There are 3519 distinct bibliographical references
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- Refutation of the Synod of Chalcedon (, 962a)
- Letters Concerning the Death of Children (, 962a)
- Homily on the Church of the Rock (, 962a)
- Letter to the People of Alexandria (, 961b-962a)
- Letter to the People of Constantinople (, 961b-962a)
- Timothy III
- London, British Library, BL Additional 16193 (page, 457a)
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 6775 (number, 6775)
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 6826 (number, 6826)
- Leiden University Library
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 2273 (number, 2273)
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 10856 (number, 10856)
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 10.857 (number, 10857)
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 14692 (number, 14692)
- Leiden University Library
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 8240 (number, 8240)
- Leiden, Leiden University Library, Or. 8938 (number, 8938)
- Leiden University Library
- Tǝgrāy
- no repository data for RIE276 (volume, II)
- no repository data for RIE277 (volume, II)
- Monumentum Adulitanum (volume, II)
- Monumentum Adulitanum Inscription of unknown king (volume, II)