Former Wiki Main Table of contents
- ab
- abbr
- acquisition
- add
- additional
- additions
- antiphon
- app
- bibl
- binding
- bindingDesc
- catDesc
- category
- cb
- Certainty
- change
- choice
- cit
- citedRange
- collation
- collection
- colophon
- condition
- country
- creation
- custEvent
- date
- decoDesc
- decoNote
- del
- depth
- desc
- dim
- dimensions
- div
- editor
- ex
- expan
- explicit
- facsimile
- faith
- filiation
- foliation
- foreign
- gap
- geo
- graphic
- keywords
- handDesc
- handNote
- handShift
- height
- hi
- history
- idno
- incipit
- item
- l
- language
- layout
- layoutDesc
- lb
- lem
- list
- listApp
- listBibl
- listPerson
- listRelation
- listWit
- locus
- material
- measure
- msContents
- msDesc
- msIdentifier
- msItem
- msFrag
- msPart
- nationality
- notatedMusic
- note
- objectDesc
- occupation
- orig
- origDate
- origin
- origPlace
- p
- pb
- persName
- person
- personGrp
- physDesc
- place
- placeName
- provenance
- ptr
- q
- quote
- rdg
- ref
- region
- relation
- repository
- roleName
- rubric
- seal
- sealDesc
- seg
- settlement
- signatures
- source
- space
- subst
- summary
- supportDesc
- supplied
- surrogates
- term
- textLang
- title
- unclear
- watermark
- width
- witness
- active
- ana
- assertedValue
- atLeast
- atMost
- cRef
- calendar
- cause
- cert
- color
- columns
- contemporary
- corresp
- defective
- dur
- evidence
- facs
- form
- from
- hand
- href
- ident
- key
- n
- name
- new
- notAfter
- notAfter-custom
- notBefore
- notBefore-custom
- part
- passive
- pastedown
- place
- reason
- ref
- rend
- rendition
- resp
- role
- sameAs
- script
- source
- subtype
- target
- to
- type
- unit
- url
- value
- when
- when-custom
- who
- wit
- writtenLines
- xml:base
- xml:id
- xml:lang
- @source
- Additional
- Additions and Varia
- Aligning transliteration and morphological annotations with Alpheios Alignment Tool
- Art Themes
- Attribution of single statements
- Authority files (keywords)
- Bibliographic References
- Binding Description
- Canonicalized TEI
- Catalogue Workflow
- Collation
- Colophons, Titles and Supplications
- Contributing sets of images to the research environment
- Contributing to the research environment
- Corpora
- Create New Entry
- Create a new file, delete existing, deal with doublets
- Critical Apparatus
- Critical Edition Workflow
- Dates
- Decoration Description
- Definition of Works, Textparts and Narrative Units
- Documentary Texts
- Dubious spelling
- Editing the Schema
- Editing these Guidelines
- Editions in Work Records
- Entities ID structure
- Event
- Figures and Links to Images
- General
- General Structure of Work Records
- Groups
- Hands Description
- History
- Identifiers Structure
- Images
- Images of Manuscripts for editions
- Inscriptions
- Keywords
- La Syntaxe du Codex
- Language
- Layout
- Letters
- Linking from Wikidata to the research environment
- Manuscript Contents
- Manuscript Description
- Manuscript Physical Description
- Manuscripts
- Named Entities
- Narrative Units
- Object Description
- Person
- Place or Repository
- Places
- References
- References to a text and its structure
- Referencing parts of the manuscript
- Relations
- Relative Location
- Repositories
- Revisions
- Roles and roleNames
- Scrolls
- Seals Description
- Setup
- Some useful how-to for personal workspace set up
- Spaces
- Stand-off annotations with
- Standardisation of transcription from Encyclopaedia Aethiopica
- State and Certainty
- Statements about persons
- Structure
- Summary on the Use of @ref and @corresp
- Taxonomy
- Team IDs
- Text Encoding
- Training Materials
- Transcriptions with Transkribus
- Transformation
- Transliteration Principles
- Users
- Using Xinclude
- Validation process
- Workflow
- Works
- Works Description
- Zotero Bibliography Guidelines
- titleStmt of Manuscript Records
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