138 Prayer of the lover
7139 Computation of the letters and the talismans found in the island of Ṣānā
7140 Homily by Zacharias, bishop of Sakha, on the descent of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Salome to Egypt
7141 Story of the son of the king of the island of Nāmulāʼas
7142 Sǝmʾon za-ʿāmd
7143 Letter 1 of St Antony
7144 Maṣḥafa falāsfā ṭabibān
7145 Maṣḥafa falāsfā ṭabibān
7147 Ad virginem
7148 Life of John of Lycopolis
7149 Life of Gregory of Neocaesarea